Substitute Teacher Information Katie Shaw Mathematics Teacher Rocky Mountain High School

Substitute Teacher Information
Katie Shaw
Mathematics Teacher
Rocky Mountain High School
Hall Duties:
Dismissal for Lunch
After lunch, 10 minutes before 3rd period
o Outside of room 502 (refer to map in sub folder)
After 4th Period
1st Period, Room 502
o Integrated Algebra 2
2nd Period, Room 504
o Algebra 2
3rd Period, Sawatch Offices
o Planning Period
4th Period, Room 335
o Integrated Algebra 2
7:50 – 9:20am
9:30 – 11:10am
11:10am – 12:00pm
12:00 – 1:30pm
1:40 – 3:10pm
General Procedures:
In seats when the bell rings, prepared to begin otherwise it is counted as a tardy and 10 participation
points will be taken from their grade.
o Please record the names of any students who are tardy
Lesson plans are on my desk in Math offices
All of the materials that I use for the class, including my Teacher’s Editions, are on the cart by my desk
Read answers to homework and have the students check their own work before you collect them. Put
the collected homework into the “homework” folder in the hanging folder bin for the appropriate period
Teach the lesson plan, answer questions, and allow time to begin homework
Please record any behavior compliments or concerns
If You Need Help, Ask…
Nearby Teachers:
Bob Haddad Room 501
Rose Sprenger Room 502
Todd Pfiefer Room 418 (Math Department Head)
Principal: Tom Lopez
Assistant Principals: Brett Larsen, Marian Kolstoe, Karen Bennett, Wayne Moddelmog
Security/Discipline: Jim Gjerde
Office Manager: Erin Murray
Sub Report
Sub Name: _____________________________________ Date: _________________
The following students had issues with discipline:
What Happened…
The following students were very helpful:
What Happened…
Other interesting things that happened during the day:
Fire Evacuation Procedures:
Make sure you review the fire evacuation map (near the classroom door) for each classroom so you
know where to go.
 Take your class roster
 Take the red/green card which you will hold up to identify the presence of absence of students
after roll is taken outside
o GREEN: All present
o RED: Present that day, but are no longer with the class
 Turn the room light off
 Pull the door closed
 Move away from the building; follow other classes (keep all of your students together!)
 Take roll once you are outside
 Report in with the red/green cards to the administrator in your area
Code 99 Lockdown:
 Lock the room door
o If you did not get a key ask the teacher next to you to lock the door
 Move all of the students to the safe area of the room, away from the door and exterior windows
 Pull all blinds on all windows if you have them
 Turn the lights off
 Slide the red/green card under the door with the appropriate color showing
o RED: injured or medically needy student in the room
o GREEN: All students and yourself are safe and secure
 Someone from the Police Department will evacuate you when necessary
o The police officer will direct you or take you to the evacuation site.
In the case of an incident outside the building that could cause concern for the safety of the students
and staff, we will lock down the building. An announcement will be made from the Administration
about the lockdown. Classes will continue as normal with the exception that no one will be allowed in
or out of the building. We will notify the classes when the incident is over and it is clear.