OCPS Emergency Response Quick Reference Guide Orange County Public Schools Security Control Center 407-317-3333 Key Teacher Responsibilities Lockdown (Code Red, Red LD & Yellow) If Indoors: • Bring students in from halls. • Lock all doors – close all shades and/or blinds. • Take a head count, report missing or additional students in your room. • Keep children away from windows and outside walls. • In a Lockdown-Laydown, teachers and students should take shelter under desks, tables, and heavy furniture. • Use color-coded cards from Classroom Emergency Response Folder to communicate conditions inside the classroom to responders. • Be alert for any developing threats. • Be prepared to evacuate to designated holding areas if advised. If Outdoors: • Move away from building to a pre-designated safe area. • Keep students assembled and take roll counts. • Be prepared to provide this information to the person in charge and to move in accordance with additional instructions. • Do not enter building until authorized to do so. If Indoors or Outdoors Bomb Threat (Code Blue) Announced: Be prepared to evacuate, if advised to do so, following fire drill plans with possible modifications. Shelter-In-Place: • Follow Code-Red Lockdown procedures. • Close exterior doors and windows. • Shut down air conditioning/ventilation systems. • Remain in classroom until notified by person in charge. School Emergency Response Team Responsibilities Lockdown (Code Red, Red LD, Yellow) These responsibilities may be divided among the School Emergency Response Team any way that the person in charge directs. They are often divided as follows: Principal: • Assume command. • Notify law enforcement. • Notify Security Control Center, 407-317-3333, request district resources. • Meet and stay with Police/Fire incident commanders when they arrive. • Gather intelligence about incident and make decisions with Police/Fire incident commanders. • Communicate with School Emergency Response Team. • Verify that the chain of command for the incident is clearly understood. • Have master keys sets (2 sets suggested) available. • Identify components of emergency regarding school schedule, etc. • Monitor all activities and update emergency team/faculty. School Emergency Response Team: • Determine SERT roles needed for incident. • Adjust assignments for absences. • Utilize Crisis Management Kit to equip SERT members as necessary. • Report to designated post and carry out assigned duties. • Assist incident commander as directed. • Control students and crowds as much as possible. • Follow the chain of command for the emergency. Orange County Public Schools and Central Florida News 13 have developed a partnership to help provide timely and accurate school information during an emergency situation. Tune in to News 13 or one of their media partners WMFE-TV Channel 24, WMFE-FM (90.70) and WNUE-FM (98.1) You can be sure the information on News 13 comes directly from the school system. July 2009 OCPS Emergency Procedures Quick Reference Guide Orange County Public Schools Security Control Center 407-317-3333 Bomb Threat Sexual Assault/Battery • • If you are the first person to learn of a bomb threat, notify the person in charge immediately. • Cease all two-way radio and cellular phone communication. • Follow evacuation orders given by the person in charge. • Use color-coded cards from Classroom Emergency Response Folder to communicate conditions inside the classroom to responders. Immediately report any sexual assault/battery of any student, employee, or visitor to the person in charge. • Do not allow the victim to wash, clean up or use the restroom. • Try to comfort and calm the victim. • Wait for administrative response/law enforcement assistance. Stabbing/Shooting Police Operations Near/On Campus • • • • Lock down code will be announced by the person in charge. Remain indoors away from windows and doors. Do not dismiss students until notified by the person in charge. Continue teaching activities to promote a calm atmosphere. Fire/Explosion • • • • Activate the nearest fire alarm pull station. Call 911; then notify the person in charge immediately. Evacuate building via predetermined evacuation routes. Do not attempt to fight fires. Your primary concern is the safe evacuation of you and your students. • If a person is on fire, smother fire by rolling victim on ground and deluge with water. • • • Student/Parent Disruption/Demonstration • • • • • • • • • • • • • If a firearm is found, do not touch or attempt to unload the weapon. Notify the person in charge immediately. Relocate students or activities and stay with the weapon until law enforcement arrives. If you are threatened with a weapon, follow the suspect’s directions. Move students to designated “safe area” if directed by the person in charge. Use extreme caution and do not confront the suspect Keep a safe, non-intimidating distance and avoid abrupt movements. Wait for administrative response/law enforcement assistance. Kidnapping/Childnapping • • Notify the person in charge immediately. Provide description of student and as much information about the incident as possible. • Do not attempt to forcibly detain the suspect. Notify the person in charge immediately. Direct students/onlookers to attend class or move to a safe area. Follow lockdown procedures as directed. Weather/Thunderstorms/Lightning Guns/Weapons on Campus • Call 911; then notify the person in charge immediately. Stay with the victim and provide basic first aid if possible. Be prepared to lockdown or to evacuate if directed by person in charge. • Stay indoors away from open doors and windows, metal objects, and electrical appliances until storm has passed. Notify the person in charge immediately. Keep telephone use to a minimum. If outside, get to an enclosed building as quickly as possible. Computers, TV sets and all electrical appliances should be turned off and unplugged, if possible. Do not seek shelter under isolated trees or close to metal fences, playground equipment or shelters in exposed area. Weather/Tornado • Move students to designated “safe area” if directed by the person in charge. • Stay away from exterior windows and glass panels. • Take roll count of students. • Avoid facilities with wide, free, high roofs. Sudden Injury/Illness • • • • Call 911; then notify the person in charge immediately. Stay with the victim and provide basic first aid if possible. Keep remaining students calm. Use universal precautions when handling body fluids. ORANGE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS CLASSROOM EMERGENCY RESPONSE FOLDER Instructions For Use Yellow Evacuation Card Peel and Stick Labels Red, Green and Blue Cards The yellow card is to be used in any These stickers are to be used in the event your These cards are to be used to indicate the situation involving the evacuation of school has evacuated to another location from condition or status inside a classroom under a your classroom, including fire drills. which you must dismiss your students. At the variety of scenarios. During a lockdown, the When you reach your designated beginning of the school year, write your student’s green card displayed under a door or in a evacuation assembly point, hold up the names and how they get home on the stickers. window indicates a safe condition exists yellow card if you are missing a student While preparing to evacuate, apply the stickers to inside the classroom. A red card indicates an or if a student from another class has your students. When the student is released to a unsafe condition and assistance is needed. A joined your group. School parent, bus driver or authorized adult, the sticker blue card indicates a medical emergency administration can quickly scan the will be removed from the student, placed on a exists. When evacuating in any emergency assembly points and send a staff sheet of paper and signed by the person picking situation, the green card can be attached to the member to teachers holding up yellow up the student. These sheets will be collected by exterior surface of the door to indicate that all cards. Staff can then match up missing a school administrator for a final accounting of all is clear. The red card indicates that an unsafe and extra students enabling a quick and students. The use of these stickers will simplify condition exists. Your use of these cards will efficient accounting during situations the process of accounting for students when help emergency responders prioritize their involving evacuation. dismissed from an alternate location. efforts during their search of the campus. Class Roster Districtwide Emergency Code System Emergency Contact Cards The class roll book or roster must be taken whenever leaving the classroom for any evacuation including fire drills. Maintaining an accurate roster will aid in accountability of students. If your school uses an electronic system to maintain rosters, attendance and absences, print the roster and keep an up to date copy inside your Classroom Emergency Response Folder. Code RED Lock-Down No movement of any kind Code RED Lock-Down/Lay Down (Red L/D) Take cover – Stay away from doors/windows Code YELLOW Lock-Down Modified lockdown limited to essential movement only Code BLUE Bomb Threat Code GREEN All Clear If possible, make copies of these cards and keep them inside your Classroom Emergency Response Folder. Situations may occur in which files maintained in the main office are not accessible. Having copies in your folder may be the only source of this information during certain emergencies. If your school uses a system to store student photographs electronically, consider including printed copies with names inside your folder. Photos can be printed 6 or 8 to a page to save space. PLACE THIS RED CARD ON YOUR DOOR WHEN EVACUATING IF A HAZARDOUS SITUATION EXISTS INSIDE YOUR CLASSROOM - OR PLACE UNDER YOUR CLASSROOM DOOR OR IN WINDOW DURING A LOCKDOWN TO SIGNAL ASSISTANCE IS REQUESTED PLACE THIS GREEN CARD ON YOUR DOOR WHEN EVACUATING IF NOTHING UNUSUAL IS OBSERVED INSIDE YOUR CLASSROOM - OR PLACE UNDER YOUR CLASSROOM DOOR OR IN WINDOW DURING A LOCKDOWN TO SIGNAL THAT ALL IS OK USE THIS YELLOW CARD WHEN EVACUATING FROM YOUR CLASSROOM FOR ANY REASON INCLUDING FIRE DRILLS. WHEN YOU REACH YOUR EVACUATION ASSEMBLY POINT, HOLD UP THIS YELLOW CARD IF YOU ARE MISSING - OR - HAVE EXTRA STUDENTS. PLACE THIS BLUE CARD UNDER YOUR CLASSROOM DOOR OR IN WINDOW DURING A LOCKDOWN TO SIGNAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE IS REQUESTED