VICTORIA CONFERENCE OD PROGRAM COLLEGE OF OPTOMETRY 2043 College Way Forest Grove, OR 97116 PACIFIC UNIVERSITY 20 Total hours offered (COPE applied) Speaker and lecture titles subject to change. 10 to 12 pm NontoSurgical Radiofrequency Periocular Soft Tissue Rejuvenation Kathleen Elliott OD WEDNESDAY, July 20 6 to 7 p.m. Arbutus Foyer Arrival Reception and Registration 12 to 1 pm New Tools for the Tool Box John McGreal OD THURSDAY, July 21 8 to 10 am Arbutus A/B Pediatrics/Geriatrics—Take Your Pick Kathleen Elliott OD 10 to12 pm Implications of Selected Corneal Conditions on Refractive Surgery Jeffrey Urness OD 12 to 1 pm Environment, Diet and Supplements: What Role Do They Play in Dry Eye Disease Amber Giannoni OD FRIDAY, July 22 8 to10 am Dry Eye and Systemic Disease Amber Giannoni OD 10 to 11 am The ABCs of Pediatric Eye Care Kathleen Elliott OD PRESENTED BY THE COLLEGE OF OPTOMETRY JULY 21 to 24, 2016 Delta Victoria Ocean Pointe Resort Victoria, British Columbia SUNDAY, July 24 8 to 9 am Bacterial Corneal Ulcers Jeffrey Urness OD 9 to 10 am Pediatric Case Reports: the Good, Bad and Ugly Kathleen Elliott OD 10 to 11 am. Setting Up a Dry Eye Practice Amber Giannoni OD 11 to 1:00 pm Corneal Transplantation Front to Back, Side to Side Jeffrey Urness OD PARAOPTOMETRIC PROGRAM FRIDAY July 22 Arbutus C/D 8 to 12 pm Nonprofit Org PAID US Postage Permit No. 67 Forest Grove OR 11 to 1 pm New Ideas in Glaucoma Management John McGreal OD An Introduction to Personality Types in Your Clinic SATURDAY, July 23 Please register early for this program as space will be limited. 8 to 10 am The Latest Trends in Contemporary Medicine John McGreal OD This fun and interactive workshop introduces participants to the Myers Briggs Type Personality Indicator (MBTI). Participants will learn to recognize how different thinking and communication styles lead to optimal team performance while meeting the needs and expectations of their patients. Elaine Pedersen BComm, CHRP TRAVEL & ACCOMMODATIONS REGISTRATION A number of airlines fly to Victoria/Vancouver Island (airport Your registration includes 20 hours of continuing education, electronic course materials, refreshment breaks and arrival reception on Wednesday. YYJ), including United Airlines, Air Canada and Horizon Air. Please check with your travel agent for air travel information. Ferry service to Vancouver Island is available from Vancouver, REGISTRATION VICTORIA 2016 FOR ONLINE CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS GO TO B.C., Seattle, Anacortes or Port Angeles. The Victoria Clipper, $475 USD by June 1, 2016 EARLY, offers a daily crossing from Seattle to $575 USD after June 1 LATE FOR PAYMENT BY CHECK: Victoria. B. C. Ferries offers crossings every one to two hours $175 USD daily rate with 2 day minimum. Full Name_____________________________________________________ from Vancouver (Tsawwassen) to Swartz Bay. Name tag should read___________________________________________ Travel to Canada Paraoptometric Registration PUCO Year__________________ Other School/Year__________________ Though U.S. citizens do not need passports or visas to enter The paraoptometric program includes 4 hours of continuing education, course materials and continental breakfast. The fee is $100 USD/per person. Email________________________________________________________ Canada, they need passports to re-enter the United States. The Departments of State and Homeland Security require that citizens of the United States, Canada, Mexico and Bermuda must present a passport to enter the United States when arriving by air, boat or car from any part of the Western Hemisphere. To obtain a passport, visit British Columbia Optometrists Registration The Victoria Conference is supported by the BCAO. BC optometrists should register for this conference through the BCAO. 250-360-2999 Please identify yourself as being with “Pacific University College of Optometry.” Take advantage of our special room rates of availability, the rates apply three days before and after our conference dates. Address______________________________________________________ City/ST/Province_______________________________________________ Zip/Postal Code________________________________________________ Country______________________________________________________ O.D. Registration CONFERENCE REFUND POLICY Refunds will be granted, less a $25 processing fee, if the registration is canceled before July 1, 2016. $199 for Mode guestrooms and $259 for Waterview. Please book before June 20, 2016 to get the above rates. Based on Phone________________________________________________________ REGISTRATION FEES Delta Victoria Ocean Pointe Resort & Spa 800-667-4677 OE Tracker____________________________________________________ $475 USD Early Daily rate (2 day min.) $175 USD x ____________ days Thurs Paraoptometric Registration SPECIAL NEEDS Please contact Jeanne Oliver ( for special food requirements, assistance with mobility or ADA access to buildings. $575 USD Late Fri Sat Sun $100 USD Paraoptometric Name(s)_____________________________________ Para email: _____________________________________________ NOTE We will be sending out electronic workbooks prior to the conference, for a paper copy please include an additional $20. Yes! Please reserve a paper copy of the workbook for $20 TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED (USD) $_____________________________ CONFERENCE SPEAKERS Check enclosed (payable to Pacific University) Registration confirmations will be sent electronically. Paper copies will be sent if no email is provided. Please send completed form and payment to: Broken Arrow, Oklahoma Missouri Eye Associates St. Louis, Missouri National Training Coordinator, OSI Port Coquitlam, BC Manns-Granstaff VA Medical Center Spokane, Washington Pacific University College of Optometry ATTN: Victoria Conference 2043 College Way, Forest Grove, OR 97116 For payment questions please contact Miki at 503-352-2985