Immune System is a group of cells in the body...  ____________________________.


 Immune System is a group of cells in the body that



F(x)of the Immune system = __________________________


 Pathogen is a ______, living organism, or other agent that can _____


 Immune cells circulate in the ______ and __________ systems.

 Lymphatic System= a collection of tissues & organs that ______________



F(x)= ______ recovery and __________.

 2 Types of Body defenses:





I. ____________________________

- _______ or Inborn & operates ____________

- _____________ for any invader

A. _____- 1 st line of defense

1. ________ barrier, prevents entry of ___________

2. Must be _________ to be effective

3. Skin is _______, oily, & has ______ glands that ________________

B. ______ Membranes

1. Found in ___________, ________, __________, and __________


2. F(x)= trap pathogens & ________

C. Hairs

1. ______ passage

2. Trap debris & __________

D. ______

1. __________________ Tract

2. Trap debris & pathogens

E. _________________ (activated when other defenses are _________)

1. Phagocytes a. Cells recognize _____________ items b. F(x)= to ________________ debris c. Travel to infection site, via ______ _______ d. ___________ – a type of phagocyte

2. ___________ a. NK-cells= _____________________ b. WBCs police the ______ & ______ c. Bind to _________ of invader, release chemicals,

cause infected cells to _____

F. Cellular (_______) Defense

1. Inflammation= ______ defense response to tissue _______;

helps prevent spread of _______________. a. ________ of Inflammation






2. ______= abnormal elevation in __________________ a. Stimulates ____________ b. Increases the ______________________

G. Chemical Defense

1. Interferons (___________ proteins) a. Secreted by _______________ cells b. Stimulates ____________ cells to make proteins that block

____________________ c. ______ infection to allow ____________ to begin working d. Activates macrophages to “eat” _____________

II. __________ Body Defenses


_________= ability to ward off a _______________ or disease.

B. Process

1. Particular invader ___________, ____________ switched on,

invader is remembered so that ________ invasions can be

____________ fought

C. Specific Body Defense is born out of the _________________

D. _________

1. ________ or pathogen

2. ________: the _______ of an antigen ___________________

3. Stimulates formation of ____________.

E. Antibodies

1. Form due to ________ to a ________________.

2. Mark it for destruction by _______________.

3. Made by _________.

4. Found in all _______________.

5. Once present, allows __________ immune response to ________.

F. ______ T-cells – ________ other T-cells

G. ______ T-cells - _____________ & kill _________, release _________

to lyse cells

H. __________ T-cells – _____ immune response when antigen is


I. Non-specific and Specific Defenses work together to protect the body from disease- producing pathogens

1. _______ mature in bone tissue

2. T-cells mature in _______ tissue

III. Applications of Immune Response

A. _____________= process that __________ an organism’s _____ to an

______ & therefore _______ its ability to ______ or

overcome infection.

B. Vaccine= living or ___________________ used to _______________


C. Types of Immunity (3)

1. _______ a. Response to antigen that is _______________, or if person

recovered from a ________________ b. __________ immunity

2. ________ a. Antibodies produced from another organism _______ into

the body b. __________ protection against the disease.

3. _____________ a. Killer T-cells attack any cell ____ marked with a special

________ b. i.e. cells that are ___________
