Fighting Diseases/Immune System

Name: Wendy Peters
Date: March 29, 2012
Fighting Diseases/Immune System
 To assess students’ prior knowledge, the whole class will complete a concept map
where they will list the ways in which the body defends itself against disease if it
enters the body. Once the students have finished, they will come up to the board
and fill in some of their ideas on the map.
 Students will name the body’s defenses against pathogens
 Students will explain the relationship between a pathogen and an antibody
 Students will describe ways the body can help fight disease.
 At the end of the lesson, the students will be split up into small groups. Each group
will have to put together a skit of what happens when the germs enter the body.
The students will be given crayons, colored paper, and string that they would be
able to use.
Day 1
Before Reading:
 Pass out the concept map to each of the students. The students will be given 5
minutes to write out some of their ideas of how the body defends itself against a
 After the students have had a few minutes to work, the students will get the
chance to come up to the board and write their ideas in the classes concept map.
We will discuss some of the student’s ideas.
During Reading:
 The students will be responsible for reading pages 182-184. In this section, the
students will have to identify the body’s first line of defense against the
o The students will be split up into six groups. Each group will be given one
part of the body. The students will create a poster which explains how
that part of the body helps to defend against pathogens.
o Once the groups will finish, they will share their poster with the entire
group. The posters will then be displayed in the classroom.
After Reading:
 After the students have finished with their posters, each group will share them
with the class. They will explain how that part of the body helps defend against
 Once the groups have finished, we will revisit the concept map from earlier in the
lesson. The students will have the chance to make any changes from what they had
written in the beginning of the lesson.
Day 2
Before Reading:
 All of the students will be given a pinch card that has true and false on it. In
the flipchart, their will be different statements about the immune system.
With each statement, I will ask the students if they think the statement is
true or false.
 As a whole class, we will keep a tally of who thinks the statements are true and
 After we have gone through all of the statements, we will begin reading.
During Reading:
 As a whole group, we will read aloud pages 184-187. Throughout the reading, we will
discuss the ways in which the body resists disease.
 To help students better understand the parts of the immune system, we will read
and discuss the short article, “what is the immune system?”
o Once the class has finished reading the article, we will discuss as a whole
class the roles of T-cells and antibodies so the students understand the
After Reading:
 As a whole class, we will go back through the statements from the beginning of the
lesson. The students will have the chance to explain their understanding of each of
the statements.
 Formative assessment: The students will have to form groups of 4. Each group
will have to create a skit where they will act out what happens when germs
enter the body. The teacher will provide each group with paper, markers,
scissors, and string. The students will have to create signs that represent the
different t-cells, antibodies, and germs. They will be responsible for
demonstrating what steps the immune system goes through in order to get rid
of the germs. The students will be given 15 minutes to put together their
skits. They will then get the chance to perform their skits to the entire class.