Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 17, 2012

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 17, 2012
The Board of Education of Community Unit School District No. 1, Coles and Cumberland Counties,
Illinois met in regular session on Wednesday, October 17, 2012 at the Administration Building – 410
West Polk Avenue, Charleston, Illinois 61920
At 6:30 p.m., President Coe called the meeting to order and asked for roll call.
The following board members were present:
Jason Coe, President
Ron Miller, Vice President
Tim Hutti, Secretary
Kelly Miller, Treasurer
Scott Clarke
Brenda Coffey
Susan Daniels
The following staff members were present:
Jim Littleford, Superintendent
Todd Vilardo, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
David Kuetemeyer, Financial Consultant
Visitors 56 and 2 Members of the Press
Mr. Littleford reviewed Addendum items to the board book which included:
Revised Board Agenda
VIII. Superintendent Report:
C. Update IDOT Inspection of School Buses/First Student Transportation Services
X. Recommended Action New Business
D. Recommendation/Letter of Understanding between Charleston Educational Support
Personnel Association, IEA/NEA and Charleston Board of Education & Appointment of
Head School Health Care Professional for 2012-2013 School Year
Under Focus on Students and Good News Reports, Mr. Littleford complimented the artwork provided
by the Ashmore and Mark Twain Elementary School students. Mandy White is the art teacher.
Charleston High School
Mr. Littleford presented a Certificate of Recognition to Cindi Bedell, LBS1 teacher at CHS, for her quick
action in providing life saving support to a fellow employee. Ms. Bedell performed abdominal thrusts on
a paraprofessional who was choking on his lunch and could not breathe.
Mr. Littleford welcomed the EIU Journalism Students attending the meeting and Professor Joe Gisondi.
Under Public Staff Comments, President Coe asked if there were any requests or written
communications to the Board of Education. No requests were received.
Mr. Littleford reviewed the items under Consent Agenda.
IV. Consent Agenda: Standard Items
A. Approve the minutes of the Public Hearing of September 19, 2012 and Regular Board Meeting
of September 19, 2012.
B. Approve the bills and payrolls for the month of September 2012.
C. Approve the Activity Fund Accounts for the CUSD #1 attendance centers, period ending
September 2012.
VI. Consent Agenda: New Business
A. Approve the “2012-13 Application for Recognition of Schools,” for Community Unit School
District No. 1.
B. Enter into a Consultant Contract with Cathy Chaplin to provide Speech and Language services to
students at Jefferson Elementary School. This contractual agreement will satisfy the caseload of
the full time Speech/Language Pathologist during a leave of absence.
C. Enter into a Consultant Contract with Easter Seals Central Illinois, Inc. of Decatur, IL for Natalie
McCarthy to provide Speech and Language services to students at Charleston High School. This
contractual agreement will satisfy the caseload of the full time Speech/Language Pathologist
during a leave of absence.
VII. Consent Agenda: Employment
Contingent upon finding a suitable replacement, accept a letter of resignation from Kim
Sherwood as the Co-Assistant Track Coach at Charleston High School, effective for the 2012-13
school year.
Due to the increase of student enrollment in the Early Childhood Program at Mark Twain
Elementary School, increase the employment of Darlene Coffin, Early Childhood Teacher to full
time status, effective October 1, 2012.
Approve the employment of Colleen Drake as a full time one-on-one paraprofessional for student
#81056 at Carl Sandburg Elementary School, effective October 18, 2012. This employment is
contingent upon the continued educational needs of the student and receipt of all required
Approve the employment of Kyle Sims as a full time one-on-one paraprofessional for student
#80997 at Jefferson Elementary School, effective October 18, 2012. This employment is
contingent upon the continued educational needs of the student and receipt of all required
Approve the employment of Emily Wamsley as a full time Health Care Professional for the
District, assigned to Charleston High School, effective October 18, 2012. This employment is
contingent upon the receipt of all required paperwork.
Approve the list of substitutes/volunteers for Community Unit School District No. 1, effective
September 10 – October 5, 2012.
Approve the employment of Nick Izzo in the extra-curricular assignment as an Assistant Boys’
Basketball Coach at Charleston High School during the 2012-13 school year. This employment
is contingent upon the receipt of all required paperwork.
Approve the employment of Coartney Campbell in the extra-curricular assignment as the 7th
Grade Volleyball Coach at Charleston Middle School during the 2012-13 school year. This
employment is contingent upon the receipt of all required paperwork.
Approve the recommendation for Bryson Johnson to serve as a volunteer for the Boys’ Basketball
Program at Charleston High School for the 2012-13 school year, contingent upon the receipt of
all required paperwork.
Approve the recommendation for Morgan Moutell and Claire Dau to serve as volunteer coaches
in the Charleston Middle School Dance Program during the 2012-13 school year, contingent upon
the receipt of all required paperwork.
President Coe asked if there were any requests from the Board of Education to remove any of the consent
agenda items or addendum items for discussion. Hearing none, President Coe recommended that the
Board of Education approve items under III through VII inclusive on the Consent Agenda. Mr. Miller
moved and Dr. Clarke seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: R. Miller, Clarke, Coffey, Daniels, K. Miller, Hutti, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Under the Superintendent’s Report: 2012 Illinois School Report Cards
Mr. Littleford announced that state and federal laws require public school districts to release School
Report Cards to the public each year by October 31. Assistant Superintendent Todd Vilardo highlighted
information provided on the school report cards for each attendance center. He pointed out the report
cards revealed an all time high poverty rate of 38.8%, (percentage based on the number of students that
qualify for free and reduced meals) and noted usually this means achievement declines. This was not the
case for CUSD #1, because students scored 7.5% higher than the state average. In addition, Mr. Vilardo
reported the 4-year graduation rate was 87.7% which was 5.4% higher than the state average. On the
back page of each school report card, CUSD #1 building principals outlined a planned improvement for
the school and district. The school report cards will be available to the public on the district website
following the board meeting.
2012 Tax Levy Information
Financial Consultant, David Kuetemeyer provided the Board of Education with the initial information in
establishing the 2011 tax levy. He reported the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law (PTELL) limits
the amount of property taxes the County Clerk is able to extend. The increase in amount of taxes over the
prior year is limited to 5% (or the Consumer Price Index) whichever is the lesser. For the 2012 tax year
the Consumer Price Index (CPI) is 3%. The Board of Education will need to take action in adopting the
Certificate of 2012 Tax Levy by the December meeting.
Update IDOT Inspection of School Buses/First Student Transportation Services
Mr. Littleford reported that at 1:30pm on the afternoon of Tuesday, October 16, 2012, he received
notification that buses were pulled from circulation by IDOT due to various violations. He stated that
according to First Student Director of Media Relations, Maureen Richmond, sixteen buses were cited,
with 14 pulled from service.
First Student Transportation Director, Mr. Norman Mars was in attendance to update the Board of
Education. He reported following the suspension of vehicles from service, he took immediate action and
directed 14 buses to be delivered to CUSD #1 from other sites by Tuesday afternoon to ensure students
would be transported home after school. Further, Mr. Mars brought in a shop foreman and a crew of
mechanics the previous night to repair the buses pulled from service. He indicated that every bus route
was back to normal today with the infusion of the replacement buses.
Mr. Mars apologized and said that he did not, in any way, condone maintaining buses this way. He stated
that he also found out about the violations on Tuesday and was very angry with what had transpired. Mr.
Mars reported he had a very stern consultation with the local management and let them know this was
unacceptable. Further, he said the maintenance manager at the Charleston garage did not do his job and
failed to report any problems with management.
Board President Coe reported that the Board has occasionally heard from First Student drivers of
problems with buses being overlooked by management. Board members were assured from First Student
the problems would be corrected and the bus fleet would meet the compliance requirements.
Vice President Miller asked what checks/balances would be implemented at First Student to ensure this
does not happen again.
Mr. Mars plans to monitor the Charleston garage more closely and will keep school officials informed of
progress. He would plan weekly visits and talk with the bus drivers to make sure all was in check and
problems are addressed. Also, the Senior Vice President of First Student is planning to make monthly
audits of the Charleston site.
Mr. Littleford stated at the August 15, 2012 board meeting, Senior Vice President Roger Moore, Norman
Mars, and Local Director LeRoy Wofford were in attendance and assured the Board that all was well.
Mr. Littleford wanted assurance from Mr. Mars that First Student management was made aware of what
transpired and finding out about the buses at 1:30pm prior to dismissal of school was not acceptable.
Mr. Mars indicated that he would make sure and apologized again to the Board of Education and School
President Coe thanked Mr. Mars for his report and attendance.
Mrs. Daniels moved and Dr. Clarke seconded a motion that the Superintendent’s Report was received by
the Board of Education.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Daniels, Clarke, Coffey, K. Miller, R. Miller, Hutti, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Moving to New Business: 2012 Audit Report
Mr. Littleford invited Cleve Karch of Gilbert, Metzger & Madigan LLP to present the FY12 Financial
Report for Community Unit School District No. 1. A copy of the audit was provided in the board
members information.
After introductions to the Board and audience, Mr. Karch presented an overview of the financial audit of
school district records and reports for the 2011-12 school year. He announced there were no instances of
noncompliance material to the financial statements of CUSD #1 disclosed during the audit. Mr. Karch
reviewed one repeat audit finding and two new findings identified in the audit. He reported that he had
met with Mr. Littleford and Mr. Kuetemeyer to discuss the findings and plans for corrective action.
After all questions were answered, Mr. Littleford thanked Mr. Karch for the audit report. Mr. Karch
thanked the administration, staff, and Board of Education.
It was recommended by the superintendent that the Board of Education accept the financial audit as
prepared by Gilbert, Metzger and Madigan, LLP for the 2011-2012 school year. Dr. Clarke moved and
Mrs. Daniels seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, Daniels, Coffey, R. Miller, K. Miller, Hutti, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
2013-2014 CHS Course Descriptions
The superintendent recommended that the Board of Education approve the 2013-2014 Charleston High
School Course Description Booklet with the changes as presented. Dr. Clarke moved and Mrs. Coffey
seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, Coffey, Daniels, K. Miller, R. Miller, Hutti, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Renewal/Intergovernmental Lease Agreement for Lerna School Building
It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education enter into a lease agreement
with the Regional Office of Education #11 Safe Schools Alternative Education Program, effective July 1,
2012 – June 30, 2015. Regional Superintendent of Schools Bobbie Mattingly has requested a renewal of
the lease agreement to house the ROE #11 Safe Schools Alternative Education Program, (Bridges). Mrs.
Miller moved and Dr. Clarke seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: K. Miller, Clarke, Coffey, Daniels, R. Miller, Hutti, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Letter of Understanding
It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education adopt a Letter of
Understanding between the Charleston Educational Support Personnel Association, IEA/NEA and
Charleston Board of Education to employ a School Health Care Professional who each school year
voluntarily assumes the responsibilities of Head School Health Care Professional (Article XV,
Professional Compensation and Related Provisions). This individual shall be compensated per school
year as follows: a. Head School Health Care Professional - $1,000
Further, the superintendent recommended that the Board of Education appoint Rhonda Pedigo to serve as
the Head School Health Care Professional for the 2012-2013 school year.
Mr. Miller moved and Mrs. Coffey seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: R. Miller, Coffey, Clarke, Daniels, K. Miller, Hutti, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
At 7:40pm, Mrs. Miller made a motion to adjourn from the board meeting. Mrs. Coffey seconded the
On roll call vote:
AYE: K. Miller, Coffey, Clarke, Daniels, R. Miller, Hutti, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Jason Coe
President, Board of Education
Tim Hutti
Secretary, Board of Education