Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 15, 2011

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 15, 2011
The Board of Education of Community Unit School District No. 1, Coles and Cumberland Counties, Illinois met
in regular session on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at the Administration Building – 410 West Polk Avenue,
Charleston, Illinois 61920
President Coe called the meeting to order at 6:30pm and asked for roll call.
The following board members were present:
Jason Coe, President
Ron Miller, Vice President
Tim Hutti, Secretary
Kelly Miller, Treasurer
Scott Clarke
Brenda Coffey
Susan Daniels
The following Central Office staff was present:
Jim Littleford, Superintendent
Todd Vilardo, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
David Kuetemeyer, Financial Consultant
Visitors 18 and 1 Member of the Press
Under Public Staff Comments, Mr. Littleford reported that the district received a Freedom of Information
Request from Damon McNeill requesting information on the District’s filed tax levies and annual budgets,
2005-2010. Financial Consultant David Kuetemeyer met with Mr. McNeill to identify documents that would
help acquire accurate information as per request
There were no other requests or written communications received for the Board of Education.
Mr. Littleford announced that the Board of Education received an addendum to their board packets, which
included a revised board agenda and under NEW BUSINESS: X. D. Resolution – Administrative Contracts
with Performance Goals, the recommendation was removed until more information is received from the School
District Attorney.
Under Consent Agenda, President Coe asked if there were any items under the consent agenda that the Board of
Education would like to remove for discussion. No requests were received.
Mr. Littleford reviewed the recommendations under the consent agenda.
IV. Consent Agenda: Standard Items
Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 18, 2011.
B. 1. Approve the bills and payrolls for the month of May 2011.
2. Approve the Activity Fund Reports for the CUSD #1 attendance centers, period ending
May 2011.
VI. Consent Agenda: New Business
A. Grant permission to establish a new activity fund account at Charleston High School entitled, “Class
of 2015.” This account will be subject to the state guidelines regarding use of activity fund accounts.
B. Declare referenced inventory from the Athletic Department at Charleston High School as surplus and
available to donate to the Trojan Booster Club.
C. Declare referenced inventory from the CUSD #1 Technology Department as surplus and available for
sale or disposal.
D. Declare referenced inventory from Jefferson Elementary School as surplus and available for sale or
E. Declare referenced inventory from Mark Twain Elementary School as surplus and available for sale
or disposal.
F. Approve the Resolution Ascertaining the 2011 Prevailing Rates of Wages from Coles and
Cumberland Counties for the school district.
G. Approve the Application for Approval of Student Occupancy of a Temporary Facility and Temporary
Facility Evacuation Assurance, for the modular building located at the Mark Twain Elementary
School site for the 2011-2012 school year.
VII. Consent Agenda: Employment
Accept a letter of resignation from Lynne Barcus as a District Speech & Language Pathologist, effective
Accept a letter of resignation from Cheryll Gilbert from a full time paraprofessional position at Mark
Twain Elementary School, effective immediately.
Accept a letter of resignation from Chris Bales from a full time 2nd shift custodian position at Charleston
High School, effective May 31, 2011.
Accept a letter of resignation from Chris DeSanto as Assistant Baseball Coach at Charleston High
School, effective immediately.
Accept a letter of resignation from Phil Glosser as a Track Coach at Charleston Middle School, effective
Grant a family medical leave to Sara Kramer, a Guidance Counselor at Charleston High School.
Grant a family medical leave to Christine Brankey, a paraprofessional at Jefferson Elementary School.
Grant a leave of absence during the 2011-2012 school year to Angel Warman, a paraprofessional at
Charleston High School.
Approve the employment of Jean Butler as a paraprofessional during the 2011 summer school session.
Approve the employment of Stephanie Habing as a full time District Speech and Language Pathologist
for the 2011-12 school year. This employment was contingent upon the receipt of all information
required for employment.
Approve the employment of Jennifer Taylor as a full time LBS1 teacher at Charleston High School for
the 2011-12 school year. This employment was contingent upon the receipt of all information required
for employment.
Approve the employment of Caitlin Baldwin as a full time Social Worker at Charleston High School for
the 2011-12 school year. This employment was contingent upon the receipt of all information required
for employment.
Approve the employment of Lisa Schertz as a full time teacher, assigned to second grade, at Carl
Sandburg Elementary School for the 2011-12 school year. This employment was contingent upon the
receipt of all information required
for employment.
Approve the employment of Tiffany Triemstra as a full time teacher, assigned to fourth grade, at
Jefferson Elementary School for the 2011-12 school year. This employment was contingent upon the
receipt of all information required for employment.
Approve the employment of Christopher Bily as a full time teacher, assigned to sixth grade, at Jefferson
Elementary School for the 2011-12 school year. This employment was contingent upon the receipt of all
information required for employment.
Approve the employment of Lauren Covington as a full time teacher, assigned to sixth grade, at
Jefferson Elementary School for the 2011-12 school year. This employment was contingent upon the
receipt of all information required for employment.
Approve the list of people to fill the extra-curricular assignments at Charleston High School for the
2011-12 school year. Employment contingent upon receipt of all information required for employment.
Derrick Landrus
Patty Bennett
Dave Dunlap
Kevin Hussey
Amy Harrington
Blain Mayhall
Ben Lawson
Head Baseball Coach
Assistant Softball Coach
Assistant Girls’ Soccer Coach
Head Boys’ Tennis Coach
Head Girls’ Tennis Coach
Head Boys’ Track Coach
Assistant Boys’ Track Coach
Approve the list of people to fill the extra-curricular assignments at Charleston Middle School for the
2011-12 school year. Employment contingent upon receipt of all information required for employment.
Courtney Yakey
Chelsie Hahn
Cheerleading Coach
Scholastic Bowl Coach
Approve the recommendation to transfer of Aaron Taylor from his current position as an elementary
teacher into the position as Director of Media at Carl Sandburg Elementary School beginning with the
2011-12 school year.
Approve the recommendation to transfer the following paraprofessionals into the assignments as listed at
Carl Sandburg Elementary School and Charleston Middle School for the 2011-12 school year:
Ashley Henigman
Dee Ann Miller
Cris Handley
Lori Rankin
Student #08162
Special Education Program
Student #01584
Special Education Program
Carl Sandburg
Carl Sandburg
Charleston Middle School
Charleston Middle School
Approve the recommendation to transfer the following paraprofessionals into the assignments as listed at
Jefferson Elementary School for the 2011-12 school year:
Amber Easter
Karen Hutton
Student #05397
Student #05781
Approve the recommendation to transfer the following paraprofessionals into the assignments as listed at
Mark Twain Elementary School for the 2011-12 school year:
Denise Lasky
DruAnne Bardsley
LBS1 Paraprofessional
.5 Classroom Aide in the Early Childhood Special Education Classroom
.5 Interventionist with Kindergarten Students
Dr. Clarke moved and Ms. Miller seconded the motion to approve items under III through VII inclusive on the
Consent Agenda and in the addendum.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, K. Miller, Coffey, Daniels, R. Miller, Hutti, Coe
NAY: none
Motion carried
Moving to the Superintendent’s Report, Mr. Littleford reported that on March 29 and 30, 2011, the annual
inspection of CUSD #1 buildings as required by Section 3-14.21 of the Illinois School Code was conducted by
Regional Superintendent of Schools Kevin VanMeter. Jerry Ashby from the Office of the Illinois State Fire
Marshall also conducted an inspection. Board members were provided a copy of the reports from the Regional
Office of Education and State Fire Marshall with the response from Director of Buildings and Grounds, Bill
Richardson. Mr. Littleford asked if there were any questions from the Board of Education. There were no
questions or comments from the Board.
Mr. Littleford reported that during the February 16, 2011 Regular Board of Education Meeting, First Student Bus
Driver Brian Peterlich addressed the Board regarding his concern over the CUSD #1 practice that allows parents
of kindergarten and first grade students to sign a waiver allowing bus drivers to let those children off after school
near their home without an adult being present. Presently, the district and First Student Transportation, require
a parent or other adult pick up a kindergarten or first grade student after the student leaves the bus. However, the
district allows parents to sign a waiver form during school registration that allow the students to exit the bus
without supervision.
Mr. Littleford reported that the District Policy Committee reviewed the procedures and after a long discussion it
was the consensus of the committee to keep the current procedure, which empowers parents to make bus
decisions for their families. The committee recognized that work schedules and a variety of other reasons might
prevent parents from meeting the students after they get of the bus. The Policy Committee also felt the Board of
Education should make the final decision of whether to keep the procedures decided it was a parental decision
and not a district.
Mr. Littleford provided the Board of Education with a survey completed by the district of 33 other school
districts located in college/university communities, area towns, and communities serviced by First Student about
their school bus procedures. He pointed out that the results of the survey varied. Mr. Littleford indicated that
Kindergarten students ride a separate bus and parents had to be at the bus stop to accompany their student unless
a waiver was signed or they would not be released from the bus. He explained two years ago, First Student
Transportation wanted this procedure to include first grade students. First Student Transportation then, initiated
the waiver form.
Discussion ensued among the Board and centered around letting parents decide if their children can leave the
school bus without adult supervision and safety of students who live in apartments or other places where bus
drivers cannot watch them and be sure they make it inside.
Questions raised by the Board:
1) Are Kindergarten and first grade students allowed to walk home from school unsupervised?
- First graders are allowed to walk home unsupervised by an adult, (up to 1 ½ miles).
Mark Twain students must have a parent/adult meet them.
Ashmore School releases all K-4 students at the same time, so this procedure does not apply.
2) What happens if parents are not at the bus stop?
- The students are brought back to the school and the secretary and/or principal will try to locate the
parent. This takes additional time for school staff and bus drivers, in essence incurs additional cost
to the district.
3) Could bus monitors help to make sure Kindergarten and first grade students get into their homes safely?
- Monitors are on the bus for specific reasons, such as to help with special needs children or for
discipline issues. Monitors are not on all of the buses. The district is charged for the monitors
provided by the bus service.
Brian Peterlich, Bus Driver for First Student, was in attendance and answered questions from board members
and also provided additional information on bus procedure. He said there have been times when he has taken
students back to school because there was no one waiting for them or they could not get into their houses and
times during the cold weather when he could not see the students actually go into an apartment.
Following considerable discussion, President Coe asked the board members to go around the table to provide
direction to the Superintendent as to whether to keep the procedure the same or make a change. The Board of
Education could not vote on this item because it was not an action item.
Ms. Miller favored doing away with the waivers. She indicated that a student leaving a bus unaccompanied
practically guarantees that no one is home to be with the child. Dr. Clarke and Ms. Coffey agreed. They felt
parents would be more accountable without the waivers.
President Coe, Mr. Miller, Dr. Hutti, and Ms. Daniels all agreed the situation was far from ideal but favored
following the Policy Committee’s recommendation to leave the procedure as is but continue to monitor the
situation. It was noted that the district could not really supervise students who walk home from school and it is
hard to separate students that walk home unsupervised as to those who ride the bus.
Financial Consultant David Kuetemeyer strongly suggested that this item be put on the July 20, 2011 meeting
agenda for the Board of Education to decide and give the superintendent a clear cut direction.
Mr. Littleford agreed and stated it would be better to have clear direction from the Board of Education.
The Board of Education asked Mr. Littleford to provide the following information prior to the July 20, 2011
1) A copy of the waiver form from First Student Transportation.
2) Number of waiver forms signed from Kindergarten and First Grade students (separately) that
parent/adult will not be at bus stop to accompany student.
3) Number of Carl Sandburg School and Mark Twain School (Kindergarten and First Grade) students that
walk to school and home.
4) Copy of procedure from Carl Sandburg and Mark Twain Schools of dropping off and picking up
5) Particular bus routes that have the most discipline problems.
6) Bus routes with repeat offenders of students being brought back to school because a parent/adult was at
the bus stop to accompany their student.
Mr. Littleford said that he would provide this information prior to the July meeting.
Mr. Littleford announced that the 2011 Lighting the Way Joint Annual Conference will be co-headquartered at
the Hyatt Regency Chicago and Sheraton Chicago Hotels, November 18-2, 2011. The Joint Annual Conference
provides board members and administration the opportunity to attend leadership training sessions and to be able
to network with board members and administration from other school districts. Board members were provided
highlights of the conference for review. Mr. Littleford reported last year, due to the budget reductions, the Board
of Education decided not to attend this conference until funding improved. However, he indicated that the
Illinois Association of School Boards, (IASB) does host workshops that provide networking and information that
is offered during the Joint Annual Conference. Mr. Littleford reported new legislation passed that members of
Board’s of Education must have 4-hours of training.
Under discussion, the Board talked about the benefits of the Joint Annual Conference. Mr. Miller stated the
conference was money well spent, especially for new board members.
Mr. Littleford stated that he had mailed workshop information to the Board and would do so again in his weekly
letter to the Board. If board members are interested in attending any of the area workshops hosted by the ISAB,
to contact Genia Lang.
Ms. Miller moved and Dr. Clarke seconded a motion that the Superintendent’s Report was received by the Board
of Education.
On roll call vote:
AYE: K. Miller, Clarke, Coffey, Daniels, R. Miller, Hutti, Coe
NAY: none
Motion carried
Mr. Miller moved and Dr. Clarke seconded a motion to adopt a Resolution for an Interfund Loan between the
Working Cash Fund and Transportation Fund in the amount of $126,000.
On roll call vote:
AYE: R. Miller, Clarke, Coffey, Daniels, K. Miller, Hutti, Coe
NAY: none
Motion carried
Ms. Daniels moved and Ms. Coffey seconded a motion to adopt a Resolution transferring $1,205.13 of interest
earnings from the 2000 Bond and Interest Fund of Community Unit School District No. 1, Coles and
Cumberland Counties, Illinois.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Daniels, Coffey, Clarke, K. Miller, R. Miller, Hutti, Coe
NAY: none
Motion carried
Ms. Miller moved and Ms. Coffey seconded a motion to accept the Agreement for Speech and Language Testing
between Charleston CUSD 31 and Kathleen Bates, for the purpose of providing compensatory speech and
language services during the summer of 2011 to students that services were interrupted this past school year.
On roll call vote:
AYE: K. Miller, Coffey, Clarke, Daniels, R. Miller, Hutti, Coe
NAY: none
Motion carried
Ms. Miller moved and Dr. Clarke seconded a motion to approve ten (10) additional working days to Charleston
High School Assistant Principal Trevor Doughty during June and July, (June 14, 20, 22, 30, and July 2, 5, 6, 7, 8,
25, 2011).
On roll call vote:
AYE: K. Miller, Clarke, Coffey, Daniels, R. Miller, Hutti, Coe
NAY: none
Motion carried
At 8:05pm Ms. Miller moved to adjourn from the board meeting. Ms. Coffey seconded the motion.
On roll call:
AYE: K. Miller, Coffey, Clarke, Daniels, R. Miller, Hutti, Coe
NAY: none
Motion carried
Jason Coe
President, Board of Education
Tim Hutti
Secretary, Board of Education