Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 16, 2014

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 16, 2014
The Board of Education of Community Unit School District No. 1, Coles and Cumberland Counties, Illinois met
in regular session on Wednesday, July 16, 2014 at the Administration Building – 410 West Polk Avenue,
Charleston, Illinois 61920
President Pro-Tem Coe called the meeting to order at 6:33pm and asked for roll call.
The following board members were present:
Jason Coe, Vice President
Brenda Coffey, Secretary
Kelly Miller, Treasurer
Scott Clarke
Susan Daniels
Charles Jarrell
The following board members were absent:
Ron Miller, President
The following Central Office staff was present:
Jim Littleford, Superintendent
Todd Vilardo, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
David Kuetemeyer, Financial Consultant
Visitors 16 and 1 Member of the Press
Mr. Littleford reviewed Addendum items to the board book which included:
Revised board agenda
VII. Consent Agenda: Appointment/Employment
IV. Consent Agenda: Standard Items
B.1. Financial Reports – provided a summary of bills and payrolls for June 30, 2014
VII. Consent Agenda: Appointment/Employment
Resignation: Paraprofessional, Jefferson Elementary School, effective July 13, 2014
Employment: Paraprofessional, Charleston High School, 2014-15 school year
VIII. Superintendent Report
E. Provided a revised summary of the 2013-14 budget recap
X. New Business:
A. Updated list of signage sponsors from Trojan Booster Club
Closed Session:
No action to follow closed session.
Under Focus on Students and Good News reports, Mr. Littleford presented Certificates of Recognition to the
following individuals:
Julianne Sharp –was a recipient of the Class of 2014 ’20 Under 40’ award. Annually, the Journal Gazette
Times Courier recognizes a group of up-and-comers in East Central Illinois. Many in this group already have
significant contributions on their resume. It is a group that individually and collectively show strong
commitments to their families, communities and professions. The JG-Times Courier dubbed Juliane as being a
‘tireless Pied Piper’ of vocal music. Julianne is the choral director at CHS and Jefferson Elementary School,
working with hundreds of students. She works very hard in our district as well in our community.
Katie Barr, Belle Long, Cara Wheeler
Last spring, our district participated in a ‘Champions for Kids’ SIMPLE Giving Program sponsored by Colgate
and Walmart. Program participants coordinate the donation of dental care items for children in our community.
The top collecting school districts among fourteen regions were awarded $1,000. Charleston was a regional
award winner. Katie, Belle, and Cara were the three primary coordinators of our local project.
Under public comments and written communications, President Pro-Tem Coe asked if there were any
comments, questions or written communications. There were no requests for the Board of Education.
Mr. Littleford reported on two (2) Freedom of Information requests received by the District.
1) FOIA request from David Vitoff of the Illinois Education Association – NEA, dated June 20, 2014
requesting information regarding non-certified support staff employed in the district to include names,
job titles, hours, months employed, and salary schedules. The District responded to the request.
2) FOIA request from Adam Andrzejewski, ‘Illinois Open The Books’, Data Collection, dated June 20,
2014. The request involved electronic records of any and all vendors for the years 2008-2013 broken
down by year, to include vendor name, address, city, state, zip code, amount, etc. Due to the extent of
complying to the request, Mr. Littleford asked for and was granted a 5-day extension. The District
responded to the request.
Under Consent Agenda, Mr. Littleford asked if there were any items under the consent agenda that the Board of
Education would like to remove to discuss in closed session. There were no requests from the Board of
Mr. Littleford reviewed the recommendations under the consent agenda.
IV. Consent Agenda: Standard Items
Approve the minutes of the Public Meeting of June 18, 2014 and Regular Meeting of June 18, 2014.
B.1 Approve the bills and payrolls for the month of June 2014.
B.2 Approve the Activity Fund Reports for the CUSD #1 attendance centers, period ending June 2014.
V. Consent Agenda: Old Business
VI. Consent Agenda: New Business
 Approve the minutes of the closed session meetings held on January 15, 2014, January 29, 2014,
February 19, 2014, February 26, 2014, March 3, 2014, March 19, 2014, March 26, 2014, April 16, 2014,
May 21, 2014, and June 18, 2014; and further, not to make public the minutes of the closed sessions.
 Authorize the destruction of all Closed Session Audio Tapes beginning July 2012 through January 2013
for regular and special meetings.
 Approve the hazardous walking areas by resolution and reaffirm transportation from and to a childcare
provider’s residence for the 2014-2015 school year.
 Declared referenced inventory from the CUSD #1 Technology Department as surplus and available for
sale or disposal.
VII. Consent Agenda: Employment
 Accept a letter of resignation from Kim Welch from her position as a LBS1 teacher at Ashmore
Elementary School, effective immediately.
 Accept a letter of resignation from Steve McCann from his position as a special education 1:1
paraprofessional for student #20303 at Carl Sandburg Elementary School, effective August 10, 2014.
 Approve the employment of Rachel Beever to serve in the position as the District
Payroll/Accounting Supervisor, effective July 28, 2014. This employment was contingent upon the
receipt of all information required for employment.
Approve the employment of Doug Kanouse as a full time 2nd shift custodian at Charleston High School,
effective July 21, 2014. This employment was contingent upon the receipt of all information required
for employment.
Approve the reassignment of Courtney Seaman into the position as a special education 1:1
paraprofessional for student #20303 at Carl Sandburg Elementary School beginning with the 2014-15
school year.
Approve the employment of Danielle Rook as a full time special education teacher at Charleston Middle
School beginning with the 2014-15 school year. Mrs. Rook will be assigned as a LBS1 teacher. This
employment was contingent upon the receipt of all information required for employment.
Approve the employment of Andrea Orr as a full time special education 1:1 paraprofessional for student
#01584 at Charleston High School beginning with the 2014-15 school year. This employment was
contingent upon the receipt of all information required for employment.
Approve the employment of Marques Brown in the extra-curricular assignment as Assistant Speech and
Drama Coach at Charleston High School during the 2014-15 school year. This employment was
contingent upon the receipt of all information required for employment.
Approve the employment of Jeff Marlo in the extra-curricular assignment as Assistant Boys’ Soccer
Coach at Charleston High School during the 2014-15 school year. This employment was contingent
upon the receipt of all information required for employment.
Approve the following individuals to serve as coaches in the extra-curricular assignments listed at
Charleston High School during the 2015 spring sports season, contingent upon the receipt of all
information required for employment.
Derrick Landrus
Head Baseball
Al Lord
Assistant Baseball
Blain Mayhall
Head Softball
Hannah Dowling
Co-Assistant Softball
Kaylie Pruett
Co-Assistant Softball
Aaron Black
Head Boys’ Tennis
Chad Miller
Head Boys’ Track
Approve the following individuals to serve as volunteers in the extra-curricular assignments at
Charleston High School for the 2014 fall sports season, contingent upon the receipt of all required
Dirk Bennett
Boys Soccer
Aldo Ruffalo
Boys Soccer
Adam Sims
Boys Soccer
Cobi Christiansen
Ann Bushur
Mary Jo Bushur
John McInerney
Boys/Girls Cross Country
Matt Feldhake
Boys/Girls Cross Country
Dwight Pentzien
Girls Swimming
Kristen Pentzien
Girls Swimming
Carl Wolff
Shad Ferguson
Cliff McBenge
Ken Ratliff
Jerry Payne
Drew Baker
Sean Hussey
Alyssa Baker
Erin Deason
Stan Adkins
Boys/Girls Golf
Ron Rardin
Boys/Girls Golf
Daniel Bennett
Boys/Girls Golf
 Accept a letter of resignation from Rami Mayhall from her position as a special education 1:1
paraprofessional for student #07218 at Jefferson Elementary School, effective July 13, 2014.
 Approve the employment of Debra Johns as a full time special education 1:1 paraprofessional for student
#03159 at Charleston High School beginning with the 2014-15 school year. This employment was
contingent upon the receipt of all information required for employment.
Mrs. Miller moved and Mr. Jarrell seconded the motion to approve items under IV through VII inclusive on the
Consent Agenda and in the addendum.
On roll call vote:
AYE: K. Miller, Jarrell, Clarke, Daniels, Coffey, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Under the Superintendent’s Report: Overview of Revised Teacher Performance Evaluation Plan & Pilot
The Illinois’ Performance Evaluation Reform Act (PERA) now requires particular components to be included in
public school district teacher evaluation plans. Assistant Superintendent Todd Vilardo reported that this school
year, a Pre-PERA Committee was formed and worked together to revise our district’s Performance Evaluation
Plan. Through a power point presentation, Mr. Vilardo and CEA President Gail Schultz presented a brief
overview of the changes, (see official board book). They shared what the district has been doing to meet the
requirements and changes that are mandated to be implemented by September 1, 2016. Beginning with the
2014-15 school year, Charleston CUSD #1 will implement a pilot program in which some teachers will volunteer
to be evaluated on the new system. The two major components of the program are 1) Professional Practice and
2) Student Growth. They pointed out that with the new method, the ‘student growth’ component will make up
30% of the evaluations. Mr. Vilardo pointed out that this component has presented ‘stress’ for teachers. Student
growth is not a part of the current evaluation document. Mrs. Schultz explained that the teachers and building
administrators will work together to develop goals and identify pre and post tests to measure student growth.
Board members were provided with a copy of one page from the current evaluation document and a copy of one
page from the revised document to compare the changes, (located in official board book). The Pre-PERA
Committee will continue to work with licensed staff, evaluate the pilot project, and revise the Performance
Evaluation Plan prior to full implementation in September 2016.
Following the presentation and discussion, Mr. Littleford commended the Pre-PERA Committee for their work
during the 2013-14 school year toward implementation of the pilot program for this school year.
2014 Summer School Update
The 2014 Summer School was held for students in grades 7 – 12. First session was held from June 3 – June 19
and second session from June 20 – July 9. All course work was provided through a computerized program
(Apex) supervised by a certificated teacher and two paraprofessionals for each session. Principals Diane
Hutchins and Trevor Doughty indicated that the summer school program was a success, even though the classes
had to be moved from Jefferson School to Charleston High School because of roof repairs and noise. Mrs.
Hutchins stated that 50 students were served – 36 CHS, 12 CMS, and 2 Jefferson 6th graders.
2014 Central Registration
Mr. Littleford reported that plans to have registration on-line have been delayed until next school year.
Currently, plans are being made to have the option to use credit card services to pay for student fee’s, which will
be implemented with on-line registration beginning with the 2015-16 school year. He announced that the 2014
Central Registration would be held in the Charleston High School cafeteria on Thursday, July 31, 2014 from
2:00pm – 8:00pm and Friday, August 1, 2014 from 8:00am – 3:00pm. As in the past, many organizations will
have informational areas for parents and students. If parents are not able to attend Central Registration, they will
be able to register their children at each school site after August 1.
Institute Day Activities
For the start of the 2014-2015 school year, an all-staff Institute Day has been planned for Monday, August 11,
2014. The day will begin at 7:30am with a continental breakfast served in the Charleston High School cafeteria.
Welcome and opening thoughts provided from Superintendent Jim Littleford will begin at 8:30am in the CHS
Auditorium, followed by an introductory workshop. The program should conclude by 10:00am with staff
members reporting to their assigned buildings. Mr. Littleford invited board members to attend if their schedules
CUSD #1 Budget Recap 2013-2014
In the addendum, Financial Consultant, David Kuetemeyer provided an updated report on estimated final fund
balances for the 2013-14 school year. The district audit will take place during the week of July 21 and a formal
presentation will be provided to the Board of Education at the October 15, 2014 regular board meeting. Mr.
Kuetemeyer pointed out that expenses outweighed revenues by about $512,335. Deficits in some funds were not
as large as expected and the district still has more than $10 million in budget reserves. The district received
more than $2 million in this year’s property tax revenue before the fiscal year ended. He stated that most of this
year’s tax revenue will be sent to the district in November and that money will be included in the 2014-15
budget. He made note that the district received more state support this year by receiving five categorical
payments instead of the four expected. The district received five regular transportation reimbursements and five
special education transportation reimbursement payments. Mr. Kuetemeyer commented the district finished the
year as well as can be expected thanks to the cooperation of all people who helped to reduce our expenditures
and costs.
Dr. Clarke moved and Mrs. Daniels seconded a motion to accept the Superintendent’s Report.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, Daniels, Jarrell, K. Miller, Coffey, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Under New Business: Trojan Booster Club Signage Program
At the May 15, 2013, the Board of Education approved Board Policy 8:25, Community Relations and
the Charleston Trojan Booster Club’s Signage Sponsor Program. The signage program is an annual agreement
between the Trojan Booster Club and business. Charleston Trojan Booster Club President Maureen Smith
submitted a list of renewal and new signage sponsors for approval of the Board of Education.
It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education approve the list of signage sponsors
for the 2014-2015 school year. Mrs. Daniels moved and Mrs. Miller seconded a motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Daniels, K. Miller, Jarrell, Coffey, Coe
NAY: none
Motion carried
Resolution/Transfer Funds from Transportation Fund to Working Cash Fund
The Illinois School Code requires that interfund loans be repaid within one year. The Charleston CUSD #1
Transportation Fund has sufficient funds available to repay an interfund loan due to the Working Cash Fund. A
Resolution was prepared to authorize the District to repay $86,000 from the Transportation Fund to the Working
Cash Fund.
It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education adopt a Resolution to repay an
Interfund Loan between the Working Cash Fund and Transportation Fund in the amount of $86,000. Mr. Jarrell
moved and Mrs. Miller seconded a motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Jarrell, K. Miller, Jarrell, Daniels, Coffey, Coe
NAY: none
Motion carried
New & Revised Proposed School Board Policies – First Reading (see attachment)
During the 2013-14 school year, the Policy Committee has continued to review the revised policies provided by
the Illinois Association of School Boards. Attached are newly established and revised proposed board policies,
administrative procedures and exhibits on first reading.
Newly Established School Board Policy Administrative Procedures/Exhibits
6:120-AP3,E2 Instruction - Request Approval Form for Use of a Service Animal
6:120-AP3,E3 Instruction - Service Animal Registration/Agreement
Students - Prevention, Identification, Investigation, and Response to Bullying and School
7:180-AP1,E1 Students - Resource Guide for Bullying and School Violence Prevention
7:180-AP1,E2 Students - Be a Hero by Reporting Bullying and School Violence
7:180-AP1,E3 Students - Memo to Staff Regarding Bullying and School Violence
7:180-AP1,E4 Students - Memo to Parents/Guardians Regarding Bullying and School Violence
7:180-AP1,E5 Students - Report Form for Bullying and School Violence
7:180-AP1,E6 Students - Interview Form for Bullying and School Violence Investigation
7:180-AP1,E7 Students - Response to Bullying and School Violence
Revised School Board Policies/Administrative Procedures/Exhibits
School Board – Waiver and Modification Request Resource Guide
School Board – Access to District Public Records
School Board – Uniform Grievance Procedure
General Administration – Administrative Responsibility of the Building Principal
Operational Services – Insurance Management
Operational Services – Transportation
Operational Services – Facility Management and Building Programs
4:170-AP2,E2 Operational Services – Letter to Parents/Guardians Regarding Educational Programs About the
Dangers of Underage Drinking
General Personnel – Drug- and Alcohol-Free Workplace; Tobacco Prohibition
General Personnel – Abused and Neglected Child Reporting
General Personnel – Staff Development Program
Instruction – Authorization to Participate in the Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT) Program:
Responsible Use and Conduct Agreement
Instruction – AUP for Information and Communication Technologies Access
Instruction – Staff Authorization and Acceptable Use Procedure for Information and
Communication Technologies Access
Students – Student Discipline
Students - Student Handbook Checklist
Students – School Student Records
7:340-AP1, E1 Students – Notice to Parents/Guardians and Students of Their Rights Concerning a
Student’s School Records
The superintendent recommended that the Board of Education adopt, in tentative form Board Policies,
Administrative Procedures and Exhibits as listed on first reading. The tentative policies will be placed for public
review until final adoption at the August 20, 2014 board meeting. Mrs. Daniels moved and Dr. Clarke seconded
a motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Daniels, Clarke, Jarrell, K. Miller, Coffey, Coe
NAY: none
Motion carried
Authority to Staff Schools
It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education grant the authority to employ
personnel in order to begin the 2014-15 school year with the appropriate staff. This recommendation was
contingent upon receipt of all information required for employment and based upon Board approval at the
following board meeting. Mr. Jarrell moved and Mrs. Miller seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Jarrell, K. Miller, Clarke, Daniels, Coffey, Coe
NAY: none
Motion carried
At 8:00pm Dr. Clarke moved to adjourn from the board meeting. Mrs. Daniels seconded the motion.
On roll call:
AYE: Clarke, Daniels, Jarrell, K. Miller, Coffey, Coe
NAY: none
Motion carried
Ronald L. Miller
President, Board of Education
Brenda L. Coffey
Secretary, Board of Education