Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 20, 2011

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 20, 2011
The Board of Education of Community Unit School District No. 1, Coles and Cumberland Counties,
Illinois met in regular session on Wednesday, April 20, 2011 at the Administration Office – 420 West
Polk Avenue, Charleston, Illinois 61920
At 6:30pm, President Miller called the meeting to order and asked for roll call.
The following members were present:
Ron Miller, President
Jason Coe, Vice President
Kelly Miller, Secretary
Jeff Coon, Treasurer
Jerry Esker
Tim Hutti
The following staff members were present:
Jim Littleford, Superintendent
Todd Vilardo, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
David Kuetemeyer, Financial Consultant
Visitors 125 and 1 Member of the Press
The Board of Education received an addendum to their board packets which included:
Revised Agenda – removed a recommendation to employ a full time District Speech & Language
VI. C Nonpayment of School Fees
CHS student textbooks not turned in first semester. Charges to replace the textbooks not paid to
CHS added to recommendation to be sent to the collection agency.
Consent Agenda: New Business
VI. E. David Kuetemeyer provides a revision to page 2 of memo to grant gifted sick leave days to
Crisy McMillan.
Consent Agenda: VII. Employment
- Jenny Allison, 6th grade teacher at Jefferson Elementary School, effective end 2010-11.
- Michelle Lynn, paraprofessional at Jefferson Elementary School, effective end 2010-11.
- Brenda Foster, Scholastic Bowl sponsor at CMS, split assignment with Patti Murphy.
Corrected recommendation for Patti Murphy.
Transfers for 2011-12 school year:
- Tara Panozzo – 6th grade teacher to 5th grade position at Jefferson Elementary School.
Employment for 2011-12:
- Emily Hecht, 7th grade girls’ basketball coach at CMS.
Superintendent Report:
C. Correction: Central Registration will be held Friday, July 29 and Monday, August 1.
Under Focus on Students and Good News Reports, Mr. Littleford recognized the following students.
Mr. Littleford pointed out that the art work display was provided by the CHS Art Students, Toni
Satterfield, instructor.
Regular Meeting Minutes of 4/20/2011 Page 1 Mr. Littleford recognized the Jefferson Elementary School Character Education students that were chosen
by their teachers for representing the trait of Determination, Diligence, and Perseverance. Determination
means having a firm purpose or intention toward a goal. Diligence means working hard when you are
trying to achieve something. Perseverance means not giving up even if something gets difficult.
Roxanne Cornebise, Counselor is in charge of the program.
4th Grade
Joleigh Maulden
Tyson Halsey
Jordan Holly
Natalie Fanale
Preston Smith
Saraha Pearcy
Taylor Edwards
Jarrett Sims (Ashmore)
5th Grade
Adia Goddard
Jose Navarro
Drew Sledge
Keegan Evans
Zach Bennett
Marvin Abernathy
Emily Zuniga
Destiny Brown
6th Grade
McKenzie Price
Jenna Durham
Whitney Groff
Freddy Bustillos
Joe Thomas
D J Fairbanks
Kayla Jenkins
Drew Tresslar
Jefferson Elementary School – 4th Grade Gifted Education – for presenting at the Annual Conference
at Eastern IL University on the Teaching of Mathematics entitled: “Looking Through the Eyes of
Timothy Cho
Isabella Sibenaller
Nathan Price
Lorelie Switzer
Sophie Howarth
Ethan Dow
Lucas Hawk
Emma Banyai
Christian Wilson
Hannah Suh
Kate Shanks
Matthew Mueller
Tanner Lassak
Ellen Ronk
Grant Cline
Olivia Bommelje
Chandler West
Jacob Callahan
Dr. Andrew White – volunteering as a Gifted Education Teacher and coordinating student presentations
at the 2011 EIU Teaching of Math Conference.
Principal Debbie Poffinbarger - supporting and coordinating the gifted education services at Jefferson
Elementary School for the 2010-11 school year.
Jinger Lawrence, paraprofessional at Ashmore Elementary School – Heroic action and quick response in
keeping a student from choking with effective first aid procedures during lunch hour.
Under Public, Staff Comments or Questions, Written Communications, President Miller asked if there
were any requests to address the Board of Education. CMS teacher, Karen Garrett signed up to address
the Board of Education.
Ms. Garrett stated that she was there tonight to express her heart felt feelings to the Board in regard to the
budget reductions to the Charleston Middle School exploratory classes last year. For the 2010-11 school
year Ms. Garrett was reassigned from teaching Careers and Applied Technology, an exploratory class that
was eliminated, to teaching Language Arts/Reading at the middle school. She stated one key effect on a
middle school is a healthily vibrant exploratory program and indicated by adding a half time art teacher at
the middle school seemed like a piecemeal approach. She asked if the Board of Education and
Administration had reviewed the impact of cutting back exploratory classes. Ms. Garrett urged the Board
to plan for the future and asked if they would consider adding a full time exploratory teacher at the middle
Mr. Littleford did agree with Ms. Garrett’s view that bringing a half time art teacher to the middle school
for the 2011-12 school year could be considered a piecemeal approach. However, he indicated that it was
a way to provide art classes to 7th grade students at the middle school in a time when education funding
was uncertain. He reported the numbers in the high school art classes were low and this was also a way
Regular Meeting Minutes of 4/20/2011 Page 2 of keeping an art teacher by splitting the assignment. This recommendation is only for the 2011-12
school year.
Ms. Garrett thanked the Board of Education for their consideration.
President Miller thanked Ms. Garrett for her comments.
President Miller asked if there were any requests from the Board of Education to remove consent agenda
items or addendum items for discussion.
Mr. Coe made a request to move to pull the recommendation to transfer the CHS art teacher into a split
assignment, half time at Charleston High School and half time at Charleston Middle School during the
2011-12 school year for separate vote and discussion.
Mr. Littleford reviewed the items under Consent Agenda and Addendum items.
Consent Agenda: Standard Items
• Approve the minutes of the following meeting: Regular Meeting of March 9, 2011.
• Approve the bills and payrolls for the month of March 2011.
• Approve the Activity Fund Accounts for the CUSD #1 attendance centers, period ending March
Consent Agenda: New Business
• Approve the renewal membership of Charleston High School in the Illinois High School
Association for the 2011-2012 school year.
• Approve the renewal membership of Charleston Middle School in the Illinois Elementary School
Association for the 2011-2012 school year.
• Grant authorization for the district to work with Mid-State Collection Solutions, Inc. of
Champaign, Illinois to assist in the recovery of the 2010-2011 non-payment of fees.
• Declare the referenced inventory from the CUSD #1 Technology Department as surplus and
available for sale or disposal.
• Grant 180 (one hundred eighty) gifted sick leave days to Crisy McMillan.
Consent Agenda and Addendum: Employment
• Accept a letter of resignation from Jenny Allison, 6th grade teacher at Jefferson
Elementary School, effective end of 2010-11 school year.
• Accept a letter of resignation from Michelle Lynn, paraprofessional at Jefferson
Elementary School, effective end of 2010-11 school year.
• Accept a letter of resignation from Andrew Hilligoss as the Charleston High School JV
Baseball Coach, effective April 6, 2011.
• Accept a letter of resignation from Jeff Holloway as the Charleston High School JV
Girls’ Basketball Coach, effective at the end of the 2010-11 season.
• Contingent upon finding a suitable replacement, accept a letter of resignation from Liz
Watson as the Charleston High School Girls’ Assistant Volleyball Coach, effective at the
end of the 2010-11 season.
• Contingent upon finding suitable replacements, accept a letter of resignation from Patti
Murphy and Brenda Foster in a split assignment as the Charleston Middle School
Scholastic Bowl Coach, effective at the end of the 2010-11 season.
• Accept a letter of retirement from Crisy McMillan, LBS1 teacher, effective at the end of
the 2014-2015 school year.
• Grant a family medical leave to Charity Sanders, CMS teacher, due to a family illness
and not to exceed 12 weeks.
Regular Meeting Minutes of 4/20/2011 Page 3 •
Grant a family medical leave to Amber Lauwers, a teacher at Jefferson Elementary
School, due to the birth of her child and not to exceed 12 weeks.
Grant a family medical leave to Beth Nelson, a teacher at Jefferson Elementary School,
due to the birth of her child and not to exceed 12 weeks.
Grant a family medical leave to Kelli Wells, a teacher at Jefferson Elementary School,
due to the birth of her child and not to exceed 12 weeks.
Grant a family medical leave to Kathy Armstrong, a paraprofessonal at Jefferson
Elementary School, due to an illness and not to exceed 12 weeks.
Approve the employment of the following individuals to teach in the 2011 Summer
School Program: Liz Watson – Novel Stars Instructor; Barbara Heitka – Drivers’
Education Instructor; Angel Warman – Paraprofessional.
Approve the employment of Courtney Yakey as a full time teacher in the Mathematics
Department at Charleston Middle School, effective for the 2011-12 school year. This
employment was contingent upon the receipt of all information required for employment.
Approve the employment of Emily Hecht as a full time teacher in the Mathematics
Department at Charleston Middle School, effective for the 2011-12 school year. This
employment was contingent upon the receipt of all information required for employment.
Approve the employment of Chelsie Hahn as a full time teacher in the Science
Department at Charleston Middle School, effective for the 2011-12 school year. This
employment was contingent upon the receipt of all information required for employment.
Approve the employment of Michelle Lynn as a full time LBS1 teacher at Carl Sandburg
Elementary School, effective for the 2011-12 school year. This employment was
contingent upon the receipt of all information required for employment.
Approve recommendations to transfer the following certified employees for the 2011-12
school year:
- Toni Satterfield – art teacher for Charleston High School (50% time) and
Charleston Middle School (50% time).
- Jessica Wendling – LBS1 teacher for Charleston Middle School (50% time) and
Jefferson Elementary School (50% time).
- Tara Panozzo – 6th grade classroom teacher to 5th grade at Jefferson Elementary
- Kristen Holly - from her current position as Director of Media at Carl Sandburg
Elementary School to the position of Title 1 Reading Interventionist/Instructional
- Jenny White – from her current position as third grade teacher to second grade
teacher at Carl Sandburg Elementary School.
• Approve a recommendation to transfer Debby Way, 10-month secretary at Carl
Sandburg Elementary School to Mark Twain Elementary School, beginning with the
2011-12 school year.
• Reinstate the employment of Andrea Doty as a full time 10-month secretary at Carl
Sandburg Elementary School, beginning with the 2011-12 school year.
• Approve the employment of Chris DeSanto in the extra-curricular assignment at
Charleston High School as JV Baseball Coach for the remainder of the 2011 season.
Employment contingent upon completion of required paperwork.
• Accept the recommendation for Jerry Payne to serve as a volunteer to assist in the
Charleston High School boys’ and girls’ track teams for the 2011 season.
Assignment contingent upon completion of required paperwork.
• Approve the list of people to fill the extra-curricular assignments at Charleston High
School for the 2011-12 school year. Employment contingent upon completion of
required paperwork.
Regular Meeting Minutes of 4/20/2011 Page 4 Employ
Karen Karch
Paul Stranz
Debbie Landsaw
Jim Wood
Jim Wood
Andrew Shick & Scott Easterday
Amy Jackson
Ceci Brinker
Jeff Miller
Tyler Hanner
Dave Dunlap
Danielle Legut
Kim Ferguson
Head Softball Coach
Head Girls’ Soccer Coach
Assistant Golf Coach
Assistant Boys’ Basketball Coach
Freshman Football Coach
Freshman Boys’ Basketball
Assistant Girls’ Basketball Coach
Freshmen Girls’ Basketball Coach
1st Assistant Football Coach
Sophomore Football Coach
Assistant Boys’ Soccer Coach
Head Cheerleading Coach
JV Cheerleading Coach
Approve the employment of Emily Hecht as the 7th grade girls’ basketball coach at
Charleston Middle School for the 2011-12 school year.
Approve the list of CUSD #1 substitutes as of March 1 – April 11, 2011.
President Miller recommended that the Board of Education approve items under III through VII inclusive
and addendum items on the Consent Agenda. Mr. Oakley moved and Mr. Coe seconded the motion.
Under discussion, Mr. Coon stated his concern of gifting sick leave days to employees. He indicated that
he understood how the district saves money by granting sick leave days to employees in helping them
with their retirement. However, when the district first began gifting the days, the amount gifted was not
in the hundreds. Mr. Coon indicated he felt it was a bad example to give sick leave days with no
consequence. He wants to see qualified teachers in the classroom, not substitute teachers. In essence, he
said by granting these days we are sending a bad message to young teachers, we should encourage them
to save their sick leave days for retirement.
Mr. Littleford stated he understood Mr. Coon’s concern and appreciated his comments.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Oakley, Coe, Esker, Hutti, K. Miller, R. Miller
NAY: Coon
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Mr. Littleford reported he had met with CHS Principal Diane Hutchins regarding staffing for the 2011-12
school year. Since enrollment in art classes would only fill three classes next year, Ms. Hutchins and Mr.
Littleford discussed ways to utilize the art teacher without going through RIF of an art position. The
incoming 7th grade class is large, so it was the decision of Ms. Hutchins, CMS Principal Brad Oakley, and
Mr. Littleford to transfer CHS Art Teacher, Toni Satterfield to half time at the middle school. Mr.
Littleford stated this would be a way to bring art back to the middle school and then, re-evaluate the
assignment for the next school year.
It was the recommendation of the superintendent to transfer Toni Satterfield into a split assignment as art
teacher at Charleston High School (50% time) and Charleston Middle School (50% time) for the 2011-12
school year. Mr. Oakley moved and Mr. Coon seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Oakley, Coon, Coe, Esker, Hutti, K. Miller, R. Miller
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Regular Meeting Minutes of 4/20/2011 Page 5 Under the Superintendent’s Report, Mr. Littleford announced that the annual Staff Recognition and
Appreciation Reception will be held on Thursday, May 12, 2011 at 4:00 – 5:30pm in the board room at
Central Office. Staff members who have 15, 20, 25 and 30 years of service to the district as well as staff
who will be retiring at the end of the school year will be recognized. Mr. Littleford extended an invitation
to the Board of Education to attend the reception. The Board was provided with a list of individuals that
will receive recognition.
Mr. Littleford reported the last day for the CHS senior class is Thursday, May 12, 2011. Final exams will
be held May 24 and 25. Commencement will be held at 8:00pm on Friday, May 13, 2011 in Lantz
Gymnasium at Eastern Illinois University with a required practice for Commencement being held at noon.
The Board of Education is invited to attend the 2011 Commencement. If board members are interested in
presenting diplomas, please contact Carol Lawson at 639-5006 so the necessary arrangements can be
Looking toward the end of the 2010-11 school year, the following attendance schedule will be utilized:
May 25 – last full day of student attendance; May 26 – Teacher Institute Day, no student attendance;
May 27 – last day of school, students will attend 1 ½ hours.
The Administrative Council has scheduled Central Registration for the 2011-2012 school year for Friday,
July 29 from 8:00am – 3:00pm, and Monday, August 1 from 2:00 – 8:00pm. Central Registration will be
held in the cafeteria at Charleston High School.
Mr. Littleford extended congratulations, to the administration and staff of Charleston CUSD #1. The
District received the 2010-2011 Certificates of Recognition for Charleston Schools. This certifies that
each attendance center is officially recognized by the Illinois State Board of Education, pursuant to the
standards for public schools set forth in the School Code and State Board of Education Rules and
Mr. Littleford reported that to remain in compliance with the Health/Life Safety Code, the architect is
required to electronically submit documentation on progress and statement of completion on approved
Amendments. Amendment #3, for repair of the Administration Office roof and Amendment #12, to
remove and replace two layers of floor tiles in the Mark Twain Elementary School gymnasium are the
two items of note which have not been completed. This report does not have to be approved by the Board
of Education. Board members were provided with copies of the reports submitted to the Regional Office
of Education.
Mr. Oakley moved and Mr. Coon seconded a motion that the Superintendent’s Report was received by the
Board of Education.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Oakley, Coon, Coe, Esker, Hutti, K. Miller, R. Miller
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Under New Business, Mary Ann Pattenaude, CUSD #1 Technology Director, presented the 2011-2014
District Technology Plan. Ms. Pattenaude outlined the Illinois State Board of Education guidelines and
required format of the plan. She highlighted portions of the plan, which included upgrading computer
labs, laptop replacements, and installing wireless network system in different phases. The district will be
looking at a new student information system to implement, as our current student information system only
has two (2) other Illinois customers and will be requiring the District to move to their new system.
The 2011-2014 Technology Plan was developed by a sub-committee of the Educational Technology (ET)
Committee. This committee consisted of Leigh Ann Cloud, Rick Cohoon, Lou Conwell, Kristen Holly,
Regular Meeting Minutes of 4/20/2011 Page 6 Linda Kirby, Karen Murphy, Amy Niebrugge, Tara Panozzo, Cathy Senior, Susie Spoo, Elda Ueleke, and
Mary Ann Pattenaude.
The Board of Education commended the Technology Committee and the District Technology Department
on a great job with limited funds to provide up to date technology to our students and teaching staff.
It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education approve the 2011-2014
Technology Plan to be submitted to the Illinois State Board of Education for final approval. Mr. Oakley
moved and Dr. Hutti seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Oakley, Hutti, Coe, Coon, Esker, K. Miller, R. Miller
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
The Board of Education adopted the Workload Plan for Special Educators at the February 17, 2010
meeting. Following the initial adoption of the Workload Plan for Special Educators, it must be reviewed
periodically to ensure that all services required under students’ IEP’s can be provided at the requisite level
of intensity. The plan was reviewed on March 30, 2011 with minimal changes made to the document by
the following: Debbie Belleau, Kathie Bossert, Chad Burgett, Scarlet Conley, Linda Kirby, Robert Lynn,
Bud McMillan, Brad Oakley, Carla Robison, Katie Williams, and Diane Hutchins.
It is the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education approve the revised Workload
Plan for Special Educators, as presented. Mr. Coon moved and Dr. Hutti seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Coon, Hutti, Coe, Esker, Oakley, K. Miller, R. Miller
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
In September 2010, a District K – 12 Math Curriculum Mapping Team was formed to develop a
mathematics curriculum. Assistant Superintendent Todd Vilardo and CHS Numeracy Coach Tyler
Hanner facilitated the team members, consisting of representatives from each grade level, in developing
this curriculum. Through a power point presentation, Mr. Vilardo provided an overview on the process
used in developing the curriculum, how it is used to help students learn, and sample views of the
curriculum maps to show how they work. He indicated the maps were living documents to expand upon
and to be updated. Tyler Hanner shared samples of binders with the curriculum maps by grade level that
teachers could keep in their classrooms for reference.
Mr. Vilardo commended the work of the Curriculum Mapping Team: Kindergarten: Elda Ueleke; Grades
1-3: Suzie Bosler, Susan Hartman, Aaron Taylor; Grades 4-6: Pam Evans, Brittany Meyer, Kelli Wells;
Grades 7-8: Eric Bright, Beth Anne Lancaster; Grades 9-12: Greg Juriga, Karen Karch, Donna Williams.
A brief question and answer period ensued among the Board of Education and Administration.
Based upon the recommendation of Assistant Superintendent Todd Vilardo and approval of all three
curriculum councils (Elementary, Middle School and High School), it was the recommendation of the
superintendent that the Board of Education approve the District Mathematics Curriculum Maps to be
implemented during the 2011-2012 school year. Mr. Coe moved and Mr. Esker seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Coe, Esker, Coon, Hutti, Oakley, K. Miller, R. Miller
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Regular Meeting Minutes of 4/20/2011 Page 7 The Board of Education commended the committee for their hard work and dedication in the
development of the curriculum maps.
Mr. Vilardo reported that the Standards Based Progress Report (SBPR) was implemented at the beginning
of the 2010-2011 school year for grades K – 4. After experiencing two of the three grade reporting
periods this year, the District’s Report Card Committee conducted a survey of teachers and parents to
gather feedback in order to continue to produce the best possible reporting tools for our district. At the
March 9, 2011 meeting, Mr. Vilardo provided an overview of quantitative and qualitative summary of
results and initial committee observations to the Board of Education.
During the past month, Mr. Vilardo, CUSD #1 teachers and administrators worked together to revise the
reporting tools around parameters generated by the surveys. Mr. Vilardo called the Board’s attention to
his memorandum included in the board book that identified the revisions to the progress reporting tools in
accordance with the survey results:
utilize the letter grades and symbols that were used on report cards prior to the current year;
condense and simplify so the reports are less time-consuming to complete; and
incorporate terms that a typical parent would understand without the need for an additional
brochure to explain the progress reports.
Mr. Vilardo noted that while the district adopted standards based grading tools prior to Illinois’ adoption
of the Common Core Standards, the committee saw this time of revision as an opportunity to align the
reporting tools with these new standards. Copies of the revised progress reports were included for board
members’ review.
Mr. Littleford extended his appreciation to the committee for the tremendous time and effort they put into
changing the model to make the teaching staff, parents and community more receptive to the reporting
tool. He strongly endorsed the progress reports as presented.
Mr. Vilardo explained by using trimesters in grades K – 6, the first nine weeks gave the teachers more
time at the beginning of the year to get to know the students, for the students to become familiar with the
classroom routines, and for teachers and students to build trusting relationships.
The issue of quarters or trimesters led to an extensive discussion among the Board of Education. Several
board members stated their concerns that, with the trimester reporting, parents would not receive timely
reports on their child’s progress.
Following discussion and based upon the recommendation of Assistant Superintendent, Todd Vilardo and
the District Report Card Committee, the superintendent recommended that the Board of Education
approve the revised progress reports for grades K – 6 to be implemented beginning with the 2011-2012
school year.
President Miller amended the recommendation and moved to separate the content on the reporting tools
from the reporting periods (trimesters and quarters). Mr. Coe seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: R. Miller, Coe, Coon, Esker, Hutti, Oakley, K. Miller
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Mr. Littleford recommended that the Board of Education approve revised progress reports for grades
K – 6 to be implemented beginning with the 2011-2012 school year. Mr. Oakley moved and Mr. Coon
seconded the motion.
Regular Meeting Minutes of 4/20/2011 Page 8 On roll call vote:
AYE: Oakley, Coon, Coe, Hutti, Esker, K. Miller, R. Miller
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Mr. Littleford recommended that the Board of Education approve a trimester reporting period for grades
K – 6 and a quarterly reporting period for grades 7 – 12 beginning with the 2011-2012 school year. Mr.
Oakley moved and Ms. Miller seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Oakley, Esker, Hutti
NAY: Coe, Coon, K. Miller, R. Miller
Motion failed
Abstain: none
Mr. Littleford recommended that the Board of Education approve a quarterly reporting period for grades
K – 6 as well as a quarterly reporting period for grades 7 - 12 beginning with the 2011-2012 school year.
Mr. Coe moved and Ms. Miller seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Coe, Coon, K. Miller, R. Miller
NAY: Esker, Hutti, Oakley
Motion carried
Abstain: none
The Calendar Committee met on five occasions to discuss various criteria to be included in four
2011-2012 school calendar options. Four (4) proposed calendars were sent to staff for vote representing
different beginning and ending dates, semester breaks, teacher institutes, and placement of emergency
days for an initial vote. The final two calendars for consideration were Calendar G, receiving 89 votes
from staff and Calendar D, receiving 168 votes from staff. Calendar D - had a beginning date of August
16 (Teacher’s Institute), August 17 (half day student attendance), August 18 (first full day of student
Based on the results of the staff voting, it was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of
Education adopt Calendar D as the official school calendar for the 2011-2012 school year. Mr. Coon
moved and Dr. Hutti seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Coon, Hutti, Coe, Esker, Oakley, K. Miller, R. Miller
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
At 9:09pm, President Miller recommended that the Board of Education adjourn into closed session to
consider information regarding appointment, employment, compensation, and discipline of specific
employees of the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to
determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2/(c)(1)
Mr. Coe moved and K. Miller seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Coe, K. Miller, Coon, Esker, Hutti, Oakley, R. Miller
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Mr. Esker left the meeting at 9:40pm.
Regular Meeting Minutes of 4/20/2011 Page 9 At 9:47pm, Mr. Coe made a motion to reconvene from closed session. Dr. Hutti seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Coe, Hutti, Coon, Oakley, K. Miller, R. Miller
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
At 9:48pm Mr. Coe moved to adjourn from the board meeting. Dr. Hutti seconded the motion.
On roll call:
AYE: Coe, Hutti, Coon, Oakley, K. Miller, R. Miller
NAY: none
Motion carried
Ronald L. Miller
President, Board of Education
Kelly P. Miller
Secretary, Board of Education
Regular Meeting Minutes of 4/20/2011 Page 10 