Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 20, 2016


Minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 20, 2016

The Board of Education of Community Unit School District No. 1, Coles and Cumberland Counties,

Illinois met in regular session on Wednesday, January 20, 2016 at the Administration Building – 410

West Polk Avenue, Charleston, Illinois 61920

At 6:30 p.m., President Coe called the meeting to order and asked for roll call.

The following board members were present:

Jason Coe, President

Charles Jarrell, Vice President

Susan Daniels, Secretary

Kelly Miller, Treasurer

Scott Clarke

Ron Miller

Kevin Oakley

The following staff members were present:

Jim Littleford, Superintendent

Todd Vilardo, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction

Dean Keller, Financial Consultant

Visitors 325 and 2 Members of the Press

Mr. Littleford reviewed Addendum items to the board book which included:

Revised Board Agenda

Correction under VI. G.

Overnight Trip Request/Charleston High School Choral Department Girls’ Basketball Team

Under Public, Staff Comments, Written Communication , Under Public, Staff Comments, Written

Communications , Mr. Littleford reported that the District received two (2) Freedom of Information Act requests, which were honored by the District.

1) Cinda Klickna, IEA President, requesting information regarding employees represented by the Association: name, home address, work email, building, job position, subject taught, last four digits of Social Security number, birthdate, hire date, retirement date (when applicable), home and work telephone number.

2) Trey Cobb, Illinois Kids Champaign, requesting information on the gifted program and talented program.

President Coe asked if there were any requests or written communications to the Board of Education. Mr.

Littleford stated that the Board of Education received several requests to address the Board of Education following the financial presentation. The Board of Education would invite those to listed speak in the order on the signed form.

Under Good for the School District and Committee Reports , Mr. Littleford thanked everyone for coming to the board meeting as the Board of Education, Administration, and community work together to

‘Chart a Course’ for the future of the Charleston Schools. He announced that some of the presentation would be a review of the November and December school board meetings. Mr. Littleford stated that the unresolved matter of a state budget means funding for schools will not be certain for some time, so prior to the Board of Education making final decisions on revenues and reductions, the district is attempting to

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gauge the opinions of the school community. Mr. Littleford reported that during the 2008-2009 and

2009-2010 school years, the District reduced expenditures by over $2.6 million. He stated that the

District has continued every year to cut back in building budget, technology budget, elementary teachers, special education teachers, paraprofessionals, special education coordinator, financial consultant, copier contracts, and utilizing part time staff. He noted that district enrollment has increased just a bit since the

2008-09 school year, but as a district, there are 55 less jobs.

PMA Financial Network has provided the district with forecasts of future revenues and expenditures.

PMA prepares long term and short term financial projections and have warned the District of potential future revenue problems to include:

 potential for freezing property taxes at the current rates;

 potential for a transfer of pension costs to local school districts;

 General State Aid may be prorated later this spring (loss of 92% or approximately $535,000) this year and (87% or approximately $870,000) last year; and,

 the District received only one FY16 categorical payment (special education and transportation) this year, with each payment approximately $650,000.

Mr. Littleford provided an outline of the FY16 CUSD #1 Budget Summary that included expected revenues from the State for 4 (four) special education and transportation categorical payments. It also included over $2million in early taxes. (The district has received early tax money the last 6 -7 years.)

Mr. Littleford stated that the CUSD #1 Budget was posted on the District website and for those interested, copies were available after the meeting.

Mr. Littleford explained a graph outlining best and worst case scenarios. The best case scenarios outlined the financial status of the District if receives all four of its annual categorical payments. The worst case scenario’s provided the effects on the district if pension costs were shifted to the local school districts, a property tax freeze was in place.

Mr. Littleford presented financial planning options to include:

 Reducing expenditures;

 Enhancing revenues;

Combination of expenditure reductions and revenue enhancements.

Mr. Littleford reviewed a list of community suggestions since the November 18 and December 16 board meetings. He provided responses to public questions received from those meetings. Information in the presentation also included:

 an overview of what some reductions may look like by reducing staffing levels with an estimated salary savings.

 reductions and/or elimination of extra-curricular programming with estimated expenditures and revenues.

 a financial summary of Charleston Middle School activities, number of participants, cost, supplies, salary, officials, and entry fees.

 a financial summary of Charleston High School activities, number of participants, cost, supplies, salary, officials, and entry fees.

It was noted from the audience that:

CHS Chorus had 117 participants.

CHS Flag Color Guard and CMS Dance was left off the lists of activities.

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At the end of the power point presentation, Mr. Littleford reviewed an estimate of what some revenue enhancements might look like for the district by:

 pursuing a tax rate referendum;

 selling working cash bonds;

 pursuing another County School Facility Occupation Tax, and;

 pursuing additional revenue through community partnerships.

In conclusion of the presentation, Mr. Littleford indicated there were many questions they had tried to answer and address some of the budget inquiries received following the December board meeting. He stated at the last meeting, Board Member Kelly Miller asked for a synopsis of the Middle School concept.

At that time, Mr. Littleford turned the meeting over to CMS teacher’s Kim Sherwood and Beth Ann

Morgan, and CMS Guidance Counselor Tracy Valinevicius to define the Middle School Concept verses a

Junior High School. Through a power point presentation, the group explained that in a middle school, students are divided into teams and assigned to a core group of teachers that provide interdisciplinary units and varied instructional strategies to meet the needs of the adolescent learner. A team is a group of about 100 students assigned to the same group of core teachers, creating smaller learning communities.

Charleston Middle School has two 7 th grade teams and two 8 th grade teams. The group explained home base, advisory, exploratory classes as a team, team time, scheduling, professional development, and communication, (power point presentation located in official board book). In conclusion, they pointed out effects of reverting to a junior high school to include: fewer student-teacher connections, increased behavior problems, and less communication between teachers, parents, administration and students.

CMS Principal Chad Burgett stated that the middle school has a sense of community and communication which is a valuable asset in the school setting. Mr. Burgett stated with the middle school concept, he is able to meet weekly with all teachers as a team.

Following the presentation and discussion among the Board of Education, Mr. Coe asked for comments from the audience.

Mr. Littleford invited the individuals as were signed up to address the Board of Education.

Tim McCollum , retired middle school teacher and currently an instructor in the Department of Early

Childhood, Elementary, and Middle Level Education at Eastern Illinois University spoke in support of maintaining the middle school program, (letter included in official board book).

Ashmore Village Mayor Kurt Crail spoke in support of Ashmore Elementary School. He said the school fits in the village’s mentoring program and other efforts to help the town’s youth. Mr. Crail said that Ashmore School was top notch in educating kids and has the best interest of the kids.

Erin Fleming spoke in support of maintaining the Music and Gifted (GATE) programs, (letter included in official board book).

Bryan Watson spoke in support of keeping Ashmore Elementary School.

Barb Haddock , school counselor for Carl Sandburg and Mark Twain Elementary Schools spoke on the emotional needs of the students.

Danielle King spoke in support of the GATE program.

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Betsy Mellott spoke in support of the Music and Speech programs. She commended the Board of

Education and Administration for making cuts in 2008 without hurting programs. She indicated that ‘she would stand in line to pay more taxes if it means keeping programs in place and said that we should be talking about increased funding.’

Lauren Mellott , CHS student spoke in support of keeping the CHS Musical in place. She stated ‘that the musical is open to any and all students and brings in revenue.’

Jeff Coon , a former CUSD #1 school board member, said voters twice sent a message a few years ago when they defeated a sales tax proposal that would help fund local schools. He said Charleston ‘cannot stand a tax increase and that will not change unless the board shows the willingness to make more reductions first.’ He said that the District cannot afford the programs in place.

Donna Flight spoke in support of maintaining the middle school concept and in support of athletics. She stated that parents need to be the biggest advocate and it was their responsibility to favor a tax increase in support of maintaining the programs.

Gary Sims spoke in support of the middle school concept. He encouraged parents to contact their State

Representatives to get money due to the district before raising taxes.

Jeff Ashley indicated that his concerns were answered.

Austin Orlick, Anna Houston, and Dallas Golloday, CHS students all spoke in support of the Art program and Art Club. They each described their experiences.

Yvonne Larson , Jefferson Elementary School teacher and parent spoke in support of the GATE program, stating that this program provides opportunities for all students.

Cindy Goodchild , Jefferson Elementary School teacher read a letter on behalf of her student ‘Jasper’ who is in the GATE program, (letter located in official board book). In the letter he describes what the program means to him.

Emma Walker , CHS Senior, spoke in support of the speech and music programs.

Michelle Lassak , stated that she appreciated the delayed start schedule. However, she had concerns that some students did not have breakfast. She invited the Board of Education to attend the Jefferson

Elementary School Festival scheduled at the school for February 6 from 5:00 – 8:00pm.

Bill Monken , Energy Consultant for the District spoke in support of maintaining the energy program. He provided examples of how the district has saved money over the years since the program has been in place.

Mr. Littleford thanked everyone for their comments. He said that the board will continue to seek public input on the district’s financial course. The February 17 board meeting will be held in the CHS Swickard


Mr. Littleford reported that the Trojan Booster Club scheduled to speak would postpone until the

February 17 meeting. At 9:05pm, the Board of Education adjourned on break.

At 9:16pm, the Board of Education reconvened.

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Brandon Wambach , CHS Student, addressed the Board of Education in support of the music program.

At that time, Mr. Littleford invited CHS Band students to present a power point presentation on a fund raiser for new band uniforms, (presentation located in official board book). Katie Mueller and June

Baumann presented. Jose’ Navarro and Emily Zuniga modeled the new uniforms. They reported that the band received new uniforms in 2000 and now the uniforms are falling apart. The program has grown and there is not enough functioning uniforms to fit everyone. The group provided ways that they are raising the money through business and friends/family sponsorships and fundraisers. The cost to sponsor a new uniform is $550 and they have already raised $20,833.50 and need an additional $27,556.50 to reach their goal. The group asked the Board of Education for continued support of the music program. Fundraiser information is located on CHS Marching Trojans facebook page.

President Coe thanked the group for their presentation.

President Coe asked if there were any requests from the Board of Education to remove any of the consent agenda items or addendum items for discussion. Hearing none, Mr. Littleford reviewed the items under

Consent Agenda.

IV. Consent Agenda: Standard Items


Approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of December 16, 2015.


Approve the bills and payrolls for the month of December 2015.


Approve the Activity Fund Accounts for the CUSD #1 attendance centers, period ending

December 2015.

VI. Consent Agenda: New Business

Charleston Trojan Booster Club – recommendation to accept donation will be held until the

February 17, 2016 board meeting.

Closed Session Minutes

Approve the minutes of the closed session meetings held on September 16, 2015, October 21, 2015,

November 11, 2015, November 18, 2015, and December 16, 2015; and further, not to make public the minutes of the closed sessions.

Destruction of Closed Session Verbatim Audio Records

Authorize the destruction of all Closed Session Audio Tapes beginning February 2014 through June

2014 for regular and special meetings.

Establish CHS Activity Fund Account

Grant permission to establish an activity fund account at Charleston High School for Scholarships.

This account will be subject to the state guidelines regarding the use of activity fund accounts.

Serious Safety Hazard Findings Application

Deny a Serious Safety Hazard Findings application #1-15-04, for a student attending Jefferson

Elementary School, effective for the 2015-16 school year. The application will be submitted to the

Department of Transportation for final review.

Request/Gifted Sick Leave Days

Grant 141 (one hundred forty-one) gifted sick leave days to Randy Harpster, Physical Education teacher at Charleston Middle School.

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Overnight/Out of State Trip Request – CHS Girls’ Basketball Team

Approve an overnight/out of state trip request for the Charleston High School Girls’ Basketball

Team to travel to the University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana on January 23-24, 2016. All costs for the trip will be paid for by the basketball team including fuel for use of district vehicles for the team member’s transportation.

VII. Consent Agenda: Appointment/Employment

Accept a letter of retirement from Randy Harpster, Physical Education teacher at Charleston Middle

School, effective at the end of the 2021-2022 school year.

Accept a letter of resignation from Kim Shambo. Mrs. Shambo is resigning from her position as a special education paraprofessional at Carl Sandburg Elementary School, effective December 16,


Accept a letter of resignation from Susan Banyai. Mrs. Banyai is resigning from her position as a

Title 1 Paraprofessional at Jefferson Elementary School, effective at the end of the work day on

January 15, 2016.

Accept a letter of resignation from Karla Yocum, LPN. Mrs. Yocum is resigning from her position as a Health Care Professional serving Ashmore and Carl Sandburg Elementary Schools, effective at the end of the work day on January 29, 2016.

Approve the employment of Sean Hussey as the Head Boys’ Tennis Coach at Charleston High

School for the 2015-16 school year. This employment was contingent upon the receipt of all information required for employment.

Approve the employment of Steve Kuchefski as an Assistant Boys’ Track Coach at Charleston

High School for the 2015-16 school year. This employment was contingent upon the receipt of all information required for employment.

Approve the list of substitutes and volunteers for Community Unit School District No. 1, effective

December 9, 2015 – January 12, 2016.

President Coe recommended that the Board of Education approve items under IV through VII inclusive on the Consent Agenda and in the addendum. Dr. Clarke moved and Mr. Jarrell seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Clarke, Jarrell, K. Miller, R. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe

NAY: none Abstain: K. Miller abstained from vote on CHS Girls’ Basketball team

Under the Superintendent’s Report: Update/2015 CHS Girls Holiday Tournament

During Winter Break, Charleston High School and the Trojan Booster Club hosted the 2014 Girls

Holiday Basketball Tournament. Athletic Director Jim Wood was happy to announce the tournament was a ‘huge success’ and finished in the black, with no monetary costs to the district. Mr. Wood attributed that to the sponsorship and support. Mr. Wood presented a financial breakdown and a run down on the

Tournament results (located in official board book). Mr. Wood indicated that the Booster Club would like to keep the tournament going.

Mr. Wood answered questions from the Board and Administration. He concluded that the Holiday

Tournament Committee will be meeting in the near future to discuss all aspects for the tournament and to work on improvements for next year.

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Presentation: FY2016 School Library Per Capita Grant

The FY2016 School Library per Capita Grant was submitted to the Illinois State Board of Education.

Membership to this program makes the district eligible for resource sharing, availability of materials, networking opportunities, and additional funding for students and staff. The program is funded through the Office of Secretary of State. CUSD #1 Media Directors –Cathy Senior, Holly Pantle, Jacob

Roskovensky, Amy Nice, and Michele McDaniel presented information regarding the Illinois School

Library Media Program, “Linking for Learning,” and how it works in our district. Information on the program is provided in each board members packet of information.

Statement of Economic Interest Filings

As required by law, members of the Board of Education must annually file a Statement of Economic

Interest with the County Clerk. The forms will be mailed to each individual’s home address within the next few weeks and must be filed with the County Clerk no later than May 1, 2016.

Mr. Jarrell moved and Mrs. Miller seconded a motion that the Superintendent’s Report was received by the Board of Education.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Jarrell, K. Miller, Clarke, R. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe

NAY: none Abstain: none

EIASE Services for the 2016-2017 School Year

Based upon the recommendation of Special Education Coordinator Cathy Chaplin, the superintendent recommended that the Board of Education authorize the purchase of the “Fee for Service” programs and “Tuition” based services from EIASE for the 2016-2017 school year as outlined.

The District will purchase the “Fee for Service” as follows:

Itinerant Vision Services

Prevocational Services

Rehabilitation Services (Occupational and Physical Therapy)

Itinerant Adapted Physical Education

Second, the district will continue to participate in the tuition programs of Kansas Treatment and

Learning Center (TLC), Diagnostic and Developmental Center (DDC), and the Hearing Impaired

Program. Third, the district will continue to operate the self-contained emotional disability classroom at Charleston High School and continue to provide services for emotional disability students transitioning to and from Kansas Treatment and Learning Center and Charleston schools. In addition, the district will provide its own ED Collaborative Services. The district will continue to provide classroom space for the Project Help program operated by EIASE and located in Charleston schools.

Project Help is currently housed at Jefferson Elementary School, (3 classrooms).

Mrs. Miller moved and Dr. Clarke seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: K. Miller, Clarke, Jarrell, R. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe

NAY: none Abstain: none

Health Life Safety Amendment – Replacement of CMS Gymnasium Bleachers

At a special board meeting held on November 11, 2015, the Board of Education discussed the poor

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condition of the Charleston Middle School gymnasium bleachers. At that time, the Board of Education directed the superintendent to begin the process of preparing a Health Life Safety Amendment to replace the bleachers in the Charleston Middle School gymnasium. Upon inspection, Stan Gebben of The

UpChurch Group, Inc., inspected the bleachers and reported that the original wood and steel telescopic bleachers in the gym were in bad repair and in need of replacement.

It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education approve the Health/Life

Safety Amendment as prepared by The Upchurch Group, Inc., to install and replace the Charleston

Middle School bleachers in the gymnasium with an estimated cost of $180,000 with contingencies. It is anticipated that the work will be completed by end of summer 2016.

Mr. Jarrell moved and Mr. Miller seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Jarrell, R. Miller, Clarke, K. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe

NAY: none Abstain: none

Resolution/Transfer Funds from Transportation Fund to Working Cash Fund

It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education adopt a Resolution to repay an Interfund Loan between the Transportation Fund and Working Cash Fund in the amount of

$210,000. Dr. Clarke moved and Mr. Miller seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Clarke, R. Miller, Jarrell, K. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe

NAY: none Abstain: none

Resolution/Transfer Funds from Education Fund to Working Cash Fund

It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education adopt a Resolution to repay an Interfund Loan between the Education Fund and Working Cash Fund in the amount of $1,500,000.

Mr. Miller moved and Dr. Clarke seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: R. Miller, Clarke, Jarrell, K. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe

NAY: none Abstain: none

At 10:01pm, President Coe recommended that the Board of Education adjourn into closed session to consider information regarding appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the District or legal counsel for the District, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee or against legal counsel for the District to determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2/(c)(1)

Collective negotiating matters between the District and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. 5 ILCS120/2/(c)(2)

President Coe indicated that the Board of Education would review the results of the evaluation for

Superintendent of Schools.

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Mr. Miller moved and Mr. Jarrell seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE R. Miller, Jarrell, Clarke, K. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe

NAY: none Abstain: none

At 10:26pm, Dr. Clarke made a motion to reconvene from closed session. Mr. Miller seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Clarke, R. Miller, Jarrell, K. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe

NAY: none Abstain: none

At 10:26pm, Mr. Coe moved to adjourn from the board meeting. Mrs. Miller seconded the motion.

On roll call vote:

AYE: Coe, K. Miller, Clarke, Jarrell, R. Miller, Oakley, Daniels

NAY: none Abstain: none

Jason Coe

President, Education

Susan Daniels

Secretary, Board of Education

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