Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 21, 2015

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 21, 2015
The Board of Education of Community Unit School District No. 1, Coles and Cumberland Counties,
Illinois met in regular session on Wednesday, October 21, 2015 at the Administration Building – 410
West Polk Avenue, Charleston, Illinois 61920
At 6:30 p.m., President Coe called the meeting to order and asked for roll call.
The following board members were present:
Jason Coe, President
Charles Jarrell, Vice President
Susan Daniels, Secretary
Kelly Miller, Treasurer
Scott Clarke
Ron Miller
Kevin Oakley
The following staff members were present:
Jim Littleford, Superintendent
Todd Vilardo, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
David Kuetemeyer, Financial Consultant
Visitors 48 and 3 Members of the Press
Mr. Littleford reviewed Addendum items to the board book which included:
Revised Board Agenda
Correction VI. B. Establish/CHS Tri-M Music Honor Society Interact Club and Activity Fund
VII. Consent/Employment
Resignation: CHS Head Wrestling Coach, effective immediately.
Maternity Leave of Absence: Special Education Paraprofessional.
X. A Award/Contract/CUSD #1 Health Benefits Program
Revision to recommendation for the CUSD #1 Health Benefits Program
Under Focus on Students and Good News Reports, Mr. Littleford complimented the artwork provided
by the Jefferson Elementary School students. Penny Hess is the art teacher.
The first recognition was from Carl Sandburg Elementary School
Debbie Bartz has organized the Jog-a-Thon fundraising event at Carl Sandburg School for the past 31
years. The jog-a-thon is a fun event and all of the funds raised go toward Carl Sandburg Helping Hands
The second recognition involved the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program
As the GATE instructor - Jodi Cline travels to all school sites. In order to keep up with all of the GATE
students in the different buildings and with getting resources to classroom teachers for differentiation, she
relies on volunteer help. GATE Volunteers to be recognized:
From Carl Sandburg School:
Kathy Miller, (2014) Jr. Great Books
Laura Hawk, (2014) Jr. Great Books
Adrienne Ochs, (2015 spring) Jr. Great Books
Marshall Lassak, (both years + years prior) Math
Aysha Woodley (2015-16) 3rd grade Jr. Great Books
Ellen Homann (2015-16) 2nd grade Jr. Great Books
From Jefferson School:
Andrew White, (both years + years prior) Math & Jr. Great Books
Jelani Hurtault & Jonah Hiltebeitl (2015-16) after school Chess Club
Brian Reid (2015 Fall) Raspberry Pi computer coding
From CMS:
Diane Hutchins (2014-15) GATE Book Club
Jay Bickford (2014-15, 2015-16) Historical Investigations
Austin & Leigh Cheney (2015-16) FIRST Tech Challenge Robotics group
Also recognized: Tammy Step (2014-15, 2015-16) and Erin Fleming (2015-16) - both assist in
organizing resource materials for students/classroom teachers for in-class enrichment, curriculum
compacting and student contracts.
Up Next was the EIU Student Council for Exceptional Children
The EIU Student Council for Exceptional Children (SCEC) has worked closely with our Special
Education teachers over the past year and a half and have donated more than $1,000 to benefit our
students. This organization has greatly enhanced our schools’ ability to provide athletic and educational
opportunities for our students and is greatly appreciated.
Dr. Katie Havercroft and Dr. Jennifer Stringfellow – both are EIU Special Education Professors and
have been instrumental in forging this alliance with our schools.
Amie Hansen and Kaitlyn Lacy are the student representatives for the organization.
CUSD #1 Special Olympic volunteer coaches: Regina Beals, Amy Jackson, and Angel Warman
Also, recognized was board member Kelly Miller. Mrs. Miller was recognized at the IASB Illini
Division Dinner Meeting in September, for becoming a ‘LeaderShop Member’. Through attendance at a
series of LeaderShop programs, Academy members will have demonstrated a commitment to acquiring
knowledge, skills and resources that will enable them to reach the highest levels of school board
Under Public Staff Comments, President Coe asked if there were any requests or written
communications to the Board of Education. No requests were received.
Mr. Littleford reported that the district received two (2) Freedom of Information Act requests, which were
honored by the district.
1) Mark Michaels, IEA/NEA requested information regarding employees represented by the Association:
name, home address, work email, building, job position, subject taught, last four digits of Social Security
number, birthdate, hire date, and a telephone number.
2) Patrick McCraney, Better Government Association requested copies of the Collective Bargaining
Agreements, administrative contracts, school district budget, job titles and salaries of any and all district
staff employed by district, and any legal settlements January 1, 2014 to present.
Under Consent Agenda, President Coe asked if there were any items under the consent agenda that the
Board of Education would like to remove to discuss in closed session. Hearing none, Mr. Littleford
reviewed the items under Consent Agenda.
IV. Consent Agenda: Standard Items
A. Approve the minutes of the Public Hearing of September 16, 2015 and Regular Board Meeting
of September 16, 2015.
B. Approve the bills and payrolls for the month of September 2015.
C. Approve the Activity Fund Accounts for the CUSD #1 attendance centers, period ending
September 2015.
VI. Consent Agenda: New Business
A. Approve submission of the FY2016 School Library Per Capita Grant Program application to the
Office of the Secretary of State.
B. Officially recognize the Tri-M Music Honor Society as an official organization at Charleston
High School, and further, establish an activity fund account for the organization. The activity
account will be subject to the state guidelines regarding the use of activity fund accounts.
C. Approve the overnight/out of state trip request from the Charleston High School Choral
Department to travel to Kettering, Ohio to participate in the Kettering National High School ‘A
Cappella’ Festival on November 13-14, 2015. The district will pay the festival fee, competition
fee, travel, and substitute costs. The remaining cost will be covered by fundraising, music
boosters, and individual students.
D. Approve a Serious Safety Hazard Findings application #1-15-01, for a student attending Ashmore
Elementary School. The application will be submitted to the Department of Transportation for
final review.
E. Grant 302 (three hundred and two) gifted sick leave days to Debra Belleau, elementary classroom
teacher at Jefferson Elementary School.
VII. Consent Agenda: Employment
Accept a letter of retirement from Debra Belleau, elementary classroom teacher, effective at the
end of the 2019-20 school year.
Accept a letter of resignation from Kris Newell from her position as a special education
paraprofessional at Charleston High School, effective at the end of the day on October 30, 2015.
Accept a letter of resignation from Lisa Smith from her position as a paraprofessional at
Charleston High School, effective at the end of the day on October 10, 2014.
Grant a Family Medical Leave of Absence to Michele McDaniel, a Media Specialist at Carl
Sandburg Elementary School.
Approve the reassignment of Kathy East into the position as a special education 1:1
paraprofessional with student #01489 at Charleston High School, effective September 29, 2015.
Approve the reassignment of Shane Phebus into the position as a special education program
paraprofessional at Charleston Middle School, effective September 22, 2015.
Approve the employment of Angel Allen as a full time special education paraprofessional in the
ED Transition room a Charleston High School, effective October 22, 2015. This employment
was contingent upon the continued educational needs of the students and receipt of all
information required for employment.
Approve the employment of Kim Ferguson in the extra-curricular assignment as an Assistant
Cheer Coach at Charleston High School, during the 2015-16 school year. This employment was
contingent upon the receipt of all information required for employment.
Approve the following individuals to serve as volunteer coaches at Charleston High School
during the 2015-16 school year. These assignments were contingent upon the receipt of all
information required for employment.
Craig Boone
Boys’ Basketball
Craig Harris
Boys’ Basketball
Steve Kuchefski
Boys’ Basketball
Alexis Freeman
Girls’ Basketball
Michelle Schultz
Nick Niemerg
Josh Magee
Austin Mejdrich
Mario McCart
Approve the recommendation for Jason Weis to serve as a volunteer coach at Charleston Middle
School during the 2015-16 school year. This assignment was contingent upon the receipt of all
information required for employment.
Approve the list of substitutes/volunteers for Community Unit School District No. 1, effective
September 10 – October 13, 2015.
Accept a letter of resignation from Luke Fisher as the Head Wrestling Coach at Charleston High
School, effective immediately.
Grant a maternity leave of absence to Cristen Kimery, a paraprofessional at Carl Sandburg
Elementary School.
President Coe recommended that the Board of Education approve items under III through VII inclusive
on the Consent Agenda and under the addendum. Dr. Clarke moved and Mr. Miller seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, R. Miller, Jarrell, K. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Under the Superintendent’s Report: Presentation/A.L.i.C.E. Training
Mr. Littleford reported that various CUSD #1 administrators and staff participated in ALiCE training on
September 21-22 at the Central Office. He explained that ALiCE is a set of proactive strategies that
increase chances of survival during an active shooter event. The acronym stands for Alert, Lockdown,
Inform, Counter, and Evacuate. Charleston CUSD #1 currently utilizes preventative measures and
continues to improve upon our procedures, however, ALiCE training affords our students and staff a
greater chance of winning during an active shooter event. Other participants for the training included
Neoga and Arcola school districts, Busey Bank, and local/area law enforcement.
District Administrators Tim Keefe, Brad Oakley, and Patti Murphy were in attendance and provided an
information presentation on ALiCE training, (power point presentation located in official board book).
Next steps are to provide notice to staff, parents/guardians, media, and area law enforcement of the
District’s intent to initiate ALiCE training and its implementation in our schools. In November plans are
to begin training all staff members. A schedule/timeline will be developed for additional staff trainings,
including full drills and informal critical thinking drills. Plans are to implement training program for
students utilizing age appropriate materials, language, and practice. Mr. Oakley thanked the police
officers in the audience for their support in the ALiCE training, John Bennett, Erika Roa, and Brett
2015 Illinois School Report Cards
State and federal laws require public school districts to release School Report Cards to the public each
year. Illinois districts must make their School Report Card information available to the public no later
than October 31. Each School Report Card includes demographic, financial, and state assessment data.
Assistant Superintendent Todd Vilardo explained changes to the School Report Cards. The Illinois State
Board of Education has scheduled the release of the School Report Card for October 31, and these can be
accessed at: http://www.illinoisreportcard.com/. This web site can also be accessed through our district’s
In closing, Mr. Vilardo stated that the CUSD #1 Administrative Team will be sharing more information at
the November 18, 2015 Board meeting.
Annual Status Report of the District’s Gifted Program (GATE)
In accordance with Board Policy 6:130, Assistant Superintendent Todd Vilardo provided a report on the
status of the District’s Gifted Program. Mr. Vilardo acknowledged the work of the GATE Committee,
which consists of teachers, administrators, and parents. The committee meets annually to review the
design of the district’s gifted and talented program and offerings. Mr. Vilardo highlighted revisions to the
District’s Gifted and Talented Education Plan.
Board of Education/Administrative Retreat
Mr. Littleford announced that the Board of Education/Administrative Retreat has been scheduled for
Wednesday, October 28, 2015 from 5:00 – 10:00pm. The retreat will provide an opportunity to discuss
current District Goals, with an emphasis on the District Finance goal, and to receive input as CUSD #1
continues to be responsible stewards of its fiscal resources and seeks revenue sources that fulfill the
district’s needs. Mr. Littleford stated that Howie Crouse of the PMA Financial Network would be in
attending the retreat to present financial projections for the district.
Announcement of Vacancy/Timeline to Employ District Financial Consultant
Mr. Littleford announced that Financial Consultant David Kuetemeyer will be leaving the district after
December 22, 2015. He reviewed the timeline to fill the vacancy. A special meeting is scheduled for
5:30pm on November 11, 2015 to interview the finalist(s) for the position. The Board of Education will
employ the Financial Consultant at the November 18, 2015 regular board meeting.
Mrs. Miller moved and Mr. Coe seconded a motion that the Superintendent’s Report was received by the
Board of Education.
On roll call vote:
AYE: K. Miller, Coe, Clarke, Daniels, Jarrell, Coffey, R. Miller
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Moving to New Business: Contract Renewal - CUSD #1 Health Benefits Program
The district’s health insurance program is an Insurance Trust. The district insurance runs from January 1
to December 31. With the consultation of Steve Bushue of Bushue Human Resources, Charleston CUSD
#1 accepted self-insured proposals for a Third Party Administrator and reinsurance carrier as well as fully
insured proposals for Group Health Insurance coverage bid proposals for a Third Party Administrator and
reinsurance carrier for the group health insurance on September 29, 2015 at 2:00pm. Eight (8) companies
submitted bid proposals.
Mr. Bushue met with the CUSD #1 Health Insurance Committee on October 8 to summarize the
proposals and to discuss the recommendation. Mr. Bushue was in attendance and presented the
recommendation of the Health Insurance Committee as follows:
1) The health insurance committee recommends that the Board change health and dental coverage
from Coventry/Aetna to the Egyptian Area Schools Employee Benefit Trust.
2) The health insurance committee is recommending offering all 5 plans (Plan A, B, C, HDHP, E-1)
offered through the Egyptian Area Schools Employee Benefit Trust.
3) The health insurance committee recommends maintaining the premium contribution levels for the
2016 calendar year, unless otherwise negotiated.
4) Life Insurance will switch to Egyptian Trust with same $20,000 limit.
In addition, Mr. Bushue recommended the purchase of administrative cost through Aetna/Coventry at a
cost of $26,300.00 for 12-months to process remaining incurred but not reported claims.
It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education accept the recommendations
as outlined from the CUSD #1 Health Insurance Committee and recommended by Steve Bushue of
Bushue Human Resources, effective January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2016.
Dr. Clarke moved and Mr. Jarrell seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, Jarrell, K. Miller, R. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Mr. Littleford thanked Mr. Bushue for attending the meeting and presenting the renewal information.
FY2015 CUSD #1 Audit Report
Mr. Littleford invited Cleve Karch of Gilbert, Metzger & Madigan LLP to present the FY2015 Financial
Report for Community Unit School District No. 1. A copy of the audit was provided in the board
members information.
After introductions to the Board and audience, Mr. Karch presented an overview of the financial audit of
school district records and reports for the 2014-15 school year. He announced there were no instances of
noncompliance material to the financial statements of CUSD #1 disclosed during the audit. Mr. Karch
reviewed two repeat audit findings and two new findings, which has been resolved, all identified in the
Finding #1: (repeat finding) Internal control weakness due to lack of expertise in preparing
financial statements and disclosure in accordance with accounting standards.
Finding #2: (repeat finding) Total fund expenditures should not exceed legally adopted budgets.
Expenditures exceeded the budget in the Debt Service fund.
Finding #3: (new finding) The Transportation Fund had a negative cash balance in the common
checking account at June 30, 2015 and this is considered to be a loan from the other funds. The
fund expenditures within the Transportation Fund exceeded the available cash within this Fund
and the board did not take appropriate action to authorize an interfund loan from the Working
Cash Fund.
Finding #4: (new finding) The Illinois Pension Code specifically provides revenue from IMRF
tax levy can be used only for required employer IMRF contributions. The District’s levy request
was not appropriate to cover actual Social Security and Medicare expenditures.
After all questions were answered, Mr. Littleford thanked Mr. Karch for the audit report. Mr. Karch
thanked the administration, staff, and Board of Education.
It was recommended by the superintendent that the Board of Education accept the FY2015 Financial
Audit as prepared by Gilbert, Metzger and Madigan, LLP. Mrs. Miller moved and Dr. Clarke seconded
the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: K. Miller, Clarke, Jarrell, R. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
At 8:40pm, President Coe recommended that the Board of Education adjourn into closed session to
consider information regarding appointment, employment, compensation, and discipline of specific
employees of the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to
determine its validity. 5 ILCS 120/2/(c)(1)
Collective negotiating matters between the District and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations
concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. 5 ILCS 120/2/(c)(2)
Mrs. Miller moved and Mr. Coe seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: K. Miller, Coe, Clarke, Jarrell, R. Miller, Oakley, Daniels
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
At 9:22pm, Mr. Coe made a motion to reconvene from closed session. Mr. Jarrell seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, R. Miller, Jarrell, K. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
At 9:23pm, Mr. Coe made a motion to adjourn from the board meeting. Mr. Miller seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, Jarrell, K. Miller, R. Miller, Oakley, Daniels, Coe
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Jason Coe
President, Board of Education
Susan Daniels
Secretary, Board of Education