Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 11, 2015

Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 11, 2015
The Board of Education of Community Unit School District No. 1, Coles and Cumberland Counties,
Illinois met in regular session on Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at the Administration Building – 410 West
Polk Avenue, Charleston, Illinois 61920
At 6:30pm, President Miller called the meeting to order. At that time, he appointed Mrs. Miller as
Secretary Pro-Tem and asked for roll call.
The following board members were present:
Ron Miller, President
Jason Coe, Vice President
Kelly Miller, Treasurer
Scott Clarke
Susan Daniels
The following board members were absent:
Brenda Coffey, Secretary
Charles Jarrell
The following staff members were present:
Jim Littleford, Superintendent
Todd Vilardo, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction
The following staff member was absent:
David Kuetemeyer, Financial Consultant
Visitors 62 and 1 Member of the Press
The Board of Education received an addendum to their board packets which included:
VII. Consent Agenda:
CHS Extra-Curricular Assignments
- Resignation: CHS Head Wrestling Coach, effective at the end of the 2014-15 school year.
- Resignation: CHS Co-Trojet Coach, effective at the end of the 2014-15 school year.
New Business:
CHS Extra-Curricular Assignment for 2015-16 School Year
Removed recommendation to employ CHS Head Wrestling Coach from assignment sheet.
Removed recommendation to employ CHS Cheerleading Coach from assignment sheet
I. Remove Early Childhood & transfer wording from recommendation
J. Press release for CHS Assistant Principal
Under Focus on Students and Good News reports, Mr. Littleford announced that the artwork display
was provided by the Jefferson Elementary School Students – Penny Hess is the art instructor.
Charleston High School
Mr. Littleford presented Certificates of Recognition to CHS students, Jimmy Peterlich and Mackenzie
Rardin, who participated in the Area 9 Special Olympics Basketball Skills competition. Jimmy received
2nd place in his division Mackenzie received 1st place in her division and has advanced to the state finals.
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Mr. Littleford extended special recognition to their teachers, Amy Jackson and Angel Warman for the
time and effort they have given to bring back and sponsor the Special Olympics program at CHS.
CHS State Speech Finalists
Emma Walker and Katie Mueller were finalists in the IHSA State Speech Tournament. Emma won the
state speech championship in Oratorical Declamation and placed 4th in Dramatic Interpretation. Katie
placed 3rd in Impromptu Speaking and 8th in Extemporaneous Speaking. As a team, CHS finished 8th in
the state out of approximately 100 teams. Emma and Katie presented their performances to the Board of
Mr. Littleford extended special recognition to CHS Speech Coach Tina Winings as she continues to work
with CHS students following her retirement. Mrs. Winings introduced volunteer coaches and CHS
graduates, Nick Niemerg and Austin Mejdrich. She also introduced Marques Brown, serving as a
Volunteer Assistant Speech Coach and noted that Mr. Brown is also an EIU speech team member who
recently placed 3rd & 4th at the college nationals.
Under Public, Staff Comments or Questions, Written Communications, President Miller indicated
that there were three requests to address the Board of Education.
1) Brian Peterlich, spoke to the Board of Education in support of students receiving special
education services. He reported on a public forum that he attended that was hosted by the Illinois
State Board of Education and held in the Administration Office and was concerned about the low
ratings Charleston CUSD #1 in special education services received during an audit. He also
relayed his concerns on possible reductions being made in CUSD #1 special education areas for
the 2015-16 school year.
President Miller asked if the Board of Education could have a copy of the report received at the
forum and that Mr. Peterlich was referring. Mr. Peterlich indicated that the ISBE did not want
them to share the report.
Following a brief discussion between the Board of Education, Administration, and Mr. Peterlich,
Mr. Littleford indicated that he had a different report from the audit exit visit. He noted that the
District should receive a final written report within 45 days following the audit and then, they will
be able to discuss the results and next steps.
President Miller thanked Mr. Peterlich for sharing his concerns.
2) Jon Strader, read a statement from several parents of students on the CHS Boys Basketbball Team
requesting that the recommendation to re-employ the CHS Head Boys Basketball Coach be held
off until April board meeting.
Mrs. Miller asked Mr. Strader if the parents have addressed their concerns with the coach?
Mr. Strader indicated that the parents had planned to meet with the coach after the banquet, but
had just found out that the recommendation was being presented at this board meeting.
President Miller thanked Mr. Strader for his comments.
3) John Ronna, reported that he had a daughter that attended Franklin School in the DDC program
and had just heard Charleston CUSD #1 had planned to bring the students back to Carl Sandburg
Elementary School. His concern was parents had not been notified and how a change of routine
would affect his daughter and other students in the program. Mr. Ronna wanted to make sure that
the parent’s voices were heard.
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Mr. Littleford said that the Special Education Coordinator and building principals have just begun
discussions and planning. The DDC program is a part of EIASE program. He did note that the
administrative team is exploring the idea of bringing our students back into our schools. He
indicated that this part of the process does not include discussions with the parents and parents
would be notified when and if a change is in place.
President Miller thanked Mr. Ronna for his comments. He stated that this is an example of how
the CUSD #1 administrative team are always looking for ways to better serve our student’s needs.
President Miller asked if there were any requests from the Board of Education to remove any of the
consent agenda items or addendum items for discussion. There were no requests from the Board of
Mr. Littleford reviewed the items under Consent Agenda.
IV. Consent Agenda: Standard Items
A. Approve the minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of February 18, 2015 and Special Meeting of
February 25, 2015.
B. 1. Approve the bills and payrolls for the month of February 2015.
2. Approve the Activity Fund Accounts for the CUSD #1 attendance centers, period ending
February 2015.
V. Consent Agenda: Old Business
VI. Consent Agenda: New Business
A. Approve the renewal membership of Charleston High School in the Illinois High School
Athletic Association for the 2015-16 school year.
B. Approve the overnight/out of state trip request from the Charleston High School Choral
Department to travel to New Orleans on March 12-14, 2016.
C. Continue the service arrangement with the firm of Gilbert, Metzger and Madigan, Certified
Public Accountants, to perform the annual audit for Community Unit School District No. 1. The
firm will also prepare the school district’s Annual Financial Report for the Illinois State Board of
D. Continue to use the law firm of Miller, Tracy, Braun, Funk & Miller, Ltd. to seek legal advice
when determined appropriate by the Board of Education and/or the superintendent and for the
purpose of negotiations between the Board of Education, the Charleston Education Association,
and Charleston Educational Support Personnel Association.
E. Continue to use the law firm of Hodges, Loizzi, Eisenhammer, Rodick, & Kohn, Ltd. to seek
legal advice when determined appropriate by the Board of Education and/or the superintendent.
VII. Consent Agenda: Employment
 Grant a Family Medical Leave to Kelsey Hoenes, paraprofessional at Mark Twain
Elementary School.
 Approve the transfer of the following paraprofessionals at Carl Sandburg Elementary
School, effective February 19, 2015.
Angel O’Brien
1:1 Paraprofessional for Student #21971 to the position
of Special Education Program Paraprofessional
Valerie Weidner
Special Education Program Paraprofessional to the
position of 1:1 Paraprofessional for Student #21971
 Accept a letter of resignation from Al Lord as the JV Baseball Coach at Charleston High
School, effective immediately.
 Approve the employment of James Miller in the extra-curricular assignment as the
Assistant Baseball Coach at Charleston High School during the 2015 spring sports
season. Employment contingent upon the receipt of all required paperwork.
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Accept the recommendation for the following individuals to serve as volunteer
coaches/sponsors at Charleston High School during the 2015 spring sports season:
Sean Hussey
Jason Euler
 Approve the list of CUSD #1 substitutes as of February 10 – 27, 2015.
Addendum Items:
 Contingent upon finding a suitable replacement, accept a letter of resignation from Tyler
Hanner as the Head Wrestling Coach at Charleston High School, effective at the end of
the 2014-15 school year.
 Accept a letter of resignation from Lacey Thompson as the Co-Trojet Coach at
Charleston High School, effective at the end of the 2014-15 school year.
President Miller recommended that the Board of Education approve items under IV through VII inclusive
on the Consent Agenda to include the addendum items. Mr. Coe moved and Mrs. Daniels seconded the
On roll call vote:
AYE: Coe, Daniels, Clarke, K. Miller, R. Miller
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Under the Superintendent’s Report:
Presentation/CUSD #1 Five-Year Financial Projections - PMA Financial Group
Mr. Littleford reported that the District utilizes a data based financial planning program prepared by the
PMA Financial Network to help make projections on fiscal trends. This financial planning tool has 57
interactive graphs, which utilize a full spectrum of assumptions in order to project the district’s financial
position. At that time, he introduced Howie Crouse, Senior Vice President of the PMA Financial
Mr. Crouse introduced Donald Weber, also of the PMA Financial Network. Through a power point
presentation, Mr. Crouse outlined the process of the financial planning program and how the plan is used
in making important financial decisions for a school district, (see official board book). He reported that
he based projections on the increase in state aid to school that the governor was proposing. For the last
three years, the state reduced or ‘pro-rated’ state aid, decreasing the actual allocation to 89 percent. With
the governor’s proposal, state would still pro-rate its funding but it would be cut to 94.5 percent. The
difference for CUSD #1 funding could mean an additional $300,000 - $400,000 per year. This was
predictions as the state budget was not yet finalized and may not be until summer. Mr. Crouse also talked
to the Board about pension reform and shifting costs from the state to school districts. He outlined fund
balances and projections based on enrollment through the 2020 school year. Mr. Crouse pointed out that
the district did have a significant deficit in this year’s budget and it would likely continue, but each year
the deficits are projected to be smaller. Mr. Crouse commended the Board and Administrative staff for
foreseeing the need to make budget reductions several years ago, stating that this had a significant
positive impact on the District’s financial projections and building up fund balances. He noted that
CUSD #1 was no were near in financial distress as some districts.
Open discussion took place among the Board of Education, Administration, and Mr. Crouse regarding the
projections for the district and issues to watch coming from the state to include Senate Bill 1 – Pension
Reform and the state budget.
Mr. Littleford thanked Mr. Crouse for his presentation. He stated that the Board will probably still have
to look at budget reductions at some point.
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Procedure/Response to E-Mail(s) – Board of Education
Mr. Littleford reported that Public Act 098-0930 enacted new law regarding internet posting requirements
for the Board of Education to list a public e-mail address, (50 ILCS 205/20 new). At the February 18,
2015 regular board meeting, it was the consensus of the Board of Education to have one e-mail address
available on the CUSD #1 web site to be published. Several questions have come forward from board
members on responses to e-mails received. Mr. Littleford provided a general response to the sender that
the e-mail has been received and will be forwarded. He asked Board of Education for input or consensus
on the response to e-mails.
Discussion took place among the Board and administration regarding responses to e-mails directed and
answered by individual board members and the possibility of violations to the Open Meetings Act,
President Miller reported on a discussion that he had with School Attorney Chris Miller, who advised that
board members not individually respond through e-mail to avoid violations to the OMA. However, it was
okay for a board member to respond by calling the person directly. Otherwise, responses to an e-mail
directed to the Board of Education should come from the Superintendent.
Mr. Coe indicated that he would like to revisit this topic later.
President Miller indicated that he was okay with the Superintendent responding to e-mails directed to the
Board of Education to avoid violations to the OMA.
Dr. Clarke moved and Mr. Coe seconded a motion that the Superintendent’s Report was received by the
Board of Education.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, Coe, Daniels, K. Miller, R. Miller
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Under New Business: Adopt Resolution/Interfund Loan
The Charleston CUSD #1 Transportation Fund has insufficient funds available to pay transportation
charges, due to the State of Illinois not issuing reimbursement payments in a timely manner. It was the
recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education adopt the attached Resolution for an
Interfund Loan between the Working Cash Fund and Transportation Fund in the amount of $146,000.
Dr. Clarke moved and Mrs. Daniels seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, Daniels, Coe, K. Miller, R. Miller
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Establish Special Board Meeting/Organization of Board of Education
President Miller moved and Mr. Coe seconded the motion to establish Tuesday, May 5, 2015 at 6:00pm
as a Special Board meeting to re-organize the Board of Education following the April 7, 2015 school
board election.
On roll call vote:
AYE: R. Miller, Coe, Clarke, Daniels, K. Miller
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
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Student Fees/Charges for 2015 – 2016 School Year
It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education establish the 2015-16
Student Fees/Charges Schedule as presented. Mr. Coe moved and Mrs. Daniels seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Coe, Daniels, Clarke, K. Miller, R. Miller
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
2015 Summer School Program – Establish Courses/Fees – Establish Schedule
It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education approve the fees and course
offerings as presented for the 2015 Summer School program. Dr. Clarke moved and Mr. Coe seconded
the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, Coe, Daniels, K. Miller, R. Miller
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Contract Renewal: CUSD #1 Energy Education Manager
It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education re-employ Bill Monken as
Energy Education Manager for Charleston Community Unit School District No. 1 for the 2015-2016
school year with an annual stipend of $13,102. The stipend amount remains the same as for the previous
five years. Dr. Clarke moved and Mrs. Daniels seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, Daniels, Coe, K. Miller, R. Miller
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Employments 2015-16: Transitional Program of Instruction (TPI) Tutor
The superintendent recommended that the Board of Education re-employ Ulda “Merai” Mier as a part
time Transitional Program of Instruction (TPI) Tutor for the 2015-2016 school year. Mr. Coe moved and
Dr. Clarke seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Coe, Clarke, Daniels, K. Miller, R. Miller
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Renewal Certified Contracts for 2015-2016 School year
It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education issue employment contracts
to the following certified persons as listed for the 2015-2016 school year.
Second Year Contracts
Renae Hernandez - CHS
Rebecca Hoesman - CHS
Charles Jaques - CHS
Ellen Krcik – CHS
Kayla Napue – CHS
Justin Tomaska – CHS
Danielle Rook – CMS
Abigail Schmitz – CMS
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Fourth Year Contracts
Sarah Barger - CHS
Belle Long - CHS
Emily Perry - CHS
Jacob Roskovensky - CHS
Regina Beals - CMS
Megan McDevitt - CMS
Blair Dosch - Carl Sandburg
Darlene Coffin – Carl Sandburg
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Second Year Contracts
Holly Pantle – CMS
Rebecca Gallo - Ashmore
Shari Porter – Ashmore
Christina Coffey – Carl Sandburg
Lauren Smith – Carl Sandburg
Amy Gonzalez – Carl Sandburg
Rachel Schaub – CS/Jefferson/Ashmore
Shelby Eversole – Jefferson
Mary Bower – Jefferson
Yvonne Larson – Jefferson
Gina Meister – Jefferson
Kim Lemmon-Rich – Jefferson
Jodi Cline – Jefferson
Mandy Clarkson – Jefferson
Shantel Walker – Mark Twain
Diana Veach – Mark Twain/Carl Sandburg
Third Year Contracts
Jessica Cleeton - CHS
Angel Warman - CHS
Mark Williams - CHS
Andrea Miller - CMS
Paige Nordland – Carl Sandburg
Caitlin Harris – Carl Sandburg
Michele McDaniel – Carl Sandburg
Kaj Holm - Jefferson
Amber Spitz – Jefferson
Debbie Oakley – Mark Twain
Jami Goetten – Mark Twain
Jessica Mahannah – MT/Ash/Jeff
Fourth Year Contracts
Penny Hess - Jefferson
Justin Bledsaw - Jefferson
Erin VanDeursen - Mark Twain
Danielle Bily - Mark Twain
Tenure Contracts
Stephanie Habing – CHS/Jefferson
Jennifer Taylor - CHS
Teresa Beck – CMS/Jefferson
Chris Bily - CMS
Angie Buescher - CMS
Chelsie Doughty - CMS
Emily Hecht - CMS
Courtney Moffett – CMS
Lisa Schertz – Carl Sandburg
Grace Kennedy – Carl Sandburg
Michelle Lynn – Carl Sandburg
Tiffany Triemstra – Jefferson
Lauren Covington - Jefferson
Frances Poris - Jefferson
Amanda Denler – Mark Twain
Part Time
Jana Sweeney – 40% Ashmore
Katie Williams – 50% Ashmore/CMS
Mandy White – 60% Ash/Mark Twain
Dr. Clarke moved and Mrs. Daniels seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Clarke, Daniels, Coe, K. Miller, R. Miller
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Extra-Curricular Assignments – CHS & CMS for 2015-2016 School Year
President Miller moved to table the recommendation to employ the coaching staff/sponsors in the extracurricular assignments at Charleston High School and Charleston Middle School for the 2015 fall and
winter sports season until the April 15, 2015 board meeting. Mr. Coe seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: R. Miller, Coe, Clarke
NAY: Daniels, K. Miller
Motion carried
Abstain: none
2015-2016 Budget Reduction Plan
Mr. Littleford presented the 2015-16 budget reduction plan. He reported that discussions with the CUSD
#1 Administrative team and Board of Education have been ongoing. He also reported that he had met
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with CEA President Gail Schultz and provided notification letters on upcoming the Reductions in Force
as presented. Below is an outline of the current plan that has been shared with the CEA President.
Reduction-in-Force – teaching positions through retirement attrition:
 2 Elementary Education positions (note that the total elementary classroom sections
would be reduced from 53 to 51. Planning for the average K-6 class size would be at
26.4 class compared to 25.25 in 2014-2015. The largest class size planned in recent years
was 26.6 in 2010-2011.)
 LBS1 position
Mr. Littleford asked the Board of Education if they had any questions regarding the plan as board action
was not required.
By consensus, the Board of Education agreed with the reductions to eliminate the three teaching positions
for the 2015-16 school year unless enrollment numbers justify filling the positions later.
Employment/Assistant Principal for Charleston High School
Mr. Littleford reported that on January 27, 28, and 29, 2015 a committee screened applications with a
rubric to determine six candidates to be considered for the CHS Assistant Principal position. Team
interviews were held with six potential candidates on Saturday, February 7, 2015. The two finalists were
interviewed by the Board of Education on Wednesday, February 25, 2015. The closed session interviews
lasted approximately 45 minutes per candidate. Questions were specifically job-related and designed to
share leadership style with the Board of Education.
It was the recommendation of the superintendent that the Board of Education approve a one year,
10-month administrative contract with Tim Keefe to be employed as the Assistant Principal for
Charleston High School beginning July 1, 2015. Mrs. Daniels moved and Dr. Clarke seconded the
On roll call vote:
AYE: Daniels, Clarke, Coe, K. Miller, R. Miller
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Mr. Littleford introduced and welcomed Tim Keefe to the District. Mr. Keefe provided background
information on his work experience and family. He said that he was very happy to have the opportunity
to come to Charleston and looked forward to his new position. (Press release located in official board
At 8:16pm Mr. Coe moved to adjourn from the board meeting. Dr. Clarke seconded the motion.
On roll call vote:
AYE: Coe, Clarke, Daniels, K. Miller, R. Miller
NAY: none
Abstain: none
Motion carried
Ronald L. Miller
President, Board of Education
Brenda L. Coffey
Secretary, Board of Education
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