KCCI.com, IA 09-26-07 King Reacts To Canceled Speaking Event Activist To Speak At ISU, Drake "I don't want to play both sides. I need to think of what's best for the students at Roosevelt High School," Danielson said. Marching with a small group of anti-abortion supporters in Des Moines, King explained how she was once a supporter of abortion rights. Twice she made the choice to have an abortion. She said that is why she regularly stops at clinics so other women will learn from her mistakes. "When I see people go in and out the doors, I'm like, 'Honey, please don't do it,'" she said. King said her message is not threatening, it's just misunderstood. "Human nature tends to stereotype people, and people might think that I'm a one-message person," she said. King said that is more about life, liberty and justice. "We pray for the least among us, the children in the womb," she said. Instead of a debate over abortion, she focuses on civil rights. "Martin said the Negro cannot win if he's willing to sacrifice the futures of his children for immediate personal comfort and safety, so I come from a pro-life family," King said. Sharing stories about her uncle is always a major part of any presentation King said she makes to students. King also talks about how abortion, teen pregnancy and drugs can ruin lives and dreams and lead to other problems. "If you can kill your weakest and your youngest then you can have people commit all kinds of crimes," she said. King said if invited she would speak at Roosevelt High School in the future. She is speaking at 8 p.m. Wednesday at the Iowa State University's Memorial Union and Thursday night at Drake University. The clinic where King was marching Wednesday does not provide abortions. The clinic offers prenatal care, family planning and adoption services.