Factors for Free Sex to Occur Internal Factor • The desire to be understood and loved • Want to be exist in society by following sex trend • Lack in faith with their partner External Factor • Negative influence from technologies • Drugs • Lack of proper sex education • Lack of parental supervision • Wrong in choosing friend/partner • Drunk or unconscious 1. Physical Problems! 2. Danger of behavioral and psychiatric! • Become addicted to sex that often leads to risky behavior so that they can satisfy the addiction! • Becomes reticent, unwilling to get along! • Diminished feelings of self worth, and self esteem! 3. Social Problem • Public won't accept them because they are seen was disgusting and dirty morally and have break the social norm and values • Lack of social skill because they tend to be more secretive • Many affair may happen Abortion • Is the termination of human pregnancy done during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. • Abortion is illegal in most developing countries including Indonesia but legal in developed countries for “human rights” and “safety” Why abortion is done? Procedures of Abortion! • (Video will be shown)! Moral Values! • Abortion even though legal in many places is wrong. Because it is equal to murder.! • Couples should be responsible as a consequent of their free sex. ! • The baby in the womb that has formed is considered as a life and he/she deserves the rights to live (Human Rights). Not the parents that decide.!