Des Moines Register 05-17-07 Humane treatment does pay

Des Moines Register
Humane treatment does pay
What a concept - Mother Nature actually knows what's best for pigs. Now it's
backed up by a study recently completed by Iowa State University researchers
("ISU Study Stirs Debate About Crates for Sows," May 11).
Overseers of Iowa's animal concentration camps have long maintained that they
know what's best for hogs. In actuality, it's only the bottom line that has ever
mattered; the welfare of these animals has never been a consideration.
For those of us who have long railed against the brutal immobilization of hogs in
iron maidens, the simple fact that the bottom line is adversely affected by this
cruel practice is the best news we could have received.
Treat these animals humanely and the bottom line improves. Nothing else
- Lu Ann Hinz,
Des Moines.