Des Moines Register 07-15-06 Letters to the Editor REGISTER READERS Register should have focused on positive I’m disappointed with The Des Moines Register. You missed an opportunity to have positive, heart-warming front-page stories about the successes (and even failures) of the [Special Olympics] athletes. You could have done some educational pieces on the various disabilities and the disorders that cause them. You could have helped abolish some of the myths and stereotypes about Special Olympians. Instead, you chose to focus on a screw-up by the Iowa State Daily, the lack of general public at the games and the flu outbreak. Less than half a percent of the athletes became ill. Since when is that news? Schools in Iowa often have 50 percent of their students out during an “outbreak” of the stomach flu each year and it doesn’t make the paper at all, let alone the front page. — Kathy Pinkerton, Boone.