Can Cloud Computing and Optical Networking S Save th the Planet? Pl t? Rod Tucker, Jayant Baliga, Robert Ayre, Kerry Hinton ARC Special Research Centre for Ultra-Broadband Information Networks (CUBIN) University of Melbourne Cloud Computing What do the following have in common? • Happiness • Love • Marketing Hype • Recession • Cloud Computing p g They all mean different things to different people Summary Cloud Computing as a Logistics Problem Key elements of logistics • Processing • Storage • Transport Energy costs Cloud Computing Energy Model Computer, Storage Enterprise Data Center Storage Servers, Processors PON Access Network Fiber OLT Core Network Core Router Broadband Network G Gateways OXC Edge Routers Ethernet Switch Servers, Processors M t /Ed Network Metro/Edge N t k Storage Public Data Center Cloud Splitter ONU Total Energy Consumption = Energy/bit used in • Storage • Transport • Processing X Total number of bits Network Energy Model 1000 2009 Energy per bit (n nJ) 100 10 1 01 0.1 0 01 0.01 Optical Amp PoS Ethernet Core PON Server WDM Switch Router ONU (10 Mb/s) Tx/Rx Data Centre Energy Model Edge Router 26 nJ/b Servers 430 nJ/b Storage 8 pW/b p [29 nJ/hr/b] LAN – 2 stages of aggregation using g Ethernet switches Baliga et al., OThT6 Watts not Joules User Hardware Energy Model • End user computer: – High Energy Use Desktop 140 Watts • Eg. Intel Quad-core, or older P4, mid-range graphics – Modern mid-range Desktop 70 Watts • Eg. Intel Core Duo 2.5 GHz, 2 GB RAM, mid-range graphics – Low-end Desktop/Thin Client 18 Watts • Eg. g Intel Atom 1.6 GHz,, 2 GB RAM,, chipset-based p graphics g p – Ignore monitor (LCD/CRT) energy consumption • This will be similar in all our comparisons Outsource to Cloud or Oversize Computer? Should I use a low-end Computer & Outsource Jobs Computing Resource Service Center Metro/Edge Network Outsource jobs Access Network Low energy consumption. - OR Use a high-end g computer p that can handle any of my jobs But high energy consumption even for light jobs Consider Three Scenarios 1. Software-as-a-Service – Stored on user’s computer with updates downloaded regularly • Eg current anti-virus software model extended to mainstream applications, MS Update (weekly patch) model 2 S 2. Service i B Bureau – Most tasks done on lower end user machine, outsource the “big” jobs 3. Computing-as-a-Service – Hosted and run on provider’s provider s computer “farm” farm with data initially uploaded from user • User data may be hosted or locally stored • Like enterprise “Thin Thin Client” Client model Can cloud computing save energy ? 1. SoftwareSoftware-asas-a-Service Data Center Service Center Metro/Edge Network Software as a Service Software-as-a-Service • Software maintenance I want to use the Word Processor Access Network Mid-range Computer 1. SoftwareSoftware-asas-a-Service Data Center Service Center Here is the latest version or patch Mid-range Computer Metro/Edge Network Software as a Service Software-as-a-Service • Software maintenance Access Network 2. Service Bureau Computing Resource Service Center Here is my raw video footage and edit commands Mid-range Computer Metro/Edge Network Service Bureau – Hardware & Software •Service Bureau for “Big” Jobs Access Network 2. Service Bureau Computing Resource Service Center Here is your DVD Image Mid-range Computer Metro/Edge Network Service Bureau – Hardware & Software •Service Bureau for “Big” Jobs Access Network 3. Computing Computing--as as--a-Service Enterprise Server Service Center Metro/Edge Network Computing (Hardware and Software-asa-Service) •Centralised Storage and Processing Access Network Here is the new data for my spreadsheet p Low-end or “Thin Client” C Computer t 3. ComputingComputing-asas-a-Service Enterprise Server Service Center Metro/Edge Network Computing (Hardware and Software-asa-Service) •Centralised Storage and Processing Access Network Here is the output file to print or e-mail p Low-end or “Thin Client” C Computer t 1. SoftwareSoftware-asas-a-Service Example Store on Local Disk or in the Cloud? • Energy gy impact p of the “Software as a Service” & “Storage as a Service” models • Compare the energy cost to store & transport 50 MB bl k to blocks t the th user, cf. store on local drive • Data Centre Service Centre Metro Network U Users require i 1GB and d 5GB “cloud” “ l d” storage t Access Network 1. SoftwareSoftware-asas-a-Service Example Store on Local Disk or in the Cloud? Storage of application & data “in the cloud” compared with storing on a local disk. 50 MBytes per download. Modern laptop-style laptop style HDD 20% read/write and 80% idle. Power C Consump ption (W)) 100 Transport energy dominates 10 L Local l HDD 1 0.1 1 GB Cloud Storage 0.01 0.01 0.1 5 GB Cloud Storage 1 D Downloads l d per Hour H 10 100 2. Service Bureau Example Computer used for 20 hrs/week, plus some video encoding of ½ hour videos Average P A Power Con nsumptio on, W 180 Older Computer 160 Transport energy dominates 140 120 Mid-range Computer 100 80 60 40 Low-end Computer & outsourcing 20 0 0 20 40 60 80 Number of Encodings per Week 100 120 3. Computing Computing--asas-a-Service Example Thin Client or Small PC in Office? • Office situation – non-intensive tasks, • Enterprise Server Service Center Should this office deploy: – a low-end machine per user OR “dumb, thin clients”? Metro/Edge Network • Commonly, thin client would receive and display HTML formatted data from the server • Thin client Thi li t capability bilit may be b limited li it d to t displaying di l i bitmaps developed from its server Access Network 3. Computing Computing--asas-a-Service Example Pow wer Saving g using T Thin Clien nt (W) Thin Client compared to Small PC in Office 7.5 “local” server 5 2.5 Distant Server 0 -2.5 1% 2% 5% 10% -5 0 1 2 3 4 Average Bitrate for Screen Refresh Mb/s Thin client solution “green” green only when the server is local 5 % of screen area updated per second Summary • Cloud Storage and Cloud Computing can provide energy savings – More so for less-demanding users – For handling the occasional intensive task • But... – Advantages may be lost when data transfer is large – This is where optical networking needs to come to the rescue • Cloud Cl d C Computing ti may nott save the th planet…. l t – But if used appropriately, it could help to mitigate the growth in energy g gy consumption p in our industry y – A classical Logistics problem