2001–2002 Arizona Vegetable Crop Budgets La Paz Western Arizona Yuma Yuma County La Paz County Trent Teegerstrom Research Specialist The University of Arizona John Palumbo Associate Research Scientist Yuma Agricultural Center Mohammed Zerkoune Area ANR Agent Yuma County Cooperative Extension Publication AZ1263 The University of Arizona • College of Agriculture and Life Sciences • Tucson, Arizona 85721 Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics Cooperative Extension Publication AZ1263 The University of Arizona • College of Agriculture and Life Sciences • Tucson, Arizona 85721 Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics 2001–2002 Arizona Vegetable Crop Budgets Western Arizona Yuma County La Paz County Trent Teegerstrom Research Specialist The University of Arizona John Palumbo Associate Research Scientist Yuma Agricultural Center Mohammed Zerkoune Area ANR Agent Yuma County 2001 Disclaimer Neither the issuing individual, originating unit, Arizona Cooperative Extension, nor the Arizona Board of Regents warrant or guarantee the use of results of this publication issued by the Arizona Cooperative Extension and its cooperating Departments and Offices. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U. S. Department of Agriculture, James A. Christenson, Director, Cooperative Extension, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, The University of Arizona. The University of Arizona College of Agriculture andLife Sciences is an equal opportunity employer authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function without regard to sex, race, religion, color, national origin, age, Vietnam Era Veteran's status, or disability. Table of Contents Arizona Vegetable Crop Budgets 2001–2002 Western Arizona Yuma County La Paz County Abstract ii Acknowledgments ii Introduction 1 Budget Table Descriptions 1 Table 1 Five-Year Average Yields and Prices, Colorado River Vegetables 7 Table 2 Representative Farms Descriptions 8 Crop Budget Tables 9 Yuma County Tables 3 A–F Projected Costs for Cauliflower (Yuma Valley North) 10 Tables 4 A–F Projected Costs for Romaine Lettuce (Yuma Valley North) 17 Tables 5 A–F Projected Costs for Fall Broccoli (Yuma Valley North) 23 Tables 6 A–F Projected Costs for Fall Leaf Lettuce (Yuma Valley North) Tables 7 A–F Projected Costs for Fall Lettuce (Yuma Valley North) 36 Tables 8 A–F Projected Costs for Spring Cantaloupe (Yuma Valley North) 44 Tables 9 A–F Projected Costs for Spring Honeydews (Yuma Valley North) 50 30 Tables 10 A–F Projected Costs for Spring Lettuce (Yuma Valley North) 56 Tables 11 A–F Projected Costs for Spring Watermelons (Yuma Valley North) 63 La Paz County Tables 12 A–F Projected Costs for Processing Dry Onions (Parker CRIR) 69 Tables 13 A–F Projected Costs for Fall Cantaloupe (Parker CRIR) 75 Tables 14 A–F Projected Costs for Fall Lettuce (Parker CRIR) 81 Tables 15 A–F Projected Costs for Fall Honeydews (Parker CRIR) 87 Tables 16 A–F Projected Costs for Spring Cantaloupe (Parker CRIR) 93 Tables 17 A–F Projected Costs for Spring Watermelons (Parker CRIR) 99 Tables 18 A–F Projected Costs for Fall Lettuce (Salome/Wenden) Tables 19 A–F Projected Costs for Fall Cantaloupe (Salome/Wenden) 105 111 Appendix A Tables of Prices of Selected Inputs, Western Arizona A-1 Appendix B Tables of Selected Inputs, Arizona B-1 i Abstract This 2001–2002 Vegetable Crop Budget Book is composed of tables estimating operating and ownership costs of producing vegetable crops in Western Arizona. The costs are computed for a representative farm using representative cropping operations derived from expert opinions of Arizona crop management specialists, county extension agents, and local growers, but they are not a statistical sample of farms in the area. These estimated costs are based on materials, custom services, labor, utilities, and machinery costs derived from surveys of input suppliers both within the county and throughout the state. Tables show individual operations required for producing the crop and they estimate the cumulative costs of production. Monthly resource and cash flows are also estimated. Summary tables include information on the total operating and ownership costs of production. Acknowledgments The authors would like acknowledge the cooperation of farmers, county extension agents, crop specialists, lenders, and input suppliers in providing information used in the cost estimates. Disclaimer Any products, services, or organizations that are mentioned, shown, or indirectly implied in this publication do not imply endorsement by The University of Arizona. ii 2001–2002 Arizona Vegetable Crop Budgets INTRODUCTION The table descriptions that follow give clarifying definitions and assumptions where such information The tables of this publication provide information on is needed. the costs of producing vegetable crops in Arizona. The crop production techniques and associated costs are to serve DESCRIPTIONS OF BUDGET TABLES as general guides to the costs incurred by producers in the area. Operations and procedures vary with local condi- The Arizona Crop Budgeting System provides six tions and farmer preference. Growers, lenders, and other tables to describe the details of each crop production users of this information should recognize the representa- system and the costs of production. These tables are tive nature of these income and cost estimates. Some grow- labeled as follows: ers may be more efficient than others. Adjustments to Table A. Income and Operating Cost yields, prices, and input requirements are probably needed Summary to refine the estimates of income and costs for a particular Table B. Allocation of Ownership Costs grower and area within a county.Crops selected for this Table C. Variable Operating Costs publication are based on their economic importance within Table D. Resource and Cash Flow the county and the availability of data for each crop. Requirements The remainder of this publication is divided as Table E. Schedule of Operations follows: Table F. Operations Calendar • Descriptive narrative of budget tables, All six tables are provided for each budgeted crop • Tables of average yields and prices, with the table number designating the budget and the • Tables of farm descriptions, following letter designating the table. • Budget tables for each crop, and These tables are ordered to provide • Appendices providing the support data for the • General summaries of cost, cost estimates, including estimated costs of • Detailed categorization of costs, and alternative water sources. • Technical information required for calculation This publication will not give the details of calcuof all costs. lating each item within the budget since most calcula- Each table is briefly described in the following tions are evident. paragraphs. Yield and Price Assumptions Yield and price assumptions are very important in estimating the gross revenue of various cropping systems. For the purposes of this budget publication Budgeted yields are based, in so far as possible, on five-year county average yields using the most recent five years available. Budgeted prices for each commodity are based on five-year state average prices since county level prices are not available. Due to the highly seasonal nature of most vegetable prices, particular caution is warranted in using these state level prices. 1 These items are subtotaled as Total Cash Land Table Headings All tables have the same general heading immedi- Preparation Growing Expenses. In addition, itemized harvest costs are ately following the table number and title. This heading gives location and crop-specific descriptions that Labor, define the crop being budgeted. The data provided inChemical and Custom Application, clude information on the location, soil type, irrigation Farm Machinery and Vehicles, water source, and crop yield. Custom Harvest/Post Harvest, Crop Assessments, and Other Materials. Income and Cash Operating Cost Summary (Table A) Table A for each budget provides a summary of the estimated income and operating costs incurred in producing the specified crop. The total income estimate is the sum of the contributions toward projected income of all products produced by the cropping system, including possible subsidies. Income estimates are based on five-year county averages for yields for most crops and five-year state averages for commodity prices. These estimates are shown in Table 1. The income projection is followed by a summary of operating cost in several categories: These items are subtotaled as Total Harvest and Post Harvest Expenses. Estimates of Operating Overhead for Pickup Use and Operating Interest are listed separately. Operating costs, including sales taxes where appropriate, are summed to provide an estimate of cash operating expenses. The final entry in the table provides an estimate of the Returns Over Cash Operating Expenses. The costs of this table are detailed in Table C described in a following section. Allocation of Ownership Costs (Table B) Table B provides a summary of the allocation of ownership costs and the resulting expected returns of the enterprise. The first three lines of this table are summaries of the information from Table A. Two sets of columns provide information on a “Cash Basis” and on a “Total Cost Basis.” The distinction is important. The long-term profitability of the enterprise requires that all cost (not just cash cost) be paid. Labor, Chemical and Custom Application, Farm Machinery and Vehicles, Irrigation Water, and Other Purchased Inputs and Services. Important Assumptions for Operating Costs 1. A charge is included for all labor services (except management) including “non-paid” operator and family labor. 2. An interest charge is calculated for all operating costs irrespective of the source of operating funds (loan or equity funds). 3. Yields are estimated using historical averages and trends for the appropriate crop and technology. 4. Crop price estimates are based on commodity trend and outlook information. 5. Costs of individual input items are derived from extensive data surveys and are reported in the appendices of this document. 2 An overview of the table shows that Cash Over- Cash rental rates are used as the total cost of land. In utilizing the cash rental rates all cost; opportunity costs, head Expenses include estimates for time costs, user costs, property taxes, and other overTaxes, Housing, and Insurance on Farm head costs associated with the land are captured in the Machinery (including vehicles), rental rate. Management Services are estimated on Taxes, Housing, and Insurance on “Total Cost Basis” by taking a percentage of Total Irrigation Equipment (excluding ditches), Operating Cost as is the common practice of profesGeneral and Office Overhead, and sional farm management farms, since these costs may General Farm Insurance. or may not be paid by the grower depending upon the The last two items are estimated as percentages of the farm’s organization. Most owner- or renter-managed Total Operating Expenses. The percentages are derived farms will not pay these costs directly. Assessments from conversations with farm owners and managers. made by irrigation districts, which must be paid Estimating procedures for Taxes, Housing, and Insurance whether or not a farm is producing, are charged as are more complex and are documented elsewhere.1 This land costs. If the budgeted crop is part of a “double group of costs is designated as “cash costs” since they crop” sequence, one-half of the land costs are attributed to each crop of the sequence. are generally paid in cash during the cropping year. Table B also provides estimates of net returns at variCapital Allocations are designated on a “Total Cost Basis” since they may or may not be paid during the ous levels of allocation of ownership costs. The level cropping year depending upon the equity/debt structure of net returns depends on whether one examines costs of the farm and the capital replacement strategy used. on a “Cash Basis” or a “Total Cost Basis.” Returns Over Farmers often replace capital equipment with large “lump Cash Operating Expenses, Returns Over Cash Operatsum” purchases. New equipment is then depreciated for ing Expenses and Overhead, Returns to Land, Mantax purposes and replaced when sufficiently worn out or agement and Risk, Returns to Management and Risk, when personal tax strategy calls for replacement. The and Returns to Risk (Profits) are all listed in Table B. funds for such purchases will be borrowed capital, Returns over Cash Operating Expenses are the equity capital, or a combination of the two. Interest will differences between Total Income and the Cash Operbe cash interest on borrowed capital and/or opportunity ating Expenses. If positive, these returns represent the interest on equity capital. Capital Replacement estimates funds available to pay overhead, ownership expenses, and interest costs for Farm Machinery, Vehicles, and land expenses, and management services plus profits. Irrigation Equipment are shown in Table B. 1 Teegerstrom, T. 2000–2001 Arizona Farm machinery Costs, Extension Bulletin No. 198026, Cooperative Extension, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, February 2000. Definition—Cash Basis Cash Basis includes all costs for labor, materials, custom services, and an interest charge. Land rent, land taxes, and irrigation assessments are assumed to be paid in cash if applicable. Definition—Total Cost Basis Allocations for costs which may or may not be paid in cash, but which are normally not paid in cash, are considered in addition to the cash items. These costs include allocations for capital replacement of farm equipment, opportunity interest on farm equipment and farm land, and a charge for management. Definition—Opportunity Costs Capital invested in farm equipment and farm land would earn interest or other revenue in alternative investment opportunities. Either the interest paid for the use of the capital or its opportunity cost is expensed. 3 Returns over Cash Operating Expenses and investment is risk-free and all inputs, including manOverhead are the residual funds available after Cash agement, are paid an appropriate amount equal to their Operating and Cash Overhead expenses are paid (ex- contribution, then net economic profit will be zero in cluding cash land costs). These funds are available to a competitive industry (such as agriculture). Table B concludes with an estimate of the breakpay for equipment capital usage, land usage, and management services. These returns are identical to Re- even prices of the primary output considering all of the costs previously described and the assumed yield. turns to Land, Capital, Management and Risk. Returns to Land, Management, and Risk further Break-even prices are those commodity prices below reduce the funds available by extracting the costs of which all resources will not be paid. equipment capital usage through Capital Allocations. These include the costs of Capital Replacement and Variable Operating Costs (Table C) Table C provides the detail costs of each operation reopportunity interest on equipment. The grower is assumed to have 75% equity in all equipment. Thus, 75% quired to produce the crop (some operations are perof the costs are considered non-cash and are allocated formed more than one time). The operations are listed on a “Total Cost Basis” only. These costs might be sequentially, with the machine and labor hours required partially cash as noted above in the category Capital to produce one acre displayed in the first two columns after the operation name. The next five columns give the Allocations. Returns to Management and Risk are the returns Machine, Labor, Custom, Materials, and Total Costs for remaining after charges for land usage have been ex- completing the operation one time. The next column gives tracted. Land clearly represents a dilemma in the alloca- the number of times the specific operation will be pertion of costs since it can be cash in the form of rents or formed. The final cost column gives the Total Expense leases, or can be partially cash and partially “economic” (Cash) for the total number of times the operation is percost. For 100% equity ownership of lands, the cash costs formed. The final column classifies the operation: are for taxes. However, opportunity interest on land ownership is charged for the “Total Cost Basis.” Land Preparation (L), Returns to Risk (Profits) further reduce the net reGrowing (G), turns for the costs of Management Services. This Harvest (H), charge is made on a “Total Cost Basis” only, since Post Harvest (P), or many farmers do not directly pay the cost of such Marketing (M). management services. Returns to Risk represent the purest level of profits after all resources have been The total cost for each of these categories is preallocated an appropriate portion of the returns. If an sented at the end of the table. Water Costs Arizona is a patchwork of irrigated farms which receive irrigation water from many different sources. This document estimates costs of production for each crop based on one assumed water source. Producing the crop in some other area of the county or state likely uses water from different sources. To use these estimates for areas other than their original ones, new water cost estimates should be made. New water costs estimates can be made by removing the water costs from the original budget and replacing them with the cost of irrigation water in the new area. 4 Finally, detailed lists of all of the equipment, labor, and All Costs presented in this table are variable opermaterial requirements for the enterprise are provided. ating expenses. No ownership costs are presented. A line entry (if appropriate) following the last operation describes the assumptions for pickup truck usage. Operating Interest is included as the last line of the table and represents the interest paid on the cash operating expenses excluding pickup truck costs. Total Cash Operating Expenses summarizes the total cost for each category for the total number of times the operations are performed. The specific physical details of operations are presented in Table E, including assumed job rates, materials, applications rates, equipment requirements, labor requirements, and custom costs. Table C also includes a summary of cost by Class of Operation: Schedule of Operations (Table E) The Schedule of Operations (Table E) provides the underlying information for the budgeted costs. The physical requirement and description of each operation is listed in detail, including the first month in which the operation is performed, the number of times the operation is performed, the tractors and implements required, the job rate (acres per labor hour) of each operation, the required materials (quantity, price, and units), the prices and units of required custom (or hired) services, and the labor type used to complete the operation. Since this table is very important in defining the physical elements of the budgeting process, each column is described in some detail in the table below. The physical descriptions of the cropping operations provide the documentation of the cropping system for which cost estimates are being made. Land Preparation (L), Growing (G), Harvest (H), Post Harvest (P), Marketing (M), and Operating Overhead (O). Operations Calendar (Table F) The Operations Calendar (Table F) is a flow chart Finally, a sensitivity of Net Revenues over Total Cash of the operations used in the production process of Expenses examines changes in net returns with changes each crop presented in the budgets. The table provides information on which month each operation occurs in price and yield of the produced commodities. and the number of times each operation occurs. Resource and Cash Flow Requirements (Table D) THE BUDGET TABLES Resource and Cash Flow Requirements are summarized in Table D by month where the abbreviations P, The results of the cost of production estimates are C, and N represent Previous Year, Current Year, and included in a series of Tables A through F for each Next Year, respectively. The Current Year is defined crop as noted in the Table of Contents. To aid the usas the calendar year in which harvesting of the output ers of this publication, a table of the abbreviations is takes place. Summary columns give information on presented below. Background data for these estimates the number of irrigations, water applied, and labor are provided in Table 2, Representative Farm Descriprequired in each month. Variable (cash) operating ex- tion for Budget Estimates, and Appendices A and B. penses are subdivided into Water, Machine, Labor, Appendix A identifies those data groups uniquely Chemical, Other Purchases, and Services for each specified by each county while Appendix B identifies month. The last column gives the Total Cash required the input items where state average prices were used. to pay variable expenses in each month. These dates Chemical materials provide a unique challenge for these all are based on the schedule and calendar of opera- estimates since each material is identified by its common tions described in Table E. generic name. However, in order to avoid confusion some Additional summary information totals all the re- (most) items are also identified, insofar as possible bequirement columns and provides plant nutrient, wa- cause of limited printing space, by trade names. Some ter, labor, and purchased energy (fuels) summaries. identifiers are truncated because of space limitations. 5 List of Column Headings for Table E Column Heading Description Column Heading Description No. The sequence number of each operation is provided for the ordering of operations. Job Rate First Month The first month in which each operation is to be performed is identified. An operation name may occur several times in a sequence of budget operations, but usually if all elements of the operation are identical (e.g., job rate or quantity of materials) then the operations will be combined into a single entry. Job Rate (Acres/Hr) is defined as the number of acres that can be completed per hour of labor. Machinery hours are usually less than labor hours. The budgeting program adjusts all job rates to provide labor and machine hours, as shown in Table C. Material Use and Cost Under this broad heading, all materials applied during a specific operation are identified using the following information. Name The name or names of any fertilizer, chemical, seed, water, or miscellaneous materials used in crop production are listed (one per line). In so far as possible, the names used are generic, nontrade names. This entry may be truncated. If questions about the actual material arise, refer to Appendices A and B. Appl. Rate Each material application rate is identified with the appropriate application unit. Operation The operation name is identified. Some abbreviations are necessary to fit the limited space available in the table. Equipment/ Custom Oper. This general heading identifies either 1) the combination of equipment required to accomplish the operations, or 2) the custom or hired service activity. This entry may be truncated. If quesions arise about the actual material, refer to the alphabetical entries in Appendices A or B. HP The horsepower rating of the tractor used in this operation is identified. If no tractor is used, this entry is blank. $/Unit This column specifies the cost of the material with the appropriate units at which the material is purchased. Self-Prop./ Implement The implement column identifies 1) the descriptive name of an implement used in the operation, 2) the descriptive name of the self-propelled implement used in the operation, or 3) the descriptive name of a custom activity used in the operation (preceded by the abbreviation CST). Multiple lines may be required for identification of implements towed behind tractors or vehicles. Service Cost The cost and purchase unit ($/unit) of any custom operation identified in the Self-Prop./Implem. column is noted here with the appropriate purchase unit. Labor Type The type of labor used in the operation is identified. Table of Abbreviations Units of Measure ai Appl CST Defol. Fld G Gnd Gr Herb Insur Irrig Active ingredient Applications Custom Defoliant Field Granules Ground Graded Herbicides Insurance Irrigation L Oper. Over. Prop. Rw Sk Spr W/ X # Liquid Operating Overhead Propelled Row Shank Spray With Times Number AF AI Ac, AC Ba Bn CW, CWT Cl, Cwl Cotton Ct, Ctn DB Ea Er Fn Ft Ga, Gal 6 Acre-Foot Acre-Inch Acre Bale 12 Bun 100 Pounds 100 Pounds Lint Gm HD Hr, Hrs Lb, Lbs Lg M MI, Mi Mu Qt Carton 1 Dozen Bunches Sk Each TF 12 Ears of Corn Th Tn, T Feet/ton Tp Feet Gallon Gram Head Days Hours Pound Lug Meter Miles Module Quart Sack Thousand Feet Thousand Ton Tarp 7 $5.26 Average 500 473 700 $6.63 Average $3.33 $3.32 $3.40 $4.16 $2.48 $3.30 La Paz Spring Honeydews Price per 40 pound carton 514 $7.80 $7.80 $8.84 $6.04 $7.68 712 605 808 780 763 605 $141.60 $144.00 $156.00 $160.00 $112.00 $136.00 22.05 22.00 22.95 21.90 21.40 22.00 Yuma Watermelons Price per 2000 pound container 1,060 950 950 1,200 1,200 1,000 Yuma Watermelons Harvested Yield/Acre Acres (Cartons) $7.63 Romaine Lettuce Price per 40 pound carton 8,500 7,300 8,100 9,700 10,100 7,300 Romaine Lettuce Harvested Yield/Acre Acres (Cartons) $141.60 $144.00 $156.00 $160.00 $112.00 $136.00 14.12 8.60 12.50 12.75 20.00 16.75 La Paz Watermelons Price per 2000 pound container 730 250 400 800 900 1,300 La Paz Watermelons Harvested Yield/Acre Acres (Cartons) $8.47 $7.59 $7.64 $10.53 $8.58 $8.03 955 770 783 922 1,343 957 Cauliflower Price per 23 pound carton 3,720 4,200 3,700 3,200 3,600 3,900 Cauliflower Harvested Yield/Acre Acres (Cartons) 1/ Price, Yields and Acres were obtained from Processors, Extension Agents, and Growers. Price includes Seed and Harvesting costs. $6.76 $7.00 $6.40 $6.64 $6.36 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Yuma Spring Honeydews Price per 40 pound carton Arizona Vegetable Prices ( Dollars per Carton ) Average 475 513 565 465 550 La Paz Spring Honeydews Harvested Yield/Acre Acres (Cartons) $7.30 $9.00 $7.93 $5.25 $6.65 $7.68 Leaf Lettuce Price per 25 pound carton Colorado River Vegetable Acreage and Yields 1996 200 400 800 1997 300 443 1,000 1998 700 488 600 1999 600 460 500 2000 700 575 600 Yuma Spring Honeydews Harvested Yield/Acre Acres (Cartons) $5.24 $4.64 $6.32 $4.88 $5.24 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Western Head Lettuce Price per 40 pound carton Arizona Vegetable Prices ( Dollars per Carton ) 5,180 1,162 823 Average 50,820 1,376 1,116 1,100 1,100 1,120 Leaf Lettuce Harvested Yield/Acre Acres (Cartons) Colorado River Vegetable Acreage and Yields 1996 57,000 713 4,150 1997 51,800 813 5,550 1998 51,000 875 7,000 1999 44,000 838 5,400 2000 50,300 875 3,800 Western Head Lettuce Harvested Yield/Acre Acres (Cartons) Table 1. Five Year Average Yields and Prices, Colorado River Vegetables $6.68 $9.28 $9.31 $6.32 $6.94 608 362 519 535 819 808 $6.98 $8.32 $7.68 $5.56 $5.52 $7.84 625 750 600 625 628 520 $6.98 $8.32 $7.68 $5.56 $5.52 $7.84 1,900 1,500 2,600 3,200 1,000 1,200 La Paz Spring Cantaloup Harvested Yield/Acre Acres (Cartons) $95.00 $80.00 $100.00 $90.00 La Paz Spring Cantaloup Price per 40 pound carton 811 850 993 838 750 625 18 18 18 18 Dry Onion (Processing)/1 Price per 1 Ton 1,875 1,700 1,900 1,850 Dry Onion (Processing)/1 Harvested Yield/Acre Acres Tons Yuma Spring Cantaloup Price per 40 pound carton 3,000 1,500 3,400 3,100 4,200 2,800 Yuma Spring Cantaloup Harvested Yield/Acre Acres (Cartons) $7.71 Broccoli Price per 26 pound carton 7,440 7,100 6,700 8,100 8,000 7,300 Broccoli Harvested Yield/Acre Acres (Cartons) $8.32 $7.68 $5.56 $5.52 $7.84 237 187 240 285 $8.32 $7.68 $5.56 $5.52 $7.84 450 338 325 445 603 538 $6.98 Yuma Fall Cantaloup Price per 40 pound carton 1,780 2,000 2,200 1,900 1,800 1,000 Yuma Fall Cantaloup Harvested Yield/Acre Acres (Cartons) $6.98 La Paz Fall Cantaloup Price per 40 pound carton 1,620 3,100 2,500 2,500 La Paz Fall Cantaloup Harvested Yield/Acre Acres (Cartons) Table 2. Representative Farm Description for Budget Estimation Vegetables Yuma La Paz County County General Characteristics Farm Size Land Rent Property Tax Rate (Average) Assessment Rate Appraised Land Value Land Cash Value Land Equity Sales Tax General Overhead Office Overhead Maintenance Overhead Management Overhead 500 $550 $13.2183 16% $1,314 $7,800 100% 6% 3% 2% 3% 6% 1000 $150 $10.6451 16% $450 $2,000 100% 6% 3% 2% 3% 8% Energy and Equipment Equipment Equity Machine Hours Unleaded Gasoline Diesel Fuel L P Gas Natural Gas Electricity Lubrication Factor 90% $1.110 $0.757 $1.034 $0.37065 $0.07035 15% 90% $1.140 $0.800 $1.075 $0.37065 $0.05800 15% 10% 6% 10% 10% 6% 10% 7.65% 8.45% 1.56% 13% 7.65% 11.28% 1.56% 13% Interest Rates Operating Credit Long Term Average Investment Labor Benefits FICA Worker Compensation FUTA Fringe Benefits 8 Acres /Acre /$100 Assessment 16% of Appraised Value /Acre /Acre of Material Purchases of Operating Costs of Operating Costs of Operating Costs of Operating Costs /Gallon /Gallon /Gallon /Cu. Ft. /kwh of Fuel Costs of Cash Wages of Cash Wages of Cash Wages of Cash Wages 2001–2002 Arizona Vegetable Crop Budgets Tables Western Arizona La Paz and Yuma Counties Note: Column and row totals may not exactly equal the sum of a row or column due to rounding error. Differences are usually less than $.10. 9 Table 3A. Income and Cash Operating Summary; Cauliflower, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Cauliflower AREA: Yuma Valley North INCOME -> FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 955.0 Ct / Acre WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter Item Unit Quantity Cauliflower Crtn 955.00 Price/ Unit $8.47 CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES (including sales tax) Paid Labor (including benefits) Tractor/Self Propelled Irrigation Other/ Contract Chemicals and Custom Applications Fertilizer Insecticide Herbicide Other Chemicals 10 Farm Machinery and Vehicles Diesel Fuel Gasoline Repairs and Maintenance Irrigation Water (excluding labor) Water Assessment (See Note Below) ** Other Purchased Inputs & Seed/Transplants Other Services and Rentals Budgeted /Acre $8,088.85 ____________ 112.25 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 584.92 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 73.05 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 0.00 372.11 ____________ ____________ ____________ 1142.33 ____________ 1.46 ____________ ____________ 2.85 ____________ ____________ ____________ 4327.25 4331.56 13.17 22.86 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ $5,509.92 $2,578.93 ____________ ____________ 196.11 176.00 Farm Machinery and Vehicles Diesel Fuel Repairs and Maintenance 1.25 1.60 Notes: The above figures do not include ownership costs, see table B for detailed cost allocation. ** A water assessment charge of $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. $8,088.85 20.02 13.59 39.44 1.46 TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES RETURNS OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES Your Farm Budget 155.06 414.68 3.89 11.29 Paid Labor (including benefits) Tractor/Self Propelled TOTAL HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSE OPERATING OVERHEAD -> PICKUP USE OPERATING INTEREST AT 10.0% Total /Acre 47.14 34.81 30.31 TOTAL CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES CASH HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSES Custom Harvest/Post Harvest TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 Table 3B. Allocations of Ownership Costs; Cauliflower, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Cauliflower AREA: Yuma Valley North FARM: Yuma Vegetables WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water ACRES: 1.0 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow YIELD: 955.0 Ct / Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter Item TOTAL INCOME at $8.47 / Ct TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES RETURN OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES CASH OVERHEAD EXPENSES Taxes, Housing and Insurance, Farm Machinery General and Office Overhead (5.0%of Total Operating Exp.) General Farm Maintenance (3.0% of Total Operating Exp.) Total Cash Overhead Expenses Total Cash Operating and Overhead Cost RETURNS OVER CASH OPER. AND OVER. EXPENSES CAPITAL ALLOCATIONS (100% Equity) Capital Replacement, Machinery and Vehicles Interest on Equity, Machinery and Vehicles -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $8,088.85 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $8,088.85 $5,509.92 $5,509.92 $2,578.93 7.74 275.50 165.30 $2,578.93 7.74 275.50 165.30 448.54 448.54 5,958.45 5,958.45 $2,130.40 $2,130.40 36.72 10.46 Total Capital Allocations 47.18 RETURNS TO LAND, CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK --------------------------------> $2,130.40 RETURNS TO LAND, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> 11 Land Cost / Rent or Lease Water Assessment ** 550.00 31.00 550.00 31.00 Total Land Costs 581.00 581.00 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> $1,549.40 RETURNS TO MANAGEMENT AND RISK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Management Services (8% of Total Operation Expenses) TOTAL OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OPERATING COST ( PER Lb ) BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER TOTAL COST $1,502.22 440.79 1,029.54 1,517.51 TOTAL COST $6,539.45 $7,027.43 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> $1,549.40 RETURNS TO RISK (PROFITS) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Item $2,083.22 -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $5.77 $1.08 $6.85 $1,061.42 -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $5.77 $1.59 $7.36 Table 3C. Variable Operating Costs; Cauliflower, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Cauliflower AREA: Yuma Valley North 12 No. First Month Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Oct Nov Nov Nov Nov Dec Jan FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 955.0 Ct / Acre ---- Hours * ---Machine Labor WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter ---- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) Per Operation ---Fuel/Rps. Labor Cust/Serv. Materials Total Disk 0.150 0.167 2.48 Rip 0.225 0.250 3.62 Laser Level 0.450 0.500 6.78 Make Borders 0.023 0.025 0.13 Preirrigate 0.909 Knock Borders 0.023 0.025 0.13 Dust Control 0.009 0.010 0.16 Apply Herbicide/Ground 0.015 0.017 0.11 Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground 0.015 0.017 0.17 List 0.150 0.167 1.69 Mulch 0.150 0.167 1.91 Shape Beds 0.138 0.154 1.64 Plant 0.300 0.333 4.90 Set Sprinklers 0.158 0.351 0.65 Irrigate/Sec Sys 1.205 Field Scouting Apply Insecticide/Air Remove Sprinklers 0.158 0.351 0.65 Make Basins 0.045 0.050 0.26 Irrigate/Run Fertilizer 0.125 Knock Basins 0.045 0.050 0.26 Cultivate 0.300 0.333 2.11 Spike Furrows 0.225 0.250 1.52 Apply Insecticide/Air Cultivate 0.180 0.200 1.26 Apply Insect./Ground 0.015 0.017 0.09 Apply Fert/Ground 0.225 0.250 2.20 Hand Weeding Apply Fungicide/Ground 0.015 0.017 0.09 Apply Insect./Ground 0.015 0.017 0.09 Shovel Ends 0.400 Irrigate 0.200 Harvest 911 Ct Residue Disposal 911 Ct 0.150 0.167 2.85 Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre 1.667 13.17 Operating Interest at 10.0 TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES (includes all times over): 1.47 2.19 4.39 0.22 6.97 0.22 0.16 0.15 3.89 3.00 0.15 1.46 1.46 1.35 2.92 2.88 9.24 57.95 77.97 196.11 10.00 4.75 2.88 0.44 0.96 0.44 2.92 2.19 9.38 6.20 4.75 1.75 0.15 2.19 38.02 30.29 33.06 75.00 0.15 0.15 3.07 1.53 11.29 54.66 4327.25 1.46 3.94 5.81 11.17 0.35 6.97 0.35 0.32 4.14 3.00 58.26 3.15 3.37 80.96 203.94 3.53 9.24 20.00 14.13 3.53 0.70 7.16 0.70 5.04 3.72 42.77 3.02 30.53 37.45 150.00 11.52 54.89 3.07 1.53 4327.25 4.31 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 Times 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 155.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 8.0 5.0 8.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 22.86 *NOTES: Machine and labor hours and operating cost are for one time over the designated acreage. The "Tot. Cash Expense" column and the "TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES" row include all operations, all times over. Classes are defined below. A water assessment charge of $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Tot. Cash Expense 11.83 5.81 11.17 0.35 6.97 0.35 49.17 4.14 6.00 58.26 3.15 3.37 80.96 203.94 3.53 9.24 20.00 14.13 3.53 5.62 35.80 5.62 5.04 11.15 128.31 6.03 30.53 74.89 150.00 11.52 164.68 6.14 3.07 4327.25 4.31 13.17 22.86 5509.92 Class L L L G G G G G G G L L L L G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G H P T Table 3C. Variable Operating Costs; Cauliflower, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Cauliflower AREA: Yuma Valley North FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 955.0 Ct / Acre OPERATING COST SUMMARY BY CLASS Land Preparation (L) 319.85 Growing (G) 822.48 Harvest (H) 4,327.25 Post Harvest (P) 4.31 Marketing (M) 0.00 Operating Overhead (O) 36.03 Total (T) $5,509.92 WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 SENSITIVITY OF THE NET REVENUES OVER TOTAL CASH EXPENSES ($/ACRE) Prices -> - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% + 25% Yields $6.35 $7.62 $8.47 $9.32 $10.59 Break-even Price - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% + 25% 716.3 859.5 955.0 1,050.5 1,193.8 Break-even Yield -50.65 209.62 383.12 556.63 816.89 859.35 1,301.61 1,596.45 1,891.29 2,333.55 1,466.01 2,029.61 2,405.34 2,781.06 3,344.66 2,072.68 2,757.60 3,214.22 3,670.84 4,355.77 2,982.67 3,849.60 4,427.55 5,005.50 5,872.42 744.13 437.90 343.63 282.76 223.40 6.42 6.11 5.95 5.82 5.67 13 Table 3D. Resource and Cash Flow Requirements; Cauliflower, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Cauliflower AREA: Yuma Valley North Month * Number Irrigations JUL C 1.0 AUG C 1.0 SEP C 1.0 OCT C 2.0 NOV C 3.0 DEC C 1.0 JAN N Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 Water Assessment Total % 9.0 FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 955.0 Ct / Acre Water Applied (inches) Total Labor (Hrs) 12.0 6.0 3.0 6.0 8.0 2.0 WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 -------------------------------------- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) -------------------------------------Purchased Fuel, Oil Other Water and Repairs Labor Chemicals Purchases Services Total 1.93 3.57 2.70 1.45 1.40 1.22 0.17 13.94 20.86 14.71 10.87 6.15 6.50 2.85 13.17 16.24 31.25 24.83 14.49 13.39 12.06 1.46 139.80 154.97 83.47 133.01 54.66 196.11 22.86 30.18 401.02 218.76 266.59 152.55 4400.48 4.31 13.17 22.86 4545.11 82.49 5509.92 100.00 13.00 24.25 157.75 4327.25 ** 37.0 12.43 89.06 1.62 14 TOTAL RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Total N 245.2 Total P 208.0 Total Labor 12.4 Total Water 37.0 EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Bed Shaper, 4 Rw 0.14 Hr Cultivator, Sweep, 4 Rw 0.30 Hr Furrow Spike, 4 Rw 0.67 Hr Lister, 5 Bottom 0.15 Hr Planter, Stanhay, 4 Row 0.30 Hr Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 0.15 Hr Tractor, 60 PTO HP 2.58 Hr Tractor, 175 PTO HP, 0.15 Hr V-Ripper, 7 Shnk 0.22 Hr MATERIALS REQUIREMENT (per Acre) 11-52-00, Dry 400.00 Cauliflower Seed 3.00 Cypermethrin 15.00 Permethrin 10.50 Trifluralin 1.00 Lb Lb Oz Pt Pt LABOR REQUIREMENT (per Acre) Irrigators 4.54 Hr Truck Driver 1.55 Hr 113.72 2.06 565.92 10.27 196.11 3.56 TOTAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Diesel Fuel 24.0 Gal Regular Gas 0.3 Gal Unleaded Gas 14.8 Gal All Direct Energy 5.2 M BTU Blade Scraper, 10' Fertilizer Injector, 4 Row High Clearance Sprayer, Offset Disk, 18' Power Mulcher, 4 Rw Sprinkler Trailer Tractor, 100 PTO HP Tractor, 235 Eng HP, Art. 20-0-0-45, Nitro-Sul Chlorothalonil Imidacloprid Permethrin Water, District Other 0.45 0.45 0.07 0.60 0.15 0.32 0.74 0.67 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Border Disk, 6' Disk Fertilizer Spreader, 28' Laser, Complete System Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Rolling Cultivator, 4 Rw Tractor, 40 PTO HP Tractor, 150 PTO HP, Truck, 5 Ton w/1000 Gal 0.77 0.01 0.45 1.67 0.36 0.32 0.45 1.39 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 25.00 2.00 16.00 8.00 37.00 Ga Pt Oz Oz AI 33-00-00, Amm. Nitrate, Chlorpyrifos Methomyl Spinosad 44.00 0.80 14.01 6.00 Ga Lb Pt Oz 0.80 Hr *NOTE: P = Previous Year C = Current Year N = Next Year ** A water assessment charge of $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Tractor 5.54 Hr Table 3E. Schedule of Operations; Cauliflower, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Cauliflower AREA: Yuma Valley North First No. Month Times Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 955.0 Ct / Acre Operation 3.0 Disk 1.0 Rip 1.0 Laser Level 1.0 1.0 1.0 155.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Make Borders Preirrigate Knock Borders Dust Control Apply Herbicide/Ground Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground List Mulch Shape Beds WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter Equipment/ Custom Oper HP Self-Prop./ Implement 150 Offset Disk, 18' 175 V-Ripper, 7 Shnk 175 Blade Scraper, 10' Laser, Complete System 60 Border Disk, 6' Disk 15 Aug Aug 1.0 Plant 1.0 Set Sprinklers 60 Border Disk, 6' Disk Truck, 5 Ton w/1000 Gal Tank 60 Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 CST Soil Analysis (Surface) 60 Fertilizer Spreader, 28' 100 Lister, 5 Bottom 100 Power Mulcher, 4 Rw 100 Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 Bed Shaper, 4 Rw 100 Planter, Stanhay, 4 Row 40 Sprinkler Trailer Aug Aug Sep 1.0 Irrigate/Sec Sys 2.0 Field Scouting 1.0 Apply Insecticide/Air CST Scout For Insects CST Air Spray, 5 Gal Mix Sep 1.0 Remove Sprinklers 40 Sprinkler Trailer Sep Sep 8.0 Make Basins 5.0 Irrigate/Run Fertilizer 60 Border Disk, 6' Disk Sep Sep Sep Sep 8.0 1.0 3.0 3.0 Knock Basins Cultivate Spike Furrows Apply Insecticide/Air 60 Border Disk, 6' Disk 60 Cultivator, Sweep, 4 Rw 60 Furrow Spike, 4 Rw CST Air Spray, 5 Gal Mix Sep Sep Sep Oct Nov Nov 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 3.0 Cultivate 60 Rolling Cultivator, 4 Rw Apply Insect./Ground High Clearance Sprayer, 18 Apply Fert/Ground 60 Fertilizer Injector, 4 Row Hand Weeding CST Hand Weeding Apply Fungicide/Ground High Clearance Sprayer, 18 Apply Insect./Ground High Clearance Sprayer, 18 Nov Nov Dec Jan 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 Shovel Ends Irrigate Harvest Residue Disposal Pickup use 50 Mi/Ac CST Harv/pack/haul 175 Offset Disk, 18' Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Job Rate Acres/Hr TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 ---------- Material Use and Cost ---------Service Cost Name Appl. Rate $ / Unit $ / Unit 6.00 4.00 2.00 40.00 1.10 Water, District 40.00 100.00 60.00 Trifluralin Labor Type Tractor Tractor Tractor 12.00 AI 0.00 AF 1.00 Pt 29.35 Ga Tractor Irrigators Tractor Truck Tractor 3.00 Ac 60.00 11-52-00, Dry 6.00 6.00 6.50 Imidacloprid 400.00 Lb 273.33 Tn 16.00 Oz 588.40 Ga 3.00 Cauliflower Seed 5.70 3.00 Lb 61.67 Lb 0.83 Water, District 6.00 AI 0.00 AF Chlorpyrifos Permethrin 5.70 0.80 Lb 1.65 Lb 8.00 Oz 120.50 Ga 20.00 8.00 Water, District 20-0-0-45, Nitro-Sul 20.00 3.00 4.00 Cypermethrin Methomyl 5.00 60.00 Spinosad 4.00 33-00-00, Amm. Nitrate, Tractor Tractor Tractor Tractor Tractor Tractor Irrigators Irrigators 10.00 Ac 4.75 Ac Tractor Irrigators Tractor Irrigators 3.00 AI 0.00 AF 5.00 Ga 240.00 Tn Tractor Tractor Tractor 5.00 Oz 291.66 Ga 4.00 Pt 48.94 Ga 4.75 Ac Tractor Tractor Tractor 6.00 Oz 609.67 Ga 22.00 Ga 270.00 Tn 75.00 Ac 60.00 Chlorothalonil 60.00 Methomyl Permethrin 2.50 5.00 Water, District 2.00 Pt 42.60 Ga 0.67 Pt 48.94 Ga 3.50 Pt 108.50 Ga 2.00 AI Tractor Tractor Other Irrigators 0.00 AF 4.75 Ct 6.00 0.60 *NOTES: Machine times, labor times, and material rates are for one time over the designated acreage. Tractor Table 3F Operations Calendar; Cauliflower, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Cauliflower AREA: Yuma Valley North No. Operation FARM: Western Arizona Vegetables WATER SOURCE: YCWUA TILLAGE: Double Crop ACRES: 1 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow SOIL: Sandy-Loam YIELD: 911 Ct/Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter DATE: 03/25/2001 ----------------------------------------Month and Times Operation Performed ----------------------------------------------Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Disk Rip Laser Level Make Borders Preirrigate Knock Borders Dust Control Apply Herbicide/Ground Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground List Mulch Shape Beds Plant Set Sprinklers Irrigate/Sec Sys Field Scouting Apply Insecticide/Air Remove Sprinklers Make Basins Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Knock Basins Cultivate Spike Furrows Apply Insecticide/Air Cultivate Apply Insect/Ground Apply Insect/Ground Hand Weeding Apply Fungicide/Ground Apply Insect./Ground 1C 32 Shovel Ends 33 Irrigate 34 Harvest 35 Residue Disposal * NOTE: P = Previous Year C = Current Year 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 5C 2C 30 C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 30 C 30 C 30 C 30 C 2C 2C 2C 3C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 2C 1C 2C 2C 2C 1C 2C 1C 1C 1C 2C 3C 1C 1C 1C 2C 1C 1C 1N N = Next Year 1C 1C 1C Table 4A. Income and Cash Operating Summary; Romaine Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Romaine AREA: Yuma Valley North FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 712.0 Ct / Acre Item INCOME -> Lettuce WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Mixed Greens Unit Quantity Crtn 712.00 Price/ Unit $7.63 CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES (including sales tax) Paid Labor (including benefits) Tractor/Self Propelled Irrigation Chemicals and Custom Applications Fertilizer Insecticide Herbicide Farm Machinery and Vehicles Diesel Fuel Repairs and Maintenance Irrigation Water (excluding labor) Water Assessment (See Note Below) ** 17 Other Purchased Inputs & Seed/Transplants Other Services and Rentals TOTAL CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES CASH HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSES Custom Harvest/Post Harvest TOTAL HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSE OPERATING OVERHEAD -> PICKUP USE OPERATING INTEREST AT 10.0% TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES RETURNS OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES Notes: The above figures do not include ownership costs, see table B for detailed cost allocation. ** A water assessment charge of $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Budgeted /Acre $5,432.56 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 Total /Acre Your Farm Budget $5,432.56 ____________ 189.22 ____________ ____________ ____________ 377.67 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 96.54 ____________ ____________ ____________ 74.66 114.56 98.67 222.58 56.42 40.35 56.19 0.00 711.00 ____________ ____________ ____________ 1374.43 ____________ 3150.00 3150.00 13.17 13.98 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ $4,551.57 $880.99 ____________ ____________ 636.00 75.00 Table 4B. Allocations of Ownership Costs; Romaine Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Romaine AREA: Yuma Valley North FARM: Yuma Vegetables WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water ACRES: 1.0 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow YIELD: 712.0 Ct / Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Mixed Greens Item TOTAL INCOME at $7.63 / Ct TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES RETURN OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES CASH OVERHEAD EXPENSES Taxes, Housing and Insurance, Farm Machinery General and Office Overhead (5.0%of Total Operating Exp.) General Farm Maintenance (3.0% of Total Operating Exp.) Total Cash Overhead Expenses Total Cash Operating and Overhead Cost RETURNS OVER CASH OPER. AND OVER. EXPENSES CAPITAL ALLOCATIONS (100% Equity) Capital Replacement, Machinery and Vehicles Interest on Equity, Machinery and Vehicles -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $5,432.56 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $5,432.56 $4,551.57 $4,551.57 $880.99 9.99 227.58 136.55 $880.99 9.99 227.58 136.55 374.11 374.11 4,925.69 4,925.69 $506.87 $506.87 57.25 25.44 Total Capital Allocations 82.69 RETURNS TO LAND, CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK --------------------------------> $506.87 RETURNS TO LAND, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> 18 Land Cost / Rent or Lease Land Cost / Ownership (100% Equity) Water Assessment ** 550.00 550.00 31.00 31.00 Total Land Costs 581.00 581.00 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> ($74.13) RETURNS TO MANAGEMENT AND RISK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Management Services (8% of Total Operation Expenses) TOTAL OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OPERATING COST ( PER Lb ) BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER TOTAL COST ($156.82) 364.13 955.11 1,401.93 TOTAL COST $5,506.69 $5,953.51 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> ($74.13) RETURNS TO RISK (PROFITS) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Item $424.18 -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $6.39 $1.34 $7.73 ($520.95) -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $6.39 $1.97 $8.36 Table 4C. Variable Operating Costs; Romaine Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Romaine AREA: Yuma Valley North 19 No. First Month Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Aug Aug Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Oct Oct Oct Nov Nov FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 712.0 Ct / Acre ---- Hours * ---Machine Labor Rip Disk Laser Level Make Borders Preirrigate Knock Borders Apply Fert/Ground List Shape Beds Apply Insect./Ground Plant Set Sprinklers Apply Herbicide/Ground Irrigate/Sec Sys Remove Sprinklers Make Ditches Irrigate Cultivate Thinning Apply Insect./Ground Apply Fert/Side Dress Apply Insect./Ground Harvest, Load & Haul 700 Disk Residue 700 Ct Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 0.900 0.600 0.450 0.180 0.180 0.450 0.300 0.180 WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Mixed Greens ---- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) Per Operation ---Fuel/Rps. Labor Cust/Serv. Materials Total 1.000 0.667 0.500 0.200 0.800 0.200 0.500 0.333 0.200 14.46 11.39 6.59 1.05 1.05 4.52 3.37 2.14 8.77 5.85 4.39 1.75 6.14 1.75 4.39 2.92 1.75 58.43 9.13 0.360 0.158 0.180 5.04 0.91 1.28 0.900 0.400 0.351 0.200 0.091 0.351 0.025 1.333 1.000 6.34 3.51 2.88 1.75 0.70 2.88 0.22 10.23 8.77 0.180 0.900 0.180 0.200 1.000 0.200 1.15 10.65 1.28 1.75 8.77 1.75 0.600 1.667 0.667 11.39 13.17 5.85 0.158 0.023 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 0.91 0.33 77.97 41.72 636.00 56.42 75.00 80.79 40.24 6.48 3150.00 23.24 17.24 10.98 2.81 6.14 2.81 67.34 6.30 81.86 50.85 644.55 3.80 59.45 0.70 3.80 0.55 10.23 15.11 75.00 83.69 59.67 9.52 3150.00 17.24 Tot. Cash Expenses Times 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 10.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 13.98 TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES (includes all times over): Class 23.24 34.49 10.98 2.81 6.14 2.81 67.34 6.30 81.86 50.85 644.55 3.80 59.45 3.49 3.80 0.55 102.25 15.11 75.00 83.69 59.67 19.04 3150.00 17.24 13.17 13.98 L L L G G G G L L G L G G G G G G G G G G G H L 4551.57 T *NOTES: Machine and labor hours and operating cost are for one time over the designated acreage. The "Tot. Cash Expense" column and the "TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES" row include all operations, all times over. Classes are defined below. A water assessment charge of $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. OPERATING COST SUMMARY BY CLASS Land Preparation (L) 818.64 Growing (G) 555.78 Harvest (H) 3,150.00 Post Harvest (P) 0.00 Marketing (M) 0.00 Operating Overhead (O) 27.15 Total (T) SENSITIVITY OF THE NET REVENUES OVER TOTAL CASH EXPENSES ($/ACRE) Prices -> - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% + 25% Yields $5.72 $6.87 $7.63 $8.39 $9.54 Break-even Price - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% 534.0 640.8 712.0 783.2 -694.28 -555.62 -463.18 -370.73 -83.12 177.78 351.71 525.64 324.32 666.71 894.96 1,123.22 731.77 1,155.64 1,438.22 1,720.80 1,342.93 1,889.03 2,253.10 2,617.17 1,068.74 568.03 432.83 349.62 271.37 $4,551.57 Break-even Yield 7.02 6.59 6.37 6.20 Table 4D. Resource and Cash Flow Requirements; Romaine Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Romaine AREA: Yuma Valley North Month * Number Irrigations AUG C SEP C 9.0 OCT C 4.0 NOV C 3.0 Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 Water Assessment Total % 16.0 FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 712.0 Ct / Acre Water Applied (inches) Total Labor (Hrs) 23.5 16.0 12.0 WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Mixed Greens TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 -------------------------------------- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) -------------------------------------Purchased Fuel, Oil Other Water and Repairs Labor Chemicals Purchases Services Total 2.33 9.51 6.93 4.67 37.25 33.54 14.35 11.39 13.17 20.47 77.29 54.94 36.52 234.54 134.00 636.00 13.98 57.72 1065.50 203.29 3197.91 13.17 13.98 3248.11 71.36 4551.57 100.00 84.13 3150.00 ** 51.5 23.45 TOTAL RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Total N 209.8 Total P 207.0 Total Labor 23.4 Total Water 51.5 109.70 2.41 189.22 4.16 368.54 8.10 636.00 13.97 TOTAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Diesel Fuel 45.6 Gal Unleaded Gas 5.0 Gal All Direct Energy 7.0 M BTU 20 EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Bed Shaper, 4 Rw 0.18 Hr Drag Scraper, 10' 0.45 Hr Lister, 5 Bottom 0.30 Hr Offset Disk, 18' 1.80 Hr Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 0.72 Hr Tractor, 80 PTO HP 0.36 Hr Tractor, 235 Eng HP, Art. 1.35 Hr Border Disk, 6' Disk Fert. Side Dress Unit, Manual Spray Rig, 150 g Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Sprinkler Trailer Tractor, 100 PTO HP V-Ripper, 7 Shnk MATERIALS REQUIREMENT (per Acre) 18-46-00, Dry 450.00 Lb Imidacloprid 16.00 Oz Romaine Lettuce Seed 800.00 Th 46-00-00, Urea 46 Methomyl Spinosad LABOR REQUIREMENT (per Acre) Irrigators 14.94 Hr Tractor 0.36 1.35 0.18 1.67 0.32 0.48 0.90 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 280.00 Lb 4.00 Pt 16.00 Oz 8.51 Hr *NOTE: P = Previous Year C = Current Year N = Next Year ** A water assessment charge of $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Cultivator, Sweep, 4 Rw Laser, Complete System Motor Grader, 12' Planter, Stanhay, 4 Row Tractor, 60 PTO HP Tractor, 175 PTO HP, Bensulide Permethrin Water, District 1.80 0.45 0.02 0.36 3.65 1.80 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 10.00 Pt 2.00 Pt 51.50 AI Table 4E. Schedule of Operations; Romaine Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Romaine AREA: Yuma Valley North First No. Month Times FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 712.0 Ct / Acre Operation WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Mixed Greens Equipment/ Custom Oper HP Self-Prop./ Implement Aug Aug Sep 1.0 Rip 2.0 Disk 1.0 Laser Level Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Sep 1.0 Apply Insect./Ground 60 Border Disk, 6' Disk 60 Fert. Side Dress Unit, 4Row 100 Lister, 5 Bottom 100 Bed Shaper, 4 Rw Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 Row CST Grnd Spray Insecticide Sep Sep 1.0 Plant 1.0 Set Sprinklers 80 Planter, Stanhay, 4 Row 60 Sprinkler Trailer Sep Sep Sep 1.0 Apply Herbicide/Ground 60 Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 5.0 Irrigate/Sec Sys 1.0 Remove Sprinklers 60 Sprinkler Trailer 21 Sep Sep Sep Sep Oct Oct Oct Nov Nov 1.0 10.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Make Borders Preirrigate Knock Borders Apply Fert/Ground List Shape Beds Make Ditches Irrigate Cultivate Thinning Apply Insect./Ground Apply Fert/Side Dress 2.0 Apply Insect./Ground 1.0 Harvest, Load & Haul 1.0 Disk Residue Pickup use 50 Mi/Ac 175 V-Ripper, 7 Shnk 175 Offset Disk, 18' 175 Drag Scraper, 10' Laser, Complete System 60 Border Disk, 6' Disk Motor Grader, 12' 60 Cultivator, Sweep, 4 Rw CST Thinning 60 Manual Spray Rig, 150 g on 60 Cultivator, Sweep, 4 Rw Fert. Side Dress Unit, 4Row 60 Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 CST Harv/pack/haul Leaf 175 Offset Disk, 18' Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Job Rate Acre/Hr TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 ---------- Material Use and Cost ---------Service Cost Name Appl. Rate $ / Unit $ / Unit 1.00 1.50 2.00 5.00 1.25 Water, District 5.00 2.00 18-46-00, Dry 3.00 5.00 Imidacloprid Methomyl Permethrin 2.50 Romaine Lettuce Seed 5.70 5.00 Bensulide 11.00 Water, District 5.70 40.00 0.75 Water, District 1.00 Labor Type Tractor Tractor Tractor 6.00 AI Tractor Irrigators Tractor Tractor Tractor Tractor 0.00 AF 450.00 Lb 245.00 Tn 16.00 Oz 588.40 Ga 2.00 Pt 48.94 Ga 2.00 Pt 108.50 Ga 800.00 Th 0.75 Th 10.00 Pt 1.10 AI 42.58 Ga 0.00 AF 4.00 AI 0.00 AF 9.13 Ac Tractor Tractor Irrigators Tractor Irrigators Tractor Irrigators Tractor Irrigators Tractor 75.00 Ac 5.00 Spinosad 1.00 46-00-00, Urea 46 5.00 Methomyl 16.00 Oz 609.67 Ga 280.00 Lb 271.17 Tn 1.00 Pt Tractor Tractor 48.94 Ga Tractor 4.50 Ct 1.50 0.60 *NOTES: Machine times, labor times, and material rates are for one time over the designated acreage. Tractor Table 4F Operations Calendar; Romaine Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Romaine AREA: Yuma Valley North FARM: Western Arizona Vegetables WATER SOURCE: YCWUA TILLAGE: Double Crop ACRES: 1 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow SOIL: Sandy-Loam YIELD: 700 Ct/Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Mixed Greens DATE: 03/25/2001 ----------------------------------------Month and Times Operation Performed ----------------------------------------------Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 22 No. Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 * NOTE: Rip Disk Laser Level Make Borders Preirrigate Knock Borders Apply Fert/Ground List Shape Beds Apply Insecticide/Ground Plant Set Sprinklers Apply Herbicide/Ground Irrigate/Sec Sys Remove Sprinklers Make Ditches Irrigate Cultivate Thinning Apply Insect/Ground Apply Fert/Side Dress Apply Insect/Ground Harvest, Load & Haul Disk Residue P = Previous Year C = Current Year 1C 2C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 5C 1C 1C 3C 1C 1C 4C 3C 1C 2C 1C 1C N = Next Year Table 5A. Income and Cash Operating Summary; Fall Broccoli, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Broccoli AREA: Yuma Valley North INCOME -> FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 608.0 Ct / Acre WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter Item Unit Quantity Broccoli Crtn 608.00 Price/ Unit $7.71 CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES (including sales tax) Paid Labor (including benefits) Tractor/Self Propelled Irrigation Other/ Contract Chemicals and Custom Applications Fertilizer Insecticide Herbicide Other Chemicals 23 Farm Machinery and Vehicles Diesel Fuel Gasoline Repairs and Maintenance Irrigation Water (excluding labor) Water Assessment (See Note Below) ** Other Purchased Inputs & Seed/Transplants Other Services and Rentals Budgeted /Acre $4,687.68 ____________ 117.45 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 1175.35 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 62.19 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 0.00 490.13 ____________ ____________ ____________ 1845.13 ____________ 2.19 ____________ ____________ 2.42 ____________ ____________ ____________ 2652.00 2656.62 13.17 24.37 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ $4,539.29 $148.39 ____________ ____________ 412.13 78.00 Farm Machinery and Vehicles Diesel Fuel Repairs and Maintenance 0.98 1.44 Notes: The above figures do not include ownership costs, see table B for detailed cost allocation. ** A water assessment charge of $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. $4,687.68 16.82 11.40 33.98 2.19 TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES RETURNS OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES Your Farm Budget 144.66 919.72 3.89 107.09 Paid Labor (including benefits) Tractor/Self Propelled TOTAL HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSE OPERATING OVERHEAD -> PICKUP USE OPERATING INTEREST AT 10.0% Total /Acre 36.47 30.03 50.95 TOTAL CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES CASH HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSES Custom Harvest/Post Harvest TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 Table 5B. Allocations of Ownership Costs; Fall Broccoli, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Broccoli AREA: Yuma Valley North FARM: Yuma Vegetables WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water ACRES: 1.0 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow YIELD: 608.0 Ct / Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter Item TOTAL INCOME at $7.71 / Ct TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES RETURN OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES CASH OVERHEAD EXPENSES Taxes, Housing and Insurance, Farm Machinery General and Office Overhead (5.0%of Total Operating Exp.) General Farm Maintenance (3.0% of Total Operating Exp.) Total Cash Overhead Expenses Total Cash Operating and Overhead Cost RETURNS OVER CASH OPER. AND OVER. EXPENSES CAPITAL ALLOCATIONS (100% Equity) Capital Replacement, Machinery and Vehicles Interest on Equity, Machinery and Vehicles -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $4,687.68 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $4,687.68 $4,539.29 $4,539.29 $148.39 6.74 226.96 136.18 $148.39 6.74 226.96 136.18 369.88 369.88 4,909.17 4,909.17 ($221.49) ($221.49) 31.92 11.39 Total Capital Allocations 43.32 RETURNS TO LAND, CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK --------------------------------> ($221.49) RETURNS TO LAND, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> 24 Land Cost / Rent or Lease Water Assessment ** 550.00 31.00 550.00 31.00 Total Land Costs 581.00 581.00 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> ($802.49) RETURNS TO MANAGEMENT AND RISK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Management Services (8% of Total Operation Expenses) TOTAL OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OPERATING COST ( PER Lb ) BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER TOTAL COST ($845.81) 363.14 950.88 1,357.34 TOTAL COST $5,490.17 $5,896.63 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> ($802.49) RETURNS TO RISK (PROFITS) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Item ($264.81) -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $7.47 $1.56 $9.03 ($1,208.95) -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $7.47 $2.23 $9.70 Table 5C. Variable Operating Costs; Fall Broccoli, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Broccoli AREA: Yuma Valley North 25 No. First Month Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Jun Jun Aug Jun Jul Jul Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Oct Oct Nov Nov Nov Nov FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 608.0 Ct / Acre Disk Rip Laser Level Make Borders Preirrigate Dust Control Knock Borders Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground Apply Herbicide/Ground List Shape Beds Plant Shovel Ends Apply Insect./Ground Thinning Cultivate Spike Furrows Apply Insecticide/Air Apply Insecticide/Air Apply Fert/Ground Irrigate Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Apply Fungicide/Ground Prepare Ends Harvest 624 Ct Cut Stalks 624 Ct Disk Residue 624 Ct Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 ---- Hours * ---Machine Labor 0.150 0.300 0.450 0.023 0.009 0.023 WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter ---- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) Per Operation ---Fuel/Rps. Labor Cust/Serv. Materials Total 0.167 0.333 0.500 0.025 0.690 0.010 0.025 2.85 4.82 5.92 0.13 0.125 0.083 0.167 0.200 0.455 2.000 0.017 1.88 0.53 1.69 2.14 3.79 0.16 0.13 1.46 2.92 4.39 0.22 5.29 0.16 0.22 3.00 0.112 0.075 0.150 0.180 0.409 0.015 0.09 1.10 0.73 1.46 1.75 3.99 15.34 0.15 63.74 3.89 77.97 412.13 88.88 75.00 0.400 0.346 0.444 0.385 2.82 2.34 3.90 3.37 4.75 4.75 0.327 0.015 0.023 0.364 0.461 0.461 0.017 0.025 3.29 0.09 0.17 3.19 3.53 3.53 0.15 0.22 15.02 53.54 2652.00 0.180 0.150 1.667 0.200 0.167 2.07 2.85 13.17 30.29 309.72 50.88 1.75 1.46 4.31 7.75 10.31 0.35 5.29 0.32 0.35 3.00 66.71 5.15 3.15 81.86 419.90 15.34 89.11 75.00 6.72 5.72 35.04 314.47 57.36 3.53 18.55 53.78 0.39 2652.00 3.83 4.31 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 Times 2.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 130.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 24.37 TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES (includes all times over): *NOTES: Machine and labor hours and operating cost are for one time over the designated acreage. The "Tot. Cash Expense" column and the "TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES" row include all operations, all times over. Classes are defined below. A water assessment charge of $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Tot. Cash Expenses Class 8.62 7.75 10.31 1.05 5.29 41.24 1.05 3.00 66.71 5.15 3.15 81.86 419.90 30.68 178.23 75.00 6.72 11.44 35.04 628.45 57.36 17.67 37.10 107.55 0.79 2652.00 3.83 4.31 13.17 24.37 L L L G G G G G G G L L L G G G G G G G G G G G H H P L 4539.29 T Table 5C. Variable Operating Costs; Fall Broccoli, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Broccoli AREA: Yuma Valley North FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 608.0 Ct / Acre OPERATING COST SUMMARY BY CLASS Land Preparation (L) 535.89 Growing (G) 1,318.73 Harvest (H) 2,652.79 Post Harvest (P) 3.83 Marketing (M) 0.00 Operating Overhead (O) 37.55 Total (T) WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 SENSITIVITY OF THE NET REVENUES OVER TOTAL CASH EXPENSES ($/ACRE) Prices -> - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% + 25% Yields $5.78 $6.94 $7.71 $8.48 $9.64 Break-even Price - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% 456.0 547.2 608.0 668.8 -1,223.44 -1,094.57 -1,008.65 -922.74 -696.07 -461.73 -305.50 -149.27 -344.50 -39.84 163.27 366.38 7.08 382.05 632.04 882.02 534.44 1,014.89 1,335.19 1,655.49 1,321.80 726.89 559.13 454.28 354.55 $4,539.29 Break-even Yield 8.47 7.78 7.44 7.16 26 Table 5D. Resource and Cash Flow Requirements; Fall Broccoli, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Broccoli AREA: Yuma Valley North Month * Number Irrigations JUN C JUL C 1.0 AUG C SEP C 1.0 OCT C 2.0 NOV C 2.0 Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 Water Assessment Total % 6.0 FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 608.0 Ct / Acre Water Applied (inches) Total Labor (Hrs) WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter -------------------------------------- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) -------------------------------------Purchased Fuel, Oil Other Water and Repairs Labor Chemicals Purchases Services Total 1.19 0.79 0.70 4.72 2.12 4.10 4.0 6.0 12.0 12.0 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 16.57 1.61 9.07 19.82 7.44 10.11 13.17 10.46 6.85 8.19 40.78 19.09 34.27 67.63 557.75 520.71 15.02 412.13 24.37 27.03 8.46 87.89 1115.02 551.99 2711.40 13.17 24.37 2768.66 60.99 4539.29 100.00 3.00 84.54 4.75 2652.00 ** 34.0 13.62 77.79 1.71 TOTAL RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Total N 253.6 Total P 228.8 Total Labor 13.6 Total Water 34.0 27 EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Bed Shaper, 4 Rw 0.18 Hr Cultivator, Sweep, 4 Rw 0.40 Hr Furrow Spike, 4 Rw 0.69 Hr Lister, 5 Bottom 0.15 Hr Offset Disk, 18' 0.45 Hr Rotary Stalk Cutter, 4 Row 0.18 Hr Tractor, 100 PTO HP 0.62 Hr Tractor, 235 Eng HP, Art. 0.30 Hr MATERIALS REQUIREMENT (per Acre) 11-52-00, Dry 440.00 Broccoli Seed (Hybrid) 144.00 Lambdacyhalothrin 7.00 Spinosad 6.00 Water, District 34.00 Lb Th Pt Oz AI LABOR REQUIREMENT (per Acre) Irrigators 3.92 Hr Truck Driver 1.30 Hr 119.64 2.64 412.13 9.08 TOTAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Diesel Fuel 20.1 Gal Unleaded Gas 13.2 Gal All Direct Energy 4.5 M BTU Blade Scraper, 10' Fert. Side Dress Unit, High Clearance Sprayer, Lister, 7 Bottom Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 Tractor, 125 PTO HP Truck, 5 Ton w/1000 Gal 32-00-00, URAN 32, Lqd Chlorpyrifos Metalaxyl Thiodicarb Other 0.45 0.33 0.06 0.11 1.67 0.25 0.45 1.17 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Border Disk, 6' Disk Fertilizer Spreader, 18' Laser, Complete System Offset Disk, 10.5' Planter, Stanhay, 2 Row Tractor, 60 PTO HP Tractor, 175 PTO HP, V-Ripper, 7 Shnk 0.14 0.11 0.45 0.05 0.41 2.08 0.45 0.30 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 30.00 3.00 4.00 64.00 Ga Lb Pt Pt 33-00-00, Amm. Nitrate, Imidacloprid Permethrin Trifluralin 300.00 16.00 12.00 1.00 Lb Oz Pt Pt 4.00 Hr *NOTE: P = Previous Year C = Current Year N = Next Year ** A water assessment charge of 1161.10 25.58 $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Tractor 4.41 Hr Table 5E. Schedule of Operations; Fall Broccoli, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Broccoli AREA: Yuma Valley North First No. Month Times Jun Jun Aug FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 608.0 Ct / Acre Operation 2.0 Disk 1.0 Rip 1.0 Laser Level Make Borders Preirrigate Dust Control Knock Borders Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter Equipment/ Custom Oper HP Self-Prop./ Implement 175 Offset Disk, 18' 175 V-Ripper, 7 Shnk 125 Blade Scraper, 10' Laser, Complete System 60 Border Disk, 6' Disk 28 Jun Jul Jul Aug Aug Aug 3.0 1.0 130.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 Aug Aug Sep 1.0 1.0 1.0 Sep Sep Sep 1.0 2.0 2.0 Truck, 5 Ton w/1000 Gal Tank 60 Border Disk, 6' Disk CST Soil Analysis (Surface) 100 Fertilizer Spreader, 18' Lister, 7 Bottom Apply Herbicide/Ground 60 Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 List 100 Lister, 5 Bottom Shape Beds 100 Bed Shaper, 4 Rw Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 Row Plant 60 Planter, Stanhay, 2 Row Shovel Ends Apply Insect./Ground High Clearance Sprayer, 18 Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 Thinning Cultivate Spike Furrows Apply Insecticide/Air Apply Insecticide/Air Sep Sep Oct Oct Nov Nov Nov Nov 1.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 CST Thinning 60 Cultivator, Sweep, 4 Rw 60 Furrow Spike, 4 Rw CST Air Spray, 5 Gal Mix CST Air Spray, 5 Gal Mix Apply Fert/Ground 60 Fert. Side Dress Unit, 4Row Irrigate Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Apply Fungicide/Ground High Clearance Sprayer, 18 Prepare Ends 60 Offset Disk, 10.5' Harvest CST Harv/pack/haul Broccoli Cut Stalks 100 Rotary Stalk Cutter, 4 Row Disk Residue 175 Offset Disk, 18' Pickup use 50 Mi/Ac Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Job Rate Acres/Hr TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 ---------- Material Use and Cost ---------Service Cost Name Appl. Rate $ / Unit $ / Unit 6.00 3.00 2.00 40.00 1.45 Water, District 100.00 40.00 Labor Type Tractor Tractor Tractor 4.00 AI Tractor Irrigators Truck Tractor 0.00 AF 3.00 Ac 8.00 11-52-00, Dry 12.00 Trifluralin 6.00 5.00 Imidacloprid 2.20 Broccoli Seed (Hybrid) 0.50 60.00 Chlorpyrifos Permethrin 440.00 Lb 273.33 Tn 1.00 Pt Tractor 29.35 Ga Tractor Tractor Tractor 16.00 Oz 588.40 Ga 144.00 Th 2.70 Th Tractor Other Tractor 1.50 Lb 1.65 Lb 6.00 Pt 108.50 Ga 75.00 Ac 2.25 2.60 Spinosad 6.00 Oz 609.67 Ga Thiodicarb 32.00 Pt 49.04 Ga Lambdacyhalothrin 3.50 Pt 219.50 Ga 2.75 33-00-00, Amm. Nitrate, 300.00 Lb 320.00 Tn 2.17 Water, District 6.00 AI 0.00 AF 2.17 32-00-00, URAN 32, 15.00 Ga 170.80 Tn 60.00 Metalaxyl 2.00 Pt 202.05 Ga 40.00 Tractor Tractor 4.75 Ac 4.75 Ac Tractor Irrigators Irrigators Tractor Tractor 4.25 Ct 5.00 6.00 0.60 *NOTES: Machine times, labor times, and material rates are for one time over the designated acreage. Tractor Tractor Table 5F Operations Calendar; Fall Broccoli, 2001 COUNTY:Yuma CROP: Broccoli AREA: Yuma Valley North FARM: Western Arizona Vegetables WATER SOURCE: YCWUA TILLAGE: Double Crop ACRES: 1 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow SOIL: Sandy-Loam YIELD: 528 Ct/Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter DATE: 03/25/2001 ----------------------------------------Month and Times Operation Performed ----------------------------------------------Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 29 No. Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 * NOTE: Disk Rip Laser Level Make Borders Preirrigate Dust Control Knock Borders Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground Apply Herbicide/Ground List Bed Shaping/Admire Plant Shovel Ends Apply Insect/Ground Thinning Cultivate Spike Furrows Apply Insecticide/Air Apply Insecticide/Air Apply Fert/Ground Irrigate Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Apply Fungicide/Ground Prepare Ends Harvest Cut Stalks Disk Residue P = Previous Year C = Current Year 2C 1C 1C 1C 2C 1C 10 C 30 C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 30 C 2C 30 C 30 C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 2C 1C 2C 2C 1C 2C 1C 1C 1C N = Next Year Table 6A. Income and Cash Operating Summary; Fall Leaf Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Leaf AREA: Yuma Valley North FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 1,162.0 Ct / Acre Item INCOME -> Lettuce Unit Crtn WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Mixed Greens Quantity 1,162.00 Price/ Unit $7.30 CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES (including sales tax) Paid Labor (including benefits) Tractor/Self Propelled Irrigation Chemicals and Custom Applications Fertilizer Insecticide Herbicide Farm Machinery and Vehicles Diesel Fuel Repairs and Maintenance Irrigation Water (excluding labor) Water Assessment (See Note Below) ** 30 Other Purchased Inputs & Seed/Transplants Other Services and Rentals TOTAL CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES CASH HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSES Custom Harvest/Post Harvest TOTAL HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSE OPERATING OVERHEAD -> PICKUP USE OPERATING INTEREST AT 10.0% TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES RETURNS OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES Notes: The above figures do not include ownership costs, see table B for detailed cost allocation. ** A water assessment charge of $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Budgeted /Acre $8,482.60 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 Total /Acre Your Farm Budget $8,482.60 ____________ 191.56 ____________ ____________ ____________ 553.91 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 103.43 ____________ ____________ ____________ 77.00 114.56 98.67 394.52 60.72 41.98 61.44 0.00 380.28 ____________ ____________ ____________ 1229.17 ____________ 5895.00 5895.00 13.17 11.78 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ $7,149.12 $1,333.48 ____________ ____________ 305.28 75.00 Table 6B. Allocations of Ownership Costs; Fall Leaf Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Leaf AREA: Yuma Valley North FARM: Yuma Vegetables WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water ACRES: 1.0 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow YIELD: 1,162.0 Ct / Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Mixed Greens Item TOTAL INCOME at $7.30 / Ct TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES RETURN OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES CASH OVERHEAD EXPENSES Taxes, Housing and Insurance, Farm Machinery General and Office Overhead (5.0%of Total Operating Exp.) General Farm Maintenance (3.0% of Total Operating Exp.) Total Cash Overhead Expenses Total Cash Operating and Overhead Cost RETURNS OVER CASH OPER. AND OVER. EXPENSES CAPITAL ALLOCATIONS (100% Equity) Capital Replacement, Machinery and Vehicles Interest on Equity, Machinery and Vehicles -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $8,482.60 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $8,482.60 $7,149.12 $7,149.12 $1,333.48 10.12 357.46 214.47 $1,333.48 10.12 357.46 214.47 582.05 582.05 7,731.17 7,731.17 $751.43 $751.43 58.07 24.16 Total Capital Allocations 82.23 RETURNS TO LAND, CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK --------------------------------> $751.43 RETURNS TO LAND, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> 31 Land Cost / Rent or Lease Water Assessment ** 550.00 31.00 550.00 31.00 Total Land Costs 581.00 581.00 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> $170.43 RETURNS TO MANAGEMENT AND RISK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Management Services (8% of Total Operation Expenses) TOTAL OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OPERATING COST ( PER Lb ) BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER TOTAL COST $88.20 571.93 1,163.05 1,817.21 TOTAL COST $8,312.17 $8,966.33 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> $170.43 RETURNS TO RISK (PROFITS) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Item $669.20 -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $6.15 $1.00 $7.15 ($483.73) -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $6.15 $1.56 $7.72 Table 6C. Variable Operating Costs; Fall Leaf Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Leaf AREA: Yuma Valley North 32 No. First Month Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Aug Aug Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Oct Oct Nov Nov FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 1,162.0 Ct / Acre ---- Hours * ---Machine Labor Rip Disk Laser Level Make Borders Preirrigate Knock Borders Apply Fert/Ground List Shape Beds Plant Set Sprinklers Apply Insecticide/Air Apply Herbicide/Air Irrigate/Sec Sys Remove Sprinklers Make Ditches Irrigate Cultivate Thinning Apply Insect./Ground Apply Fert/Side Dress Harvest, Load & Haul Disk Residue 1310 Ct Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 0.900 0.600 0.450 0.180 0.180 0.450 0.300 0.180 0.360 0.158 WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Mixed Greens ---- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) Per Operation ---Fuel/Rps. Labor Cust/Serv. Materials Total 1.000 0.667 0.500 0.200 0.800 0.200 0.500 0.333 0.200 0.400 0.351 14.46 10.41 6.89 1.05 1.05 4.52 3.37 2.14 5.89 0.91 8.77 5.85 4.39 1.75 6.14 1.75 4.39 2.92 1.75 3.51 2.88 58.43 77.97 305.28 4.30 0.900 0.091 0.351 0.025 1.333 1.000 0.180 0.900 0.600 1.667 0.158 0.023 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 6.34 0.70 2.88 0.22 10.23 8.77 0.200 1.000 1.15 10.65 1.75 8.77 0.667 11.39 13.17 5.85 0.91 0.33 127.98 56.42 75.00 30.29 40.24 5895.00 23.24 16.26 11.28 2.81 6.14 2.81 67.34 6.30 81.86 314.67 3.80 127.98 60.72 0.70 3.80 0.55 10.23 15.11 75.00 33.20 59.67 5895.00 17.24 Tot. Cash Expenses Times 1.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 10.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 11.78 TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES (includes all times over): Class 23.24 48.77 11.28 2.81 6.14 2.81 67.34 6.30 81.86 314.67 3.80 255.96 60.72 3.49 3.80 0.55 102.25 15.11 75.00 66.39 59.67 5895.00 17.24 13.17 11.78 L L L G G G G L L L G G G G G G G G G G G H L 7149.12 T *NOTES: Machine and labor hours and operating cost are for one time over the designated acreage. The "Tot. Cash Expense" column and the "TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES" row include all operations, all times over. Classes are defined below. A water assessment charge of $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. OPERATING COST SUMMARY BY CLASS Land Preparation (L) 503.35 Growing (G) 725.82 Harvest (H) 5,895.00 Post Harvest (P) 0.00 Marketing (M) 0.00 Operating Overhead (O) 24.95 Total (T) SENSITIVITY OF THE NET REVENUES OVER TOTAL CASH EXPENSES ($/ACRE) Prices -> - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% + 25% Yields $5.48 $6.57 $7.30 $8.03 $9.13 Break-even Price - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% 871.5 1,045.8 1,162.0 1,278.2 -892.13 -822.09 -775.39 -728.70 62.16 323.06 497.00 670.93 698.36 1,086.50 1,345.26 1,604.02 1,334.55 1,849.93 2,193.52 2,537.10 2,288.84 2,995.08 3,465.91 3,936.73 3,091.56 829.97 557.89 420.16 306.61 $7,149.12 Break-even Yield 6.50 6.26 6.14 6.05 Table 6D. Resource and Cash Flow Requirements; Fall Leaf Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Leaf AREA: Yuma Valley North Month * Number Irrigations AUG C SEP C 9.0 OCT C 4.0 NOV C 3.0 Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 Water Assessment Total % 16.0 FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 1,162.0 Ct / Acre Water Applied (inches) Total Labor (Hrs) 23.5 16.0 12.0 WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Mixed Greens TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 -------------------------------------- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) -------------------------------------Purchased Fuel, Oil Other Water and Repairs Labor Chemicals Purchases Services Total 2.33 8.61 8.11 4.67 35.28 36.24 20.52 11.39 13.17 20.47 69.50 65.06 36.52 448.78 100.83 305.28 11.78 55.75 864.10 261.41 5942.91 13.17 11.78 5986.08 83.73 7149.12 100.00 4.30 75.00 5895.00 ** 51.5 23.71 TOTAL RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Total N 209.8 Total P 207.0 Total Labor 23.7 Total Water 51.5 116.60 1.63 191.55 2.68 549.61 7.69 305.28 4.27 TOTAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Diesel Fuel 47.4 Gal Unleaded Gas 5.0 Gal All Direct Energy 7.2 M BTU Electric / Pumping KWH 33 EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Bed Shaper, 4 Rw 0.18 Hr Cultivator, Sweep, 4 Rw 1.80 Hr Lister, 5 Bottom 0.30 Hr Offset Disk, 12' 1.80 Hr Planter, Stanhay, 4 Row 0.36 Hr Tractor, 60 PTO HP 3.29 Hr Tractor, 175 PTO HP, 0.60 Hr Blade Scraper, 10' Fert. Side Dress Unit, Manual Spray Rig, 150 g Offset Disk, 18' Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 Tractor, 100 PTO HP Tractor, 235 Eng HP, Art. MATERIALS REQUIREMENT (per Acre) 18-46-00, Dry 450.00 Lb Imidacloprid 16.00 Oz Permethrin 16.00 Pt 46-00-00, Urea 46 Leaf Lettuce Sd (coated) Spinosad LABOR REQUIREMENT (per Acre) Irrigators 14.94 Hr Tractor 0.45 1.35 0.36 0.60 0.18 0.84 0.90 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 280.00 Lb 800.00 Th 12.00 Oz 8.78 Hr *NOTE: P = Previous Year C = Current Year N = Next Year ** A water assessment charge of $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Border Disk, 6' Disk Laser, Complete System Motor Grader, 12' Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Sprinkler Trailer Tractor, 150 PTO HP V-Ripper, 7 Shnk Bensulide Methomyl Water, District 0.36 0.45 0.02 1.67 0.32 2.25 0.90 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 10.00 Pt 4.00 Pt 51.50 AI Table 6E. Schedule of Operations; Fall Leaf Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Leaf AREA: Yuma Valley North First No. Month Times FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 1,162.0 Ct / Acre Operation Aug Aug Sep 1.0 Rip 3.0 Disk 1.0 Laser Level Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Sep Sep 1.0 Plant 1.0 Set Sprinklers Sep 2.0 Apply Insecticide/Air Sep Sep Sep 1.0 Apply Herbicide/Air 5.0 Irrigate/Sec Sys 1.0 Remove Sprinklers 34 Sep Sep Sep Sep Oct Oct Nov Nov 1.0 10.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 Make Borders Preirrigate Knock Borders Apply Fert/Ground List Shape Beds Make Ditches Irrigate Cultivate Thinning Apply Insect./Ground Apply Fert/Side Dress 1.0 Harvest, Load & Haul 1.0 Disk Residue Pickup use 50 Mi/Ac WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Mixed Greens Equipment/ Custom Oper HP Self-Prop./ Implement 175 V-Ripper, 7 Shnk 150 Offset Disk, 12' 150 Blade Scraper, 10' Laser, Complete System 60 Border Disk, 6' Disk 60 Border Disk, 6' Disk 60 Fert. Side Dress Unit, 4Row 100 Lister, 5 Bottom 100 Bed Shaper, 4 Rw Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 Row 100 Planter, Stanhay, 4 Row 60 Sprinkler Trailer CST Air Spray, 5 Ga w/ Herb. 60 Sprinkler Trailer Motor Grader, 12' 60 Cultivator, Sweep, 4 Rw CST Thinning 60 Manual Spray Rig, 150 g on 60 Cultivator, Sweep, 4 Rw Fert. Side Dress Unit, 4Row CST Harv/pack/haul Leaf 175 Offset Disk, 18' Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Job Rate Acres/Hr TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 ---------- Material Use and Cost ---------Service Cost Name Appl. Rate $ / Unit $ / Unit 1.00 1.50 2.00 5.00 1.25 Water, District 5.00 2.00 18-46-00, Dry 3.00 5.00 Imidacloprid 2.50 Leaf Lettuce Sd 5.70 Methomyl Permethrin Bensulide 11.00 Water, District 5.70 40.00 0.75 Water, District 1.00 Labor Type Tractor Tractor Tractor 6.00 AI Tractor Irrigators Tractor Tractor Tractor Tractor 0.00 AF 450.00 Lb 245.00 Tn 16.00 Oz 588.40 Ga 800.00 Th 2.00 8.00 10.00 1.10 0.36 Th Pt 48.94 Ga Pt 108.50 Ga Pt 42.58 Ga AI 0.00 AF 4.00 AI Tractor Tractor Irrigators 4.30 Ac Irrigators Tractor Irrigators Tractor Irrigators Tractor 0.00 AF 75.00 Ac 5.00 Spinosad 1.00 46-00-00, Urea 46 6.00 Oz 609.67 Ga 280.00 Lb 271.17 Tn Tractor Tractor 4.50 Ct 1.50 0.60 *NOTES: Machine times, labor times, and material rates are for one time over the designated acreage. Tractor Table 6F Operations Calendar; Fall Leaf Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Leaf AREA: Yuma Valley North FARM: Western Arizona Vegetables WATER SOURCE: YCWUA TILLAGE: Double Crop ACRES: 1 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow SOIL: Sandy-Loam YIELD: 1310 Ct/Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Mixed Greens DATE: 03/25/2001 ----------------------------------------Month and Times Operation Performed ----------------------------------------------Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 35 No. Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 * NOTE: Rip Disk Laser Level Make Borders Preirrigate Knock Borders Apply Fert/Ground List Bed Shaping/Admire Plant Set Sprinklers Apply Herbicide/Air Irrigate/Sec Sys Remove Sprinklers Make Ditches Irrigate Apply Insecticide/Air Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Thinning Cultivate Apply Fungicide/Ground Apply Insect/Ground Bird Control Make Ditches Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Hand Weeding Apply Insect./Ground Knock Borders Knock Ditches Harvest, Load & Haul Disk Residue P = Previous Year C = Current Year 1C 2C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 5C 1C 1C 1C N = Next Year Table 7A. Income and Cash Operating Summary; Fall Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Yuma Valley North FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 823.0 Ct / Acre Item INCOME -> Lettuce WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter Unit Quantity Crtn 823.00 Price/ Unit $5.26 CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES (including sales tax) Paid Labor (including benefits) Tractor/Self Propelled Irrigation Other/ Contract Chemicals and Custom Applications Fertilizer Insecticide Herbicide Other Chemicals 36 Farm Machinery and Vehicles Diesel Fuel Gasoline Repairs and Maintenance Irrigation Water (excluding labor) Water Assessment (See Note Below) ** Other Purchased Inputs & Seed/Transplants Other Services and Rentals TOTAL CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES CASH HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSES Custom Harvest/Post Harvest TOTAL HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSE OPERATING OVERHEAD -> PICKUP USE OPERATING INTEREST AT 10.0% TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES RETURNS OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES Notes: The above figures do not include ownership costs, see table B for detailed cost allocation. ** A water assessment charge of $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Budgeted /Acre $4,328.98 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 Total /Acre Your Farm Budget $4,328.98 ____________ 90.78 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 587.48 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 69.77 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 30.73 35.09 24.96 170.14 290.38 74.12 52.85 18.33 14.03 37.41 0.00 284.50 ____________ ____________ ____________ 1032.53 ____________ 2047.20 2047.20 13.17 194.61 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ $3,287.51 $1,041.47 ____________ ____________ 95.40 189.10 Table 7B. Allocations of Ownership Costs; Fall Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Yuma Valley North FARM: Yuma Vegetables WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water ACRES: 1.0 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow YIELD: 823.0 Ct / Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter Item TOTAL INCOME at $5.26 / Ct TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES RETURN OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES CASH OVERHEAD EXPENSES Taxes, Housing and Insurance, Farm Machinery General and Office Overhead (5.0%of Total Operating Exp.) General Farm Maintenance (3.0% of Total Operating Exp.) Total Cash Overhead Expenses Total Cash Operating and Overhead Cost RETURNS OVER CASH OPER. AND OVER. EXPENSES CAPITAL ALLOCATIONS (100% Equity) Capital Replacement, Machinery and Vehicles Interest on Equity, Machinery and Vehicles -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $4,328.98 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $4,328.98 $3,287.51 $3,287.51 $1,041.47 7.60 164.38 98.63 $1,041.47 7.60 164.38 98.63 270.60 270.60 3,558.11 3,558.11 $770.87 $770.87 34.88 12.91 Total Capital Allocations 47.79 RETURNS TO LAND, CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK --------------------------------> $770.87 RETURNS TO LAND, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> 37 Land Cost / Rent or Lease Water Assessment ** 550.00 31.00 550.00 31.00 Total Land Costs 581.00 581.00 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> $189.87 RETURNS TO MANAGEMENT AND RISK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Management Services (8% of Total Operation Expenses) TOTAL OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OPERATING COST ( PER Lb ) BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER TOTAL COST $142.08 263.00 851.60 1,162.39 TOTAL COST $4,139.11 $4,449.90 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> $189.87 RETURNS TO RISK (PROFITS) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Item $723.08 -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $3.99 $1.03 $5.03 ($120.92) -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $3.99 $1.41 $5.41 Table 7C. Variable Operating Costs; Fall Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Yuma Valley North 38 No. First Month Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Aug Aug Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Dec Dec Dec Jan FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 823.0 Ct / Acre ---- Hours * ---Machine Labor WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter ---- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) Per Operation ---Fuel/Rps. Labor Cust/Serv. Materials Total Rip 0.450 0.500 7.23 Disk 0.150 0.167 2.85 Laser Level 0.450 0.500 6.88 Make Borders 0.023 0.025 0.13 Preirrigate 0.667 Soil Fertility Dust Control 0.009 0.010 0.16 Apply Fert/Ground 0.075 0.083 0.47 Apply Herbicide/Ground 0.150 0.167 2.56 List 0.180 0.200 2.02 Shape Beds 0.180 0.200 2.19 Plant 0.450 0.500 7.36 Set Sprinklers 0.158 0.350 0.91 Apply Insecticide/Air Irrigate/Sec Sys 0.091 Field Scouting Apply Insect./Ground 0.015 0.017 0.09 Apply Insect./Ground 0.015 0.017 0.09 Irrigate/Run Fertilizer 0.599 Remove Sprinklers 0.158 0.350 0.91 Make Ditches 0.022 0.025 0.32 Irrigate/Run Fertilizer 0.200 Thinning Cultivate 0.225 0.250 2.82 Apply Fungicide/Ground 0.015 0.017 0.09 Apply Insect./Ground 0.015 0.017 0.09 Bird Control Apply Insecticide/Air Irrigate/Run Fertilizer 0.200 Hand Weeding Apply Insect./Ground 0.015 0.017 0.09 Knock Borders 0.022 0.025 0.12 Knock Ditches 0.022 0.025 0.32 Harvest, Load & Haul 853 Disk Residue 853 Ct 0.150 0.167 2.85 Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre 1.667 13.17 Operating Interest at 10.0 TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES (includes all times over): 4.39 1.47 4.39 0.22 5.12 3.00 0.16 0.73 1.47 1.75 1.75 4.39 2.88 62.01 74.12 77.97 95.40 4.75 27.93 0.70 0.15 0.15 4.59 2.88 0.22 1.53 10.00 4.75 30.29 54.69 8.01 16.02 75.00 2.19 0.15 0.15 16.02 52.13 17.83 6.10 4.75 1.53 30.29 20.02 75.00 0.15 0.22 0.22 18.92 2047.20 1.47 11.62 4.31 11.27 0.35 5.12 3.00 0.32 63.21 78.14 3.78 81.91 107.14 3.79 32.68 0.70 10.00 35.28 54.93 12.60 3.79 0.54 17.55 75.00 21.04 52.37 18.06 6.10 35.04 21.56 75.00 19.15 0.34 0.54 2047.20 4.31 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 Times 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 160.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 194.61 *NOTES: Machine and labor hours and operating cost are for one time over the designated acreage. The "Tot. Cash Expense" column and the "TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES" row include all operations, all times over. Classes are defined below. A water assessment charge of $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Tot. Cash Expenses 11.62 8.63 11.27 0.35 5.12 3.00 50.76 63.21 78.14 3.78 81.91 107.14 3.79 32.68 6.98 30.00 35.28 54.93 12.60 3.79 1.62 70.21 75.00 21.04 52.37 18.06 6.10 35.04 21.56 75.00 38.31 0.34 0.54 2047.20 4.31 13.17 194.61 3287.51 Class L L L G G G G G G L L L G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G H L T Table 7C. Variable Operating Costs; Fall Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Yuma Valley North FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 823.0 Ct / Acre OPERATING COST SUMMARY BY CLASS Land Preparation (L) 228.66 Growing (G) 803.87 Harvest (H) 2,047.20 Post Harvest (P) 0.00 Marketing (M) 0.00 Operating Overhead (O) 207.78 Total (T) $3,287.51 WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 SENSITIVITY OF THE NET REVENUES OVER TOTAL CASH EXPENSES ($/ACRE) Prices -> - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% + 25% Yields $3.95 $4.73 $5.26 $5.79 $6.58 Break-even Price - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% + 25% 617.3 740.7 823.0 905.3 1,028.8 Break-even Yield -198.00 -18.07 101.89 221.84 401.77 289.01 566.35 751.23 936.12 1,213.45 613.69 955.95 1,184.13 1,412.31 1,754.58 938.36 1,345.56 1,617.03 1,888.50 2,295.70 1,425.37 1,929.97 2,266.38 2,602.78 3,107.38 753.10 488.60 395.90 332.77 268.54 4.27 3.97 3.82 3.70 3.55 39 Table 7D. Resource and Cash Flow Requirements; Fall Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Yuma Valley North Month * Number Irrigations JUL C 1.0 AUG C SEP C 5.0 OCT C 7.0 NOV C 2.0 DEC C 2.0 JAN N Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 Water Assessment Total % 17.0 FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 823.0 Ct / Acre Water Applied (inches) Total Labor (Hrs) 12.0 WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter -------------------------------------- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) -------------------------------------Purchased Fuel, Oil Other Water and Repairs Labor Chemicals Purchases Services Total 2.13 0.55 2.56 2.74 0.74 0.79 0.17 5.5 11.5 6.0 6.0 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 21.55 7.87 17.50 9.07 5.24 5.69 2.85 13.17 18.60 6.87 23.26 23.91 8.12 8.55 1.47 3.00 136.13 190.89 110.01 85.26 50.96 95.40 194.61 43.15 150.87 346.80 227.99 194.47 1088.80 1027.65 13.17 194.61 2445.41 74.38 3287.51 100.00 19.75 85.00 95.85 1023.60 1023.60 ** 41.0 9.68 40 TOTAL RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Total N 263.3 Total P 202.5 Total Labor 9.7 Total Water 41.0 82.67 2.51 Border Disk, 6' Disk Fertilizer Injector, 4 Row Lister, 5 Bottom Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Section Harrow, 3 Section Tractor, 60 PTO HP Tractor, 100 PTO HP Truck, 5 Ton w/1000 Gal MATERIALS REQUIREMENT (per Acre) 00-45-00, Treble Super. 450.00 Cypermethrin 12.00 Methomyl 10.00 Pronamide 2.00 Thiodicarb 2.00 20-00-00, Amm. Nitrate, Head Lettuce Sd Permethrin Spinosad Vinclozolin LABOR REQUIREMENT (per Acre) Irrigators 4.58 Hr 573.25 17.44 95.40 2.90 TOTAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Diesel Fuel 20.7 Gal Unleaded Gas 15.1 Gal All Direct Energy 4.8 M BTU EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Bed Shaper, 6 Rw 0.18 Hr Fertilizer Broadcaster, 0.08 Hr Laser, Complete System 0.45 Hr Offset Disk, 18' 0.60 Hr Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 0.33 Hr Sprinkler Trailer 0.32 Hr Tractor, 80 PTO HP, 0.22 Hr Tractor, 235 Eng HP, Art. 0.90 Hr Lb Oz Pt Lb Pt 90.78 2.76 Tractor 0.04 0.22 0.18 1.67 0.15 0.41 0.96 1.44 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Drag Scraper, 14' High Clearance Sprayer, Motor Grader, 12' Planter, Stanhay, 4 Row Sled Cultivator, 4Rw Tractor, 70 PTO HP, Tractor, 175 PTO HP, V-Ripper, 7 Shnk 135.00 150.00 2.00 12.00 2.00 Ga Th Pt Oz Lb Benefin Imidacloprid Permethrin Spreader-activator Water, District 3.50 Hr *NOTE: P = Previous Year C = Current Year N = Next Year ** A water assessment charge of $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Truck Driver 0.45 0.09 0.09 0.45 0.22 0.02 0.45 0.45 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 2.00 16.00 2.00 6.40 41.00 Pt Oz Oz Oz AI 1.60 Hr Table 7E. Schedule of Operations; Fall Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Yuma Valley North First No. Month Times 41 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 9 10 11 11 12 13 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 22 22 23 24 24 25 26 26 27 28 Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Aug Aug FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 823.0 Ct / Acre Operation 1.0 Rip 2.0 Disk 1.0 Laser Level 1.0 1.0 1.0 160.0 1.0 1.0 Make Borders Preirrigate Soil Fertility Dust Control Apply Fert/Ground Apply Herbicide/Ground WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter Equipment/ Custom Oper HP Self-Prop./ Implement 175 V-Ripper, 7 Shnk 175 Offset Disk, 18' 175 Drag Scraper, 14' Laser, Complete System 60 Border Disk, 6' Disk Sep Sep 1.0 List 1.0 Shape Beds Sep Sep 1.0 Plant 1.0 Set Sprinklers Sep 1.0 Apply Insecticide/Air CST Air Spray, 5 Gal Mix 10.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 Irrigate/Sec Sys Field Scouting Apply Insect./Ground Apply Insect./Ground ---------- Material Use and Cost ---------Service Cost Name Appl. Rate $ / Unit $ / Unit 2.00 6.00 2.00 CST Scout For Insects CST Air Spray, 5 Gal Mix High Clearance Sprayer, 18 5.00 5.00 Imidacloprid 2.00 Head Lettuce Sd 5.70 Methomyl Permethrin Water, District Sep 1.0 Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Sep 1.0 Remove Sprinklers 60 Sprinkler Trailer Sep Oct 3.0 Make Ditches 4.0 Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Motor Grader, 12' 40.00 Oct Oct 1.0 Thinning 1.0 Cultivate Water, District 20-00-00, Amm. Nitrate, Oct Oct Nov Nov 1.0 Bird Control 1.0 Apply Insecticide/Air CST Bird Control CST Air Spray, 5 Gal Mix 12.00 AI Tractor Irrigators 0.00 AF 3.00 Ac 100.00 12.00 00-45-00, Treble 6.00 Benefin Pronamide 60.00 Spinosad 60.00 Methomyl Permethrin Water, District 20-00-00, Amm. Nitrate, 5.70 CST Thinning 80 Sled Cultivator, 4Rw Fertilizer Injector, 4 Row 1.0 Apply Fungicide/Ground High Clearance Sprayer, 18 1.0 Apply Insect./Ground High Clearance Sprayer, 18 Labor Type Tractor Tractor Tractor 40.00 Water, District CST Soil Analysis (Surface) Truck, 5 Ton w/1000 Gal Tank 60 Fertilizer Broadcaster, 100 Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 Offset Disk, 18' Section Harrow, 3 Section 100 Lister, 5 Bottom 100 Bed Shaper, 6 Rw Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 Row 100 Planter, Stanhay, 4 Row 60 Sprinkler Trailer Sep Sep Sep Sep Job Rate Acres/Hr TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 Truck Tractor Tractor 450.00 Lb 260.00 Tn 2.00 Pt 8.69 Ga 2.00 Lb 26.27 Lb Tractor Tractor 16.00 Oz 588.40 Ga 150.00 Th 0.60 Th 4.00 Pt 48.94 Ga 2.00 Oz 120.50 Ga 1.10 AI 0.00 AF 6.00 4.00 2.00 3.00 10.00 Oz 609.67 Ga Pt 48.94 Ga Pt 108.50 Ga AI 0.00 AF Ga 155.00 Tn Tractor Tractor Irrigators 4.75 Ac Irrigators 10.00 Ac 4.75 Ac Tractor Tractor Irrigators Tractor Irrigators Tractor Irrigators 3.00 AI 0.00 AF 20.00 Ga 155.00 Tn 75.00 Ac 4.00 20-00-00, Amm. Nitrate, 60.00 Vinclozolin 60.00 Thiodicarb Cypermethrin Spinosad 20.00 Ga 155.00 Tn Tractor 2.00 Lb 24.59 Lb 2.00 Pt 49.04 Ga 2.00 Oz 291.66 Ga Tractor Tractor 6.00 Oz 609.67 Ga 6.10 Hr 4.75 Ac Table 7E. Schedule of Operations; Fall Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Yuma Valley North First No. Month Times 29 29 30 31 31 31 32 33 34 35 FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 823.0 Ct / Acre Operation WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter Equipment/ Custom Oper HP Self-Prop./ Implement Nov 1.0 Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Nov Nov 1.0 Hand Weeding 2.0 Apply Insect./Ground CST Hand Weeding High Clearance Sprayer, 18 Dec Dec Dec Jan 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 70 Border Disk, 6' Disk Motor Grader, 12' CST Harv/pack/haul Lettuce 175 Offset Disk, 18' Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Knock Borders Knock Ditches Harvest, Load & Haul Disk Residue Pickup use 50 Mi/Ac Job Rate Acres/Hr TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 ---------- Material Use and Cost ---------Service Cost Name Appl. Rate $ / Unit $ / Unit Water, District 20-00-00, Amm. Nitrate, 3.00 AI 0.00 AF 25.00 Ga 155.00 Tn Labor Type Irrigators 75.00 Ac 60.00 Methomyl Cypermethrin Spreader-activator 40.00 40.00 1.00 Pt 48.94 Ga 5.00 Oz 291.66 Ga 3.20 Oz 13.50 Ga Tractor Tractor Tractor 2.40 Ct 6.00 0.60 *NOTES: Machine times, labor times, and material rates are for one time over the designated acreage. Tractor 42 Table 7F Operations Calendar; Fall Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Yuma Valley North No. Operation FARM: Western Arizona Vegetables WATER SOURCE: YCWUA TILLAGE: Double Crop ACRES: 1 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow SOIL: Sandy-Loam YIELD: 853 Ct/Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter DATE: 03/25/2001 ----------------------------------------Month and Times Operation Performed ----------------------------------------------Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 43 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Rip Disk Laser Level Make Borders Preirrigate Soil Fertility Dust Control Apply Fert/Ground Apply Herbicide/Ground List Bed Shaping/Admire Plant Set Sprinklers Apply Insecticide/Air Irrigate/Sec Sys Field Scouting Apply Insect/Ground Apply Insect/Ground Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Remove Sprinklers Make Ditches Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Thinning Cultivate Apply Fungicide/Ground Apply Insect/Ground Bird Control Apply Insecticide/Air Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Hand Weeding Apply Insect./Ground 1C 32 Knock Borders 33 Knock Ditches 34 Harvest, Load & Haul 35 Disk Residue * NOTE: P = Previous Year C = Current Year 1C 2C 1C 1C 1C 1C 10 C 30 C 1C 1C 30 C 30 C 30 C 30 C 1C 1C 1C 1C 5C 1C 1C 5C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 2C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C .5 C .5 N 1N N = Next Year Table 8A. Income and Cash Operating Summary; Spring Cantaloupe, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Cantaloupes AREA: Yuma Valley North FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 811.0 Ct / Acre Item INCOME -> Melons WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg Unit Quantity Crtn 811.00 Price/ Unit $6.98 CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES (including sales tax) Paid Labor (including benefits) Tractor/Self Propelled Irrigation Chemicals and Custom Applications Fertilizer Insecticide Herbicide Other Chemicals Farm Machinery and Vehicles Diesel Fuel Repairs and Maintenance Irrigation Water (excluding labor) Water Assessment (See Note Below) ** 44 Other Purchased Inputs & Seed/Transplants Other Services and Rentals TOTAL CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES CASH HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSES Custom Harvest/Post Harvest TOTAL HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSE OPERATING OVERHEAD -> PICKUP USE OPERATING INTEREST AT 10.0% TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES RETURNS OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES Notes: The above figures do not include ownership costs, see table B for detailed cost allocation. ** A water assessment charge of $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Budgeted /Acre $5,660.78 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 Total /Acre Your Farm Budget $5,660.78 ____________ 89.20 ____________ ____________ ____________ 381.12 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 59.79 ____________ ____________ ____________ 50.35 38.86 180.13 98.29 56.42 46.28 25.72 34.07 0.00 263.06 ____________ ____________ ____________ 793.17 ____________ 3392.00 3392.00 13.17 28.31 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ $4,226.65 $1,434.13 ____________ ____________ 20.06 243.00 Table 8B. Allocations of Ownership Costs; Spring Cantaloupe, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Cantaloupes AREA: Yuma Valley North FARM: Yuma Vegetables WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water ACRES: 1.0 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow YIELD: 811.0 Ct / Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg Item TOTAL INCOME at $6.98 / Ct TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES RETURN OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES CASH OVERHEAD EXPENSES Taxes, Housing and Insurance, Farm Machinery General and Office Overhead (5.0%of Total Operating Exp.) General Farm Maintenance (3.0% of Total Operating Exp.) Total Cash Overhead Expenses Total Cash Operating and Overhead Cost RETURNS OVER CASH OPER. AND OVER. EXPENSES CAPITAL ALLOCATIONS (100% Equity) Capital Replacement, Machinery and Vehicles Interest on Equity, Machinery and Vehicles -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $5,660.78 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $5,660.78 $4,226.65 $4,226.65 $1,434.13 5.38 211.33 126.80 $1,434.13 5.38 211.33 126.80 343.51 343.51 4,570.17 4,570.17 $1,090.61 $1,090.61 31.42 12.48 Total Capital Allocations 43.89 RETURNS TO LAND, CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK --------------------------------> $1,090.61 RETURNS TO LAND, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> 45 Land Cost / Rent or Lease Water Assessment ** 550.00 31.00 550.00 31.00 Total Land Costs 581.00 581.00 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> $509.61 RETURNS TO MANAGEMENT AND RISK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Management Services (8% of Total Operation Expenses) TOTAL OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OPERATING COST ( PER Lb ) BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER TOTAL COST $465.72 338.13 924.51 1,306.54 TOTAL COST $5,151.17 $5,533.20 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> $509.61 RETURNS TO RISK (PROFITS) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Item $1,046.72 -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $5.21 $1.14 $6.35 $127.58 -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $5.21 $1.61 $6.82 Table 8C. Variable Operating Costs; Spring Cantaloupe, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Cantaloupes AREA: Yuma Valley North 46 No. First Month Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Apr Apr Apr May May Jun FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 811.0 Ct / Acre ---- Hours * ---Machine Labor Disk Rip Laser Level Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground Apply Herbicide/Ground Incorporate Herbicide List Shape Beds Plant Irrigate Irrigate Cultivate Spike Furrows Apply Fert/Ground Thinning Hand Weeding Pollinate Apply Insecticide/Air Apply Insecticide/Air Harvest 848 Ct Disk Residue 848 Ct Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg ---- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) Per Operation ---Fuel/Rps. Labor Cust/Serv. Materials Total 0.150 0.450 0.450 0.167 0.500 0.500 2.85 7.23 6.59 1.47 4.39 4.39 0.180 0.225 0.225 0.225 0.180 0.360 0.200 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.200 0.400 0.667 0.267 0.250 0.250 0.286 1.84 2.43 3.22 2.53 2.62 4.43 1.75 2.19 2.19 2.19 1.75 3.51 5.11 2.05 2.19 2.19 2.51 3.00 0.225 0.225 0.257 1.75 1.69 3.51 52.47 56.42 77.97 20.06 63.83 75.00 75.00 15.00 4.75 4.75 3392.00 0.180 1.667 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 0.200 3.42 13.17 1.75 22.79 6.78 4.31 11.62 10.98 3.00 56.06 61.04 5.41 4.72 82.34 28.00 5.11 2.05 3.95 3.89 69.85 75.00 75.00 15.00 27.54 11.53 3392.00 5.17 Tot. Cash Expenses Times 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 14.0 6.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 28.31 TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES (includes all times over): Class 4.31 11.62 10.98 3.00 56.06 61.04 5.41 4.72 82.34 28.00 10.23 28.63 23.69 11.66 139.70 75.00 150.00 15.00 55.08 11.53 3392.00 5.17 13.17 28.31 L L L G G G G L L L G G G G G G G G G G H L 4226.65 T *NOTES: Machine and labor hours and operating cost are for one time over the designated acreage. The "Tot. Cash Expense" column and the "TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES" row include all operations, all times over. Classes are defined below. A water assessment charge of $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. OPERATING COST SUMMARY BY CLASS Land Preparation (L) 147.15 Growing (G) 646.02 Harvest (H) 3,392.00 Post Harvest (P) 0.00 Marketing (M) 0.00 Operating Overhead (O) 41.48 Total (T) SENSITIVITY OF THE NET REVENUES OVER TOTAL CASH EXPENSES ($/ACRE) Prices -> - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% + 25% Yields $5.24 $6.28 $6.98 $7.68 $8.73 Break-even Price - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% 608.3 729.9 811.0 892.1 -325.65 -197.61 -112.26 -26.90 311.19 566.59 736.86 907.13 735.74 1,076.06 1,302.94 1,529.82 1,160.30 1,585.53 1,869.02 2,152.50 1,797.14 2,349.74 2,718.13 3,086.53 917.66 460.03 345.25 276.31 212.62 $4,226.65 Break-even Yield 5.77 5.51 5.37 5.27 Table 8D. Resource and Cash Flow Requirements; Spring Cantaloupe, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Cantaloupes AREA: Yuma Valley North Month * Number Irrigations FEB C MAR C 5.0 APR C 6.0 MAY C 5.0 JUN C Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 Water Assessment Total % 16.0 FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 811.0 Ct / Acre Water Applied (inches) Total Labor (Hrs) 18.0 12.0 10.0 WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 -------------------------------------- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) -------------------------------------Purchased Fuel, Oil Other Water and Repairs Labor Chemicals Purchases Services Total 2.12 4.02 2.64 1.83 0.20 26.68 17.53 8.72 3.45 3.42 13.17 18.57 32.90 21.36 14.61 1.75 108.89 141.80 86.62 29.57 20.06 3.00 75.00 169.74 1705.50 1696.00 28.31 157.14 287.29 286.44 1753.13 1701.17 13.17 28.31 3677.55 87.01 4226.65 100.00 ** 40.0 10.81 TOTAL RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Total N 149.6 Total P 206.2 Total K 31.1 Total Labor 10.8 Total Water 40.0 72.97 1.73 89.19 2.11 366.88 8.68 20.06 0.47 TOTAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Diesel Fuel 29.0 Gal Unleaded Gas 5.0 Gal All Direct Energy 4.7 M BTU 47 EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Bed Shaper, 4 Rw 0.18 Hr Disk-Lister, 4 Rw 0.22 Hr Fertilizer Injector, 4 Row 0.51 Hr Lister, 5 Bottom 0.22 Hr Planter, Drill Type, 4 Row 0.36 Hr Tractor, 100 PTO HP 1.37 Hr Tractor, 235 Eng HP, Art. 0.90 Hr Cultivator, Sweep, 4 Rw Drag Scraper, 10' Furrow Spike, 4 Rw Offset Disk, 18' Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 Tractor, 125 PTO HP V-Ripper, 7 Shnk MATERIALS REQUIREMENT (per Acre) 11-48-00, Dry 300.00 Lb Bensulide 10.00 Pt Esfenvalerate 2.00 Oz 15-08-04, Lqd Cantaloupe Sd Imidacloprid LABOR REQUIREMENT (per Acre) Irrigators 5.07 Hr Tractor 1.35 0.45 0.67 0.33 0.18 0.18 0.45 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 70.00 Ga 2.00 Lb 16.00 Oz 5.74 Hr *NOTE: P = Previous Year C = Current Year N = Next Year ** A water assessment charge of $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Directed Spray Rig, 8 Fertilizer Broadcaster, Laser, Complete System Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Tractor, 70 PTO HP Tractor, 175 PTO HP, Benomyl Endosulfan Water, District 0.22 0.18 0.45 1.67 2.38 0.33 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 2.00 Lb 3.00 Pt 40.00 AI Table 8E. Schedule of Operations; Spring Cantaloupe, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Cantaloupes AREA: Yuma Valley North First No. Month Times FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 811.0 Ct / Acre Operation WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg Equipment/ Custom Oper HP Self-Prop./ Implement 48 175 Offset Disk, 18' 175 V-Ripper, 7 Shnk 175 Drag Scraper, 10' Laser, Complete System Soil Fertility CST Soil Analysis (Surface) Apply Fert/Ground 100 Fertilizer Broadcaster, Apply Herbicide/Ground 100 Directed Spray Rig, 8 Incorporate Herbicide 100 Disk-Lister, 4 Rw List 100 Lister, 5 Bottom Shape Beds 125 Bed Shaper, 4 Rw Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 Row Plant 70 Planter, Drill Type, 4 Row Irrigate Irrigate Cultivate 70 Cultivator, Sweep, 4 Rw Spike Furrows 70 Furrow Spike, 4 Rw Apply Fert/Ground 100 Fertilizer Injector, 4 Row Thinning CST Thinning Hand Weeding CST Hand Weeding Pollinate CST Bee Hive Rental Apply Insecticide/Air CST Air Spray, 5 Gal Mix Job Rate Acres/Hr ---------- Material Use and Cost ---------Service Cost Name Appl. Rate $ / Unit $ / Unit Feb Feb Feb 1.0 Disk 1.0 Rip 1.0 Laser Level 6.00 2.00 2.00 Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Mar 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.00 11-48-00, Dry 4.00 Bensulide 4.00 4.00 5.00 Imidacloprid Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Apr Apr Apr 1.0 2.0 14.0 6.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 May 1.0 Apply Insecticide/Air CST Air Spray, 5 Gal Mix May Jun 1.0 Harvest 1.0 Disk Residue Pickup use 50 Mi/Ac CST Harv/pack/haul Melons 175 Offset Disk, 18' Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 Labor Type Tractor Tractor Tractor 3.00 Ac 2.50 1.50 3.75 4.00 4.00 3.50 Cantaloupe Sd Water, District Water, District 15-08-04, Lqd Benomyl Endosulfan Endosulfan Esfenvalerate 300.00 Lb 330.00 Tn 10.00 Pt 42.58 Ga Tractor Tractor Tractor Tractor Tractor 16.00 Oz 588.40 Ga 2.00 Lb 6.00 AI 2.00 AI 9.46 Lb 0.00 AF 0.00 AF Tractor Irrigators Irrigators Tractor Tractor Tractor 35.00 Ga 310.00 Tn 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 Lb 17.35 Pt 33.17 Pt 33.17 Oz 144.04 Lb Ga Ga Ga 75.00 75.00 15.00 4.75 Ac Ac Ac Ac 4.75 Ac 4.00 Ct 5.00 0.60 *NOTES: Machine times, labor times, and material rates are for one time over the designated acreage. Tractor Table 8F Operations Calendar; Spring Cantaloupe, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Cantaloupes AREA: Yuma Valley North FARM: Western Arizona Vegetables WATER SOURCE: YCWUA TILLAGE: Double Crop ACRES: 1 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow SOIL: Sandy-Loam YIELD: 848 Ct/Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Carrots DATE: 03/25/2001 ----------------------------------------Month and Times Operation Performed ----------------------------------------------Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 49 No. Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Disk Rip Laser Level Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground Apply Herbicide/Ground Incorporate Herbicide List Bed Shaping/Admire Plant Irrigate Irrigate Cultivate Spike Furrows Apply Fert/Ground Thinning Hand Weeding Pollinate Apply Insecticide/Air 20 Apply Insecticide/Air 21 Harvest 22 Disk Residue * NOTE: P = Previous Year 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 2C 3C 3C 1C 1C 1C 6C 2C 1C 1C 5C 1C 1C 2C 1C 1C 1C 1C .5 C C = Current Year N = Next Year .5 C 1C Table 9A. Income and Cash Operating Summary; Spring Honeydews, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Honeydew Melons AREA: Yuma Valley North FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 473.0 Ct / Acre Item INCOME -> Melons WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Safflower Unit Quantity Crtn 473.00 Price/ Unit $6.63 CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES (including sales tax) Paid Labor (including benefits) Tractor/Self Propelled Irrigation Chemicals and Custom Applications Fertilizer Insecticide Herbicide Other Chemicals Farm Machinery and Vehicles Diesel Fuel Repairs and Maintenance Irrigation Water (excluding labor) Water Assessment (See Note Below) ** 50 Other Purchased Inputs & Seed/Transplants Other Services and Rentals TOTAL CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES CASH HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSES Custom Harvest/Post Harvest TOTAL HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSE OPERATING OVERHEAD -> PICKUP USE OPERATING INTEREST AT 10.0% TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES RETURNS OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES Notes: The above figures do not include ownership costs, see table B for detailed cost allocation. ** A water assessment charge of $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Budgeted /Acre $3,135.99 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 Total /Acre Your Farm Budget $3,135.99 ____________ 89.20 ____________ ____________ ____________ 361.93 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 57.08 ____________ ____________ ____________ 50.35 38.86 180.13 102.24 56.42 23.14 24.12 32.96 0.00 285.97 ____________ ____________ ____________ 794.19 ____________ 1812.00 1812.00 13.17 166.47 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ $2,785.83 $350.16 ____________ ____________ 42.97 243.00 Table 9B. Allocations of Ownership Costs; Spring Honeydews, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Honeydew Melons AREA: Yuma Valley North FARM: Yuma Vegetables WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water ACRES: 1.0 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow YIELD: 473.0 Ct / Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Safflower Item TOTAL INCOME at $6.63 / Ct TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES RETURN OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES CASH OVERHEAD EXPENSES Taxes, Housing and Insurance, Farm Machinery General and Office Overhead (5.0%of Total Operating Exp.) General Farm Maintenance (3.0% of Total Operating Exp.) Total Cash Overhead Expenses Total Cash Operating and Overhead Cost RETURNS OVER CASH OPER. AND OVER. EXPENSES CAPITAL ALLOCATIONS (100% Equity) Capital Replacement, Machinery and Vehicles Interest on Equity, Machinery and Vehicles -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $3,135.99 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $3,135.99 $2,785.83 $2,785.83 $350.16 5.28 139.29 83.58 $350.16 5.28 139.29 83.58 228.15 228.15 3,013.98 3,013.98 $122.01 $122.01 30.85 12.36 Total Capital Allocations 43.21 RETURNS TO LAND, CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK --------------------------------> $122.01 RETURNS TO LAND, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> 51 Land Cost / Rent or Lease Water Assessment ** 550.00 31.00 550.00 31.00 Total Land Costs 581.00 581.00 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> ($458.99) RETURNS TO MANAGEMENT AND RISK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Management Services (8% of Total Operation Expenses) TOTAL OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OPERATING COST ( PER Lb ) BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER TOTAL COST ($502.20) 222.87 809.15 1,075.22 TOTAL COST $3,594.98 $3,861.06 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> ($458.99) RETURNS TO RISK (PROFITS) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Item $78.80 -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $5.89 $1.71 $7.60 ($725.07) -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $5.89 $2.27 $8.16 Table 9C. Variable Operating Costs; Spring Honeydews, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Honeydew Melons AREA: Yuma Valley North 52 No. First Month Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Apr Apr Apr May May Jun FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 473.0 Ct / Acre ---- Hours * ---Machine Labor Disk Rip Laser Level Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground Apply Herbicide/Ground Incorporate Herbicide List Shape Beds Plant Irrigate Irrigate Cultivate Spike Furrows Apply Fert/Ground Thinning Hand Weeding Pollinate Apply Fungicide/Air Apply Insecticide/Air Harvest 453 Ct Disk Residue 453 Ct Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Safflower ---- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) Per Operation ---Fuel/Rps. Labor Cust/Serv. Materials Total 0.150 0.450 0.450 0.167 0.500 0.500 2.85 7.23 6.78 1.47 4.39 4.39 0.180 0.225 0.225 0.225 0.180 0.360 0.200 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.200 0.400 0.667 0.267 0.250 0.250 0.286 1.84 1.55 3.22 2.53 2.14 4.43 1.75 2.19 2.19 2.19 1.75 3.51 5.11 2.05 2.19 2.19 2.51 3.00 0.225 0.225 0.257 1.58 1.52 3.51 52.47 56.42 77.97 42.97 63.83 75.00 75.00 15.00 4.75 4.75 1812.00 0.180 1.667 0.200 3.42 13.17 1.75 18.39 19.53 4.31 11.62 11.17 3.00 56.06 60.16 5.41 4.72 81.86 50.92 5.11 2.05 3.78 3.72 69.85 75.00 75.00 15.00 23.14 24.28 1812.00 5.17 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 Tot. Cash Expenses Times 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 14.0 6.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 166.47 TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES (includes all times over): Class 4.31 11.62 11.17 3.00 56.06 60.16 5.41 4.72 81.86 50.92 10.23 28.63 22.67 11.15 139.70 75.00 150.00 15.00 23.14 24.28 1812.00 5.17 13.17 166.47 L L L G G G G L L L G G G G G G G G G G H L 2785.83 T *NOTES: Machine and labor hours and operating cost are for one time over the designated acreage. The "Tot. Cash Expense" column and the "TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES" row include all operations, all times over. Classes are defined below. A water assessment charge of $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. OPERATING COST SUMMARY BY CLASS Land Preparation (L) 169.77 Growing (G) 624.42 Harvest (H) 1,812.00 Post Harvest (P) 0.00 Marketing (M) 0.00 Operating Overhead (O) 179.64 Total (T) SENSITIVITY OF THE NET REVENUES OVER TOTAL CASH EXPENSES ($/ACRE) Prices -> - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% + 25% Yields $4.97 $5.97 $6.63 $7.29 $8.29 Break-even Price - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% 354.8 425.7 473.0 520.3 -552.37 -471.37 -417.37 -363.37 -199.57 -48.01 53.03 154.07 35.63 234.23 366.63 499.03 270.83 516.47 680.23 843.98 623.63 939.82 1,150.62 1,361.42 838.59 448.18 342.02 276.52 214.82 $2,785.83 Break-even Yield 6.53 6.08 5.85 5.67 Table 9D. Resource and Cash Flow Requirements; Spring Honeydews, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Honeydew Melons AREA: Yuma Valley North Month * Number Irrigations FEB C MAR C 5.0 APR C 6.0 MAY C 5.0 JUN C Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 Water Assessment Total % 16.0 FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 473.0 Ct / Acre Water Applied (inches) Total Labor (Hrs) 18.0 12.0 10.0 WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Safflower TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 -------------------------------------- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) -------------------------------------Purchased Fuel, Oil Other Water and Repairs Labor Chemicals Purchases Services Total 2.12 4.02 2.64 1.83 0.20 25.99 16.36 8.21 3.11 3.42 13.17 18.57 32.90 21.36 14.61 1.75 108.89 141.80 82.22 19.53 42.97 3.00 75.00 169.75 910.75 906.00 166.47 156.45 309.03 281.54 948.00 911.17 13.17 166.47 2230.97 80.08 2706.57 100.00 ** 40.0 10.81 TOTAL RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Total N 149.6 Total P 206.2 Total K 31.1 Total Labor 10.8 Total Water 40.0 70.26 2.52 89.19 3.20 352.44 12.65 42.97 1.54 TOTAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Diesel Fuel 27.2 Gal Unleaded Gas 5.0 Gal All Direct Energy 4.4 M BTU 53 EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Bed Shaper, 4 Rw 0.18 Hr Directed Spray Rig, 8 0.22 Hr Fertilizer Injector, 4 Row 0.51 Hr Lister, 5 Bottom 0.22 Hr Planter, Drill Type, 4 Row 0.36 Hr Tractor, 70 PTO HP 0.36 Hr Tractor, 235 Eng HP, Art. 0.90 Hr Blade Scraper, 10' Disk-Lister, 4 Rw Furrow Spike, 4 Rw Offset Disk, 18' Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 Tractor, 100 PTO HP V-Ripper, 7 Shnk MATERIALS REQUIREMENT (per Acre) 11-48-00, Dry 300.00 Lb Bensulide 10.00 Pt Honeydew Seeds 2.00 Th 15-08-04, Lqd Endosulfan Imidacloprid LABOR REQUIREMENT (per Acre) Irrigators 5.07 Hr Tractor 0.45 0.22 0.67 0.33 0.18 1.32 0.45 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 70.00 Ga 2.00 Pt 16.00 Oz 5.74 Hr *NOTE: P = Previous Year C = Current Year N = Next Year ** A water assessment charge of $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Cultivator, Sweep, 4 Rw Fertilizer Broadcaster, Laser, Complete System Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Tractor, 60 PTO HP Tractor, 175 PTO HP, Benomyl Esfenvalerate Water, District 1.35 0.18 0.45 1.67 2.25 0.33 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 1.00 Lb 9.00 Oz 40.00 AI Table 9E. Schedule of Operations; Spring Honeydews, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Honeydew Melons AREA: Yuma Valley North First No. Month Times FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 473.0 Ct / Acre Operation WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Safflower Equipment/ Custom Oper HP Self-Prop./ Implement ---------- Material Use and Cost ---------Service Cost Name Appl. Rate $ / Unit $ / Unit 54 Feb Feb Feb 1.0 Disk 1.0 Rip 1.0 Laser Level 6.00 2.00 2.00 Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Mar 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.00 11-48-00, Dry 4.00 Bensulide 4.00 4.00 5.00 Imidacloprid Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Apr Apr Apr May 1.0 2.0 14.0 6.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 May Jun 175 Offset Disk, 18' 175 V-Ripper, 7 Shnk 175 Blade Scraper, 10' Laser, Complete System Soil Fertility CST Soil Analysis (Surface) Apply Fert/Ground 100 Fertilizer Broadcaster, Apply Herbicide/Ground 60 Directed Spray Rig, 8 Row Incorporate Herbicide 100 Disk-Lister, 4 Rw List 100 Lister, 5 Bottom Shape Beds 100 Bed Shaper, 4 Rw Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 Row Plant 70 Planter, Drill Type, 4 Row Irrigate Irrigate Cultivate 60 Cultivator, Sweep, 4 Rw Spike Furrows 60 Furrow Spike, 4 Rw Apply Fert/Ground 100 Fertilizer Injector, 4 Row Thinning CST Thinning Hand Weeding CST Hand Weeding Pollinate CST Bee Hive Rental Apply Fungicide/Air CST Air Spray, 5 Gal Mix Apply Insecticide/Air CST Air Spray, 5 Gal Mix Job Rate Acre/Hr 1.0 Harvest 1.0 Disk Residue Pickup use 50 Mi/Ac CST Harv/pack/haul Melons 175 Offset Disk, 18' Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 Labor Type Tractor Tractor Tractor 3.00 Ac 2.50 1.50 3.75 4.00 4.00 3.50 Honeydew Seeds Water, District Water, District 15-08-04, Lqd Benomyl Esfenvalerate Endosulfan 300.00 Lb 330.00 Tn 10.00 Pt 42.58 Ga Tractor Tractor Tractor Tractor Tractor 16.00 Oz 588.40 Ga 2.00 Th 6.00 AI 2.00 AI 20.27 Th 0.00 AF 0.00 AF Tractor Irrigators Irrigators Tractor Tractor Tractor 35.00 Ga 310.00 Tn 1.00 Lb 17.35 Lb 9.00 Oz 144.04 Ga 2.00 Pt 33.17 Ga 75.00 75.00 15.00 4.75 4.75 Ac Ac Ac Ac Ac 4.00 Ct 5.00 0.60 *NOTES: Machine times, labor times, and material rates are for one time over the designated acreage. Tractor Table 9F Operations Calendar; Spring Honeydews, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Honeydew Melons AREA: Yuma Valley North FARM: Western Arizona Vegetables WATER SOURCE: YCWUA TILLAGE: Double Crop ACRES: 1 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow SOIL: Sandy-Loam YIELD: 453 Ct/Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Carrots DATE: 03/25/2001 ----------------------------------------Month and Times Operation Performed ----------------------------------------------Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec No. Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Disk Rip Laser Level Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground Apply Herbicide/Ground Incorporate Herbicide List Bed Shaping/Admire Plant Irrigate Irrigate Cultivate Spike Furrows Apply Fert/Ground Thinning Hand Weeding Pollinate Apply Fungicide/Air Apply Insecticide/Air 55 21 Harvest 22 Disk Residue * NOTE: P = Previous Year 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 2C 3C 3C 1C 1C 1C 6C 2C 1C 1C 5C 1C 1C 2C 1C 1C 1C .5 C C = Current Year N = Next Year .5 C 1C Table 10A. Income and Cash Operating Summary; Spring Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Yuma Valley North FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 823.0 Ct / Acre Item INCOME -> Lettuce WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter Unit Quantity Crtn 823.00 0.00 Price/ Unit $5.26 $0.00 CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES (including sales tax) Paid Labor (including benefits) Tractor/Self Propelled Irrigation Other/ Contract Chemicals and Custom Applications Fertilizer Insecticide Herbicide Other Chemicals 56 Farm Machinery and Vehicles Diesel Fuel Gasoline Repairs and Maintenance Irrigation Water (excluding labor) Water Assessment (See Note Below) ** Other Purchased Inputs & Seed/Transplants Other Services and Rentals TOTAL CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES CASH HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSES Custom Harvest/Post Harvest TOTAL HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSE OPERATING OVERHEAD -> PICKUP USE OPERATING INTEREST AT 10.0% TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES RETURNS OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES Notes: The above figures do not include ownership costs, see table B for detailed cost allocation. ** A water assessment charge of $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Budgeted /Acre $4,328.98 $0.00 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 Total /Acre Your Farm Budget $4,328.98 ____________ ____________ 86.67 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 445.96 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 73.51 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 31.52 28.63 26.52 152.59 166.41 74.12 52.85 19.47 14.90 39.14 0.00 355.86 ____________ ____________ ____________ 962.00 ____________ 1723.20 1723.20 13.17 302.17 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ $3,000.54 $1,328.44 ____________ ____________ 101.76 254.10 Table 10B. Allocations of Ownership Costs; Spring Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Yuma Valley North FARM: Yuma Vegetables WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water ACRES: 1.0 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow YIELD: 823.0 Ct / Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter Item TOTAL INCOME at $5.26 / Ct TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES RETURN OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES CASH OVERHEAD EXPENSES Taxes, Housing and Insurance, Farm Machinery General and Office Overhead (5.0%of Total Operating Exp.) General Farm Maintenance (3.0% of Total Operating Exp.) Total Cash Overhead Expenses Total Cash Operating and Overhead Cost RETURNS OVER CASH OPER. AND OVER. EXPENSES CAPITAL ALLOCATIONS (100% Equity) Capital Replacement, Machinery and Vehicles Interest on Equity, Machinery and Vehicles -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $4,328.98 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $4,328.98 $3,000.54 $3,000.54 $1,328.44 7.77 150.03 90.02 $1,328.44 7.77 150.03 90.02 247.81 247.81 3,248.35 3,248.35 $1,080.63 $1,080.63 35.68 13.03 Total Capital Allocations 48.71 RETURNS TO LAND, CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK --------------------------------> $1,080.63 RETURNS TO LAND, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> 57 Land Cost / Rent or Lease Water Assessment ** 550.00 31.00 550.00 31.00 Total Land Costs 581.00 581.00 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> $499.63 RETURNS TO MANAGEMENT AND RISK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Management Services (8% of Total Operation Expenses) TOTAL OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OPERATING COST ( PER Lb ) BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER TOTAL COST $450.92 240.04 828.81 1,117.56 TOTAL COST $3,829.35 $4,118.10 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> $499.63 RETURNS TO RISK (PROFITS) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Item $1,031.92 -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $3.65 $1.01 $4.65 $210.88 -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $3.65 $1.36 $5.00 Table 10C. Variable Operating Costs; Spring Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Yuma Valley North 58 No. First Month Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Dec Jan Jan Feb Feb Feb Mar Mar Mar Apr FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 823.0 Ct / Acre Rip Disk Laser Level Make Borders Preirrigate Soil Fertility Dust Control Apply Fert/Ground Apply Herbicide/Ground List Shape Beds Plant Set Sprinklers Irrigate/Sec Sys Remove Sprinklers Make Ditches Field Scouting Apply Insecticide/Air Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Thinning Cultivate Apply Fungicide/Ground Apply Insect./Ground Bird Control Make Ditches Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Hand Weeding Knock Borders Knock Ditches Harvest, Load & Haul 718 Disk Residue 718 Ct Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 ---- Hours * ---Machine Labor WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter ---- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) Per Operation ---Fuel/Rps. Labor Cust/Serv. Materials Total 0.450 0.150 0.450 0.023 0.500 0.167 0.500 0.025 0.667 7.23 2.85 6.59 0.13 4.39 1.46 4.39 0.22 5.11 0.009 0.180 0.225 0.225 0.180 0.360 0.158 0.010 0.200 0.250 0.250 0.200 0.400 0.351 0.16 1.13 4.94 2.53 2.19 5.89 0.91 0.16 1.75 2.19 2.19 1.75 3.51 2.88 0.158 0.023 0.351 0.025 0.91 0.33 2.88 0.22 3.00 52.47 74.12 78.15 101.76 10.00 4.75 0.200 1.53 30.29 16.02 75.00 0.225 0.015 0.015 0.250 0.017 0.017 3.63 0.09 0.09 2.19 0.15 0.15 0.011 0.013 0.200 0.16 0.11 1.53 16.02 52.13 17.98 6.10 20.02 75.00 0.023 0.023 0.025 0.025 0.13 0.33 0.22 0.22 0.150 1.667 0.167 2.85 13.17 1.46 1723.20 11.62 4.31 10.98 0.35 5.11 3.00 0.32 55.36 81.24 4.72 82.09 111.15 3.80 3.80 0.55 10.00 35.04 17.55 75.00 21.84 52.36 18.21 6.10 0.27 21.56 75.00 0.35 0.55 1723.20 4.31 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 Times 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 170.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 10.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 4.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 302.17 TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES (includes all times over): *NOTES: Machine and labor hours and operating cost are for one time over the designated acreage. The "Tot. Cash Expense" column and the "TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES" row include all operations, all times over. Classes are defined below. A water assessment charge of $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Tot. Cash Expenses 11.62 8.62 10.98 0.35 10.23 3.00 53.93 55.36 81.24 4.72 82.09 111.15 3.80 3.80 0.55 20.00 35.04 70.21 150.00 21.84 52.36 54.63 6.10 0.55 21.56 75.00 0.35 0.55 1723.20 4.31 13.17 302.17 3000.54 Class L L L G G G G G G L L L G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G H L T Table 10C. Variable Operating Costs; Spring Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Yuma Valley North FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 823.0 Ct / Acre OPERATING COST SUMMARY BY CLASS Land Preparation (L) 233.50 Growing (G) 728.50 Harvest (H) 1,723.20 Post Harvest (P) 0.00 Marketing (M) 0.00 Operating Overhead (O) 315.34 Total (T) $3,000.54 WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 SENSITIVITY OF THE NET REVENUES OVER TOTAL CASH EXPENSES ($/ACRE) Prices -> - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% + 25% Yields $3.95 $4.73 $5.26 $5.79 $6.58 Break-even Price - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% + 25% 617.3 740.7 823.0 905.3 1,028.8 Break-even Yield 5.53 234.06 386.41 538.77 767.30 492.54 818.47 1,035.76 1,253.05 1,578.98 817.21 1,208.08 1,468.66 1,729.24 2,120.10 1,141.89 1,597.69 1,901.56 2,205.42 2,661.23 1,628.90 2,182.10 2,550.90 2,919.71 3,472.91 614.26 430.70 359.14 307.98 253.75 3.94 3.63 3.48 3.35 3.20 59 Table 10D. Resource and Cash Flow Requirements; Spring Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Yuma Valley North Month * Number Irrigations OCT P 1.0 NOV P 6.0 DEC P 6.0 JAN C 1.0 FEB C 3.0 MAR C APR C Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 Water Assessment Total % 17.0 FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 823.0 Ct / Acre Water Applied (inches) Total Labor (Hrs) 10.0 10.0 3.0 3.0 9.0 WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 -------------------------------------- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) -------------------------------------Purchased Fuel, Oil Other Water and Repairs Labor Chemicals Purchases Services Total 2.13 3.14 1.67 0.52 0.93 0.38 0.27 21.27 22.43 9.79 4.92 5.09 5.55 4.46 13.17 18.59 28.10 15.68 6.36 9.54 5.37 3.02 3.00 204.73 114.46 34.00 70.04 17.98 302.17 42.86 357.02 229.69 136.38 159.67 890.50 869.08 13.17 302.17 2284.23 76.13 3000.54 100.00 101.76 89.76 91.10 75.00 861.60 861.60 ** 35.0 9.03 60 TOTAL RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Total N 276.8 Total P 144.0 Total Labor 9.0 Total Water 35.0 86.68 2.89 Border Disk, 6' Disk Fertilizer Injector, 4 Row Lister, 5 Bottom Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Section Harrow, 3 Section Tractor, 60 PTO HP Tractor, 175 PTO HP, V-Ripper, 7 Shnk MATERIALS REQUIREMENT (per Acre) 11-48-00, Dry 300.00 Cypermethrin 6.00 Methomyl 6.00 Spreader-activator 6.40 20-00-00, Amm. Nitrate, Head Lettuce Sd Pronamide Vinclozolin LABOR REQUIREMENT (per Acre) Irrigators 3.73 Hr 441.21 14.70 101.76 3.39 TOTAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Diesel Fuel 22.0 Gal Unleaded Gas 15.7 Gal All Direct Energy 5.0 M BTU EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Bed Shaper, 6 Rw 0.18 Hr Fertilizer Broadcaster, 0.18 Hr Laser, Complete System 0.45 Hr Offset Disk, 18' 0.67 Hr Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 0.41 Hr Sprinkler Trailer 0.32 Hr Tractor, 150 PTO HP 0.22 Hr Truck, 5 Ton w/1000 Gal 1.53 Hr Lb Oz Pt Oz 86.66 2.89 Tractor 0.05 0.22 0.22 1.67 0.22 0.54 0.45 0.45 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Drag Scraper, 10' High Clearance Sprayer, Motor Grader, 12' Planter, Stanhay, 4 Row Sled Cultivator, 4Rw Tractor, 100 PTO HP Tractor, 235 Eng HP, Art. 125.00 160.00 2.00 2.00 Ga Th Lb Lb Benefin Imidacloprid Spinosad Water, District 3.59 Hr *NOTE: P = Previous Year C = Current Year N = Next Year ** A water assessment charge of $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Truck Driver 0.45 0.06 0.07 0.36 0.22 0.99 0.90 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 2.00 16.00 6.00 35.00 Pt Oz Oz AI 1.70 Hr Table 10E. Schedule of Operations; Spring Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Yuma Valley North First No. Month Times 61 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 9 10 11 11 12 13 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 19 20 21 21 22 23 23 23 24 25 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Nov Nov Operation 1.0 Rip 2.0 Disk 1.0 Laser Level 1.0 2.0 1.0 170.0 1.0 1.0 Make Borders Preirrigate Soil Fertility Dust Control Apply Fert/Ground Apply Herbicide/Ground Nov Nov 1.0 List 1.0 Shape Beds Nov Nov 1.0 Plant 1.0 Set Sprinklers Nov Nov FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 823.0 Ct / Acre 10.0 Irrigate/Sec Sys 1.0 Remove Sprinklers Nov Dec Dec Dec 1.0 2.0 1.0 4.0 Make Ditches Field Scouting Apply Insecticide/Air Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Dec Dec 2.0 Thinning 1.0 Cultivate WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter Equipment/ Custom Oper HP Self-Prop./ Implement 175 V-Ripper, 7 Shnk 175 Offset Disk, 18' 175 Drag Scraper, 10' Laser, Complete System 60 Border Disk, 6' Disk CST Soil Analysis (Surface) Truck, 5 Ton w/1000 Gal Tank 60 Fertilizer Broadcaster, 150 Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 Offset Disk, 18' Section Harrow, 3 Section 100 Lister, 5 Bottom 100 Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 Bed Shaper, 6 Rw 100 Planter, Stanhay, 4 Row 60 Sprinkler Trailer 60 Sprinkler Trailer Motor Grader, 12' CST Scout For Insects CST Air Spray, 5 Gal Mix Dec Jan CST Thinning 100 Sled Cultivator, 4Rw Fertilizer Injector, 4 Row 1.0 Apply Fungicide/Ground High Clearance Sprayer, 18 3.0 Apply Insect./Ground High Clearance Sprayer, 18 Jan Feb Feb 1.0 Bird Control 2.0 Make Ditches 1.0 Irrigate/Run Fertilizer CST Bird Control Motor Grader, 12' Feb Mar Mar Mar Apr 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 CST Hand Weeding 60 Border Disk, 6' Disk Motor Grader, 12' CST Harv/pack/haul Lettuce 175 Offset Disk, 18' Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Hand Weeding Knock Borders Knock Ditches Harvest, Load & Haul Disk Residue Pickup use 50 Mi/Ac Job Rate Acre/Hr TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 ---------- Material Use and Cost ---------Service Cost Name Appl. Rate $ / Unit $ / Unit 2.00 6.00 2.00 40.00 1.50 Water, District Labor Type Tractor Tractor Tractor 10.00 AI Tractor Irrigators 0.00 AF 3.00 Ac 100.00 5.00 11-48-00, Dry 4.00 Benefin Pronamide 4.00 5.00 Imidacloprid Spreader-activator 2.50 Head Lettuce Sd 5.70 11.00 Water, District 5.70 Truck Tractor Tractor 300.00 Lb 330.00 Tn 2.00 Pt 8.69 Ga 2.00 Lb 26.27 Lb Tractor Tractor 16.00 Oz 588.40 Ga 1.60 Oz 13.50 Ga 160.00 Th 0.60 Th 0.00 AI Tractor Tractor Irrigators 0.00 AF Tractor Irrigators Tractor 40.00 Spinosad 5.00 Water, District 20-00-00, Amm. Nitrate, 6.00 Oz 609.67 Ga 3.00 AI 0.00 AF 20.00 Ga 155.00 Tn 4.00 20-00-00, Amm. Nitrate, 20.00 Ga 155.00 Tn 10.00 Ac 4.75 Ac Irrigators 75.00 Ac 60.00 Vinclozolin 60.00 Methomyl Cypermethrin Spreader-activator 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.60 Tractor Lb 24.59 Lb Pt 48.94 Ga Oz 291.66 Ga Oz 13.50 Ga Tractor Tractor 6.10 Hr 80.00 5.00 Water, District 20-00-00, Amm. Nitrate, Tractor Irrigators 3.00 AI 0.00 AF 25.00 Ga 155.00 Tn 75.00 Ac 40.00 40.00 Tractor Tractor 2.40 Ct 6.00 0.60 *NOTES: Machine times, labor times, and material rates are for one time over the designated acreage. Tractor Table 10F Operations Calendar; Spring Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Yuma Valley North No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Operation FARM: Western Arizona Vegetables WATER SOURCE: YCWUA TILLAGE: Double Crop ACRES: 1 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow SOIL: Sandy-Loam YIELD: 853 Ct/Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter DATE: 03/25/2001 ----------------------------------------Month and Times Operation Performed ----------------------------------------------Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 62 Rip Disk Laser Level Make Borders Preirrigate Soil Fertility Dust Control Apply Fert/Ground Apply Herbicide/Ground List Bed Shaping/Admire Plant Set Sprinklers Irrigate/Sec Sys Remove Sprinklers Make Ditches Field Scouting Apply Insecticide/Air 1P 19 Irrigate/Run Fertilizer 20 Thinning 21 Cultivate 22 Apply Fungicide/Ground 23 Apply Insect/Ground 24 Bird Control 25 Make Ditches 26 Irrigate/Run Fertilizer 27 Hand Weeding 28 Knock Borders 29 Knock Ditches 30 Harvest, Load & Haul 31 Disk Residue * NOTE: P = Previous Year C = Current Year 30 C 30 C 30 C 1P 2P 1P 1P 1P 1P 10 P 10 C 1P 30 P 1P 1P 1P 30 P 1P 1P 1P 5P 1C 1C 1C 2C 1P 1P 1P 1P 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C .5 C .5 C 1C N = Next Year 5P 1P 1P 1P Table 11A. Income and Cash Operating Summary; Spring Watermelons, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Watermelons AREA: Yuma Valley North FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 22.0 Tn / Acre Item INCOME -> Melons WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Cotton, Upland Unit Quantity Price/ Unit Ton 22.05 $141.60 CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES (including sales tax) Paid Labor (including benefits) Tractor/Self Propelled Irrigation Other/ Contract Chemicals and Custom Applications Fertilizer Insecticide Farm Machinery and Vehicles Diesel Fuel Gasoline Repairs and Maintenance Irrigation Water (excluding labor) Water Assessment (See Note Below) ** 63 Other Purchased Inputs & Seed/Transplants Other Services and Rentals TOTAL CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES CASH HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSES Custom Harvest/Post Harvest Cotton Ginning Crop Assessment Other Materials TOTAL HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSE OPERATING OVERHEAD -> PICKUP USE OPERATING INTEREST AT 10.0% TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES RETURNS OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES Notes: The above figures do not include ownership costs, see table B for detailed cost allocation. ** A water assessment charge of $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Budgeted /Acre $3,122.28 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 Total /Acre Your Farm Budget $3,122.28 ____________ 128.02 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 350.99 ____________ ____________ ____________ 118.71 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 80.97 23.66 23.40 143.60 207.40 39.58 13.15 65.98 0.00 399.23 ____________ ____________ ____________ 996.95 ____________ 1714.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 1714.40 13.17 30.03 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ $2,754.55 $367.73 ____________ ____________ 96.23 303.00 Table 11B. Allocations of Ownership Costs; Spring Watermelons, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Watermelons AREA: Yuma Valley North FARM: Yuma Vegetables WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water ACRES: 1.0 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow YIELD: 22.0 Tn / Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Cotton, Upland Item TOTAL INCOME at -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $141.60 / Tn $3,122.28 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES RETURN OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES $2,754.55 CASH OVERHEAD EXPENSES Taxes, Housing and Insurance, Farm Machinery General and Office Overhead (5.0%of Total Operating Exp.) General Farm Maintenance (3.0% of Total Operating Exp.) Total Cash Overhead Expenses Total Cash Operating and Overhead Cost RETURNS OVER CASH OPER. AND OVER. EXPENSES CAPITAL ALLOCATIONS (100% Equity) Capital Replacement, Machinery and Vehicles Interest on Equity, Machinery and Vehicles TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $3,122.28 $2,754.55 $367.73 11.56 137.73 82.64 $367.73 11.56 137.73 82.64 231.92 231.92 2,986.47 2,986.47 $135.81 $135.81 58.56 17.06 Total Capital Allocations 75.63 RETURNS TO LAND, CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK --------------------------------> $135.81 RETURNS TO LAND, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> 64 Land Cost / Rent or Lease Water Assessment ** 550.00 31.00 550.00 31.00 Total Land Costs 581.00 581.00 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> ($445.19) RETURNS TO MANAGEMENT AND RISK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Management Services (8% of Total Operation Expenses) TOTAL OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OPERATING COST ( PER Lb ) BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER TOTAL COST ($520.81) 220.36 812.92 1,108.91 TOTAL COST $3,567.47 $3,863.46 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> ($445.19) RETURNS TO RISK (PROFITS) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Item $60.19 -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $124.92 $36.87 $161.79 ($741.18) -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $124.92 $50.29 $175.21 Table 11C. Variable Operating Costs; Spring Watermelons, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Watermelons AREA: Yuma Valley North 65 No. First Month Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Dec Dec Dec Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Feb Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Apr Apr May Jun FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 22.0 Tn / Acre ---- Hours * ---Machine Labor Rip Disk Laser Level Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground List Shape Beds Apply Herbicide/Ground Plant Make Ditches Dust Control Irrigate Knock Ditches Cultivate Thinning Apply Fert/Ground Incorporate Herbicide Hand Weeding Irrigate Turn Vines Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Apply Insect./Ground Harvest, Load & Haul 21.4 Disk Residue 21.4 Tn Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Cotton, Upland ---- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) Per Operation ---Fuel/Rps. Labor Cust/Serv. Materials Total 0.300 0.150 0.225 0.333 0.167 0.250 4.82 2.85 3.33 2.92 1.46 2.19 0.225 0.150 1.200 0.225 0.514 0.045 0.009 1.77 2.42 14.23 1.90 7.48 0.66 0.16 0.023 0.450 0.250 0.167 1.333 0.250 0.571 0.050 0.010 0.752 0.025 0.500 0.33 3.81 2.19 1.46 11.70 2.19 5.01 0.44 0.16 5.77 0.22 4.39 0.327 0.514 0.364 0.571 3.80 6.83 3.19 5.01 3.00 43.46 77.97 8.79 107.36 75.00 29.48 8.79 75.00 0.333 2.56 0.500 0.250 3.83 2.19 75.00 0.225 1.95 15.02 37.28 1714.40 0.150 1.667 0.167 2.85 13.17 1.46 7.75 4.31 5.53 3.00 47.42 3.88 103.90 12.88 119.85 1.09 0.32 5.77 0.55 8.20 75.00 36.47 20.63 75.00 2.56 75.00 18.85 41.43 1714.40 4.31 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 Tot. Cash Expenses Times 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 7.0 150.0 1.0 7.0 6.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 1.0 1.0 30.03 TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES (includes all times over): Class 7.75 8.62 5.53 3.00 47.42 3.88 103.90 12.88 119.85 7.66 47.59 5.77 3.83 49.20 75.00 72.94 20.63 75.00 10.23 150.00 37.70 124.28 1714.40 4.31 13.17 30.03 L L L G G L L G L G G G G G G G G G G G G G H L 2754.55 T *NOTES: Machine and labor hours and operating cost are for one time over the designated acreage. The "Tot. Cash Expense" column and the "TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES" row include all operations, all times over. Classes are defined below. A water assessment charge of $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. OPERATING COST SUMMARY BY CLASS Land Preparation (L) 253.84 Growing (G) 743.11 Harvest (H) 1,714.40 Post Harvest (P) 0.00 Marketing (M) 0.00 Operating Overhead (O) 43.20 Total (T) SENSITIVITY OF THE NET REVENUES OVER TOTAL CASH EXPENSES ($/ACRE) Prices -> - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% + 25% Yields $106.20 $127.44 $141.60 $155.76 $177.00 Break-even Price - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% 16.5 19.8 22.0 24.3 -689.64 -595.54 -532.81 -470.08 -338.38 -174.03 -64.47 45.10 -104.21 106.97 247.76 388.55 129.96 387.98 559.99 732.00 481.22 809.49 1,028.33 1,247.18 40.78 23.35 18.17 14.87 11.69 $2,754.55 Break-even Yield 147.90 136.21 130.36 125.58 Table 11D. Resource and Cash Flow Requirements; Spring Watermelons, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Watermelons AREA: Yuma Valley North Month * Number Irrigations DEC P JAN C 1.0 FEB C MAR C 2.0 APR C 2.0 MAY C 2.0 JUN C Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 Water Assessment Total % 7.0 FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 22.0 Tn / Acre Water Applied (inches) Total Labor (Hrs) 18.0 8.0 12.0 12.0 WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Cotton, Upland TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 -------------------------------------- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) -------------------------------------Purchased Fuel, Oil Other Water and Repairs Labor Chemicals Purchases Services Total 0.92 3.50 1.88 3.48 2.15 1.53 0.37 13.85 30.39 17.26 27.88 14.50 8.75 6.07 13.17 8.04 30.54 18.50 31.84 19.96 14.58 4.58 141.35 96.23 38.27 119.06 52.30 30.03 21.89 301.51 110.76 247.99 228.52 932.83 867.85 13.17 30.03 2047.43 74.33 2754.55 100.00 3.00 75.00 150.00 75.00 857.20 857.20 ** 50.0 13.81 66 TOTAL RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Total N 247.2 Total P 183.1 Total Labor 13.8 Total Water 50.0 EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Bed Shaper, 4 Rw 1.20 Hr Directed Spray Rig, 8 0.22 Hr Fertilizer Injector, 3 Row 0.51 Hr Lister, 5 Bottom 0.15 Hr Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton 1.67 Hr Tractor, 80 PTO HP 4.48 Hr Tractor, 175 PTO HP, 0.67 Hr V-Ripper, 7 Shnk 0.30 Hr 131.87 4.79 128.04 4.65 350.98 12.74 96.23 3.49 TOTAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Diesel Fuel 44.7 Gal Unleaded Gas 14.4 Gal All Direct Energy 8.0 M BTU Blade Scraper, 10' Fert. Side Dress Unit, Flexi-Planter - 4 Units Motor Grader, 12' Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 Tractor, 100 PTO HP Tractor, 235 Eng HP, Art. MATERIALS REQUIREMENT (per Acre) 10-34-00, Lqd 7.00 Ga 32-00-00, URAN 32, Lqd 30.00 Ga Imidacloprid 16.00 Oz 11-52-00, Dry Endosulfan Water, District LABOR REQUIREMENT (per Acre) Irrigators 3.09 Hr Tractor 0.22 0.65 0.51 0.47 2.39 2.23 0.30 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 300.00 Lb 4.00 Pt 50.00 AI 9.23 Hr *NOTE: P = Previous Year C = Current Year N = Next Year ** A water assessment charge of $31.00 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Dbl. Gang Disk Cult, 1 Rw Fertilizer Broadcaster, Laser, Complete System Offset Disk, 18' Section Harrow, 3 Section Tractor, 150 PTO HP Truck, 5 Ton w/1000 Gal 20-00-00, Amm. Nitrate, Esfenvalerate Watermelon Seed (Hyb) Truck Driver 3.21 0.22 0.22 0.45 0.51 0.15 1.35 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 500.00 Lb 6.00 Pt 3.00 Th 1.50 Hr Table 11E. Schedule of Operations; Spring Watermelons, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Watermelons AREA: Yuma Valley North First No. Month Times Dec Dec Dec Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan 67 Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Feb Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Apr Apr May Jun FARM: Yuma Vegetables ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 22.0 Tn / Acre Operation WATER SOURCE: Yuma County Water IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Cotton, Upland Equipment/ Custom Oper HP Self-Prop./ Implement 1.0 Rip 2.0 Disk 1.0 Laser Level 175 V-Ripper, 7 Shnk 175 Offset Disk, 18' 175 Blade Scraper, 10' Laser, Complete System 1.0 Soil Fertility CST Soil Analysis (Surface) 1.0 Apply Fert/Ground 80 Fertilizer Broadcaster, 1.0 List 150 Lister, 5 Bottom 1.0 Shape Beds 100 Bed Shaper, 4 Rw Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 Row 1.0 Apply Herbicide/Ground 80 Directed Spray Rig, 8 Row 1.0 Plant 100 Flexi-Planter - 4 Units Fertilizer Injector, 3 Row 7.0 Make Ditches Motor Grader, 12' 150.0 Dust Control Truck, 5 Ton w/1000 Gal Tank 1.0 Irrigate 7.0 Knock Ditches Motor Grader, 12' 6.0 Cultivate 80 Dbl. Gang Disk Cult, 1 Rw 1.0 Thinning CST Thinning 2.0 Apply Fert/Ground 80 Fert. Side Dress Unit, 4Row 1.0 Incorporate Herbicide 100 Dbl. Gang Disk Cult, 1 Rw Section Harrow, 3 Section Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 Row 1.0 Hand Weeding CST Hand Weeding 4.0 Irrigate 2.0 Turn Vines CST Hand Weeding 2.0 Irrigate/Run Fertilizer 3.0 Apply Insect./Ground 1.0 Harvest, Load & Haul 1.0 Disk Residue Pickup use 50 Mi/Ac 80 Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 CST Harv/pack/haul 175 Offset Disk, 18' Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Job Rate Acre/Hr TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/13/01 ---------- Material Use and Cost ---------Service Cost Name Appl. Rate $ / Unit $ / Unit 3.00 6.00 4.00 Labor Type Tractor Tractor Tractor 3.00 Ac 4.00 11-52-00, Dry 6.00 0.75 Imidacloprid 4.00 Endosulfan 1.75 Watermelon Seed 10-34-00, Lqd 20.00 100.00 1.33 Water, District 40.00 2.00 300.00 Lb 273.33 Tn Tractor Tractor Tractor 16.00 Oz 588.40 Ga 2.00 Pt 33.17 Ga 3.00 Th 30.26 Th 7.00 Ga 263.33 Tn 18.00 AI Tractor Tractor Tractor Truck Irrigators Tractor Tractor 0.00 AF 75.00 Ac 2.75 20-00-00, Amm. Nitrate, 250.00 Lb 222.50 Tn 1.75 Endosulfan 2.00 Pt 33.17 Ga Tractor Tractor 75.00 Ac 3.00 Water, District 0.20 2.00 Water, District 32-00-00, URAN 32, 4.00 Esfenvalerate 4.00 AI 0.00 AF Irrigators 75.00 Ac 8.00 AI 0.00 AF 15.00 Ga 170.80 Tn 2.00 Pt 140.69 Ga Irrigators Tractor 80.00 Tn 6.00 0.60 *NOTES: Machine times, labor times, and material rates are for one time over the designated acreage. Tractor Table 11F Operations Calendar; Spring Watermelons, 2001 COUNTY: Yuma CROP: Watermelons AREA: Yuma Valley North FARM: Western Arizona Vegetables WATER SOURCE: YCWUA TILLAGE: Double Crop ACRES: 1 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow SOIL: Sandy-Loam YIELD: 21.4 Tn/Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Cotton, Upland DATE: 03/25/2001 ----------------------------------------Month and Times Operation Performed ----------------------------------------------Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 68 No. Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 * NOTE: Rip Disk Laser Level Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground List Bed Shaping/Admire Apply Herbicide/Ground Plant Make Ditches Dust Control Irrigate Knock Ditches Cultivate Thinning Apply Fert/Ground Incorporate Herbicide Hand Weeding Irrigate Turn Vines Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Apply Insect/Ground Harvest, Load & Haul Disk Residue P = Previous Year C = Current Year 1P 2P 1P 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 10 C 1C 1C 1C 30 C 1C 30 C 2C 30 C 2C 30 C 1C 3C 1C 1C 3C 2C 2C 1C 1C 1C 2C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 2C 20 C 1C 1C 1C .5 C N = Next Year .5 C 1C Table 12A. Income and Cash Operating Summary; Dry Onions (Processing), 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Dry Onions AREA: Parker CRIR FARM: La Paz County ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 18.0 Tn / Acre Item INCOME -> Onions WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Honeydew Melons Unit Quantity Ton 18.00 Price/ Unit $95.00 CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES (including sales tax) Paid Labor (including benefits) Tractor/Self Propelled Irrigation Other/ Contract Chemicals and Custom Applications Fertilizer Insecticide Herbicide Other Chemicals Farm Machinery and Vehicles Diesel Fuel Repairs and Maintenance Irrigation Water (excluding labor) Water Assessment (See Note Below) ** 69 Other Purchased Inputs & Other Services and Rentals Budgeted /Acre $1,710.00 $1,710.00 ____________ 83.67 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 585.22 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 56.33 ____________ ____________ ____________ 25.67 30.66 0.00 3.00 ____________ ____________ 728.22 ____________ 0.44 ____________ ____________ 0.59 1.03 13.69 24.20 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ $767.13 $942.87 ____________ ____________ 3.00 0.44 Farm Machinery and Vehicles Diesel Fuel Repairs and Maintenance 0.22 0.37 Notes: The above figures do not include ownership costs, see table B for detailed cost allocation. ** A water assessment charge of $38.50 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Your Farm Budget 116.58 270.42 79.53 118.69 Paid Labor (including benefits) Tractor/Self Propelled TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES RETURNS OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES Total /Acre 42.26 33.74 7.67 TOTAL CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES CASH HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSES TOTAL HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSE OPERATING OVERHEAD -> PICKUP USE OPERATING INTEREST AT 10.0% TILLAGE: Conventional SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/22/01 Table 12B. Allocations of Ownership Costs; Dry Onions (Processing), 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Dry Onions AREA: Parker CRIR FARM: La Paz County WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project ACRES: 1.0 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow YIELD: 18.0 Tn / Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Honeydew Melons Item TOTAL INCOME at $95.00 / Tn TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES RETURN OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES CASH OVERHEAD EXPENSES Taxes, Housing and Insurance, Farm Machinery General and Office Overhead (5.0%of Total Operating Exp.) General Farm Maintenance (3.0% of Total Operating Exp.) Total Cash Overhead Expenses Total Cash Operating and Overhead Cost RETURNS OVER CASH OPER. AND OVER. EXPENSES CAPITAL ALLOCATIONS (100% Equity) Capital Replacement, Machinery and Vehicles Interest on Equity, Machinery and Vehicles -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $1,710.00 TILLAGE: Conventional SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/22/01 -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $1,710.00 $767.13 $767.13 $942.87 5.57 38.36 23.01 $942.87 5.57 38.36 23.01 66.94 66.94 834.07 834.07 $875.93 $875.93 31.52 14.05 Total Capital Allocations 45.58 RETURNS TO LAND, CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK --------------------------------> $875.93 RETURNS TO LAND, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> 70 Land Cost / Rent or Lease Water Assessment ** 150.00 38.50 150.00 38.50 Total Land Costs 188.50 188.50 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> $687.43 RETURNS TO MANAGEMENT AND RISK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Management Services (8% of Total Operation Expenses) TOTAL OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OPERATING COST ( PER Lb ) BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER TOTAL COST $641.85 61.37 255.44 362.39 TOTAL COST $1,022.57 $1,129.52 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> $687.43 RETURNS TO RISK (PROFITS) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Item $830.35 -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $42.62 $14.19 $56.81 $580.48 -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $42.62 $20.13 $62.75 Table 12C. Variable Operating Costs; Dry Onions (Processing), 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Dry Onions AREA: Parker CRIR 71 No. First Month Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Jul Jul Aug Sep Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Nov Nov Nov Nov Dec Feb Feb Feb Mar Apr May May FARM: La Paz County ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 18.0 Tn / Acre Rip Disk Laser Level Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground List Shape Beds Plant Apply Herbicide/Ground Irrigate Buck Rows Apply Fungicide/Ground Disk Ends Apply Herbicide/Ground Cultivate Apply Fert/Ground Apply Fungicide/Air Apply Insecticide/Air Apply Fungicide/Air Prepare Ends Harvest, Load & Haul Disk Residue Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 ---- Hours * ---Machine Labor 0.450 0.150 0.450 WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Honeydew Melons TILLAGE: Conventional SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/22/01 ---- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) Per Operation ---Fuel/Rps. Labor Cust/Serv. Materials Total 0.500 0.167 0.500 7.84 3.15 7.12 4.39 1.46 4.39 0.045 0.050 0.59 0.44 12.23 4.61 11.51 3.00 56.51 4.29 3.21 28.33 69.69 3.07 0.79 46.18 0.86 18.21 4.22 36.48 21.08 270.42 30.35 1.03 0.150 1.667 0.167 2.99 13.69 1.46 4.45 3.00 8.17 0.225 0.180 0.900 0.225 2.10 1.45 11.89 1.99 0.045 0.250 0.200 2.000 0.250 0.400 0.050 0.35 2.19 1.75 16.44 2.19 3.07 0.44 0.045 0.225 0.225 0.300 0.050 0.250 0.250 0.333 0.43 1.99 2.03 3.52 0.44 2.19 2.19 2.92 48.34 65.51 4.24 41.94 14.02 5.23 4.75 4.75 30.04 15.85 265.67 25.60 Tot. Cash Expenses Times 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 11.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 12.23 9.22 11.51 3.00 56.51 4.29 3.21 28.33 69.69 33.74 1.58 46.18 1.73 18.21 8.45 72.96 42.16 270.42 30.35 1.03 4.45 13.69 24.20 24.20 TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES (includes all times over): 767.13 Class L L L G G L L L G G G G G G G G G G G H H L T *NOTES: Machine and labor hours and operating cost are for one time over the designated acreage. The "Tot. Cash Expense" column and the "TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES" row include all operations, all times over. Classes are defined below. A water assessment charge of $38.50 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. OPERATING COST SUMMARY BY CLASS Land Preparation (L) 73.24 Growing (G) 654.98 Harvest (H) 1.03 Post Harvest (P) 0.00 Marketing (M) 0.00 Operating Overhead (O) 37.88 Total (T) SENSITIVITY OF THE NET REVENUES OVER TOTAL CASH EXPENSES ($/ACRE) Prices -> - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% + 25% Yields $71.25 $85.50 $95.00 $104.50 $118.75 Break-even Price - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% 13.5 16.2 18.0 19.8 208.73 400.95 529.10 657.25 401.11 631.80 785.60 939.40 529.36 785.70 956.60 1,127.50 657.61 939.60 1,127.60 1,315.60 849.98 1,170.45 1,384.10 1,597.75 10.57 8.81 7.92 7.20 6.34 $767.13 Break-even Yield 55.79 46.50 41.86 38.06 Table 12D. Resource and Cash Flow Requirements; Dry Onions (Processing), 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Dry Onions AREA: Parker CRIR Month * Number Irrigations FARM: La Paz County ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 18.0 Tn / Acre Water Applied (inches) JUL P AUG P SEP P OCT P 1.0 NOV P 1.0 DEC P 1.0 JAN C 2.0 FEB C 2.0 MAR C 2.0 APR C 2.0 MAY C Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 Water Assessment Total % 11.0 Total Labor (Hrs) 3.0 3.0 3.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Honeydew Melons TILLAGE: Conventional SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/22/01 -------------------------------------- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) -------------------------------------Purchased Fuel, Oil Other Water and Repairs Labor Chemicals Purchases Services Total 0.67 0.67 10.99 10.27 5.85 5.85 3.10 0.75 0.70 1.05 1.18 1.13 0.85 0.17 17.43 2.77 2.38 2.03 3.95 3.52 0.59 2.99 13.69 25.65 6.14 5.70 8.33 9.50 9.06 6.57 1.46 113.84 55.96 3.00 8.17 4.24 311.55 71.49 9.98 9.98 16.84 16.12 3.00 165.09 69.11 8.08 10.36 334.98 94.05 7.16 4.45 13.69 24.20 24.20 ** 33.0 10.27 70.61 9.20 72 TOTAL RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Total N 252.4 Total P 212.0 Total Labor 10.3 Total Water 33.0 84.11 10.96 552.84 72.07 TOTAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Diesel Fuel 28.1 Gal Unleaded Gas 5.0 Gal All Direct Energy 4.5 M BTU EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Bed Shaper, 4 Rw 0.18 Hr Drag Scraper, 14' 0.45 Hr Lister, 5 Bottom 0.22 Hr Offset Disk, 16.5' 0.15 Hr Planter/Gramor, 4 Bd,6 0.90 Hr Tractor, 100 PTO HP 0.05 Hr Tractor, 200 PTO HP, 4WD 0.90 Hr Cultivator, Sweep, 4 Rw Fertilizer Injector, 4 Row Offset Disk, 10.5' Offset Disk, 18' Rowbuck, 10' Tractor, 100 PTO HP, V-Ripper, 5 Shnk 0.45 0.60 0.09 0.30 0.09 2.80 0.45 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Directed Spray Rig, 8 Laser, Complete System Offset Disk, 13.5' Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Tractor, 80 PTO HP Tractor, 150 PTO HP MATERIALS REQUIREMENT (per Acre) 10-53-00, Dry 400.00 Chlorothalonil 4.00 Permethrin 15.50 Surfactant (spreader) 0.30 32-00-00, URAN 32, Lqd DCPA Processing Onions Water, District 60.00 10.00 20.50 33.00 Ga Lb Lb AI Bromoxynil Mancozeb Sulfur Lb Pt Lb Pt 59.57 7.77 0.45 0.45 0.05 1.67 0.18 0.45 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 1.00 Pt 2.40 Ga 35.00 Lb LABOR REQUIREMENT (per Acre) Irrigators 4.40 Hr Other 1.00 Hr *NOTE: P = Previous Year C = Current Year N = Next Year ** A water assessment charge of $38.50 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Tractor 4.87 Hr 767.13 100.00 Table 12E. Schedule of Operations; Dry Onions (Processing), 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Dry Onions AREA: Parker CRIR First No. Month Times FARM: La Paz County ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 18.0 Tn / Acre Operation 73 Jul Jul Aug 1.0 Rip 2.0 Disk 1.0 Laser Level Sep Oct Oct Oct Oct 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Oct Oct Nov Nov 1.0 11.0 2.0 1.0 Nov Nov Dec Feb Feb 2.0 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Feb Mar Apr May May 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground List Shape Beds Plant WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Honeydew Melons Equipment/ Custom Oper HP Self-Prop./ Implement Job Rate Acre/Hr 200 V-Ripper, 5 Shnk 200 Offset Disk, 18' 150 Drag Scraper, 14' Laser, Complete System CST Soil Analysis (Surface) CST Grnd Apply Fertilizer 100 Lister, 5 Bottom 100 Bed Shaper, 4 Rw 100 Planter/Gramor, 4 Bd,6 2.00 6.00 2.00 Apply Herbicide/Ground 100 Directed Spray Rig, 8 Irrigate Buck Rows 80 Rowbuck, 10' Apply Fungicide/Ground CST Air Spray, 3 Gal Mix Disk Ends Apply Herbicide/Ground Cultivate Apply Fert/Ground Apply Fungicide/Air Apply Insecticide/Air Apply Fungicide/Air Prepare Ends Harvest, Load & Haul Disk Residue Pickup use 50 Mi/Ac 80 Offset Disk, 10.5' 100 Directed Spray Rig, 8 100 Cultivator, Sweep, 4 Rw 100 Fertilizer Injector, 4 Row CST Air Spray, 7 Gal Mix CST Air Spray, 5 Gal Mix CST Air Spray, 5 Gal Mix 100 Offset Disk, 13.5' CST Harvest & Hual Onions 200 Offset Disk, 16.5' Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton TILLAGE: Conventional SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/22/01 ---------- Material Use and Cost ---------Service Cost Name Appl. Rate $ / Unit $ / Unit 10-53-00, Dry 4.00 5.00 1.00 Processing Onions 4.00 DCPA 2.50 Water, District 20.00 Mancozeb Surfactant (spreader) 20.00 4.00 Bromoxynil 4.00 3.00 32-00-00, URAN 32, Chlorothalonil Surfactant (spreader) Permethrin Sulfur 20.00 Processing Onions 6.00 0.60 *NOTES: Machine times, labor times, and material rates are for one time over the designated acreage. Labor Types Tractor Tractor Tractor 400.00 Lb 228.00 Tn 2.50 Lb 0.00 Lb 10.00 Lb 3.00 AI 6.18 Lb 0.00 AF 2.40 Ga 0.10 Pt 16.40 Ga 16.40 Ga 3.00 Ac 8.17 Ac Tractor Tractor Tractor Other Tractor Irrigators Tractor 4.24 Ac Tractor Tractor Tractor Tractor 1.00 Pt 105.81 Ga 30.00 2.00 0.10 15.50 35.00 Ga 170.80 Tn Pt 59.00 Ga Pt 16.40 Ga Lb 16.17 Lb Lb 0.69 Lb 5.23 Ac 4.75 Ac 4.75 Ac Tractor 18.00 Lb 0.00 Lb 0.00 Tractor Table 12F Operations Calendar; Dry Onions (Processing), 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Onions, Dry AREA: Parker CRIR FARM: Western Arizona Vegetables WATER SOURCE: CRIR TILLAGE: Conventional ACRES: 1 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow SOIL: Sandy-Loam YIELD: 18 Tn/Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat DATE: 03/25/2001 ----------------------------------------Month and Times Operation Performed ----------------------------------------------Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 74 No. Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 * NOTE: Rip Disk Laser Level Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground List Shape Beds Plant Apply Herbicide/Ground Irrigate Buck Rows Disk Ends Apply Herbicide/Ground Apply Fungicide/Ground Cultivate Apply Fert/Ground Apply Fungicide/Air Apply Insecticide/Air Prepare Ends Harvest, Load & Haul Disk Residue P = Previous Year C = Current Year 1P 1P 1P 1P 1P 2C 2C 2C 1P 1P 1P 1P 1P 1P 2C 1P 1P 1C 1P 1P 1P 1P 1P 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C N = Next Year Table 13A. Income and Cash Operating Summary; Fall Cantaloupe, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Cantaloupes AREA: Parker CRIR FARM: LaPaz County ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 237.0 Ct / Acre Item INCOME -> Melons WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Alfalfa Hay Unit Quantity Crtn 237.00 Price/ Unit $6.98 CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES (including sales tax) Paid Labor (including benefits) Tractor/Self Propelled Irrigation Other/ Contract Chemicals and Custom Applications Fertilizer Insecticide Herbicide Farm Machinery and Vehicles Diesel Fuel Repairs and Maintenance Irrigation Water (excluding labor) Water Assessment (See Note Below) ** 75 Other Purchased Inputs & Seed/Transplants Other Services and Rentals TOTAL CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES CASH HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSES Custom Harvest/Post Harvest TOTAL HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSE OPERATING OVERHEAD -> PICKUP USE OPERATING INTEREST AT 10.0% TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES RETURNS OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES Notes: The above figures do not include ownership costs, see table B for detailed cost allocation. ** A water assessment charge of $19.25 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Budgeted /Acre $1,654.26 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 11/1/01 Total /Acre Your Farm Budget $1,654.26 ____________ 91.10 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 304.31 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 52.57 ____________ ____________ ____________ 47.11 40.92 3.07 104.98 142.91 56.42 24.95 27.62 0.00 189.04 ____________ ____________ ____________ 637.02 ____________ 367.35 367.35 13.69 5.29 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ $1,023.35 $630.91 ____________ ____________ 15.04 174.00 Table 13B. Allocations of Ownership Costs; Fall Cantaloupe, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Cantaloupes AREA: Parker CRIR FARM: LaPaz County WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project ACRES: 1.0 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow YIELD: 237.0 Ct / Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Alfalfa Hay Item TOTAL INCOME at $6.98 / Ct TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES RETURN OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES CASH OVERHEAD EXPENSES Taxes, Housing and Insurance, Farm Machinery General and Office Overhead (5.0%of Total Operating Exp.) General Farm Maintenance (3.0% of Total Operating Exp.) Total Cash Overhead Expenses Total Cash Operating and Overhead Cost RETURNS OVER CASH OPER. AND OVER. EXPENSES CAPITAL ALLOCATIONS (100% Equity) Capital Replacement, Machinery and Vehicles Interest on Equity, Machinery and Vehicles -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $1,654.26 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 11/1/01 -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $1,654.26 $1,023.35 $1,023.35 $630.91 5.10 51.17 30.70 $630.91 5.10 51.17 30.70 86.97 86.97 1,110.32 1,110.32 $543.94 $543.94 28.76 10.52 Total Capital Allocations 39.28 RETURNS TO LAND, CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK --------------------------------> $543.94 RETURNS TO LAND, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> 76 Land Cost / Rent or Lease Water Assessment ** 150.00 19.25 150.00 19.25 Total Land Costs 169.25 169.25 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> $374.69 RETURNS TO MANAGEMENT AND RISK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Management Services (8% of Total Operation Expenses) TOTAL OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OPERATING COST ( PER Lb ) BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER TOTAL COST $335.41 81.87 256.22 377.37 TOTAL COST $1,279.57 $1,400.72 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> $374.69 RETURNS TO RISK (PROFITS) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Item $504.66 -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $4.32 $1.08 $5.40 $253.54 -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $4.32 $1.59 $5.91 Table 13C. Variable Operating Costs; Fall Cantaloupe, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Cantaloupes AREA: Parker CRIR 77 No. First Month Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Aug Aug Aug Aug Sep Sep FARM: LaPaz County ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 237.0 Ct / Acre ---- Hours * ---Machine Labor Rip Disk Laser Level Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground List Plant Apply Herbicide/Ground Apply Insect./Ground Buck Rows Irrigate Cultivate Plant Fertility Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Thinning Apply Insecticide/Air Hand Weeding Apply Fert/Ground Pollinate Harvest 237 Ct Disk Residue 237 Ct Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Alfalfa Hay ---- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) Per Operation ---Fuel/Rps. Labor Cust/Serv. Materials Total 0.225 0.150 0.450 0.250 0.167 0.500 3.92 3.15 7.67 2.19 1.47 4.39 0.180 0.225 0.360 0.225 0.180 0.045 1.49 2.10 5.18 1.24 0.95 0.20 0.225 0.200 0.250 0.800 0.250 0.200 0.050 0.667 0.250 1.55 1.75 2.19 6.58 2.19 1.75 0.44 5.12 2.19 0.600 0.667 2.00 5.12 3.00 34.98 15.04 56.42 24.36 6.00 30.04 75.00 4.24 75.00 0.257 0.286 3.02 2.51 39.96 15.00 367.35 0.180 1.667 0.200 3.78 13.69 55.03 1.75 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 11/1/01 Tot. Cash Expenses Times 6.11 4.61 12.05 3.00 38.23 4.29 26.80 59.85 27.07 0.64 5.12 3.74 6.00 37.15 75.00 59.28 75.00 45.49 15.00 367.35 5.53 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 7.0 9.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.29 TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES (includes all times over): Class 6.11 9.22 12.05 3.00 38.23 4.29 26.80 59.85 27.07 3.20 35.81 33.67 6.00 37.15 75.00 118.56 75.00 45.49 15.00 367.35 5.53 13.69 5.29 L L L G G L L G G G G G G G G G G G G H L 1023.35 T *NOTES: Machine and labor hours and operating cost are for one time over the designated acreage. The "Tot. Cash Expense" column and the "TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES" row include all operations, all times over. Classes are defined below. A water assessment charge of $19.25 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. OPERATING COST SUMMARY BY CLASS Land Preparation (L) 64.01 Growing (G) 573.01 Harvest (H) 367.35 Post Harvest (P) 0.00 Marketing (M) 0.00 Operating Overhead (O) 18.98 Total (T) SENSITIVITY OF THE NET REVENUES OVER TOTAL CASH EXPENSES ($/ACRE) Prices -> - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% + 25% Yields $5.24 $6.28 $6.98 $7.68 $8.73 Break-even Price - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% 177.8 213.3 237.0 260.7 -4.18 126.82 214.16 301.49 181.93 350.15 462.30 574.44 305.99 499.03 627.72 756.41 430.06 647.91 793.15 938.38 616.17 871.24 1,041.29 1,211.33 178.88 139.30 121.40 107.57 91.87 $1,023.35 Break-even Yield 5.26 4.64 4.33 4.08 Table 13D. Resource and Cash Flow Requirements; Fall Cantaloupe, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Cantaloupes AREA: Parker CRIR Month * Number Irrigations JUN C JUL C 4.0 AUG C 4.0 SEP C Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 Water Assessment Total % 8.0 FARM: LaPaz County ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 237.0 Ct / Acre Water Applied (inches) Total Labor (Hrs) WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Alfalfa Hay -------------------------------------- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) -------------------------------------Purchased Fuel, Oil Other Water and Repairs Labor Chemicals Purchases Services Total 1.53 4.77 3.85 0.95 20.0 20.0 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 11/1/01 21.47 14.42 8.26 8.42 13.69 13.46 38.44 30.87 8.33 34.98 110.82 95.00 55.03 15.04 3.00 81.00 94.24 371.59 5.29 72.91 259.72 228.37 443.37 13.69 5.29 555.12 54.25 1023.35 100.00 ** 40.0 11.11 66.26 6.47 TOTAL RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Total N 158.2 Total P 126.0 Total K 15.0 Total Labor 11.1 Total Water 40.0 78 EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Bed Shaper, 4 Rw 0.36 Hr Drag Scraper, 14' 0.45 Hr Laser, Complete System 0.45 Hr Offset Disk, 18' 0.48 Hr Rowbuck, 10' 0.23 Hr Tractor, 50 PTO HP, 0.63 Hr Tractor, 200 PTO HP, 4WD 1.15 Hr MATERIALS REQUIREMENT (per Acre) 10-10-05, Lqd 30.00 Abamectin 10.00 Cantaloupe Sd 1.50 Water, District 40.00 Ga Oz Lb AI LABOR REQUIREMENT (per Acre) Irrigators 5.34 Hr 91.10 8.90 295.83 28.91 15.04 1.47 TOTAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Diesel Fuel 27.1 Gal Unleaded Gas 5.0 Gal All Direct Energy 4.4 M BTU Cultivator, Sweep, 4 Rw Fertilizer Broadcaster, Lister, 5 Bottom Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 Tractor, 70 PTO HP, V-Ripper, 5 Shnk 11-48-00, Dry Bensulide Endosulfan Other 2.02 0.18 0.22 1.67 0.22 2.02 0.22 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 200.00 Lb 10.00 Pt 2.00 Pt 0.40 Hr *NOTE: P = Previous Year C = Current Year N = Next Year ** A water assessment charge of $19.25 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Directed Spray Rig, 8 Fertilizer Injector, 4 Row Offset Disk, 13.5' Planter, Drill Type, 4 Row Tractor, 35 PTO HP Tractor, 100 PTO HP, 32-00-00, URAN 32, Lqd Bifenthrin Imidacloprid Tractor 0.18 0.26 0.00 0.36 0.60 1.02 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 30.00 Ga 10.00 Oz 5.00 Oz 5.37 Hr Table 13E. Schedule of Operations; Fall Cantaloupe, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Cantaloupes AREA: Parker CRIR First No. Month Times Jun Jun Jun FARM: LaPaz County ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 237.0 Ct / Acre Operation WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Alfalfa Hay Equipment/ Custom Oper HP Self-Prop./ Implement Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul 200 V-Ripper, 5 Shnk 200 Offset Disk, 18' 200 Drag Scraper, 14' Laser, Complete System 1.0 Soil Fertility CST Soil Analysis (Surface) 1.0 Apply Fert/Ground 100 Fertilizer Broadcaster, 1.0 List 100 Lister, 5 Bottom 1.0 Plant 100 Planter, Drill Type, 4 Row Bed Shaper, 4 Rw 1.0 Apply Herbicide/Ground 50 Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 1.0 Apply Insect./Ground 50 Directed Spray Rig, 8 Row 5.0 Buck Rows 50 Rowbuck, 10' 7.0 Irrigate 9.0 Cultivate 70 Cultivator, Sweep, 4 Rw 1.0 Plant Fertility CST Plant Tissue Anal.(Petiole) 1.0 Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Tractor, 35 PTO HP Jul Aug 1.0 Thinning 2.0 Apply Insecticide/Air CST Thinning CST Air Spray, 3 Gal Mix Aug Aug Aug Sep Sep 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 CST Hand Weeding 100 Fertilizer Injector, 4 Row CST Bee Hive Rental CST Harv/pack/haul Melons 200 Offset Disk, 18' Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Jun Jun Jun Jul 1.0 Rip 2.0 Disk 1.0 Laser Level 79 Hand Weeding Apply Fert/Ground Pollinate Harvest Disk Residue Pickup use 50 Mi/Ac Job Rate Acre/Hr TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 11/1/01 ---------- Material Use and Cost ---------Service Cost Name Appl. Rate $ / Unit $ / Unit 4.00 6.00 2.00 Labor Type Tractor Tractor Tractor 3.00 Ac 5.00 11-48-00, Dry 4.00 2.50 Cantaloupe Sd 4.00 Bensulide 5.00 Imidacloprid 20.00 1.50 Water, District 4.00 200.00 Lb 330.00 Tn 1.50 Lb Tractor Tractor Tractor Other Tractor Tractor Tractor Irrigators Tractor 9.46 Lb 10.00 Pt 42.58 Ga 5.00 Oz 588.40 Ga 5.00 AI 0.00 AF 6.00 Ac 1.50 Water, District 32-00-00, URAN 32, 5.00 AI 0.00 AF 30.00 Ga 170.80 Tn Bifenthrin Endosulfan Abamectin 5.00 Oz 490.00 Ga 1.00 Pt 33.17 Ga 5.00 Oz 732.91 Ga 3.50 10-10-05, Lqd 30.00 Ga 251.33 Tn Irrigators 75.00 Ac 4.24 Ac 75.00 Ac Tractor 15.00 Ac 1.55 Ct 5.00 0.60 *NOTES: Machine times, labor times, and material rates are for one time over the designated acreage. Tractor Table 13F Operations Calendar; Fall Cantaloupe, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Cantaloupe AREA: Parker FARM: Western Arizona Vegetables WATER SOURCE: CRIR TILLAGE: Double Crop ACRES: 1 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow SOIL: Sandy-Loam YIELD: 237 Ct/Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Cantaloupe DATE: 03/25/2001 ----------------------------------------Month and Times Operation Performed ----------------------------------------------Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 80 No. Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 * NOTE: Rip Disk Laser Level Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground List Plant Apply Herbicide/Ground Apply Insect/Ground Buck Rows Irrigate Cultivate Plant Fertility Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Thinning Apply Insecticide/Air Hand Weeding Apply Fert/Ground Pollinate Harvest Disk Residue P = Previous Year C = Current Year 1C 2C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 2C 3C 3C 1C 1C 1C 1C 3C 4C 3C 3C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C N = Next Year 1C Table 14A. Income and Cash Operating Summary; Fall Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Parker CRIR FARM: LaPaz County ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 823.0 Ct / Acre Item INCOME -> Lettuce WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Honeydew Melons Unit Quantity Crtn 823.00 Price/ Unit $5.26 CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES (including sales tax) Paid Labor (including benefits) Tractor/Self Propelled Irrigation Chemicals and Custom Applications Fertilizer Insecticide Herbicide Other Chemicals Farm Machinery and Vehicles Diesel Fuel Repairs and Maintenance Irrigation Water (excluding labor) Water Assessment (See Note Below) ** 81 Other Purchased Inputs & Seed/Transplants Other Services and Rentals Budgeted /Acre $4,328.98 ____________ 62.18 ____________ ____________ ____________ 290.71 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 39.36 ____________ ____________ ____________ 0.00 335.86 ____________ ____________ ____________ 728.11 ____________ 2.19 ____________ ____________ 4.72 ____________ ____________ ____________ 1975.20 1982.11 13.69 174.91 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ $2,898.81 $1,430.17 ____________ ____________ 101.76 234.10 Farm Machinery and Vehicles Diesel Fuel Repairs and Maintenance 2.22 2.50 Notes: The above figures do not include ownership costs, see table B for detailed cost allocation. ** A water assessment charge of $38.50 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. $4,328.98 17.80 21.57 2.19 TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES RETURNS OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES Your Farm Budget 165.06 106.86 18.42 0.36 Paid Labor (including benefits) Tractor/Self Propelled TOTAL HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSE OPERATING OVERHEAD -> PICKUP USE OPERATING INTEREST AT 10.0% Total /Acre 32.08 30.10 TOTAL CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES CASH HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSES Custom Harvest/Post Harvest TILLAGE: Conventional SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 11/1/01 Table 14B. Allocations of Ownership Costs; Fall Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Parker CRIR FARM: LaPaz County WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project ACRES: 1.0 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow YIELD: 823.0 Ct / Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Honeydew Melons Item TOTAL INCOME at $5.26 / Ct TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES RETURN OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES CASH OVERHEAD EXPENSES Taxes, Housing and Insurance, Farm Machinery General and Office Overhead (5.0%of Total Operating Exp.) General Farm Maintenance (3.0% of Total Operating Exp.) Total Cash Overhead Expenses Total Cash Operating and Overhead Cost RETURNS OVER CASH OPER. AND OVER. EXPENSES CAPITAL ALLOCATIONS (100% Equity) Capital Replacement, Machinery and Vehicles Interest on Equity, Machinery and Vehicles -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $4,328.98 TILLAGE: Conventional SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 11/1/01 -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $4,328.98 $2,898.81 $2,898.81 $1,430.17 4.64 144.94 86.96 $1,430.17 4.64 144.94 86.96 236.55 236.55 3,135.36 3,135.36 $1,193.62 $1,193.62 26.07 11.68 Total Capital Allocations 37.75 RETURNS TO LAND, CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK --------------------------------> $1,193.62 RETURNS TO LAND, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> 82 Land Cost / Rent or Lease Water Assessment ** 150.00 38.50 150.00 38.50 Total Land Costs 188.50 188.50 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> $1,005.12 RETURNS TO MANAGEMENT AND RISK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Management Services (8% of Total Operation Expenses) TOTAL OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OPERATING COST ( PER Lb ) BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER TOTAL COST $967.37 231.91 425.05 694.71 TOTAL COST $3,323.86 $3,593.52 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> $1,005.12 RETURNS TO RISK (PROFITS) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Item $1,155.87 -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $3.52 $0.52 $4.04 $735.46 -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $3.52 $0.84 $4.37 Table 14C. Variable Operating Costs; Fall Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Parker CRIR 83 No. First Month Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Aug Aug Aug Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Dec Dec Jan Jan FARM: LaPaz County ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 823.0 Ct / Acre ---- Hours * ---Machine Labor Disk Rip Laser Level List Buck Rows Preirrigate Soil Fertility Disk Ends Apply Fert/Ground Plant Apply Herbicide/Ground Set Sprinklers Irrigate/Sec Sys Bird Control Remove Sprinklers Apply Insect./Ground Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Apply Insect./Ground Thinning Cultivate Apply Insecticide/Air Hand Weeding Apply Insecticide/Air Harvest 823 Ct Residue Disposal 823 Ct Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Honeydew Melons ---- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) Per Operation ---Fuel/Rps. Labor Cust/Serv. Materials Total 0.225 0.378 0.257 0.225 0.023 0.250 0.420 0.286 0.250 0.025 0.725 4.72 6.59 4.38 3.10 0.10 2.19 3.68 2.51 2.19 0.22 5.56 0.023 0.180 0.450 0.180 0.158 0.025 0.200 0.500 0.200 0.350 1.000 0.14 0.85 6.87 1.37 0.56 0.22 1.75 4.39 1.75 2.88 7.67 3.00 68.90 101.76 18.42 6.39 6.10 0.158 0.090 0.56 0.51 0.090 0.350 0.100 0.200 0.100 0.51 2.88 0.88 1.53 0.88 0.225 0.250 1.70 2.19 45.55 24.04 12.97 75.00 4.24 75.00 4.75 1975.20 0.225 1.667 TILLAGE: Conventional SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 11/1/01 0.250 4.72 13.69 2.19 14.69 18.64 Tot. Cash Expenses Times 6.91 10.27 6.89 5.29 0.32 5.56 3.00 0.36 71.50 113.02 21.55 3.44 14.06 6.10 3.44 46.94 25.57 14.36 75.00 3.89 18.93 75.00 23.39 1975.20 6.91 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 174.91 TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES (includes all times over): Class 13.83 10.27 6.89 5.29 1.61 5.56 3.00 1.81 71.50 113.02 21.55 3.44 14.06 6.10 3.44 46.94 102.30 14.36 75.00 7.78 18.93 150.00 23.39 1975.20 6.91 13.69 174.91 L L L L G G G G G L G G G G G G G G G G G G G H P 2898.81 T *NOTES: Machine and labor hours and operating cost are for one time over the designated acreage. The "Tot. Cash Expense" column and the "TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES" row include all operations, all times over. Classes are defined below. A water assessment charge of $38.50 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. OPERATING COST SUMMARY BY CLASS Land Preparation (L) 149.30 Growing (G) 578.81 Harvest (H) 1,975.20 Post Harvest (P) 6.91 Marketing (M) 0.00 Operating Overhead (O) 188.59 Total (T) SENSITIVITY OF THE NET REVENUES OVER TOTAL CASH EXPENSES ($/ACRE) Prices -> - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% + 25% Yields $3.95 $4.73 $5.26 $5.79 $6.58 Break-even Price - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% 617.3 740.7 823.0 905.3 64.72 254.42 380.88 507.34 551.73 838.83 1,030.23 1,221.62 876.41 1,228.44 1,463.12 1,697.81 1,201.08 1,618.05 1,896.02 2,174.00 1,688.09 2,202.46 2,545.37 2,888.28 575.13 380.01 309.91 261.65 212.10 $2,898.81 Break-even Yield 3.84 3.60 3.48 3.38 Table 14D. Resource and Cash Flow Requirements; Fall Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Parker CRIR Month * Number Irrigations AUG C SEP C 1.0 OCT C 1.0 NOV C 2.0 DEC C 2.0 JAN N Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 Water Assessment Total % 6.0 FARM: LaPaz County ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 823.0 Ct / Acre Water Applied (inches) Total Labor (Hrs) WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Honeydew Melons -------------------------------------- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) -------------------------------------Purchased Fuel, Oil Other Water and Repairs Labor Chemicals Purchases Services Total 1.21 1.27 3.55 0.90 0.65 0.25 12.0 6.0 12.0 12.0 TILLAGE: Conventional SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 11/1/01 20.41 4.40 9.85 3.01 1.70 4.72 13.69 10.58 10.38 28.49 7.45 5.26 2.19 68.90 24.81 121.29 66.72 174.91 30.99 86.68 164.91 217.09 228.43 1982.11 13.69 174.91 2393.20 82.56 2898.81 100.00 3.00 101.76 85.34 154.75 1975.20 ** 42.0 7.83 84 TOTAL RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Total N 221.8 Total P 225.0 Total Labor 7.8 Total Water 42.0 EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Bed Shaper, 4 Rw 0.45 Hr Fertilizer Broadcaster, 0.18 Hr Lister, 7 Bottom 0.22 Hr Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton 1.67 Hr Sled Cultivator, 4Rw 0.45 Hr Tractor, 50 PTO HP, 0.41 Hr Tractor, 150 PTO HP, 0.22 Hr MATERIALS REQUIREMENT (per Acre) 00-45-00, Treble Super. 500.00 Benefin 2.00 Methomyl 4.00 Water, District 42.00 Lb Pt Pt AI LABOR REQUIREMENT (per Acre) Irrigators 3.93 Hr 57.78 1.99 64.35 2.22 281.72 9.72 101.76 3.51 TOTAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Diesel Fuel 21.8 Gal Unleaded Gas 5.0 Gal All Direct Energy 3.7 M BTU Directed Spray Rig, 16 High Clearance Sprayer, Offset Disk, 10.5' Planter, Stanhay, 4 Row Sprinkler Trailer Tractor, 70 PTO HP, Tractor, 200 PTO HP, 4WD 33-00-00, Amm. Nitrate, BT Permethrin Tractor 0.18 0.18 0.11 0.45 0.32 0.63 1.31 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 64.00 Ga 2.00 Lb 24.40 Oz 3.91 Hr *NOTE: P = Previous Year C = Current Year N = Next Year ** A water assessment charge of $38.50 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Drag Scraper, 14' Laser, Complete System Offset Disk, 18' Rowbuck, 10' Tractor, 40 PTO HP, Tractor, 100 PTO HP, V-Ripper, 5 Shnk Abamectin Head Lettuce Sd Spreader-activator 0.26 0.26 0.67 0.11 0.32 0.45 0.38 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 10.00 Oz 160.00 Th 3.20 Oz Table 14E. Schedule of Operations; Fall Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Parker CRIR First No. Month Times FARM: LaPaz County ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 823.0 Ct / Acre Operation Aug Aug Aug 2.0 Disk 1.0 Rip 1.0 Laser Level Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Oct 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 List Buck Rows Preirrigate Soil Fertility Disk Ends Apply Fert/Ground Plant WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Honeydew Melons Equipment/ Custom Oper HP Self-Prop./ Implement 200 Offset Disk, 18' 200 V-Ripper, 5 Shnk 200 Drag Scraper, 14' Laser, Complete System 150 Lister, 7 Bottom 50 Rowbuck, 10' 85 Oct Oct CST Soil Analysis (Surface) 50 Offset Disk, 10.5' 50 Fertilizer Broadcaster, 100 Bed Shaper, 4 Rw Planter, Stanhay, 4 Row 1.0 Apply Herbicide/Ground 70 Directed Spray Rig, 16 Row 1.0 Set Sprinklers 40 Sprinkler Trailer Oct 1.0 Irrigate/Sec Sys Oct Nov 1.0 Bird Control 1.0 Remove Sprinklers CST Bird Control 40 Sprinkler Trailer Nov Nov 1.0 Apply Insect./Ground 4.0 Irrigate/Run Fertilizer High Clearance Sprayer, 18 Nov Nov Nov Nov 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 High Clearance Sprayer, 18 CST Thinning 70 Sled Cultivator, 4Rw CST Air Spray, 3 Gal Mix Dec Dec 2.0 Hand Weeding 1.0 Apply Insecticide/Air CST Hand Weeding CST Air Spray, 5 Gal Mix Jan Jan 1.0 Harvest 1.0 Residue Disposal Pickup use 50 Mi/Ac CST Harv/pack/haul Lettuce 200 Offset Disk, 18' Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Apply Insect./Ground Thinning Cultivate Apply Insecticide/Air Job Rate Acre/Hr TILLAGE: Conventional SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 11/1/01 ---------- Material Use and Cost ---------Service Cost Name Appl. Rate $ / Unit $ / Unit 4.00 2.38 3.50 4.00 40.00 1.38 Water, District Labor Type Tractor Tractor Tractor 12.00 AI Tractor Tractor Irrigators 0.00 AF 3.00 Ac 40.00 5.00 00-45-00, Treble 2.00 Head Lettuce Sd Tractor Tractor Tractor 500.00 Lb 260.00 Tn 160.00 Th 0.60 Th 5.00 Benefin 5.71 2.00 Pt 8.69 Ga 1.00 Water, District Permethrin 6.00 AI 0.00 AF 6.40 Oz 120.50 Ga Tractor Tractor Irrigators Irrigators 6.10 Hr 5.71 10.00 Abamectin 5.00 Water, District 33-00-00, Amm. Nitrate, 10.00 Methomyl 10.00 6.00 16.00 2.00 Tractor Irrigators Tractor Irrigators Oz 550.00 Ga AI 0.00 AF Ga 270.00 Tn Pt 48.94 Ga Tractor 75.00 Ac 4.00 Methomyl Permethrin BT Spreader-activator Methomyl Permethrin Spreader-activator Tractor 1.00 6.00 2.00 1.60 Pt 48.94 Ga Oz 120.50 Ga Lb 0.96 Lb Oz 13.50 Ga 1.00 Pt 48.94 Ga 12.00 Oz 120.50 Ga 1.60 Oz 13.50 Ga 4.24 Ac 75.00 Ac 4.75 Ac 2.40 Ct 4.00 0.60 *NOTES: Machine times, labor times, and material rates are for one time over the designated acreage. Tractor Table 14F Operations Calendar; Fall Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Parker No. Operation FARM: Western Arizona Vegetables WATER SOURCE: CRIR TILLAGE: Double Crop ACRES: 1 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow SOIL: Sandy-Loam YIELD: 823 Ct/Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Honeydew Melons DATE: 03/25/2001 ----------------------------------------Month and Times Operation Performed ----------------------------------------------Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 86 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Disk Rip Laser Level List Buck Rows Preirrigate Soil Fertility Disk Ends Apply Fert/Ground Plant Apply Herbicide/Ground Set Sprinklers Irrigate/Sec Sys Bird Control Remove Sprinklers Apply Insect/Ground Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Apply Insect/Ground Thinning Cultivate Apply Insecticide/Air Hand Weeding Apply Insecticide/Air 1C 24 Harvest/Field Pack 25 Disk Residue * NOTE: P = Previous Year C = Current Year 2C 1C 1C 1C 3C 1C 1C 2C 1C 2C 2C 2C 1C 2C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1N 1N N = Next Year 1C 1C 2C Table 15A. Income and Cash Operating Summary; Fall Honeydews, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Honeydew Melons AREA: Parker CRIR FARM: La Paz County ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 514.0 Ct / Acre Item INCOME -> Melons WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Cantaloupes Unit Quantity Crtn 514.00 Price/ Unit $3.33 CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES (including sales tax) Paid Labor (including benefits) Tractor/Self Propelled Irrigation Other/ Contract Chemicals and Custom Applications Fertilizer Insecticide Herbicide Farm Machinery and Vehicles Diesel Fuel Repairs and Maintenance Irrigation Water (excluding labor) Water Assessment (See Note Below) ** 87 Other Purchased Inputs & Seed/Transplants Other Services and Rentals TOTAL CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES CASH HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSES Custom Harvest/Post Harvest TOTAL HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSE OPERATING OVERHEAD -> PICKUP USE OPERATING INTEREST AT 10.0% TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES RETURNS OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES Notes: The above figures do not include ownership costs, see table B for detailed cost allocation. ** A water assessment charge of $19.25 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Budgeted /Acre $1,711.62 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/22/01 Total /Acre Your Farm Budget $1,711.62 ____________ 91.10 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 304.31 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 52.28 ____________ ____________ ____________ 47.11 40.92 3.07 104.98 142.91 56.42 24.95 27.33 0.00 206.23 ____________ ____________ ____________ 653.92 ____________ 773.45 773.45 13.69 5.49 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ $1,446.55 $265.07 ____________ ____________ 32.23 174.00 Table 15B. Allocations of Ownership Costs; Fall Honeydews, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Honeydew Melons AREA: Parker CRIR FARM: La Paz County WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project ACRES: 1.0 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow YIELD: 514.0 Ct / Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Cantaloupes Item TOTAL INCOME at $3.33 / Ct TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES RETURN OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES CASH OVERHEAD EXPENSES Taxes, Housing and Insurance, Farm Machinery General and Office Overhead (5.0%of Total Operating Exp.) General Farm Maintenance (3.0% of Total Operating Exp.) Total Cash Overhead Expenses Total Cash Operating and Overhead Cost RETURNS OVER CASH OPER. AND OVER. EXPENSES CAPITAL ALLOCATIONS (100% Equity) Capital Replacement, Machinery and Vehicles Interest on Equity, Machinery and Vehicles -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $1,711.62 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/22/01 -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $1,711.62 $1,446.55 $1,446.55 $265.07 4.98 72.33 43.40 $265.07 4.98 72.33 43.40 120.71 120.71 1,567.26 1,567.26 $144.36 $144.36 28.25 10.17 Total Capital Allocations 38.42 RETURNS TO LAND, CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK --------------------------------> $144.36 RETURNS TO LAND, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> 88 Land Cost / Rent or Lease Water Assessment ** 150.00 19.25 150.00 19.25 Total Land Costs 169.25 169.25 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> ($24.89) RETURNS TO MANAGEMENT AND RISK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Management Services (8% of Total Operation Expenses) TOTAL OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OPERATING COST ( PER Lb ) BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER TOTAL COST ($63.31) 115.72 289.96 444.10 TOTAL COST $1,736.51 $1,890.65 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> ($24.89) RETURNS TO RISK (PROFITS) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Item $105.94 -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $2.81 $0.56 $3.38 ($179.03) -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $2.81 $0.86 $3.68 Table 15C. Variable Operating Costs; Fall Honeydews, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Honeydew Melons AREA: Parker CRIR 89 No. First Month Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jun Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Aug Aug Aug Aug Sep Sep FARM: La Paz County ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 514.0 Ct / Acre ---- Hours * ---Machine Labor Rip Disk Laser Level Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground List Plant Apply Herbicide/Ground Apply Insect./Ground Buck Rows Irrigate Cultivate Plant Fertility Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Thinning Apply Insecticide/Air Hand Weeding Apply Fert/Ground Pollinate Harvest 499 Ct Disk Residue 499 Ct Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Cantaloupes ---- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) Per Operation ---Fuel/Rps. Labor Cust/Serv. Materials Total 0.225 0.150 0.450 0.250 0.167 0.500 3.92 3.15 7.38 2.19 1.47 4.39 0.180 0.225 0.360 0.225 0.180 0.045 1.49 2.10 5.18 1.24 0.95 0.20 0.225 0.200 0.250 0.800 0.250 0.200 0.050 0.667 0.250 1.55 1.75 2.19 6.58 2.19 1.75 0.44 5.12 2.19 0.600 0.667 2.00 5.12 3.00 34.98 32.23 56.42 24.36 6.00 30.04 75.00 4.24 75.00 0.257 0.286 3.02 2.51 39.96 15.00 773.45 0.180 1.667 0.200 3.78 13.69 55.03 1.75 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/22/01 Tot. Cash Expenses Times 6.11 4.61 11.77 3.00 38.23 4.29 43.99 59.85 27.07 0.64 5.12 3.74 6.00 37.15 75.00 59.27 75.00 45.49 15.00 773.45 5.53 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 7.0 9.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.49 TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES (includes all times over): Class 6.11 9.22 11.77 3.00 38.23 4.29 43.99 59.85 27.07 3.20 35.81 33.67 6.00 37.15 75.00 118.54 75.00 45.49 15.00 773.45 5.53 13.69 5.49 L L L G G L L G G G G G G G G G G G G H L 1446.55 T *NOTES: Machine and labor hours and operating cost are for one time over the designated acreage. The "Tot. Cash Expense" column and the "TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES" row include all operations, all times over. Classes are defined below. A water assessment charge of $19.25 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. OPERATING COST SUMMARY BY CLASS Land Preparation (L) 80.91 Growing (G) 573.01 Harvest (H) 773.45 Post Harvest (P) 0.00 Marketing (M) 0.00 Operating Overhead (O) 19.18 Total (T) SENSITIVITY OF THE NET REVENUES OVER TOTAL CASH EXPENSES ($/ACRE) Prices -> - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% + 25% Yields $2.50 $3.00 $3.33 $3.66 $4.16 Break-even Price - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% 385.5 462.6 514.0 565.4 -293.39 -216.85 -165.82 -114.80 -100.83 14.22 90.92 167.62 27.54 168.26 262.08 355.90 155.91 322.31 433.24 544.18 348.47 553.38 689.99 826.59 681.04 453.07 370.41 313.26 254.39 $1,446.55 Break-even Yield 3.26 2.97 2.82 2.70 Table 15D. Resource and Cash Flow Requirements; Fall Honeydews, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Honeydew Melons AREA: Parker CRIR Month * Number Irrigations JUN C JUL C 4.0 AUG C 4.0 SEP C Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 Water Assessment Total % 8.0 FARM: La Paz County ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 514.0 Ct / Acre Water Applied (inches) Total Labor (Hrs) WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Cantaloupes -------------------------------------- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) -------------------------------------Purchased Fuel, Oil Other Water and Repairs Labor Chemicals Purchases Services Total 1.53 4.77 3.85 0.95 20.0 20.0 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/22/01 21.18 14.42 8.26 8.42 13.69 13.46 38.44 30.87 8.33 34.98 110.82 95.00 55.03 32.23 3.00 81.00 94.24 777.69 5.49 72.62 276.91 228.37 849.47 13.69 5.49 961.42 66.46 1446.55 100.00 ** 40.0 11.11 65.97 4.56 TOTAL RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Total N 158.2 Total P 126.0 Total K 15.0 Total Labor 11.1 Total Water 40.0 90 EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Bed Shaper, 4 Rw 0.36 Hr Drag Scraper, 10' 0.45 Hr Laser, Complete System 0.45 Hr Offset Disk, 18' 0.48 Hr Rowbuck, 10' 0.23 Hr Tractor, 50 PTO HP, 0.63 Hr Tractor, 200 PTO HP, 4WD 1.15 Hr MATERIALS REQUIREMENT (per Acre) 10-10-05, Lqd 30.00 Abamectin 10.00 Endosulfan 2.00 Water, District 40.00 Ga Oz Pt AI LABOR REQUIREMENT (per Acre) Irrigators 5.34 Hr 91.10 6.30 295.83 20.45 32.23 2.23 TOTAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Diesel Fuel 27.1 Gal Unleaded Gas 5.0 Gal All Direct Energy 4.4 M BTU Cultivator, Sweep, 4 Rw Fertilizer Broadcaster, Lister, 5 Bottom Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 Tractor, 70 PTO HP, V-Ripper, 5 Shnk 11-48-00, Dry Bensulide Honeydew Seeds Other 2.02 0.18 0.22 1.67 0.22 2.02 0.22 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 200.00 Lb 10.00 Pt 1.50 Th 0.40 Hr *NOTE: P = Previous Year C = Current Year N = Next Year ** A water assessment charge of $19.25 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Directed Spray Rig, 8 Fertilizer Injector, 4 Row Offset Disk, 13.5' Planter, Drill Type, 4 Row Tractor, 35 PTO HP Tractor, 100 PTO HP, 32-00-00, URAN 32, Lqd Bifenthrin Imidacloprid Tractor 0.18 0.26 0.00 0.36 0.60 1.02 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 30.00 Ga 10.00 Oz 5.00 Oz 5.37 Hr Table 15E. Schedule of Operations; Fall Honeydews, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Honeydew Melons AREA: Parker CRIR First No. Month Times Jun Jun Jun FARM: La Paz County ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 514.0 Ct / Acre Operation WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Cantaloupes Equipment/ Custom Oper HP Self-Prop./ Implement Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul 200 V-Ripper, 5 Shnk 200 Offset Disk, 18' 200 Drag Scraper, 10' Laser, Complete System 1.0 Soil Fertility CST Soil Analysis (Surface) 1.0 Apply Fert/Ground 100 Fertilizer Broadcaster, 1.0 List 100 Lister, 5 Bottom 1.0 Plant 100 Planter, Drill Type, 4 Row Bed Shaper, 4 Rw 1.0 Apply Herbicide/Ground 50 Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 1.0 Apply Insect./Ground 50 Directed Spray Rig, 8 Row 5.0 Buck Rows 50 Rowbuck, 10' 7.0 Irrigate 9.0 Cultivate 70 Cultivator, Sweep, 4 Rw 1.0 Plant Fertility CST Plant Tissue Anal.(Petiole) 1.0 Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Tractor, 35 PTO HP Jul Aug 1.0 Thinning 2.0 Apply Insecticide/Air CST Thinning CST Air Spray, 3 Gal Mix Aug Aug Aug Sep Sep 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 CST Hand Weeding 100 Fertilizer Injector, 4 Row CST Bee Hive Rental CST Harv/pack/haul Melons 200 Offset Disk, 18' Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Jun Jun Jun Jul 1.0 Rip 2.0 Disk 1.0 Laser Level 91 Hand Weeding Apply Fert/Ground Pollinate Harvest Disk Residue Pickup use 50 Mi/Ac Job Rate Acre/Hr TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/22/01 ---------- Material Use and Cost ---------Service Cost Name Appl. Rate $ / Unit $ / Unit 4.00 6.00 2.00 Labor Type Tractor Tractor Tractor 3.00 Ac 5.00 11-48-00, Dry 4.00 2.50 Honeydew Seeds 4.00 Bensulide 5.00 Imidacloprid 20.00 1.50 Water, District 4.00 200.00 Lb 330.00 Tn 1.50 Th Tractor Tractor Tractor Other Tractor Tractor Tractor Irrigators Tractor 20.27 Th 10.00 Pt 42.58 Ga 5.00 Oz 588.40 Ga 5.00 AI 0.00 AF 6.00 Ac 1.50 Water, District 32-00-00, URAN 32, 5.00 AI 0.00 AF 30.00 Ga 170.80 Tn Bifenthrin Endosulfan Abamectin 5.00 Oz 490.00 Ga 1.00 Pt 33.17 Ga 5.00 Oz 732.91 Ga 3.50 10-10-05, Lqd 30.00 Ga 251.33 Tn Irrigators 75.00 Ac 4.24 Ac 75.00 Ac Tractor 15.00 Ac 1.55 Ct 5.00 0.60 *NOTES: Machine times, labor times, and material rates are for one time over the designated acreage. Tractor Table 15F Operations Calendar; Fall Honeydews, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Honeydews AREA: Parker FARM: Western Arizona Vegetables WATER SOURCE: CRIR TILLAGE: Double Crop ACRES: 1 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow SOIL: Sandy-Loam YIELD: 499 Ct/Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Cantaloupe DATE: 03/25/2001 ----------------------------------------Month and Times Operation Performed ----------------------------------------------Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 92 No. Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 * NOTE: Rip Disk Laser Level Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground List Plant Apply Herbicide/Ground Apply Insect/Ground Buck Rows Irrigate Cultivate Plant Fertility Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Thinning Apply Insecticide/Air Hand Weeding Apply Fert/Ground Pollinate Harvest Disk Residue P = Previous Year C = Current Year 1C 2C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 2C 3C 3C 1C 1C 1C 1C 3C 4C 3C 3C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C N = Next Year 1C Table 16A. Income and Cash Operating Summary; Spring Cantaloupe, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Cantaloupes AREA: Parker CRIR FARM: La Paz County ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 625.0 Ct / Acre Item INCOME -> Melons WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Cotton, Upland Unit Quantity Crtn 625.00 Price/ Unit $6.98 CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES (including sales tax) Paid Labor (including benefits) Tractor/Self Propelled Irrigation Other/ Contract Chemicals and Custom Applications Fertilizer Insecticide Other Chemicals Farm Machinery and Vehicles Diesel Fuel Repairs and Maintenance Irrigation Water (excluding labor) Water Assessment (See Note Below) ** 93 Other Purchased Inputs & Seed/Transplants Other Services and Rentals TOTAL CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES CASH HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSES Custom Harvest/Post Harvest TOTAL HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSE OPERATING OVERHEAD -> PICKUP USE OPERATING INTEREST AT 10.0% TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES RETURNS OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES Notes: The above figures do not include ownership costs, see table B for detailed cost allocation. ** A water assessment charge of $19.25 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Budgeted /Acre $4,362.50 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/22/01 Total /Acre Your Farm Budget $4,362.50 ____________ 94.45 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 226.39 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 51.02 ____________ ____________ ____________ 41.51 46.04 6.90 180.13 41.33 4.93 24.49 26.53 0.00 188.06 ____________ ____________ ____________ 559.92 ____________ 968.75 968.75 13.69 13.46 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ $1,555.82 $2,806.68 ____________ ____________ 20.06 168.00 Table 16B. Allocations of Ownership Costs; Spring Cantaloupe, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Cantaloupes AREA: Parker CRIR FARM: La Paz County WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project ACRES: 1.0 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow YIELD: 625.0 Ct / Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Cotton, Upland Item TOTAL INCOME at $6.98 / Ct TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES RETURN OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES CASH OVERHEAD EXPENSES Taxes, Housing and Insurance, Farm Machinery General and Office Overhead (5.0%of Total Operating Exp.) General Farm Maintenance (3.0% of Total Operating Exp.) Total Cash Overhead Expenses Total Cash Operating and Overhead Cost RETURNS OVER CASH OPER. AND OVER. EXPENSES CAPITAL ALLOCATIONS (100% Equity) Capital Replacement, Machinery and Vehicles Interest on Equity, Machinery and Vehicles -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $4,362.50 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/22/01 -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $4,362.50 $1,555.82 $1,555.82 $2,806.68 4.83 77.79 46.67 $2,806.68 4.83 77.79 46.67 129.30 129.30 1,685.11 1,685.11 $2,677.39 $2,677.39 27.50 10.05 Total Capital Allocations 37.56 RETURNS TO LAND, CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK --------------------------------> $2,677.39 RETURNS TO LAND, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> 94 Land Cost / Rent or Lease Water Assessment ** 150.00 19.25 150.00 19.25 Total Land Costs 169.25 169.25 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> $2,508.14 RETURNS TO MANAGEMENT AND RISK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Management Services (8% of Total Operation Expenses) TOTAL OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OPERATING COST ( PER Lb ) BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER TOTAL COST $2,470.58 124.47 298.55 460.57 TOTAL COST $1,854.36 $2,016.38 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> $2,508.14 RETURNS TO RISK (PROFITS) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Item $2,639.83 -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $2.49 $0.48 $2.97 $2,346.12 -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $2.49 $0.74 $3.23 Table 16C. Variable Operating Costs; Spring Cantaloupe, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Cantaloupes AREA: Parker CRIR No. First Month Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Feb Feb Feb Feb Feb Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Apr Apr Apr Apr May May FARM: La Paz County ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 625.0 Ct / Acre ---- Hours * ---Machine Labor Rip Disk Laser Level Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground List Plant Buck Rows Irrigate Cultivate Apply Fert/Ground Apply Insecticide/Air Apply Fungicide/Air Hand Weeding Pollinate Harvest 625 Ct Disk Residue 625 Ct Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Cotton, Upland ---- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) Per Operation ---Fuel/Rps. Labor Cust/Serv. Materials Total 0.450 0.150 0.450 0.500 0.167 1.000 7.84 3.15 7.38 4.39 1.47 8.22 0.180 0.225 0.360 0.023 0.200 0.250 0.800 0.025 0.667 0.250 0.286 1.49 2.10 5.18 0.10 1.75 2.19 6.58 0.22 5.12 2.19 2.51 3.00 0.225 0.257 1.55 3.02 52.47 20.06 4.75 4.75 75.00 15.00 968.75 0.180 1.667 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/22/01 0.200 3.78 13.69 1.75 63.83 15.91 0.18 Tot. Cash Expenses Times 12.23 4.61 15.60 3.00 55.72 4.29 31.81 0.32 5.12 3.74 69.36 20.66 4.93 75.00 15.00 968.75 5.53 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 9.0 7.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 13.46 95 TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES (includes all times over): Class 12.23 9.22 15.60 3.00 55.72 4.29 31.81 0.32 46.04 26.18 138.71 41.32 4.93 150.00 15.00 968.75 5.53 13.69 13.46 L L L G G L L G G G G G G G G H L 1555.82 T *NOTES: Machine and labor hours and operating cost are for one time over the designated acreage. The "Tot. Cash Expense" column and the "TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES" row include all operations, all times over. Classes are defined below. A water assessment charge of $19.25 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. OPERATING COST SUMMARY BY CLASS Land Preparation (L) 78.68 Growing (G) 481.24 Harvest (H) 968.75 Post Harvest (P) 0.00 Marketing (M) 0.00 Operating Overhead (O) 27.15 Total (T) $1,555.82 SENSITIVITY OF THE NET REVENUES OVER TOTAL CASH EXPENSES ($/ACRE) Prices -> - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% + 25% Yields $5.24 $6.28 $6.98 $7.68 $8.73 Break-even Price - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% + 25% 468.8 562.5 625.0 687.5 781.3 Break-even Yield 994.24 1,339.71 1,570.02 1,800.33 2,145.80 1,485.02 1,928.65 2,224.40 2,520.15 2,963.77 1,812.21 2,321.27 2,660.65 3,000.02 3,509.08 2,139.40 2,713.90 3,096.90 3,479.90 4,054.40 2,630.18 3,302.83 3,751.27 4,199.71 4,872.37 198.94 154.92 135.01 119.63 102.17 3.11 2.85 2.72 2.62 2.49 Table 16D. Resource and Cash Flow Requirements; Spring Cantaloupe, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Cantaloupes AREA: Parker CRIR Month * Number Irrigations FEB C MAR C 3.0 APR C 3.0 MAY C 3.0 JUN C Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 Water Assessment Total % 9.0 FARM: La Paz County ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 625.0 Ct / Acre Water Applied (inches) Total Labor (Hrs) 18.0 18.0 18.0 WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Cotton, Upland TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/22/01 -------------------------------------- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) -------------------------------------Purchased Fuel, Oil Other Water and Repairs Labor Chemicals Purchases Services Total 2.03 4.11 3.04 2.25 0.20 23.00 15.04 7.66 1.55 3.78 13.69 17.29 33.42 24.43 17.54 1.75 52.47 63.83 79.93 15.91 3.00 13.46 95.76 132.35 286.52 524.13 489.91 13.69 13.46 1164.47 74.85 1555.82 100.00 20.06 174.50 489.13 484.38 ** 54.0 11.63 64.72 4.16 96 TOTAL RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Total N 149.6 Total P 206.2 Total K 31.1 Total Labor 11.6 Total Water 54.0 212.14 13.64 20.06 1.29 TOTAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Diesel Fuel 26.6 Gal Unleaded Gas 5.0 Gal All Direct Energy 4.3 M BTU EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Bed Shaper, 4 Rw 0.36 Hr Fertilizer Broadcaster, 0.18 Hr Lister, 5 Bottom 0.22 Hr Planter, Drill Type, 4 Row 0.36 Hr Tractor, 70 PTO HP, 1.57 Hr V-Ripper, 5 Shnk 0.45 Hr Cultivator, Sweep, 4 Rw Fertilizer Injector, 4 Row Offset Disk, 18' Rowbuck, 10' Tractor, 100 PTO HP, MATERIALS REQUIREMENT (per Acre) 11-48-00, Dry 300.00 Lb Endosulfan 3.00 Pt Water, District 54.00 AI 15-08-04, Lqd Esfenvalerate LABOR REQUIREMENT (per Acre) Irrigators 6.00 Hr 94.43 6.07 Other 1.57 0.51 0.48 0.02 1.28 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 70.00 Ga 1.00 Pt 0.90 Hr *NOTE: P = Previous Year C = Current Year N = Next Year ** A water assessment charge of $19.25 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Drag Scraper, 10' Laser, Complete System Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Tractor, 50 PTO HP, Tractor, 200 PTO HP, 4WD 0.45 0.45 1.67 0.02 1.38 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Cantaloupe Sd Sulfur 2.00 Lb 0.25 Lb Tractor 4.73 Hr Table 16E. Schedule of Operations; Spring Cantaloupe, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Cantaloupes AREA: Parker CRIR First No. Month Times FARM: La Paz County ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 625.0 Ct / Acre Operation 97 Feb Feb Feb 1.0 Rip 2.0 Disk 1.0 Laser Level Feb Feb Mar Mar 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground List Plant Mar Mar Mar Mar Apr 1.0 9.0 7.0 2.0 2.0 Buck Rows Irrigate Cultivate Apply Fert/Ground Apply Insecticide/Air Apr Apr Apr May May 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Apply Fungicide/Air Hand Weeding Pollinate Harvest Disk Residue Pickup use 50 Mi/Ac WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Cotton, Upland Equipment/ Custom Oper HP Self-Prop./ Implement 200 V-Ripper, 5 Shnk 200 Offset Disk, 18' 200 Drag Scraper, 10' Laser, Complete System CST Soil Analysis (Surface) 100 Fertilizer Broadcaster, 100 Lister, 5 Bottom 100 Planter, Drill Type, 4 Row Bed Shaper, 4 Rw 50 Rowbuck, 10' 70 Cultivator, Sweep, 4 Rw 100 Fertilizer Injector, 4 Row CST Air Spray, 5 Gal Mix CST Air Spray, 5 Gal Mix CST Hand Weeding CST Bee Hive Rental CST Harv/pack/haul Melons 200 Offset Disk, 18' Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Job Rate Acre/Hr TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/22/01 ---------- Material Use and Cost ---------Service Cost Name Appl. Rate $ / Unit $ / Unit 2.00 6.00 2.00 Labor Type Tractor Tractor Tractor Other 3.00 Ac 5.00 11-48-00, Dry 4.00 2.50 Cantaloupe Sd 40.00 1.50 Water, District 4.00 3.50 15-08-04, Lqd Esfenvalerate Endosulfan Sulfur 5.00 0.60 *NOTES: Machine times, labor times, and material rates are for one time over the designated acreage. 300.00 Lb 330.00 Tn 2.00 Lb 9.46 Lb 6.00 AI 0.00 AF 35.00 0.50 1.50 0.25 Ga 310.00 Tn Pt 140.69 Ga Pt 33.17 Ga Lb 0.69 Lb Tractor Tractor Tractor Other Tractor Irrigators Tractor Tractor 4.75 Ac 4.75 75.00 15.00 1.55 Ac Ac Ac Ct Tractor Table 16F Operations Calendar; Spring Cantaloupe, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Cantaloupes AREA: Parker FARM: Western Arizona Vegetables WATER SOURCE: CRIR TILLAGE: Double Crop ACRES: 1 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow SOIL: Sandy-Loam YIELD: 625 Ct/Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Cotton, Upland DATE: 03/25/2001 ----------------------------------------Month and Times Operation Performed ----------------------------------------------Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec No. Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 * NOTE: Rip Disk Laser Level Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground List Plant Buck Rows Irrigate Cultivate Apply Fert/Ground Apply Insecticide/Air Apply Fungicide/Air Hand Weeding Pollinate Harvest Disk Residue P = Previous Year C = Current Year 1C 2C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 3C 3C 1C 3C 3C 1C 3C 1C 1C 1C .5 C .5 C 1C 1C 2C 1C N = Next Year 98 Table 17A. Income and Cash Operating Summary; Spring Watermelons, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Watermelons AREA: Parker CRIR FARM: La Paz County ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 14.1 Tn / Acre Item INCOME -> Melons WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Cotton, Upland Unit Quantity Price/ Unit Ton 14.12 $141.60 CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES (including sales tax) Paid Labor (including benefits) Tractor/Self Propelled Irrigation Other/ Contract Chemicals and Custom Applications Fertilizer Insecticide Farm Machinery and Vehicles Diesel Fuel Gasoline Repairs and Maintenance Irrigation Water (excluding labor) Water Assessment (See Note Below) ** 99 Other Purchased Inputs & Seed/Transplants Other Services and Rentals Budgeted /Acre $1,999.39 ____________ 133.38 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 453.52 ____________ ____________ ____________ 116.40 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 0.00 399.23 ____________ ____________ ____________ 1102.52 ____________ 1.46 ____________ ____________ 3.15 ____________ ____________ ____________ 1096.00 1100.61 13.69 33.65 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ $2,250.47 ($251.07) ____________ ____________ 96.23 303.00 Farm Machinery and Vehicles Diesel Fuel Repairs and Maintenance 1.48 1.67 Notes: The above figures do not include ownership costs, see table B for detailed cost allocation. ** A water assessment charge of $19.25 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. $1,999.39 42.73 14.13 59.54 1.46 TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES RETURNS OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES Your Farm Budget 143.60 309.92 Paid Labor (including benefits) Tractor/Self Propelled TOTAL HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSE OPERATING OVERHEAD -> PICKUP USE OPERATING INTEREST AT 10.0% Total /Acre 86.09 23.66 23.63 TOTAL CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES CASH HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSES Custom Harvest/Post Harvest TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/22/01 Table 17B. Allocations of Ownership Costs; Spring Watermelons, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Watermelons AREA: Parker CRIR FARM: La Paz County WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project ACRES: 1.0 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow YIELD: 14.1 Tn / Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Cotton, Upland Item TOTAL INCOME at -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $141.60 / Tn $1,999.39 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES RETURN OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES $2,250.47 CASH OVERHEAD EXPENSES Taxes, Housing and Insurance, Farm Machinery General and Office Overhead (5.0%of Total Operating Exp.) General Farm Maintenance (3.0% of Total Operating Exp.) Total Cash Overhead Expenses Total Cash Operating and Overhead Cost RETURNS OVER CASH OPER. AND OVER. EXPENSES CAPITAL ALLOCATIONS (100% Equity) Capital Replacement, Machinery and Vehicles Interest on Equity, Machinery and Vehicles TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/22/01 -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $1,999.39 $2,250.47 ($251.07) 12.31 112.52 67.51 ($251.07) 12.31 112.52 67.51 192.35 192.35 2,442.81 2,442.81 ($443.42) ($443.42) 60.75 17.46 100 Total Capital Allocations 78.21 RETURNS TO LAND, CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK --------------------------------> ($443.42) RETURNS TO LAND, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Land Cost / Rent or Lease Water Assessment ** 150.00 19.25 150.00 19.25 Total Land Costs 169.25 169.25 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> ($612.67) RETURNS TO MANAGEMENT AND RISK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Management Services (8% of Total Operation Expenses) TOTAL OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OPERATING COST ( PER Lb ) BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER TOTAL COST ($690.88) 180.04 361.60 619.85 TOTAL COST $2,612.06 $2,870.31 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> ($612.67) RETURNS TO RISK (PROFITS) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Item ($521.63) -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $159.38 $25.61 $184.99 ($870.92) -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $159.38 $43.90 $203.28 Table 17C. Variable Operating Costs; Spring Watermelons, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Watermelons AREA: Parker CRIR 101 No. First Month Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Dec Dec Dec Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Feb Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Mar Apr May Jun FARM: La Paz County ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 14.1 Tn / Acre ---- Hours * ---Machine Labor Rip Disk Laser Level Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground List Shape Beds Plant Make Ditches Dust Control Irrigate Knock Ditches Cultivate Thinning Apply Fert/Ground Apply Insect./Ground Apply Herbicide/Ground Incorporate Herbicide Hand Weeding Irrigate Turn Vines Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Harvest 13.7 Tn Residue Disposal 13.7 Tn Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Cotton, Upland ---- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) Per Operation ---Fuel/Rps. Labor Cust/Serv. Materials Total 0.300 0.150 0.225 0.333 0.167 0.250 5.23 3.15 3.83 2.92 1.46 2.19 0.225 0.150 1.200 0.514 0.045 0.009 1.53 2.01 16.81 5.71 0.67 0.17 0.023 0.450 0.250 0.167 1.333 0.571 0.050 0.010 0.752 0.025 0.500 0.33 3.33 2.19 1.46 11.70 5.01 0.44 0.16 5.77 0.22 4.39 0.327 0.225 0.225 0.514 0.364 0.250 0.250 0.571 3.44 1.71 1.65 4.11 3.19 2.19 2.19 5.01 3.00 43.46 77.97 107.36 75.00 29.48 37.28 8.26 75.00 0.333 2.56 0.500 3.83 75.00 15.02 1096.00 0.150 1.667 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/22/01 0.167 3.15 13.69 1.46 8.15 4.61 6.03 3.00 47.18 3.47 106.47 118.09 1.10 0.33 5.77 0.55 7.71 75.00 36.12 41.18 12.10 9.12 75.00 2.56 75.00 18.85 1096.00 4.61 Tot. Cash Expenses Times 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 7.0 150.0 1.0 7.0 6.0 1.0 2.0 6.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 33.65 TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES (includes all times over): Class 8.15 9.22 6.03 3.00 47.18 3.47 106.47 118.09 7.73 48.80 5.77 3.86 46.27 75.00 72.23 247.09 12.10 9.12 75.00 10.23 150.00 37.70 1096.00 4.61 13.69 33.65 L L L G G L L L G G G G G G G G G G G G G G H P 2250.47 T *NOTES: Machine and labor hours and operating cost are for one time over the designated acreage. The "Tot. Cash Expense" column and the "TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES" row include all operations, all times over. Classes are defined below. A water assessment charge of $19.25 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. OPERATING COST SUMMARY BY CLASS Land Preparation (L) 251.43 Growing (G) 851.09 Harvest (H) 1,096.00 Post Harvest (P) 4.61 Marketing (M) 0.00 Operating Overhead (O) 47.34 Total (T) SENSITIVITY OF THE NET REVENUES OVER TOTAL CASH EXPENSES ($/ACRE) Prices -> - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% + 25% Yields $106.20 $127.44 $141.60 $155.76 $177.00 Break-even Price - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% 10.6 12.7 14.1 15.5 -967.00 -907.16 -867.27 -827.38 -742.07 -637.25 -567.36 -497.48 -592.12 -457.30 -367.42 -277.54 -442.16 -277.35 -167.48 -57.61 -217.23 -7.44 132.43 272.29 44.82 25.58 19.89 16.27 12.78 $2,250.47 Break-even Yield 197.51 177.59 167.62 159.47 Table 17D. Resource and Cash Flow Requirements; Spring Watermelons, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Watermelons AREA: Parker CRIR Month * Number Irrigations DEC P JAN C 1.0 FEB C MAR C 2.0 APR C 2.0 MAY C 2.0 JUN C Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 Water Assessment Total % 7.0 FARM: La Paz County ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 14.1 Tn / Acre Water Applied (inches) Total Labor (Hrs) 18.0 8.0 12.0 12.0 WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Cotton, Upland TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/22/01 -------------------------------------- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) -------------------------------------Purchased Fuel, Oil Other Water and Repairs Labor Chemicals Purchases Services Total 0.75 3.41 1.88 4.23 2.15 1.78 0.37 12.21 31.87 16.01 28.63 13.89 10.44 6.50 13.69 6.58 29.83 18.54 38.44 20.01 16.82 4.61 132.56 96.23 112.30 119.06 89.58 33.65 18.79 293.49 109.55 329.37 227.96 664.84 559.11 13.69 33.65 1432.65 63.66 2250.47 100.00 3.00 75.00 150.00 75.00 548.00 548.00 ** 50.0 14.56 102 TOTAL RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Total N 247.2 Total P 183.1 Total Labor 14.6 Total Water 50.0 133.24 5.92 134.83 5.99 453.50 20.15 96.23 4.28 TOTAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Diesel Fuel 48.1 Gal Unleaded Gas 14.4 Gal All Direct Energy 8.5 M BTU EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Bed Shaper, 4 Rw 1.20 Hr Drag Scraper, 14' 0.22 Hr Fertilizer Injector, 3 Row 0.51 Hr Lister, 5 Bottom 0.15 Hr Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton 1.67 Hr Tractor, 80 PTO HP, 6.18 Hr Truck, 5 Ton w/1000 Gal 1.35 Hr Dbl. Gang Disk Cult, 1 Rw Fert. Side Dress Unit, Flexi-Planter - 4 Units Motor Grader, 12' Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 Tractor, 150 PTO HP, V-Ripper, 5 Shnk MATERIALS REQUIREMENT (per Acre) 10-34-00, Lqd 7.00 Ga 32-00-00, URAN 32, Lqd 30.00 Ga Imidacloprid 16.00 Oz 11-52-00, Dry Endosulfan Water, District LABOR REQUIREMENT (per Acre) Irrigators 3.09 Hr Tractor 3.21 0.65 0.51 0.47 2.55 1.35 0.30 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 300.00 Lb 1.20 Lb 50.00 AI 9.98 Hr *NOTE: P = Previous Year C = Current Year N = Next Year ** A water assessment charge of $19.25 per Acre is included as an ownership cost in Table B. Directed Spray Rig, 8 Fertilizer Broadcaster, Laser, Complete System Offset Disk, 18' Section Harrow, 3 Section Tractor, 200 PTO HP, 4WD 20-00-00, Amm. Nitrate, Esfenvalerate Watermelon Seed (Hyb) Truck Driver 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.45 0.51 0.98 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 500.00 Lb 12.00 Pt 3.00 Th 1.50 Hr Table 17E. Schedule of Operations; Spring Watermelons, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Watermelons AREA: Parker CRIR First No. Month Times FARM: La Paz County ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 14.1 Tn / Acre Operation Dec Dec Dec 1.0 Rip 2.0 Disk 1.0 Laser Level Jan Jan Jan Jan 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Jan 1.0 Plant Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground List Shape Beds 103 Jan Jan Jan Jan Jan Feb Mar Mar Mar Mar 7.0 150.0 1.0 7.0 6.0 1.0 2.0 6.0 1.0 1.0 Make Ditches Dust Control Irrigate Knock Ditches Cultivate Thinning Apply Fert/Ground Apply Insect./Ground Apply Herbicide/Ground Incorporate Herbicide Mar Mar Mar Apr 1.0 4.0 2.0 2.0 May Jun 1.0 Harvest 1.0 Residue Disposal Pickup use 50 Mi/Ac Hand Weeding Irrigate Turn Vines Irrigate/Run Fertilizer WATER SOURCE: CRIR Irrigation Project IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Cotton, Upland Equipment/ Custom Oper HP Self-Prop./ Implement 200 V-Ripper, 5 Shnk 200 Offset Disk, 18' 200 Drag Scraper, 14' Laser, Complete System CST Soil Analysis (Surface) 80 Fertilizer Broadcaster, 150 Lister, 5 Bottom 150 Bed Shaper, 4 Rw Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 Row 80 Flexi-Planter - 4 Units Fertilizer Injector, 3 Row Motor Grader, 12' Truck, 5 Ton w/1000 Gal Tank Motor Grader, 12' 80 Dbl. Gang Disk Cult, 1 Rw CST Thinning 80 Fert. Side Dress Unit, 4Row 80 Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 80 Directed Spray Rig, 8 Row 80 Dbl. Gang Disk Cult, 1 Rw Section Harrow, 3 Section CST Hand Weeding CST Hand Weeding CST Harv/pack/haul 200 Offset Disk, 18' Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Job Rate Acre/Hr TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/22/01 ---------- Material Use and Cost ---------Service Cost Name Appl. Rate $ / Unit $ / Unit 3.00 6.00 4.00 Labor Type Tractor Tractor Tractor 3.00 Ac 4.00 11-52-00, Dry 6.00 0.75 Imidacloprid 1.75 Watermelon Seed 10-34-00, Lqd 20.00 100.00 1.33 Water, District 40.00 2.00 300.00 Lb 273.33 Tn Tractor Tractor Tractor 16.00 Oz 588.40 Ga 3.00 Th 30.26 Th 7.00 Ga 263.33 Tn 18.00 AI Tractor Tractor Truck Irrigators Tractor Tractor 0.00 AF 75.00 Ac 2.75 20-00-00, Amm. Nitrate, 250.00 Lb 222.50 Tn 4.00 Esfenvalerate 2.00 Pt 140.69 Ga 4.00 Endosulfan 1.20 Lb 6.49 Lb 1.75 Tractor Tractor Tractor Tractor 75.00 Ac 3.00 Water, District 0.20 2.00 Water, District 32-00-00, URAN 32, 4.00 AI 0.00 AF Irrigators 75.00 Ac 8.00 AI 0.00 AF 15.00 Ga 170.80 Tn Irrigators 80.00 Tn 6.00 0.60 *NOTES: Machine times, labor times, and material rates are for one time over the designated acreage. Tractor Table 17F Operations Calendar; Spring Watermelons, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Watermelons AREA: Parker FARM: Western Arizona Vegetables WATER SOURCE: CRIR TILLAGE: Double Crop ACRES: 1 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow SOIL: Sandy-Loam YIELD: 13.77 Tn/Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Cotton, Upland DATE: 03/25/2001 ----------------------------------------Month and Times Operation Performed ----------------------------------------------Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 104 No. Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 * NOTE: Rip Disk Laser Level Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground List Bed Shaping/Admire Plant Make Ditches Dust Control Irrigate Knock Ditches Cultivate Thinning Apply Fert/Ground Apply Insect./Ground Apply Herbicide/Ground Incorporate Herbicide Hand Weeding Irrigate Turn Vines Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Harv/pack/haul Watermelons Disk Residue P = Previous Year C = Current Year 1P 1P 1P 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 10 C 1C 1C 1C 30 C 1C 30 C 2C 30 C 2C 30 C 1C 3C 1C 1C 3C 2C 2C 1C 1C 2C 2C 1C 1C 1C 2C 1C N = Next Year 1C 1C 1C 30 C 2C 1C 1C .5 C .5 C 1C Table 18A. Income and Cash Operating Summary; Fall Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Salome/Wenden FARM: Salome Area (La Paz) ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 823.0 Ct / Acre Item INCOME -> Lettuce WATER SOURCE: McMullen Valley, Elect IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Honeydew Melons Unit Quantity Crtn 823.00 Price/ Unit $5.26 CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES (including sales tax) Paid Labor (including benefits) Tractor/Self Propelled Irrigation Chemicals and Custom Applications Fertilizer Insecticide Herbicide Other Chemicals Farm Machinery and Vehicles Diesel Fuel Repairs and Maintenance Budgeted /Acre $4,328.98 105 101.76 234.10 TOTAL CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES CASH HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSES Paid Labor (including benefits) Tractor/Self Propelled 2.19 Farm Machinery and Vehicles Diesel Fuel Repairs and Maintenance 1.94 2.40 Notes: The above figures do not include ownership costs, see table B for detailed cost allocation. $4,328.98 ____________ 62.18 ____________ ____________ ____________ 290.71 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 39.20 ____________ ____________ ____________ 277.08 ____________ ____________ ____________ 335.86 ____________ ____________ ____________ 1005.02 ____________ 2.19 ____________ ____________ 4.35 ____________ ____________ ____________ 2047.20 2053.74 13.69 185.03 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ $3,257.49 $1,071.49 ____________ ____________ 17.80 21.40 Other Purchased Inputs & Seed/Transplants Other Services and Rentals TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES RETURNS OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES Your Farm Budget 165.06 106.86 18.42 0.36 258.17 18.92 TOTAL HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSE OPERATING OVERHEAD -> PICKUP USE OPERATING INTEREST AT 10.0% Total /Acre 32.08 30.10 Irrigation Water (excluding labor) Pump Energy - Electric Repairs and Maintenance Custom Harvest/Post Harvest TILLAGE: Conventional SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/22/01 Table 18B. Allocations of Ownership Costs; Fall Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Salome/Wenden FARM: Salome Area (La Paz) WATER SOURCE: McMullen Valley, Elect ACRES: 1.0 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow YIELD: 823.0 Ct / Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Honeydew Melons Item TOTAL INCOME at $5.26 / Ct TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES RETURN OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES CASH OVERHEAD EXPENSES Taxes, Housing and Insurance, Farm Machinery Wells and Irrigation System General and Office Overhead (5.0%of Total Operating Exp.) General Farm Maintenance (3.0% of Total Operating Exp.) Total Cash Overhead Expenses Total Cash Operating and Overhead Cost RETURNS OVER CASH OPER. AND OVER. EXPENSES CAPITAL ALLOCATIONS (100% Equity) Capital Replacement, Machinery and Vehicles Wells and Irrigation System Interest on Equity, Machinery and Vehicles Wells and Irrigation System -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $4,328.98 TILLAGE: Conventional SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/22/01 -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $4,328.98 $3,257.49 $3,257.49 $1,071.49 4.65 6.82 162.87 97.72 $1,071.49 4.65 6.82 162.87 97.72 272.06 272.06 3,529.55 3,529.55 $799.43 $799.43 25.88 25.29 11.70 13.52 106 Total Capital Allocations 76.39 RETURNS TO LAND, CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK --------------------------------> $799.43 RETURNS TO LAND, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Land Cost / Rent or Lease 150.00 150.00 Total Land Costs 150.00 150.00 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> $649.43 RETURNS TO MANAGEMENT AND RISK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Management Services (8% of Total Operation Expenses) TOTAL OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OPERATING COST ( PER Lb ) BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER TOTAL COST $573.04 260.60 422.06 759.06 TOTAL COST $3,679.55 $4,016.54 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> $649.43 RETURNS TO RISK (PROFITS) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Item $723.04 -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $3.96 $0.51 $4.47 $312.44 -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $3.96 $0.92 $4.88 Table 18C. Variable Operating Costs; Fall Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Salome/Wenden 107 No. First Month Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Aug Aug Aug Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Oct Oct Oct Oct Oct Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Nov Dec Dec Jan Jan FARM: Salome Area (La Paz) ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 823.0 Ct / Acre ---- Hours * ---Machine Labor Disk Rip Laser Level List Buck Rows Preirrigate Soil Fertility Disk Ends Apply Fert/Ground Plant Apply Herbicide/Ground Set Sprinklers Irrigate/Sec Sys Bird Control Remove Sprinklers Apply Insect./Ground Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Apply Insect./Ground Thinning Cultivate Apply Insecticide/Air Hand Weeding Apply Insecticide/Air Harvest/Field Pack 853 Ct Residue Disposal 853 Ct Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 WATER SOURCE: McMullen Valley, Elect IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Honeydew Melons ---- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) Per Operation ---Fuel/Rps. Labor Cust/Serv. Materials Total 0.225 0.378 0.257 0.225 0.023 0.250 0.420 0.286 0.250 0.025 0.725 4.72 6.59 4.22 3.10 0.10 79.17 2.19 3.68 2.51 2.19 0.22 5.56 0.023 0.180 0.450 0.180 0.158 0.025 0.200 0.500 0.200 0.350 1.000 0.14 0.85 6.87 1.37 0.56 39.58 0.22 1.75 4.39 1.75 2.88 7.67 3.00 68.90 101.76 18.42 6.39 6.10 0.158 0.090 0.090 0.350 0.100 0.200 0.100 0.56 0.51 39.58 0.51 2.88 0.88 1.53 0.88 0.225 0.250 1.70 2.19 45.55 24.04 12.97 75.00 4.24 75.00 4.75 2047.20 0.225 1.667 TILLAGE: Conventional SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/22/01 0.250 4.35 13.69 2.19 14.69 18.64 Tot. Cash Expenses Times 6.91 10.27 6.73 5.29 0.32 84.73 3.00 0.36 71.50 113.02 21.55 3.44 53.64 6.10 3.44 46.94 65.16 14.36 75.00 3.89 18.93 75.00 23.39 2047.20 6.54 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 185.03 TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES (includes all times over): Class 13.83 10.27 6.73 5.29 1.61 84.73 3.00 1.81 71.50 113.02 21.55 3.44 53.64 6.10 3.44 46.94 260.63 14.36 75.00 7.78 18.93 150.00 23.39 2047.20 6.54 13.69 185.03 L L L L G G G G G L G G G G G G G G G G G G G H P 3257.49 T *NOTES: Machine and labor hours and operating cost are for one time over the designated acreage. The "Tot. Cash Expense" column and the "TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES" row include all operations, all times over. Classes are defined below. OPERATING COST SUMMARY BY CLASS Land Preparation (L) 149.14 Growing (G) 855.89 Harvest (H) 2,047.20 Post Harvest (P) 6.54 Marketing (M) 0.00 Operating Overhead (O) 198.72 Total (T) SENSITIVITY OF THE NET REVENUES OVER TOTAL CASH EXPENSES ($/ACRE) Prices -> - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% + 25% Yields $3.95 $4.73 $5.26 $5.79 $6.58 Break-even Price - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% 617.3 740.7 823.0 905.3 -265.91 -86.96 32.34 151.64 221.10 497.45 681.68 865.92 545.77 887.06 1,114.58 1,342.10 870.44 1,276.67 1,547.48 1,818.29 1,357.45 1,861.08 2,196.83 2,532.57 800.69 518.48 419.83 352.72 284.51 $3,257.49 Break-even Yield 4.38 4.06 3.91 3.78 Table 18D. Resource and Cash Flow Requirements; Fall Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Salome/Wenden Month * Number Irrigations AUG C SEP C 1.0 OCT C 1.0 NOV C 2.0 DEC C 2.0 JAN N Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 Total % 6.0 FARM: Salome Area (La Paz) ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 823.0 Ct / Acre Water Applied (inches) Total Labor (Hrs) WATER SOURCE: McMullen Valley, Elect IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Honeydew Melons -------------------------------------- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) -------------------------------------Purchased Fuel, Oil Other Water and Repairs Labor Chemicals Purchases Services Total 1.21 1.27 2.67 1.77 0.65 0.25 12.0 6.0 12.0 12.0 42.0 20.25 83.56 48.87 82.73 80.86 4.35 13.69 7.83 108 TOTAL RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Total N 221.8 Total P 225.0 Total Labor 7.8 Total Water 42.0 64.37 1.98 68.90 24.81 121.29 66.72 281.72 8.65 185.03 30.83 165.85 197.03 303.72 307.59 2053.74 13.69 185.03 2475.32 75.99 3257.49 100.00 3.00 101.76 85.34 154.75 2047.20 101.76 3.12 TOTAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Diesel Fuel 21.5 Gal Unleaded Gas 5.0 Gal Electric / Pumping 2986.7 KWH All Direct Energy 13.9 M BTU Directed Spray Rig, 16 High Clearance Sprayer, Offset Disk, 10.5' Planter, Stanhay, 4 Row Sprinkler Trailer Tractor, 70 PTO HP, Tractor, 175 PTO HP, MATERIALS REQUIREMENT (per Acre) 00-45-00, Treble Super. 500.00 Benefin 2.00 Methomyl 4.00 Water, Pump 42.00 33-00-00, Amm. Nitrate, BT Permethrin LABOR REQUIREMENT (per Acre) Irrigators 3.93 Hr 10.58 10.39 21.59 14.36 5.26 2.19 334.31 10.26 EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS ( per Acre) Bed Shaper, 4 Rw 0.45 Hr Fertilizer Broadcaster, 0.18 Hr Lister, 7 Bottom 0.22 Hr Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton 1.67 Hr Sled Cultivator, 4Rw 0.45 Hr Tractor, 50 PTO HP, 0.41 Hr Tractor, 150 PTO HP, 0.22 Hr V-Ripper, 5 Shnk 0.38 Hr Lb Pt Pt AI TILLAGE: Conventional SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/22/01 Tractor *NOTE: P = Previous Year C = Current Year N = Next Year 0.18 0.18 0.11 0.45 0.32 0.63 0.22 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 64.00 Ga 2.00 Lb 24.40 Oz 3.91 Hr Drag Scraper, 10' Laser, Complete System Offset Disk, 18' Rowbuck, 10' Tractor, 40 PTO HP, Tractor, 100 PTO HP, Tractor, 200 PTO HP, 4WD Abamectin Head Lettuce Sd Spreader-activator 0.26 0.26 0.67 0.11 0.32 0.45 1.09 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 10.00 Oz 160.00 Th 3.20 Oz Table 18E. Schedule of Operations; Fall Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Salome/Wenden First No. Month Times FARM: Salome Area (La Paz) ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 823.0 Ct / Acre Operation Aug Aug Aug 2.0 Disk 1.0 Rip 1.0 Laser Level Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Oct 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 List Buck Rows Preirrigate Soil Fertility Disk Ends Apply Fert/Ground Plant WATER SOURCE: McMullen Valley, Elect IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Honeydew Melons Equipment/ Custom Oper HP Self-Prop./ Implement 200 Offset Disk, 18' 200 V-Ripper, 5 Shnk 200 Drag Scraper, 10' Laser, Complete System 150 Lister, 7 Bottom 50 Rowbuck, 10' 109 Oct Oct CST Soil Analysis (Surface) 50 Offset Disk, 10.5' 50 Fertilizer Broadcaster, 100 Bed Shaper, 4 Rw Planter, Stanhay, 4 Row 1.0 Apply Herbicide/Ground 70 Directed Spray Rig, 16 Row 1.0 Set Sprinklers 40 Sprinkler Trailer Oct 1.0 Irrigate/Sec Sys Oct Nov 1.0 Bird Control 1.0 Remove Sprinklers CST Bird Control 40 Sprinkler Trailer Nov Nov 1.0 Apply Insect./Ground 4.0 Irrigate/Run Fertilizer High Clearance Sprayer, 18 Nov Nov Nov Nov 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 High Clearance Sprayer, 18 CST Thinning 70 Sled Cultivator, 4Rw CST Air Spray, 3 Gal Mix Dec Dec 2.0 Hand Weeding 1.0 Apply Insecticide/Air CST Hand Weeding CST Air Spray, 5 Gal Mix Jan Jan 1.0 Harvest/Field Pack 1.0 Residue Disposal Pickup use 50 Mi/Ac CST Harv/pack/haul Lettuce 175 Offset Disk, 18' Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Apply Insect./Ground Thinning Cultivate Apply Insecticide/Air Job Rate Acre/Hr TILLAGE: Conventional SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 8/22/01 ---------- Material Use and Cost ---------Service Cost Name Appl. Rate $ / Unit $ / Unit 4.00 2.38 3.50 4.00 40.00 1.38 Water, Pump Labor Type Tractor Tractor Tractor 12.00 AI Tractor Tractor Irrigators 79.17 AF 3.00 Ac 40.00 5.00 00-45-00, Treble 2.00 Head Lettuce Sd Tractor Tractor Tractor 500.00 Lb 260.00 Tn 160.00 Th 0.60 Th 5.00 Benefin 5.71 2.00 Pt 8.69 Ga 1.00 Water, Pump Permethrin 6.00 AI 79.17 AF 6.40 Oz 120.50 Ga Tractor Tractor Irrigators Irrigators 6.10 Hr 5.71 10.00 Abamectin 5.00 Water, Pump 33-00-00, Amm. Nitrate, 10.00 Methomyl 10.00 6.00 16.00 2.00 Tractor Irrigators Tractor Irrigators Oz 550.00 Ga AI 79.17 AF Ga 270.00 Tn Pt 48.94 Ga Tractor 75.00 Ac 4.00 Methomyl Permethrin BT Spreader-activator Methomyl Permethrin Spreader-activator Tractor 1.00 6.00 2.00 1.60 Pt 48.94 Ga Oz 120.50 Ga Lb 0.96 Lb Oz 13.50 Ga 1.00 Pt 48.94 Ga 12.00 Oz 120.50 Ga 1.60 Oz 13.50 Ga 4.24 Ac 75.00 Ac 4.75 Ac 2.40 Ct 4.00 0.60 *NOTES: Machine times, labor times, and material rates are for one time over the designated acreage. Tractor Table 18F Operations Calendar; Fall Lettuce, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Lettuce, Iceberg AREA: Salome/Wenden FARM: Western Arizona Vegetables WATER SOURCE: McMullen/Valley Elec TILLAGE: Double Crop ACRES: 1 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow SOIL: Sandy-Loam YIELD: 853 Ct/Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Honeydew Melons DATE: 03/25/2001 ----------------------------------------Month and Times Operation Performed ----------------------------------------------Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 110 No. Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Disk Rip Laser Level List Buck Rows Preirrigate Soil Fertility Disk Ends Apply Fert/Ground Plant Apply Herbicide/Ground Set Sprinklers Irrigate/Sec Sys Bird Control Remove Sprinklers Apply Insect/Ground 17 18 19 20 21 Irrigate/Run Fertilizer Apply Insect/Ground Thinning Cultivate Apply Insecticide/Air Hand Weeding Apply Insecticide/Air 1C 24 Harvest/Field Pack 25 Disk Residue * NOTE: P = Previous Year C = Current Year 2C 1C 1C 1C 3C 1C 1C 2C 1C 2C 2C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 2C 1C 1C 1C 22 23 2C 1C 1C 2C 1N 1N N = Next Year Table 19A. Income and Cash Operating Summary; Fall Cantaloupe, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Cantaloupes AREA: Salome/Wenden FARM: Salome Area (LaPaz) ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 237.0 Ct / Acre Item INCOME -> Melons WATER SOURCE: McMullen Valley, Elect IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter Unit Quantity Crtn 237.00 Price/ Unit $7.02 CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES (including sales tax) Paid Labor (including benefits) Tractor/Self Propelled Irrigation Other/ Contract Chemicals and Custom Applications Fertilizer Insecticide Herbicide Other Chemicals Budgeted /Acre $1,663.74 111 Other Purchased Inputs & Seed/Transplants Other Services and Rentals 25.07 243.00 ____________ 101.61 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 320.69 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 57.20 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ 316.67 Paid Labor (including benefits) Tractor/Self Propelled 1.75 Farm Machinery and Vehicles Diesel Fuel Repairs and Maintenance 1.78 2.00 Notes: The above figures do not include ownership costs, see table B for detailed cost allocation. $1,663.74 26.92 30.27 TOTAL CASH LAND PREPARATION AND GROWING EXPENSES CASH HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSES TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES RETURNS OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES Your Farm Budget 180.13 58.43 56.42 25.70 295.05 21.62 TOTAL HARVEST AND POST HARVEST EXPENSE OPERATING OVERHEAD -> PICKUP USE OPERATING INTEREST AT 10.0% Total /Acre 53.79 40.92 6.90 Farm Machinery and Vehicles Diesel Fuel Repairs and Maintenance Irrigation Water (excluding labor) Pump Energy - Electric Repairs and Maintenance Custom Harvest/Post Harvest TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 11/1/01 268.07 ____________ ____________ ____________ 1064.23 ____________ 1.75 ____________ ____________ 3.78 ____________ ____________ ____________ 367.35 372.88 13.69 39.39 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ $1,490.19 $173.55 ____________ ____________ Table 19B. Allocations of Ownership Costs; Fall Cantaloupe, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Cantaloupes AREA: Salome/Wenden FARM: Salome Area (LaPaz) WATER SOURCE: McMullen Valley, Elect ACRES: 1.0 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow YIELD: 237.0 Ct / Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter Item TOTAL INCOME at $7.02 / Ct TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES RETURN OVER CASH OPERATING EXPENSES CASH OVERHEAD EXPENSES Taxes, Housing and Insurance, Farm Machinery Wells and Irrigation System General and Office Overhead (5.0%of Total Operating Exp.) General Farm Maintenance (3.0% of Total Operating Exp.) Total Cash Overhead Expenses Total Cash Operating and Overhead Cost RETURNS OVER CASH OPER. AND OVER. EXPENSES CAPITAL ALLOCATIONS (100% Equity) Capital Replacement, Machinery and Vehicles Wells and Irrigation System Interest on Equity, Machinery and Vehicles Wells and Irrigation System -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $1,663.74 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 11/1/01 -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $1,663.74 $1,490.19 $1,490.19 $173.55 5.92 7.79 74.51 44.71 $173.55 5.92 7.79 74.51 44.71 132.92 132.92 1,623.11 1,623.11 $40.63 $40.63 33.81 28.90 12.66 15.45 112 Total Capital Allocations 90.83 RETURNS TO LAND, CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK --------------------------------> $40.63 RETURNS TO LAND, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Land Cost / Rent or Lease 150.00 150.00 Total Land Costs 150.00 150.00 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> ($109.37) RETURNS TO MANAGEMENT AND RISK -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Management Services (8% of Total Operation Expenses) TOTAL OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OPERATING COST ( PER Lb ) BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER OWNERSHIP COST BREAK-EVEN PRICE TO COVER TOTAL COST ($200.20) 119.22 282.92 492.96 TOTAL COST $1,773.11 $1,983.15 RETURNS TO CAPITAL, MANAGEMENT AND RISK ----------------------------------------> ($109.37) RETURNS TO RISK (PROFITS) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Item ($50.20) -- CASH COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $6.29 $1.19 $7.48 ($319.41) -- TOTAL COST BASIS ($/ACRE) -Income and Costs Net Returns $6.29 $2.08 $8.37 Table 19C. Variable Operating Costs; Fall Cantaloupe, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Cantaloupes AREA: Salome/Wenden 113 No. First Month Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep Oct Dec FARM: Salome Area (LaPaz) ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 237.0 Ct / Acre ---- Hours * ---Machine Labor Disk Rip Laser Level Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground Apply Herbicide/Ground Incorporate Herbicide List Plant Apply Fert/Ground Buck Rows Irrigate Disk Ends Cultivate Apply Insect./Ground Apply Fert/Ground Thinning Hand Weeding Pollinate Apply Insecticide/Air Harvest 237 Ct Residue Disposal 237 Ct Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 WATER SOURCE: McMullen Valley, Elect IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter ---- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) Per Operation ---Fuel/Rps. Labor Cust/Serv. Materials Total 0.150 0.450 0.450 0.167 0.500 1.000 3.15 7.84 7.38 1.47 4.39 8.22 0.180 0.225 0.225 0.225 0.360 0.257 0.023 0.200 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.800 0.286 0.025 0.667 0.025 0.250 0.250 0.286 1.49 1.19 2.78 2.10 5.18 3.02 0.10 39.58 0.14 1.55 1.19 3.02 1.75 2.19 2.19 2.19 6.58 2.51 0.22 5.12 0.22 2.19 2.19 2.51 3.00 0.023 0.225 0.225 0.257 52.47 56.42 25.07 112.56 5.19 63.83 75.00 75.00 15.00 4.24 367.35 0.180 1.667 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 11/1/01 0.200 3.78 13.69 1.75 25.98 Tot. Cash Expenses Times 4.61 12.23 15.60 3.00 55.72 59.80 4.97 4.29 36.83 118.09 0.32 44.70 0.36 3.74 8.57 69.36 75.00 75.00 15.00 30.22 367.35 5.53 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 8.0 8.0 7.0 9.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 39.39 TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES (includes all times over): Class 9.22 12.23 15.60 3.00 55.72 59.80 4.97 4.29 36.83 118.09 2.58 357.59 2.51 33.67 8.57 69.36 75.00 150.00 15.00 30.22 367.35 5.53 13.69 39.39 L L L G G G G L L G G G G G G G G G G G H P 1490.19 T *NOTES: Machine and labor hours and operating cost are for one time over the designated acreage. The "Tot. Cash Expense" column and the "TOTAL CASH OPERATING EXPENSES" row include all operations, all times over. Classes are defined below. OPERATING COST SUMMARY BY CLASS Land Preparation (L) 78.17 Growing (G) 986.06 Harvest (H) 367.35 Post Harvest (P) 5.53 Marketing (M) 0.00 Operating Overhead (O) 53.08 Total (T) SENSITIVITY OF THE NET REVENUES OVER TOTAL CASH EXPENSES ($/ACRE) Prices -> - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% + 25% Yields $5.26 $6.32 $7.02 $7.72 $8.77 Break-even Price - 25% - 10% Budgeted + 10% 177.8 213.3 237.0 260.7 -571.73 -440.49 -353.00 -265.50 -384.56 -215.88 -103.43 9.01 -259.77 -66.15 62.94 192.03 -134.99 83.59 229.31 375.04 52.18 308.20 478.87 649.55 332.62 258.80 225.44 199.71 170.50 $1,490.19 Break-even Yield 8.48 7.33 6.75 6.28 Table 19D. Resource and Cash Flow Requirements; Fall Cantaloupe, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Cantaloupes AREA: Salome/Wenden Month * Number Irrigations JUL C AUG C 3.0 SEP C 3.0 OCT C 2.0 NOV C DEC C Pickup Use 50 Mi/Acre Operating Interest at 10.0 Total % 8.0 FARM: Salome Area (LaPaz) ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 237.0 Ct / Acre Water Applied (inches) Total Labor (Hrs) 18.0 18.0 12.0 48.0 TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 11/1/01 -------------------------------------- Operating Costs ($/ACRE *) -------------------------------------Purchased Fuel, Oil Other Water and Repairs Labor Chemicals Purchases Services Total 2.78 4.19 3.19 2.21 29.07 133.22 127.14 84.43 23.87 34.09 25.75 17.91 0.20 3.78 13.69 1.75 12.57 391.33 26.26 114 TOTAL RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Total N 149.6 Total P 206.2 Total K 31.1 Total Labor 12.6 Total Water 48.0 EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Bed Shaper, 4 Rw 0.36 Hr Disk-Lister, 4 Rw 0.22 Hr Fertilizer Injector, 4 Row 0.51 Hr Offset Disk, 18' 0.48 Hr Rowbuck, 10' 0.18 Hr Tractor, 70 PTO HP, 2.02 Hr V-Ripper, 5 Shnk 0.45 Hr WATER SOURCE: McMullen Valley, Elect IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter 103.37 6.94 108.89 117.75 89.81 316.45 21.24 3.00 39.39 164.83 310.13 486.94 286.01 183.67 5.53 13.69 39.39 653.97 43.89 1490.19 100.00 25.07 244.24 183.67 183.67 25.07 1.68 TOTAL ENERGY REQUIREMENTS (per Acre) Diesel Fuel 31.2 Gal Unleaded Gas 5.0 Gal Electric / Pumping 3413.3 KWH All Direct Energy 16.6 M BTU Cultivator, Sweep, 4 Rw Drag Scraper, 10' Laser, Complete System Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Tandem Disk, 12' Tractor, 100 PTO HP, MATERIALS REQUIREMENT (per Acre) 11-48-00, Dry 300.00 Lb Bensulide 10.00 Pt Endosulfan 1.25 Pt 15-08-04, Lqd Bifenthrin Imidacloprid LABOR REQUIREMENT (per Acre) Irrigators 5.34 Hr Other *NOTE: P = Previous Year C = Current Year N = Next Year 2.02 0.45 0.45 1.67 0.16 1.50 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 70.00 Ga 1.00 Oz 10.00 Oz 0.90 Hr Directed Spray Rig, 8 Fertilizer Broadcaster, Lister, 5 Bottom Planter, Drill Type, 4 Row Tractor, 50 PTO HP, Tractor, 200 PTO HP, 4WD Benomyl Cantaloupe Sd Water, Pump Tractor 0.45 0.18 0.22 0.36 0.79 1.38 Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr 1.00 Lb 2.50 Lb 48.00 AI 6.33 Hr Table 19E. Schedule of Operations; Fall Cantaloupe, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Cantaloupes AREA: Salome/Wenden First No. Month Times Jul Jul Jul FARM: Salome Area (LaPaz) ACRES: 1.0 YIELD: 237.0 Ct / Acre Operation WATER SOURCE: McMullen Valley, Elect IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter Equipment/ Custom Oper HP Self-Prop./ Implement Aug 200 Offset Disk, 18' 200 V-Ripper, 5 Shnk 200 Drag Scraper, 10' Laser, Complete System 1.0 Soil Fertility CST Soil Analysis (Surface) 1.0 Apply Fert/Ground 100 Fertilizer Broadcaster, 1.0 Apply Herbicide/Ground 50 Directed Spray Rig, 8 Row 1.0 Incorporate Herbicide 100 Disk-Lister, 4 Rw 1.0 List 100 Lister, 5 Bottom 1.0 Plant 100 Planter, Drill Type, 4 Row Bed Shaper, 4 Rw 1.0 Apply Fert/Ground 100 Fertilizer Injector, 4 Row Aug Aug Aug Aug Aug 8.0 8.0 7.0 9.0 1.0 Buck Rows Irrigate Disk Ends Cultivate Apply Insect./Ground 50 Tandem Disk, 12' 70 Cultivator, Sweep, 4 Rw 50 Directed Spray Rig, 8 Row Sep Sep Sep Sep Sep 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 Apply Fert/Ground Thinning Hand Weeding Pollinate Apply Insecticide/Air 100 Fertilizer Injector, 4 Row CST Thinning CST Hand Weeding CST Bee Hive Rental CST Air Spray, 3 Gal Mix Oct Dec 1.0 Harvest 1.0 Residue Disposal Pickup use 50 Mi/Ac CST Harv/pack/haul Melons 200 Offset Disk, 18' Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Jul Jul Jul Jul Jul Aug 2.0 Disk 1.0 Rip 1.0 Laser Level 50 Rowbuck, 10' Job Rate Acre/Hr TILLAGE: Double Crop SOIL: Sandy-Loam DATE: 11/1/01 ---------- Material Use and Cost ---------Service Cost Name Appl. Rate $ / Unit $ / Unit 6.00 2.00 2.00 Labor Type Tractor Tractor Tractor Other 3.00 Ac 5.00 11-48-00, Dry 4.00 Bensulide 4.00 4.00 2.50 Cantaloupe Sd 115 3.50 15-08-04, Lqd Imidacloprid 40.00 1.50 Water, Pump 40.00 4.00 4.00 Bifenthrin Endosulfan 3.50 15-08-04, Lqd Benomyl Endosulfan 300.00 Lb 330.00 Tn 10.00 Pt 42.58 Ga 2.50 Lb Tractor Tractor Tractor Tractor Tractor Other Tractor 9.46 Lb 35.00 Ga 310.00 Tn 10.00 Oz 588.40 Ga 6.00 AI Tractor Irrigators Tractor Tractor Tractor 79.17 AF 1.00 Oz 490.00 Ga 0.25 Pt 34.08 Ga 35.00 Ga 310.00 Tn 1.00 Lb 1.00 Pt 20.25 Lb 34.08 Ga Tractor 75.00 75.00 15.00 4.24 Ac Ac Ac Ac 1.55 Ct 5.00 0.60 *NOTES: Machine times, labor times, and material rates are for one time over the designated acreage. Tractor Table 19F Operations Calendar; Fall Cantaloupe, 2001 COUNTY: La Paz CROP: Cantaloupes AREA: Salome/Wenden FARM: Western Arizona Vegetables WATER SOURCE: McMullen/Valley, Elect TILLAGE: Double Crop ACRES: 1 IRRIGATION SYSTEM: Flood Furrow SOIL: Sandy-Loam YIELD: 237 Ct/Acre PREVIOUS CROP: Wheat, Winter DATE: 03/25/2001 ----------------------------------------Month and Times Operation Performed ----------------------------------------------Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 116 No. Operation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 * NOTE: Disk Rip Laser Level Soil Fertility Apply Fert/Ground Apply Herbicide/Ground Incorporate Herbicide List Plant Apply Fert/Ground Buck Rows Irrigate Disk Ends Cultivate Apply Insect/Ground Apply Fert/Ground Thinning Hand Weeding Pollinate Apply Insecticide/Air Harvest Disk Residue P = Previous Year C = Current Year 2C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 1C 3C 3C 3C 3C 3C 1C 3C 1C 1C 1C 2C 1C 2C 2C 3C 3C 1C .5 C N = Next Year 3C .5 C 1C Appendix A. Tables of Prices of Selected Inputs for Yuma County and La Paz County, Arizona Table A.1 Estimated Costs of Pumping Irrigation Water A-2 Table A.2 Water Cost in Irrigation Districts A-2 Table A.3 Selected Labor and Price Rates A-3 Table A.4 Property Taxes and Tax Assessments A-3 Table A.5 Costs of Selected Custom Operations A-3 Table A.6 Costs of Owning and Operating Irrigation Systems (This table is included only when such A-4 irrigation systems are included in the budget tables.) A-1 A-2 Electric 0.09486 /Kwh 110 380 380 380 1500 2200 2200 2200 1600 1600 1600 (GPM) (Ft) 450 450 450 Rate Lift Pump Pump 16 16 16 16 Pump Overall 400 700 700 700 0.54 0.188 0.54 0.154 0.188 0.54 0.154 (Ft) Efficiency 16 1000 16 1000 16 1000 (in) Diam Depth Case Well 58269 148429 111923 193219 195281 153544 243641 Cost 6121 14474 9618 19851 22087 16595 27947 ($/Yr) Cost * 1485 1750 1750 1750 1273 1273 1273 (AF) Pump YID-B Yuma Mesa Irrig & Drainage Dis YMIDD Yuma Irrigation District, B $50.00 $113.68 9 free 10 free 5 free 5 free $30.00 YID-S Yuma Irrigation District, South 5 free 4 free 5 free $62.00 $26.00 YID-N Yuma Irrigation District, North Yuma County Water User's AssoYCWUA $60.60 Welton-Mohawk Irrigation DistricWMIDD Yuma $38.50 $39.00 PVV Palo Verde Valley ment Colorado River Tribes Irr. Projec CRTIP La Paz $5.25 /AF $15.65 /AF 2@ 2@ $6.00 /AF $11.00 /AF more @ $12.40 /AF more @ $11.00 /AF more @ 6@ more @ $17.00 /AF 2@ 2@ 2@ $9.35 /AF $12.00 /AF $18.25 /AF 2@ 2@ more @ $14.10 /AF $14.00 /AF $19.35 /AF **** Dollars per Acre Foot (AF) **** $4.12 $19.79 $8.27 $39.23 $5.50 $62.41 $11.34 $35.40 more @ more @ $1.32 $5.29 $4.56 $5.29 $6.27 $5.40 $6.27 /AF COST TOTAL $21.11 $25.23 $44.52 $52.79 $66.97 $72.47 $40.69 $52.04 $52.73 $70.08 $79.16 $92.20 $48.23 $70.18 Total $25.00 /AF $16.00 /AF P Tax Variable Cost/AF Energy Repairs $17.35 $46.46 $13.04 $73.76 $21.95 $41.96 Fixed /AF Ownership Annual Cost of Pumping Irrigation Water Table A.2 Estimated Cost of Surface Irrigation Water in Western Arizona, 2001 Assess Name Water Costs SOUTH YUMA MESA Yuma County Diesel 0.80000 /Gal Electric 0.08661 /Kwh Nat. Gas 0.42239 /Th BOUSE AREA BOUSE AREA BOUSE AREA Price Diesel 0.80000 /Gal Electric 0.08644 /Kwh Nat. Gas 0.42280 /Th Energy MCMULLEN VALLEY MCMULLEN VALLEY MCMULLEN VALLEY La Paz County Area Table A.1 Estimated Cost of Pumping Irrigation Water in Western Arizona, 2001 A-3 $0.54 / $0.75 / $1.37 / Box Closer/Stitcher Box Loader (Film Pack) Box Loader (Naked Packed) Custom Service Air Spray, 5 Gal Mix Air Spray, 7 Gal Mix Thinning Hand Weeding Harvest Cauliflower Harv/Load/Haul Broccoli Cut & Load Melons Harvest-Load-Haul Lettuce Scout For Insects Bee Hive Rental Harvest-Load-Haul Leaf Lettuce Haul Melons Haul Watermelons Bird Control Soil Analysis (Surface) Operation Apply Insecticide/Air Apply Insecticide/Air Thinning Hand Weeding Harvest Harvest Cut and Load Harvest, Load & Haul Field Scouting Pollenate Harvest, Load & Haul Haul, Custom Haul, Custom Bird Control Soil Fertility Hr Box Box Box Box Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Hr Box Hr Hr Hr Box Box $0.20 $10.00 $3.50 $12.00 $4.73 $5.23 $75.00 $75.00 $2.65 $2.75 $1.65 $3.25 $15.00 $35.00 $3.00 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Carton Ton Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Acre Carton Carton Carton Carton Acre Acre Carton 2000 Rate $1.37 / Wrapper/Packer Table A. 5 Custom Service Costs, Colorado River $6.62 / $6.62 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / $6.77 / $6.77 $6.62 $6.77 $6.77 $11.54 $6.77 $6.77 $6.77 $6.62 $1.37 $6.62 $6.62 $6.62 $0.99 $1.37 Loader/Watermelons 2000 Wage Rate Cutter/Watermelons Harvest Irrigators Tractor Other Truck Driver Produce Loader Contract Labor Contract Labor, Harvest Picker Cutter Clipper Loader Windrower, Melons Cutter & Packer Cutter/Wrapper/Packer Hand Weeders Labor Group Table A.3 Wage and Piece Rates Budget System Area Descripion State Area Description Unit B Irrigation O&M Unit B Irrigation-Contract Unit B Irrigation-Non Coop. Welton-Mohawk IDD North Gila Valley ID Yuma IDD Yuma Mesa ID Special District Tax Crops Average Roll/Mohawk Welton Hyder Yuma Area Average Yuma Sumerton Crane Gadsen 705 712 2700 1900 3000 2600 Cibola Valley ID Aguila ID Special District Tax Crops Average Parker Salome/Wenden Bouse $1.5000 $4.4300 Assessment Parker Wenden Salome Bouse $105.0000 $8.6800 $1.0000 $1.0000 $26.0000 $30.0000 $50.0000 Assessment Roll/Mohawk Welton Hyder Yuma Sumerton Crane Gadsen LaPaz County (15) Property Taxes 706 707 708 704 703 702 701 1730 2430 1600 130 1140 1330 3230 Yuma County (14) Property Taxes, Vegetable Crops State Code Table A. 4 Property Taxes & Assessments $8.9076 $4.5804 $10.5895 $11.9877 $11.2886 $10.8538 Primary $9.2662 $9.1098 $9.7636 $9.0206 $9.1709 $9.3805 $9.1520 $8.9846 $9.1664 2000 Primary $1.6916 $1.8491 $0.8657 $3.8544 $2.3601 $0.8657 Secondary $3.4822 $3.2350 $2.7401 $4.0433 $3.9104 $3.5525 $4.2043 $3.4373 $4.4474 2000 Secondary $10.5992 $6.4295 $11.4552 $15.8421 $13.6487 $11.7195 Total $12.7484 $12.3448 $12.5037 $13.0639 $13.0813 $12.9330 $13.3563 $12.4219 $13.6138 2000 Total Appendix B. Tables of Prices of Selected Inputs, Arizona Table B.1 Prices of Materials Used B-2 Table B.2 Cost Data for Equipment and Implements B-6 Note: These average input prices are used for all Arizona counties when appropriate. Not all items listed are used in all counties. B-1 Table B.1 Prices of Materials Used Common Name Example Trade Name 1998 Price 2001 Price Fertilizers 0-0-12 LQD 7.5-26-0-8 LQD 00-45-00, TREBLE SUPER 00-52-00 LQD 05-26-00-08 PHOSFURIC 10-34-00 LQD 11-48-00 DRY 11-52-00 DRY 15-0-0-16 N-phuric ACID 15-15-15 DRY 16-20-00 DRY 16-20-00 LQD 17-00-00 LQD, CAN 17 18-46-00 DRY 20-0-0-40 Nitro-Sul 20-00-00 Amm. NITRATE, DRY 20-00-00 Amm. NITRATE, LQD 21-00-00 Amm SULFATE 28-0-0-9 N-Phuric ACID 32-00-00 URAN 32, LQD 33-00-00 Amm. NITRATE, DRY 46-00-00 L B UREA 46-00-00 UREA 46 82-00-00 Anhyd. AMMONIA 0-0-12 LQD 7.5-26-0-8 LQD 00-45-00, TREBLE SUPER 00-52-00 LQD 05-26-00-08 PHOSFURIC 10-34-00 LQD 11-48-00 DRY 11-52-00 DRY 15-0-0-16 N-phuric ACID 15-15-15 DRY 16-20-00 DRY 16-20-00 LQD 17-00-00 LQD, CAN 17 18-46-00 DRY 20-0-0-40 Nitro-Sul 20-00-00 Amm. NITRATE, DRY 20-00-00 Amm. NITRATE, LQD 21-00-00 Amm SULFATE 28-0-0-9 N-Phuric ACID 32-00-00 URAN 32, LQD 33-00-00 Amm. NITRATE, DRY 46-00-00 L B UREA 46-00-00 UREA 46 82-00-00 Anhyd. AMMONIA $55.00 $260.00 $317.50 $317.00 $290.00 $266.40 $330.00 $284.00 $205.00 $320.00 $240.67 $220.00 $0.00 $275.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $173.00 $320.00 $0.00 $257.00 $317.00 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Tn Tn Tn Tn Tn Tn Tn Tn Tn Tn Tn Tn Tn Tn Tn Tn Tn Tn Tn Tn Tn Tn Tn Tn $55.00 $260.00 $260.00 $299.50 $290.00 $263.33 $330.00 $273.33 $205.00 $320.00 $250.50 $220.00 $175.00 $245.00 $280.00 $222.50 $155.00 $184.00 $240.00 $170.80 $320.00 $30.00 $271.17 $306.67 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Lb Lb Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Lb Ga Ga Ga Ga Oz Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga $15.75 $2.98 $8.69 $97.06 $31.25 $53.30 $105.81 $29.63 $15.15 $82.50 $65.23 $34.09 $125.00 $67.75 $26.27 $20.60 $18.00 $42.58 $22.23 $24.72 $18.75 $24.95 $21.15 $0.85 $42.00 $47.20 $241.81 Herbicides Atrazine Atrazine Benefin Dicamba Cyanazine Bromoxynil Bromoxynil Prometryn 2,4-d Metolachlor Metolachlor EPTC Fluazifop Diclofop Methyl Pronamide MSMA MSMA Bensulide Pendimethalin Pyritiodac-sodium Butylate Trifluralin Trifluralin Trifluralin Glyphosate Glyphosate Thiazopyr AATREX, 4L, 2.5 GAL AATREX, 80W, 5 LB BALAN, 1.5EC, 2.5 GAL BANVEL, 4E, 1 GAL BLADEX, 4L, 2.5 GAL BRONCO, 2.6/1.4L, 2.5 GAL BUCTRIL, 4E, 2,5 GAL CAPAROL, 4L, 2.5 GAL D - 2,4-D AMINE, 4E, 1 GAL DUAL, 8E, 2.5 GAL DUAL, 8E, 30 GAL EPTAM, 7E, 5 GAL FUSILADE, 2000 (1E) HOELON, 3EC, 5 GAL KERB, 50W, 3LB BUENO 6 MSMA ANY BRAND, 6S, 5 GAL PREFAR, 4E, 5 GAL PROWL, 4E, 5 GAL STAPLE Oz. SUTAN+, 6.7E, 2.5 GAL TREFLAN, 4E, 30 GAL TREFLAN, 4E, 2.5 GAL TREFLAN, TR10, 50 LB ROUNDUP, 4S, 2.5 GAL ROUND UP ULTRA VISOR B-2 $0.00 $2.18 $14.95 $85.76 $25.26 $52.93 $67.93 $30.00 $11.71 $0.00 $60.84 $26.08 $120.00 $55.54 $22.75 $0.00 $18.33 $38.12 $27.52 $23.00 $17.98 $0.00 $29.75 $0.00 $44.00 $0.00 $0.00 Table B.1 Prices of Materials Used Common Name Example Trade Name 1998 Price 2001 Price Herbicides Continued Oryzalin Napropamide Simazine Carfentrazone-ethyl Diglycolamine Clethodim Pronamide Imazethapyr Sethoxydim SURFLAN DEVRINOL PRINCEP 4L AIM CLARITY SELECT 2 EC COTTON PRO PURSUIT DG POAST Imidacloprid Abamectin Permethrin Cypermethrin Fenvalerate Cyfluthrin Sulprophos Bifenthrin Profenofos Profenofos Dimethoate Dimethoate Dimethoate Malathion Fenpropathrin Dimethoate BT Disulfoton Disulfoton Disulfoton Carbofuran Carbofuran Azinphos Methyl Lambdacyhalothrin Methomyl Chlorpyrifos Chlorpyrifos Malathion Malathion Methamidophos Methamidophos Zetacypermethrin Acephate Acephate Amitraz Methyl Parathion Methyl Parathion Endosulfan Tralomethrin Carbaryl Carbaryl Carbaryl Spinosad Phorate Endosulfan Abamectin Lambdacyhalothrin ADMIRE, F AGRI-MEK, 15EC, 1 GAL AMBUSH,2E, 1GAL AMMO, 2.5EC, 1GAL ASANA, XL, 1 GAL BAYTHROID, 2E, 1 GAL BOLSTAR, 6E, 5 GAL CAPTURE, 2EC, 1 GAL CURACRON, 6E, 2.5 GAL CURACRON, 8E, 2.5 GAL CYGON,'267', 5 GAL CYGON,'400', 2.5 GAL CYGON,'400', 5 GAL CYTHION, ULV, 5 GAL DANITOL DIMETHONATE, 4E, 2.5 GAL DIPEL, 2X, 1 LB DISYSTON, 15G, 10 LB DISYSTON, 15G, 50 LB DISYSTON, 8E, 5 GAL FURADAN, 15G, 50 LB FURADAN,4F,2.5GAL GUTHION, 2L, 5 GAL KARATE, 1E, 1 GAL LANNATE, 24%L, 2.5 GAL LOCK - ON LORSBAN, 4E, 2.5 GAL MALATHION, 5S, 2.5 GAL MALATHION, 8E, 5 GAL MONITOR, 4L, 2 GAL MONITOR, 4L, 5 GAL MUSTANG (FURY) ORTHENE, 75S, 10 LB ORTHENE, 90S, 10 LB OVASYN, 5 GAL PARATHION/METHYL, 4E, 5 GAL PENNCAP M, 2L, 5 GAL PHASER, 3EC, 1 GAL SCOUT X-TRA, 1 GAL SEVIN, 4F, 2.5 GAL SEVIN, 80S, 10 LB SEVIN, XLR PLUS, 2.5 GAL SUCCESS THIMET, 20G, 50 LB THIODAN, 3EC, 2.5 GAL ZEPHYR, 15EC, 2.5 GAL WARRIOR T $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 / / / / / / / / / Ga Ga Ga Oz Ga Ga Ga Oz Ga $80.86 $8.75 $19.50 $8.80 $91.30 $192.71 $28.00 $10.65 $67.85 $591.67 $706.00 $115.83 $285.64 $146.61 $496.00 $490.00 $549.00 $120.00 $0.00 $26.50 $35.13 $38.00 $29.42 $174.00 $24.75 $10.50 $1.79 $0.00 $71.08 $1.65 $75.95 $31.25 $278.75 $49.05 $37.08 $50.95 $20.00 $30.73 $76.50 $86.48 $317.83 $9.00 $10.31 $47.56 $0.00 $27.50 $33.47 $283.89 $28.75 $4.76 $25.00 $600.00 $2.18 $34.80 $550.00 $0.00 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Lb Lb Lb Ga Lb Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Lb Lb Lb Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Lb Ga Ga Lb Ga Ga Ga $588.40 $732.91 $120.50 $291.66 $144.04 $520.67 $288.38 $490.00 $120.00 $113.00 $26.50 $35.59 $38.00 $32.00 $167.83 $12.00 $11.02 $1.74 $20.50 $66.44 $1.17 $76.85 $30.30 $270.00 $48.94 $37.73 $47.21 $21.50 $31.69 $77.00 $82.98 $321.18 $9.61 $10.49 $46.74 $30.00 $25.75 $34.08 $330.00 $28.75 $4.98 $25.00 $609.67 $2.03 $33.17 $550.00 $336.00 Insecticides B-3 Table B.1 Prices of Materials Used Common Name Example Trade Name 1998 Price 2001 Price Fungicides Triadimefon Benomyl Chlorothalonil Mancozeb Mancozeb Metalaxyl Vinclozolin BAYETON, 50WP, 5 LB BENLATE, 50WP, 2 LB BRAVO 500, 2.5 GAL DITHANE, M45, 80W, 3 LB DITHANE, M45, 80W, 50 LB RIDOMIL, 2E, 1 GAL RONILAN, 50DF, 5 LB $61.50 $19.03 $59.00 $0.00 $3.20 $204.58 $23.20 / / / / / / / Lb Lb Ga Lb Lb Ga Lb $70.12 $20.25 $42.60 $3.20 $3.10 $202.05 $24.59 $24.33 $45.92 $56.16 $46.88 $200.00 $0.00 $40.00 $1.40 $0.00 / / / / / / / / / Ga Ga Lb Ga Lb Ga Ga Ga Ga $24.35 $46.28 $59.00 $50.78 $216.71 $43.00 $40.78 $1.25 $6.50 $0.80 $107.75 $62.67 $13.50 $75.00 $16.13 $13.00 / / / / / / / Lb Ga Ga Ga Tn Ga Ga $0.80 $118.60 $64.33 $13.50 $75.00 $16.40 $14.75 Defoliants Endothall Tribufos Thidiazuron Merphos Thidiazuron/Diuron Paraquat Paraquat ACCELERATE, 0.5S, 5 GAL DEF-6, 6E, 2.5 GAL DROPP, 50WP, 1 LB FOLEX, 6E, 5 GAL GINSTAR GRAMOXONE EXTRA, 2.5L, 2.5 GAL GRAMOXONE, 2S, 5 GAL SODIUM CHLORATE 3, 1 GAL SODIUM CHLORATE #2, 3, 1 GAL Miscellaneous Chlorine Comp. Gas Mepiquat Chloride Ethephon Spreader-Activator Sulfuric Acid Surfactant Vegetable Oil Chlorine Comp. Gas PIX, .35L, 1 GAL PREP, 6E, 5 GAL Sorba Spray Zip Sulfuric Acid Bulk Surfactant (Spreader) Vegetable Oil Concentrate B-4 Table B.1 Prices of Materials Used Common Name Example Trade Name 1998 Price 2001 Price Cartons & Boxes Boxes & Supplies Boxes for Cauliflower Boxes for Leaf Lettuce Broccoli Boxes Field Crates (Bu) Cantaloupe Cartons Corn Sacks 5 Dz Cap Lettuce Cartons Onion Bags Plastic Mulch (Average) Watermelon Bins Waxed Cartons Wirebound Crates Boxes & Supplies Boxes for Cauliflower Boxes for Leaf Lettuce Broccoli Boxes Field Crates (Bu) Cantaloupe Cartons Corn Sacks 5 Dz Cap Lettuce Cartons Onion Bags Plastic Mulch (Average) Watermelon Bins Waxed Cartons Wirebound Crates Beet Seed Bell Pepper (OP) Broccoli Seed (Hybrid) Broccoli Seed (OP) Butternut Squash Sd Cabbage Sd (OP) Cabbage Seed (Hybrid) Cantaloupe Sd (Hybrid) Carrot Seed (Raw/Hybrid) Cauliflower Sd (Hyb) Cauliflower Seed Cauliflower Trans Chile Pepper Sd (OP) Chinese Cabbage Sd Collard Seed Egg Plant (Hybrid) Garlic Cloves Green Bean Sd Green Onion Seed Head Lettuce Sd Head Lettuce Sd, Coated Head Lettuce Sd, Pellet Honeydew Melons(Hybrid) Leaf Lettuce Sd (raw) Okra Seed Okra Seed (Hybrid) Onion Seed (Pelletized) Parsley Seed Pickling Cucumber (Hyb) Potato Seed Potato Seed + Fung. Pumpkin Seed (Hyb) Radish Seed Rappini Seed Slicer Cucumber (Hyb) Snap Bean Seed Spinach Seed (Hyb) Summer Squash Sweet Corn (Super Sweets) Sweet Corn Seed Sweet Corn Seed + Fung. Sweet Potato Slips Tomato Seed (Hybrid) Turnip Sd (Hyb) Turnip Seed (OP) Watermelon Seed (Hyb) Watermelon Seed (OP) Watermelon, Seedless Zucchini Seed (Hybrid) Beet Seed Bell Pepper (OP) Broccoli Seed (Hybrid) Broccoli Seed (OP) Butternut Squash Sd Cabbage Sd (OP) Cabbage Seed (Hybrid) Cantaloupe Sd (Hybrid) Carrot Seed (Raw/Hybrid) Cauliflower Sd (Hyb) Cauliflower Seed Cauliflower Trans Chile Pepper Sd (OP) Chinese Cabbage Sd Collard Seed Egg Plant (Hybrid) Garlic Cloves Green Bean Sd Green Onion Seed Head Lettuce Sd Head Lettuce Sd, Coated Head Lettuce Sd, Pellet Honeydew Melons(Hybrid) Leaf Lettuce Sd (raw) Okra Seed Okra Seed (Hybrid) Onion Seed (Pelletized) Parsley Seed Pickling Cucumber (Hyb) Potato Seed Potato Seed + Fung. Pumpkin Seed (Hyb) Radish Seed Rappini Seed Slicer Cucumber (Hyb) Snap Bean Seed Spinach Seed (Hyb) Summer Squash Sweet Corn (Super Sweets) Sweet Corn Seed Sweet Corn Seed + Fung. Sweet Potato Slips Tomato Seed (Hybrid) Turnip Sd (Hyb) Turnip Seed (OP) Watermelon Seed (Hyb) Watermelon Seed (OP) Watermelon, Seedless Zucchini Seed (Hybrid) $0.95 $0.95 $1.05 $0.82 $0.00 $0.87 $0.49 $1.00 $1.10 $75.00 $9.00 $1.20 $1.60 / / / / / / / / / / / / / Ct Ct Ct Ct Sk Ct Sk Ct Sk Roll Ea Ct Ct $0.95 $0.95 $1.09 $0.90 $7.58 $1.00 $0.84 $1.15 $1.10 $85.00 $11.00 $1.30 $1.70 $5.67 $31.67 $2.36 $15.00 $11.18 $16.75 $2.54 $9.46 $0.22 $4.80 $61.67 $32.50 $34.23 $0.87 $5.50 $2.86 $10.00 $2.49 $21.18 $0.60 $0.77 $0.77 $20.27 $0.36 $4.83 $61.33 $0.87 $11.83 $19.48 $16.00 $0.00 $19.88 $4.51 $16.50 $44.67 $2.55 $2.84 $38.14 $9.21 $7.58 $8.50 $20.00 $10.34 $25.17 $4.75 $30.26 $27.70 $186.00 $50.00 / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Lb Lb Th Lb Lb Lb Th Lb Th Th Lb Th Lb Lb Lb Th Cw Lb Lb Th Th Th Lb Th Lb Lb Th Lb Lb Cw Cw Th Lb Lb Lb Lb Lb Lb Lb Lb Lb Th Th Lb Lb Th Th Lb Lb $6.08 $32.67 $2.65 $15.00 $11.80 $17.13 $2.89 $9.90 $0.25 $5.10 $71.67 $33.00 $32.67 $1.07 $5.50 $2.95 $10.00 $3.00 $12.33 $0.60 $0.77 $0.77 $21.43 $0.54 $4.42 $61.33 $0.87 $12.67 $19.48 $16.00 $0.00 $20.25 $5.75 $19.00 $44.67 $2.55 $2.84 $38.14 $9.21 $7.58 $8.50 $20.00 $10.09 $25.17 $4.75 $31.58 $27.70 $189.00 $47.01 Vegetable Seeds B-5 Table B.2 Cost Data for Equipment and Implements Name New Hrs to Price Wearout Dollar Cost per Hour of Use Annual Hours y Deprec Opp. Int. THI Repairs Fuel Total Tractors Tractor, 25 PTO HP Tractor, 25 PTO HP, MFWD Tractor, 35 PTO HP Tractor, 35 PTO HP, MFWD Tractor, 40 PTO HP Tractor, 40 PTO HP , MFWD Tractor, 50 PTO HP Tractor, 50 PTO HP, MFWD Tractor, 60 PTO HP Tractor, 60 PTO HP, MFWD Tractor, 70 PTO HP Tractor, 70 PTO HP, MFWD Tractor, 80 PTO HP Tractor, 80 PTO HP, MFWD Tractor, 100 PTO HP Tractor, 100 PTO HP, MFWD Tractor, 125 PTO HP Tractor, 125 PTO HP, MFWD Tractor, 150 PTO HP Tractor, 150 PTO HP, MFWD Tractor, 175 PTO HP Tractor, 175 PTO HP, MFWD Tractor, 200 PTO HP, 4WD Tractor, 85 hp "MUDDER" Tractor, 235 Eng HP, Art. Tractor, 300 Eng HP, Art. Tractor, 335 Eng HP, Art. Tractor, 375 Eng HP, Art. Tractor, Crawler, Rubber Track Skip Loader, Wheeled Motor Grader, 12' $13,003 $16,577 $20,550 $22,786 $21,942 $25,371 $25,307 $29,041 $29,285 $35,664 $32,461 $39,646 $36,784 $45,029 $50,344 $61,243 $65,746 $76,656 $81,578 $92,268 $98,877 $110,999 $119,274 $42,913 $118,900 $134,560 $137,034 $151,900 $160,240 $89,426 $184,230 12,000 16,000 12,000 16,000 12,000 16,000 12,000 16,000 12,000 16,000 12,000 16,000 12,000 16,000 12,000 16,000 12,000 16,000 12,000 16,000 12,000 16,000 16,000 12,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 12,000 16,000 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 2000 1200 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 1000 1200 $0.76 $0.80 $1.21 $1.11 $1.29 $1.23 $1.49 $1.41 $1.72 $1.73 $1.91 $1.92 $2.16 $2.18 $2.96 $2.97 $3.86 $3.72 $4.79 $4.48 $5.81 $5.39 $4.85 $2.52 $4.84 $5.48 $5.58 $6.18 $6.52 $5.59 $8.94 $0.59 $0.71 $0.94 $0.97 $1.00 $1.08 $1.15 $1.24 $1.33 $1.52 $1.48 $1.69 $1.67 $1.92 $2.29 $2.62 $2.99 $3.28 $3.71 $3.94 $4.50 $4.74 $3.41 $1.95 $3.40 $3.85 $3.92 $4.35 $4.58 $4.69 $7.87 $0.14 $0.17 $0.22 $0.23 $0.24 $0.26 $0.27 $0.30 $0.32 $0.36 $0.35 $0.40 $0.40 $0.46 $0.54 $0.62 $0.71 $0.78 $0.88 $0.94 $1.07 $1.13 $0.80 $0.46 $0.80 $0.91 $0.92 $1.02 $1.08 $1.12 $1.88 $1.09 $0.80 $1.73 $1.09 $1.84 $1.22 $2.13 $1.39 $2.46 $1.71 $2.73 $1.90 $3.09 $2.16 $4.23 $2.94 $5.52 $3.68 $6.85 $4.43 $8.31 $5.33 $5.73 $3.60 $5.71 $6.46 $6.58 $7.29 $7.69 $7.51 $8.84 $1.12 $1.03 $1.57 $1.45 $1.80 $1.66 $2.25 $2.07 $2.70 $2.48 $3.15 $2.90 $3.60 $3.31 $4.50 $4.14 $6.07 $5.59 $6.74 $6.21 $7.87 $7.24 $8.99 $3.73 $7.87 $10.12 $11.02 $12.81 $10.57 $4.05 $5.62 $3.71 $3.51 $5.66 $4.85 $6.17 $5.45 $7.29 $6.41 $8.53 $7.81 $9.61 $8.82 $10.92 $10.04 $14.52 $13.29 $19.16 $17.04 $22.98 $20.00 $27.55 $23.83 $23.79 $12.27 $22.62 $26.81 $28.01 $31.66 $30.44 $22.96 $33.15 $107,880 $110,680 $126,986 $140,511 $157,934 $232,671 $244,800 $139,749 $122,138 $173,618 $208,616 $62,738 $89,000 $105,000 $125,000 $125,000 $188,000 $29,500 $133,493 $80,157 $33,400 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 4,000 4,000 3,000 12,000 12,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 300 300 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 400 300 300 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 400 400 400 400 $30.02 $30.80 $31.49 $34.85 $39.17 $53.71 $56.51 $32.26 $28.19 $36.24 $46.43 $17.46 $6.32 $7.46 $18.98 $18.98 $28.55 $5.98 $27.08 $16.26 $6.77 $17.96 $18.43 $17.21 $19.04 $21.40 $26.49 $27.87 $15.91 $13.90 $21.68 $32.73 $10.44 $4.34 $5.12 $7.72 $7.72 $11.61 $3.75 $16.95 $10.18 $4.24 $4.19 $4.30 $3.99 $4.41 $4.96 $6.09 $6.40 $3.66 $3.19 $5.06 $7.72 $2.44 $1.02 $1.21 $1.74 $1.74 $2.62 $0.88 $3.97 $2.38 $0.99 $59.75 $61.30 $17.01 $18.82 $21.15 $61.64 $64.85 $37.02 $32.35 $20.83 $25.03 $11.29 $64.08 $75.60 $30.00 $30.00 $45.12 $7.08 $32.04 $19.24 $8.02 $4.44 $4.44 $4.19 $4.61 $4.61 $6.71 $6.71 $4.61 $5.53 $4.19 $4.19 $2.93 $3.82 $3.82 $3.73 $3.82 $4.05 $3.47 $2.52 $2.52 $2.18 $116.37 $119.28 $73.89 $81.73 $91.29 $154.62 $162.33 $93.45 $83.18 $88.00 $116.10 $44.57 $79.58 $93.20 $62.18 $62.27 $91.95 $21.15 $82.55 $50.57 $22.20 $14,703 $17,860 $21,212 $23,169 $22,875 $39,638 $48,138 $54,638 $144,955 $41,524 3,000 4,000 4,000 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 12,000 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 600 1000 1000 $4.17 $3.80 $4.51 $3.58 $3.54 $6.13 $7.44 $8.44 $22.40 $2.94 $1.29 $1.52 $1.81 $1.92 $1.90 $3.28 $3.99 $4.53 $7.56 $2.03 $0.70 $0.86 $1.02 $1.11 $1.10 $1.90 $2.31 $2.62 $4.17 $0.48 $2.95 $3.69 $4.39 $4.95 $4.88 $8.46 $10.28 $11.66 $30.94 $3.49 $2.67 $4.00 $4.67 $5.34 $7.34 $9.34 $9.34 $9.34 $5.03 $5.03 $11.79 $13.87 $16.39 $16.89 $18.75 $29.11 $33.35 $36.59 $70.11 $13.96 Self Propelled Harvest Equipment Bale Wagon, SP PRC Bale Wagon, SP PRC W/Squeeze Combine, Sm. Gr., PL20, 155 Bu Combine, Sm. Gr., PL20, 190 Bu Combine, Corn, 190 Bu, 6 Row Cotton Picker, 4Rw, HDC C PC Cotton Picker, 5Rw, HDC C PC Cotton Picker, 2Rw Cotton Stripper, 4Rw PSB PC Forage Harv,SP RC 3.0 PSB FC Forage Harv,SP SB 14.0 PSB FC Windrower, 14.0', HS, SC Lettuce Harvester, 12Rw Cauliflower Harvester, 18 Row Chili Harvester, SP 2 Row Chili Harvester, SP 2 Row Chili Harvester, SP 4 Row Nut Harvester, w/4' Head Catch Frame Harvester Tree Shaker, SP 7' Sweeper, 7.5' w/30 HP Wisc Trucks Pickup Truck, Mini Pickup Truck, 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck, 3/4 Ton Pickup Truck, 3/4 Ton 4WD Pickup Truck, 1 Ton Truck, 5 Ton w/1000 Gal Tank Truck, 5 Ton, Grain Crew Bus, 44 Passenger Truck, Module Hauler Truck, Mixer/Feeder w/Scales Fuel Prices: Diesel (D) $0.729, Gasoline (UG) $1.16 B-6 Table B.2 Cost Data for Equipment and Implements Name New Hrs to Price Wearout Dollar Cost per Hour of Use Annual Hours y Deprec Opp. Int. THI Repairs Fuel Total $5.34 $21.00 $28.89 $3.87 $8.47 $10.78 $3.14 $44.39 $11.54 $4.76 Spray Equipment High Clearance Sprayer, 18 Rw Over Vine Sprayer, 2 row Directed Spray Rig, 8 Row Directed Spray Rig, 16 Row Saddle Tk Sprayer, 2 Tk 8 Row Manual Spray Rig, 150 g on ski Sprayer, Air Blast 500 GAL ENG Sprayer, Air Blast 500 GAL PTO Spraycab $70,308 $22,100 $3,775 $8,250 $8,250 $2,400 $51,000 $14,818 $12,000 12,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 2,000 2,000 3,000 900 200 500 500 200 200 500 500 500 $5.22 $11.43 $1.54 $3.37 $4.27 $1.24 $16.74 $4.86 $2.85 $3.68 $5.87 $0.48 $1.05 $2.19 $0.64 $6.15 $1.79 $1.35 $0.87 $1.35 $0.10 $0.23 $0.51 $0.15 $1.37 $0.40 $0.31 $5.91 $10.23 $1.75 $3.82 $3.82 $1.11 $15.46 $4.49 $0.25 $32,284 $90,000 $21,935 $51,045 $36,672 $36,873 $32,023 $30,000 $7,635 $14,835 $28,339 $62,000 $3,903 $70,350 $92,000 $10,239 $13,040 $6,589 $13,619 $17,600 $22,475 3,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,000 2,500 2,500 3,000 3,000 2,000 2,500 2,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,500 2,500 250 300 500 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 200 300 450 450 450 450 450 300 300 200 $8.99 $21.93 $8.25 $19.19 $11.70 $11.77 $10.22 $10.44 $2.26 $4.39 $7.33 $18.81 $1.47 $20.15 $26.35 $3.45 $4.25 $2.15 $4.35 $5.62 $46.69 $5.37 $10.01 $3.98 $9.26 $6.35 $6.38 $5.54 $4.33 $1.05 $2.05 $3.76 $14.26 $0.71 $8.84 $11.55 $1.34 $1.73 $0.88 $2.36 $3.05 $8.52 $1.25 $2.28 $0.91 $2.12 $1.47 $1.48 $1.28 $0.98 $0.24 $0.47 $0.87 $3.38 $0.16 $2.01 $2.63 $0.30 $0.39 $0.20 $0.55 $0.71 $1.67 $8.53 $21.67 $8.78 $20.44 $9.53 $9.58 $8.32 $6.82 $2.41 $4.63 $7.49 $16.38 $2.92 $19.28 $25.22 $2.33 $3.95 $2.00 $3.34 $4.32 $4.91 $4,560 $3,145 $5,127 $25,600 $24,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 20,000 130 130 130 200 1500 $1.72 $1.19 $1.93 $8.91 $1.08 $1.55 $1.07 $1.75 $6.14 $0.77 $0.37 $0.26 $0.42 $1.45 $0.18 $0.96 $0.66 $1.08 $14.03 $0.49 $4.60 $3.17 $5.18 $30.53 $2.53 $7,235 $7,470 $10,329 $10,200 $4,400 $7,290 $3,743 $5,331 $6,440 $7,650 $8,031 $8,206 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 200 200 110 110 120 110 110 110 110 110 200 200 $2.98 $3.07 $4.83 $4.77 $2.03 $3.41 $1.75 $2.49 $3.01 $3.58 $3.31 $3.38 $1.82 $1.88 $4.19 $4.14 $1.66 $2.96 $1.52 $2.16 $2.61 $3.11 $2.02 $2.07 $0.43 $0.44 $1.00 $0.99 $0.40 $0.71 $0.36 $0.52 $0.62 $0.74 $0.47 $0.48 $3.65 $3.77 $5.22 $5.15 $1.63 $2.69 $1.38 $1.97 $2.38 $2.83 $2.97 $3.03 $8.88 $9.17 $15.24 $15.05 $5.71 $9.77 $5.01 $7.14 $8.63 $10.25 $8.77 $8.96 $5,600 $2,372 $2,551 $13,979 $8,768 $18,156 $20,808 $8,851 $11,758 $13,604 $16,163 $19,224 $21,342 $6,787 $7,800 $8,600 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 $2.30 $0.98 $1.05 $5.75 $3.61 $7.47 $8.56 $3.64 $4.84 $5.60 $6.65 $7.91 $8.78 $2.79 $3.21 $3.54 $1.41 $0.60 $0.64 $3.52 $2.21 $4.57 $5.24 $2.23 $2.96 $3.43 $4.07 $4.84 $5.37 $1.71 $1.96 $2.17 $0.33 $0.14 $0.15 $0.82 $0.52 $1.07 $1.22 $0.52 $0.69 $0.80 $0.95 $1.13 $1.26 $0.40 $0.46 $0.51 $1.64 $0.69 $0.75 $4.09 $2.56 $5.31 $6.08 $2.59 $3.44 $3.98 $4.73 $5.62 $6.24 $1.98 $2.28 $2.51 $5.68 $2.41 $2.59 $14.18 $8.90 $18.42 $21.11 $8.98 $11.93 $13.80 $16.40 $19.51 $21.66 $6.89 $7.91 $8.73 $1,437 $1,699 $7,850 $4,823 $6,492 $4,710 $5,587 $4,721 $6,527 $6,100 $7,497 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 200 200 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 200 $0.59 $0.70 $3.04 $1.87 $2.51 $1.82 $2.16 $1.83 $2.53 $2.36 $3.09 $0.36 $0.43 $1.66 $1.02 $1.37 $1.00 $1.18 $1.00 $1.38 $1.29 $1.89 $0.08 $0.10 $0.39 $0.24 $0.32 $0.23 $0.27 $0.23 $0.32 $0.30 $0.44 $0.51 $0.61 $3.07 $1.88 $2.54 $1.43 $1.70 $1.68 $2.33 $2.17 $2.67 $1.55 $1.83 $8.15 $5.01 $6.74 $4.48 $5.31 $4.74 $6.55 $6.12 $8.09 $4.67 Trailed Harvest Equipment Bale Wagon, Pull Baler, 1 Tn, 'BIG BALE' Baler, 2 Wire Auto PTO Baler, 3 wire w/motor Forage Harvester PTO RC2 Forage Harvester PTO SB8.0 Forage Harvester PTO WP6.2 Forage Wagon PTO Unloader Tree Shaker, PTO Nut Harvester Module Builder Module Handler Mower, 7' Potato Harvester, 2 Rw Potato Harvester, 4 Rw Combine Pickup Regular Head Bean Knife Rig - 3 Pt/8 Row Bean Rod/Windrower 10 Row Rake, 9.5' LH Rake, 9.5' LH AND RH Sweeper, 13' Tractor Mounted $3.34 $24.14 $55.90 $21.92 $54.35 $29.05 $29.21 $25.37 $22.57 $5.96 $11.53 $19.45 $52.84 $5.25 $50.27 $65.75 $7.43 $10.32 $5.22 $10.59 $13.68 $61.78 Leveling Equipment Blade Scraper, 10' Blade Scraper, 8' Drag Scraper, 14' Landplane 14'X 60' Laser Receiver, Complete Syste Plows Moldboard Plow, 3-16 2 Way Moldboard Plow, 4-16 2 Way Moldboard Plow, 5-16 2 Way Switch Plow, 6-16 Subsoiler, Heavy Duty, 3 Shank Subsoiler, Heavy Duty, 7 Shank Ripper, 3 Shank V-Ripper, 5 Sk V-Ripper, 7 Sk V-Ripper, 7 Sk with Wings V-Ripper, 9 Sk V-Ripper, 11 Sk Disks Border Disk, Dbl. Gang Border Disk, 6 Disk Border Disk, Heavy Duty Dbl. Offset Disk, 11.5' Dbl. Offset Disk, 13' Dbl. Offset Disk, 16' Dbl. Offset Disk, 21' Offset Disk, 10.5' Offset Disk, 12' Offset Disk, 13.5' Offset Disk, 16.5' Offset Disk, 18' Offset Disk, 21' Offset Disk, 8' Tandem Disk, 10' Tandem Disk, 12' Cultivators Section Harrow, 3 Section Section Harrow, 4 Section Vegetable Cultivator, 4 Row Rolling Cultivator, 4 Rw Rolling Cultivator, 6 Rw Rotary Hoe, 4 Rw Rotary Hoe, 6 Rw Cultivator, Sweep, 4 Rw Cultivator, Sweep, 6 Rw Cultivator, 6 Row Spring Tooth Revovator, 16' B-7 Table B.2 Cost Data for Equipment and Implements Name New Hrs to Price Wearout Dollar Cost per Hour of Use Annual Hours y Deprec Opp. Int. THI Repairs Fuel Total Miscellaneous Tillage Cultipacker, 13' Pegasus, 4 Row Pegasus, 6 Row Furrow Spike, 4 Rw Lister, 5 Bottom Lister, 7 Bottom Mulch Layer, 1 Rw Row Checker, 6 Row Power Mulcher, 4 Rw Power Mulcher, 6 Rw Rowbuck, 10' Rototiller, 6' Disk-Lister, 2 Rw Disk-Lister, 4 Rw Disk-Lister, 6 Rw Bed Roller, 4 Rw Bed Roller, 6 Rw Root Cutter-Puller, 2 Rw Root Cutter-Puller, 4 Rw Root Cutter-Puller, 6 Row $4,800 $26,436 $36,174 $5,200 $5,597 $6,628 $1,225 $1,967 $5,198 $8,538 $2,719 $3,876 $9,850 $19,164 $27,026 $9,367 $12,704 $4,005 $6,190 $8,734 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,500 2,500 2,000 2,000 2,500 1,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 200 250 250 250 200 200 200 200 200 200 150 200 200 200 200 110 110 250 250 250 $1.98 $10.23 $14.00 $2.01 $2.30 $2.73 $0.43 $0.68 $2.14 $3.51 $1.00 $1.96 $4.05 $7.89 $11.12 $4.38 $5.94 $1.55 $2.40 $3.38 $1.21 $5.59 $7.65 $1.10 $1.41 $1.67 $0.29 $0.47 $1.31 $2.15 $0.82 $1.04 $2.48 $4.83 $6.81 $3.80 $5.16 $0.85 $1.31 $1.85 $0.71 $3.24 $1.77 $0.26 $0.33 $0.39 $0.07 $0.11 $0.31 $0.50 $0.20 $0.24 $0.58 $1.13 $1.59 $0.91 $1.23 $0.20 $0.30 $0.43 $0.95 $5.21 $7.13 $1.85 $2.83 $3.35 $1.10 $0.49 $3.74 $6.15 $0.93 $2.09 $2.88 $5.60 $7.90 $1.85 $2.50 $1.22 $1.88 $2.65 $4.84 $24.28 $30.56 $5.22 $6.87 $8.14 $1.89 $1.76 $7.50 $12.31 $2.95 $5.34 $9.99 $19.45 $27.42 $10.93 $14.83 $3.81 $5.89 $8.31 $8,400 $9,300 $5,686 $7,108 $9,296 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 150 150 200 200 200 $5.42 $6.00 $3.37 $4.22 $5.51 $2.96 $3.28 $1.60 $2.00 $2.62 $0.69 $0.76 $0.37 $0.46 $0.60 $5.59 $6.19 $3.78 $4.73 $6.19 $14.66 $16.23 $9.12 $11.40 $14.91 $30,000 $15,643 $9,180 $10,614 $11,010 $3,610 $10,956 $18,666 $15,643 $16,481 $11,958 $13,891 $32,000 $43,000 $2,562 $5,124 $886 $14,375 $4,228 $9,578 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 300.00 80.00 140.00 140.00 140.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 $13.49 $9.80 $5.13 $5.93 $6.15 $1.98 $6.01 $10.24 $8.58 $9.04 $6.56 $8.05 $18.55 $24.93 $1.49 $2.97 $0.51 $8.33 $2.45 $5.55 $5.84 $8.69 $3.25 $3.76 $3.90 $1.21 $3.68 $6.27 $5.25 $5.53 $4.02 $5.56 $12.80 $17.20 $1.02 $2.05 $0.35 $5.75 $1.69 $3.83 $3.32 $5.19 $1.91 $2.20 $2.29 $0.71 $2.15 $3.66 $3.07 $3.23 $2.35 $3.27 $7.54 $10.13 $0.60 $1.21 $0.21 $3.39 $1.00 $2.26 $15.00 $13.20 $4.59 $5.31 $5.50 $1.80 $5.48 $9.33 $7.82 $8.24 $5.98 $6.94 $16.00 $21.49 $1.28 $2.56 $0.44 $7.19 $2.11 $4.79 $37.64 $36.87 $14.88 $17.20 $17.84 $5.71 $17.32 $29.50 $24.73 $26.05 $18.90 $23.83 $54.89 $73.75 $4.39 $8.79 $1.52 $24.66 $7.25 $16.43 $5,356 $1,775 $3,013 $5,129 $9,152 $12,600 $8,007 $7,164 $6,445 $4,565 $5,800 $4,600 $42,274 $5,200 $7,272 $1,615 $9,495 $1,275 $3,012 $13,500 $9,142 $147,300 $89,030 $36,816 2,500 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 12,000 2,500 2,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 5,000 3,000 2,500 3,000 3,000 2,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 2,000 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 1200 200 200 200 200 1000 500 500 200 200 200 500 200 200 300 300 200 $1.86 $0.73 $1.24 $2.11 $3.77 $5.19 $3.30 $0.42 $2.24 $1.88 $2.39 $1.39 $8.23 $1.23 $1.20 $0.49 $3.30 $0.38 $0.71 $5.56 $3.76 $41.00 $24.78 $15.37 $1.29 $0.45 $0.76 $1.29 $2.30 $3.17 $2.02 $0.33 $1.55 $1.15 $1.46 $1.06 $2.72 $0.59 $0.73 $0.37 $2.28 $0.29 $0.34 $3.40 $2.30 $24.52 $14.82 $9.19 $0.30 $0.10 $0.18 $0.30 $0.54 $0.74 $0.47 $0.08 $0.36 $0.27 $0.34 $0.25 $1.50 $0.13 $0.17 $0.09 $0.54 $0.07 $0.08 $0.79 $0.54 $5.72 $3.46 $2.15 $1.31 $0.66 $1.11 $1.89 $3.38 $4.66 $7.05 $0.09 $5.80 $2.30 $2.91 $1.22 $11.17 $1.16 $1.89 $0.43 $3.15 $0.34 $0.80 $4.99 $3.38 $99.32 $60.03 $12.69 $4.76 $1.94 $3.29 $5.60 $9.99 $13.76 $12.83 $0.91 $9.95 $5.60 $7.10 $3.92 $23.62 $3.11 $3.99 $1.38 $9.27 $1.09 $1.93 $14.74 $9.98 $174.43 $106.95 $39.40 Fertilizer Application Fert. Side Dress Unit, 4Rw Fert. Side Dress Unit, 6Rw Fertilizer Injector, 3 Rw Fertilizer Injector, 4 Rw Fertilizer Injector, 6 Rw Planters Air Planter 8 Row Seeder, Broadcast Grain Drill, 12' Grain Drill 12' W/Fert Box Grain Drill, 14' Flexi-Planter - 4 Units Planter, Drill Type, 4 Rw Planter, Drawn Drill Type 4 Rw Planter, Drill Type, 6 Rw Planter, Drawn Drill Type 6 Rw Planter/Gramor, 4 Bd,6 Line/Be Planter/Gramor, 4 Bd,8 Line/Be Planter, Potato, 3 Comp, 4 Rw Planter, Potato 3 Comp. 6 Row Planter, Planet Jr, 2R, 4 Unit Planter, Planet Jr, 4 Rw Planter, Flex 2 Line Planter, Stanhay, 4 Rw Transplanter, Veg, 2Rw Transplanter, Veg, 4Rw Miscellaneous Brush Rake Cane Trimmer, 1 Head Cane Trimmer, 2 Heads Rotary Stalk Cutter, 2 Rw Rotary Stalk Cutter, 4 Rw Row Crop Shredder, 4 Row Rotary Mower, Offset 10.7' 3 Point Guidance Hitch Post Hole Digger, PTO Drive French Plow Berm Sweep Water Wagon, 1000 Gal Tank Mixer/Feeder Wagon w/Scales Border Blocker Front End Loader Flat Trailer Vineyard Shredder, 7' Bin Trailer Cattle Trailer, Gooseneck Vineyard Tiller 8' Vineyard Tiller 6' Orchard Trimmer Heavy Duty Orchard Trimmer Mid Range Orchard Trimmer Small Range B-8 $3.86 $3.86