Asian American Discrimination and Exclusion: 'The 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act had prohibited entry to Chinese workers, indicative of the race-and class-based politics, because according to the act, "in the opinion of the Government of the United States, the coming of Chinese laborers to the country endangers the good order of certain localities within the territory thereof"' (Gary Okihiro [AAS], "When and Where I Enter," from Margins and Mainstreams: Asians in American History and Culture [1994] 4). European cultures defined their identities by their difference from "Asia" 'Although Asians helped to construct those iron links that connected East to West, they, along with other peoples of color, were excluded from the industrial, masculine, destroying melting pot. Ellis Island was not their port of entry; its statue was not their goddess of liberty. Instead, the square-jawed, androgynous visage of the "Mother of Exiles" turned outward to instruct, to warn, and to repel those who would endanger the good order of America's shores, both at home and abroad. The indigenous inhabitants of Africa, Asia, and the Americas were not members of the community but were more akin to the wilderness, which required penetration and domestication. Three years after the Constitution was ratified, the first Congress met and, through the Naturalization Act of 1790, restricted admission into the American community to "free white persons." Although the act was modified to include "persons of African nativity or descent" in 1870 and Chinese nationals in 1943, the racial criterion for citizenship was eliminated completely only in 1952, 162 years after the original delineation of the Republic's members, or, according to the Naturalization Act, the "worthy part of mankind"' (Okihiro [AAS] 5). Western Colonialism Constructs an Image of Asia and Asians: 'Asia, according to Campbell and Said, was Europe's Other.'; 'The feminization of Asia was well under way before the colonization of Asia by Europe in the sixteenth century' (Okihiro [AAS] 7). In the colonizer's view: 'Whether because of race or culture, of biology or behavior, of physical appearance or social construct, Asians appeared [to European colonizers] immutable, engendered, and inferior. These differences not only served to set Asians apart from the "joint community" but also helped to define the European identity as a negation of its Other' (Okiro 7) LAS 325 Asian American Cultures *An Invitation to Asian American Studies* Dr. Eugenio Matibag Office: 300G Pearson Hours: MWF 11-12