ENG 3U1 Introduction to Brave New World: Research Presentations Topics: 1. Utopia 2. Satire: various forms 3. Government control/repression: totalitarian systems 4. Individual freedom versus social responsibility 5. The influence of the media 6. Conditioning (especially formal programs in the armed forces, cults, etc) 7. Propaganda as a tool of government 8. The importance of the family as a social unit 9. The ethics of censorship: when and how? 10. Communism and socialism 11. Religion: the opiate of the people or the inflamer of the masses? 12. Transhumanism: can technology save humanity? Presentation Instructions: 1. You will divide into groups of three or four and choose a topic. 2. You will be given three class periods to research your topic and to prepare a 10 – 15 minute presentation. It will be assessed according to seminar criteria. 3. Your polished presentation must include the following aspects: a) overheads/power-point presentation: i) At the top of the first page, state a thesis (e.g. a single statement of intent/opinion through which you convey the approach you are taking to your topic). ii) Summarize, in point form, the information you have you researched, organizing your points into logical categories with appropriate subtitles. b) visuals and multi-media props: i) Visuals might take the form of related posters, models or actual objects. ii) Multi-media might include a dramatization, music or costuming, or video clips. c) discussion: i) Prepare at least two thoughtful and debatable questions that demonstrate your understanding of the topic. ii) Lead an effective discussion concerning your questions. Each group member needs to be involved. d) works cited: Please submit at the beginning of your presentation a complete "works cited" listing, formatted according to M.L.A. standards.