Honors Geometry: Quadrilateral Project Introduction: This project is designed to expand the student’s knowledge of common geometric definitions and terms. In addition to the definitions the students will find pictures of geometric figures in their everyday world. After finishing the write up the student will present their project to their classmates. Part 1 - Definitions: The student’s job is to find a formal (mathematical) definition of each term. The student will need to cite where they got the formal definition using the proper citations (MLA). I expect the definitions to be typed. Square Rhombus Trapezoid Rectangle Kite Parallelogram Quadrilateral Isosceles Trapezoid Part 2 - Pictures: In this part of the project, students are asked to search for real world applications of each of the geometric concept or figures they have defined. Students could take their own picture or use a magazine or the internet to search for pictures of the defined figures. Figures may not be hand drawn. Be creative!!! Part 3 – Multi-media: The student should have some sort of media involved in their pictures and/or definitions, whether it is a poster, power-point, booklet, ect. The multi-media will be displayed in the classroom for everyone to see. If the student wants to do other media using the classroom technology, then they should bring it in on a flash drive or email it to Mr. Miller. Part 4 – Summary: The student should write a paragraph about their experience doing the project. The summary must have at least 4 sentences. The summary could discuss a variety of points, some examples: What was good about the project, what they would have done differently, what they liked about the project and why, ect. Whatever the student says in the summary must have a logical explanation behind it. GO GREEN!! To save from printing the documents off you can email them to kurt.miller@cantonlocal.org. Grading Rubric – Goal: Mathematical definition Pictures Multi-media Written summary 8 definitions with citations Have pictures for each figure, neatly organized Well organized, creative and unique Complete sentences, well written and a thoughtful reflection 2 point per definition and citation 1 point per picture, max 16 points Points possible 16 16 5 8 total 45 Points earned