1. Are the title and author introduced in the topic sentence (or introductory paragraph) and is the
title properly underlined (for plays, novels, anthologies) or in quotation marks (for short stories,
2. Have you used the present verb tense consistently throughout the argument/essay?
3. When introducing quotations, have you provided the reader with context?
4. Have you also introduced your quotations in terms of the point you're trying to prove?
5. Have you analyzed your quotations thoroughly or have you merely summarized the quotation?
6. Have you checked for vague use of pronouns such as "this" and replaced them with more specific
7. Have you made clear transitions between points using appropriate linking words and/or phrases?
8. In your conclusion, have you restated your topic sentence or thesis in a way that is distinct from
your introduction?
9. Have you concluded your argument/essay with a strong closing sentence, or have you dribbled
away at the end?
10. Have you read over each sentence carefully (yes, it may be the middle of the night, but you still
need to take care) to correct any run-on sentences, comma splices, or sentence fragments?
11. Finally, is this a piece of work of which you can be proud? If so, hand it in; if not take the time
to revise it.