English 11 Honors Summer Assignment 2010 Students should read “Winter Dreams,” a short story readily available on line and in anthologies. Here is one link: http://www.sc.edu/fitzgerald/winterd/winter.html As students read, write 1 paragraph journal responses to each chapter 1-5 which should include (1) a personal response to the characters of Dexter and Judy, (2) and to the events of the chapter, especially what each character wants and gets, finally (3) a prediction of the next development in the story. (What do you think will happen to these characters?) Each of these two characters had dreams of what he/she wanted. Choose a character and consider how successful that character was in achieving his/her goal. Students should choose one of the characters and write a well developed essay discussing the character’s goals and the degree to which those goals were achieved. Students should use evidence from the story to support the thesis of the essay. The essay should be in MLA format, in standard English style, double spaced, on one side of the paper, typed or blue or black ink if hand written. Quotations should be clearly referenced in parenthetical citations along with a works cited page. The response journal and essay will be due the second class in the Fall semester as formative assessments.