1302 Final paper.doc

1302 Final Essay: Argument/Research Paper
Your final writing assignment will be a 5 page (at least 4 and a half pages NOT INCLUDING
the works cited page) paper. The thesis/main idea of the essay should be an argument having to do with
the topic you have been gathering sources on. For help in establishing a main argument see
“https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/588/01/” – it is the reference page we talked about in
class. Remember that there are different types of arguments, including “claims of fact or definition,”
“claims of cause and effect,” “value claims,” and “solution or policy claims.”
You will need to reference (in quotation or paraphrasing) at least 4 sources – ideally these will
be the same sources that you used for your previous 4 writing assignments. Remember to utilize these
sources to illustrate/support/defend/establish your argument. Also remember to use in text citations
each time that you paraphrase of quote a source and that you will need to have a works cited page in
MLA format (in addition to your 5 pages of writing).