1 L.R.O. 1985 shipping (Incentives) CAP.!lOA CHAPTER90A SHIPPING (INCENTIVES) ARRANGEMENT OF SECTIONS SECTION 1. Short title 2. Interpretation. 3. Approved shipping 4. Condition respecting 5. Income tax concessions. 6. Dividends. 7. Customs duties concessions. 8. Imported articles 9. Restriction on use of disposal of imports. 10. Compliance 11. Records and returns. 12. Certificate 13. Offences. company. revocation of order. and. ships. with income tax law. of Commissioner of Inland Revenue. 14. Regulations. THE LAWS OF BARBADOS Ptinted by the Government Printing Department. Bay Street..St. by the authoiity of the Government of Barbados Michael. 3 L.R.O. 1987 Shipping CHAPTER SHIPPING CAP. 90A (Inccn tiucs) ss.l-3 90A (INCENTIVES) An Act to muke provision for the granting illcerlrives to certain shipping companies. of tax and duty 1982-39. 1984-29. 1985-6. Commence- [ 1st December, 1. This Act may be cited as theshipping 19821 ment. S.I. 1982 No. 215. Short title. (Incefztives)Act. 2. In this Act Interpretalion. “approved shipping company” means any company the Minister under section 3; approved by “annual allowances”, “assessable income”, “initial allowances” and “investment allowances” have the meanings assigned to them respectively by theIncome TuxAct; “Commissioner” “Comptroller” means the Commissioner means the Comptroller Cap. 73 of Inland Revenue; of Customs; “concession period” means, in respect of an approved shipping company, 10 years beginning on the date specified in an order made by the Minister; “shipping activities” (a) the operation cargo; means of ships for the carriage of passengers or (b) the leasing of ships; and (c) shipbuilding, including the reconstruction, refitting, equipment, maintenance or repairing alteration, of ships. 3. The Minister may, on application being made to him in Approved such form as he approves, by order, subject to negative resolu- company. shipping tion, approve any company THE LAWS OF BAKBADOS Primed by the Government Printing Department, Bay Street, St. Michael. by the authority of the Government of Barbados ss.4-6 CAP.90A Shipping (a) that is engaged (fncentives) in shipping L.R.O. 1987 4 activities; (b) that is wholly owned by the Crown; or (c) in which the Government as an approved Condition respecting revocation of order. has a majority interest, shipping company. 4. The Minister may not revoke an order made under this Act before he gives to the company a reasonable opportunity to show cause to the satisfaction of the Minister why a revocation order should not be made. lncomc 5. (1) Notwithstanding any provision in the Income Tax Act, aeon,‘““““’ the Minister of Finance may by order grant to an approved shipping company income tax concessions in respect of profits or Cap. $3. gains accruing during a concession period. (2) Notwithstanding any provision in the Income Tax Act relating to income tax or corporation tax, no initial allowance shall be made in respect of assets acquired in relation to an approved shipping company before or during the concession period. (3) Initial allowances, investment allowances and annual allowances may, on the expiration of the concession period, be made on the original cost of the assets, less any allowance made before the beginning of the concession period; and initial allowances and investment allowances shall not be made more than once in respect of an asset. (4) An approved shipping company that is granted income tax concessions under subsection (1) may, for the purpose of the assessment of income tax, carry forward in respect of the first 6 years of assessment after the expiration of the concession period losses that were incurred during the concession period and were not written off, so, however, that the annual allowances referred to in subsection (3) and the amount of any loss admitted under section 23 of the Income Tax Act shall be taken into account. Dividends. 6. (I) An approved shipping company that is granted income tax concessions in respect of profits or gains arising from its operations during the concession period shall deposit all such 5 L.R.O. 1987 Shipping profits or gains into a separate pay dividends to its shareholders (Incentives) CAP.90A account; and the company out of that account. (2) Dividends paid to a shareholder who is resident Barbados are exempt from payment of income tax. s.7 may in (3) An approved shipping company shall, unless the Commissioner otherwise determines, deduct income tax from any dividend paid to a person who is not resident in Barbados as if that dividend has been paid out of profits or gains within the meaning of the Inconze Tax Act; and any income tax so deducted shall be paid to the Commissioner. (4) Where a shareholder to whom a dividend is paid is not resident in Barbados and is liable to the payment of income tax in respect of the dividend in the country in which he is resident, he is exempt from the payment of so much of the income tax in respect of that dividend as, to the satisfaction of the Commissioner, exceeds his liability in respect of that dividend in the country in which he is resident. (5) The exemption from income tax created by subsections (2) and (4) must not, in respect of the rate of the tax from which the shareholder is exempt, exceed the rate of the tax that would, but for the provisions of section 5 and this section, have been paid by the company on the profits out of which the dividend is paid. Cap. 73. ’ (6) Except as otherwise provided by this section, the provisions of the Income Tax Act in respect of the deduction of income tax from dividends and the refund of income tax to shareholders apply to dividends paid by an approved shipping company pursuant to subsection (1). (7) Subsection (1) does not apply to an approved shipping company that is wholly owned by the Crown. 7. An approved shipping company is entitled to import into Barbados free of customs duty during the concession period (a) any ship in respect of which the Minister gives his consent in writing; or (b) any article to be used exclusively in the building, alteration, refitting, equipping, maintenance or repair of a ship on a certificate to that effect of the Secretary or THE LAWS OF BARBADOS Printed by the Government Printing Department. Bay Street, St. Michael, by the outhorlty of the Government of Barbados custotns duties concessions. ss.8-11 CAP. 90A L.R.O. Shippin‘q (Incentives) 1987 6 Managing Director of the company, subject to such conditions as to the keeping or rendering of accounts in respect of the use of the article as the Comptroller requires. Condiritrns regarding imported arliclc5and \hips. 8. An approved shipping company that imports ship pursuant to section 7 shall any article or (u) keep records in such form and containing such particulars as the Comptroller requires with respect to the use of any such articles or ship; (b) cause the article or ship to be marked the Comptroller directs; and in such manner as (c) give to the Comptroller or any person authorised by him in writing access at all reasonable times to any record, premises, article or ship of the company for the purpose of the carrying out of an inspection. Kebtriction m uw or di\pusal of imports. 9. JNOarticle or ship imported (u) before the expiration importation; or under section 7 shall of 10 years (b) without the written permission law. Cap. 73. 1985-6. Records and the date of of the Minister, be disposed of or be used for any purpose for which it was imported. Complinnce with incume tax from other than that 10. An approved shipping company is no1 exempt under this Act from the making of any return to the Commissioner under the Income Tax Act or from complying with that Act or any other enactment relating to income tax, except in so far as this Act otherwise provides. 11. An approved shipping company shall return\. (a) keep such books, records and accounts in relation to its operations as the Minister prescribes; (b) permit, at all reasonable times, any person authorSed in writing by the Minister to enter any premises under its control and inspect or make copies of any entries in such books, records or accounts; 7 L.R.O. CAP. 90A Shipping (Incentives) 1985 ss. 12-14 (c) at the request of any person authorised by the Minister, produce, within a reasonable time, any book, record, account or other document relating to its operations if required so to do; and (d make such returns or give such information operations relating to its as the Minister determines. 12. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in the Certificate _^ Tax Act, the Commissioner of Inland Revenue may Y?~;~r certify, in the prescribed form, the concessions enjoyed by an oft,&,nd approved shipping company under this Act where that certificate Hevenuc. is to be produced by the company to the fiscal authorities of any Cap.73. country in which a minority shareholder in an approved shipping company is liable to pay tax in respect of his shareholding. Income 13. Any person who Offences. (a) makes any false statement or representation of any concession allowed under section 5; (b) makes or delivers any false account, respect of that concession; or in respect kept or prepared in (c) contravenes any of the provisions of section 8 or 9, is guilty of an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of $10 000 or to imprisonment for 12 months, or to both. 14. (1) The Minister may make regulations generally for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of this Act, and, in particular, with respect to (a) ensuring that any article or ship is not used for a purpose other than that for which it was imported under this Act; (b) the adjustment of profits or gains when an accounting period falls partly within and partly without a concession period; and THE LAWS OF BARBADOS Printed by the Government Printmg Department. &y Street. St. Michael. by the authority of lhe Government of Barbados Regulations. s. 14 CAP. 90A. (c) any other prescribed. (2) Regulations negative resolution. Shipping (Incentives) matter made that under is by this subsection L.R.O. Act required 1985 8 to be (1) are subject to