PROBLEMSAND SOTUTIONS EDITORS Curtis Cooper CMJProblems Departmentof Mathematicsand ComputerScience Universityof CentralMissouri Wanensburg,MO 64093 email: Shing S. So CW Solutions Depaftmentof Mathematicsand ComputerScience Universityof CentralMissouri MO 4093 Warrensburg, We urge Thissectioncontainsproblemsthatchallengestudentsandteachersof collegemathematics. youto participateactivelyby submittingsolutionsand by proposingproblemsthat are newand interthatspanthe entireundergraduate esting.To promotevariety,the editorswelcomeproblemproposals curriculum. Proposedproblemsshouldbe sent to Curtls Cooper,eitherby emailas a pdf' T5[' or Word possible,a proposedprob(preferred) or by mailto theaddressprovidedabove.Whenever attachment any othermaterialthat would and references, by a solution,appropriate lem shouldbe accompanied shouldsubmitproblemsonlyif the proposedproblemis not under be helpfulto the editors.Proposers by anotheriournal. consideration Solutionsto the problemsin this issue shouldbe sentto Shing So, eitherby emailas a pdf' (prefened)or by mailto theaddressprovidedaboveby April15,2009. Tg[, or Wordattachment PROBLEMS 891.proposed by william P wardlaw, u. s. Naval Academy,Annapolis, Maryland.. LetV bean n dimensionalvector spaceover the q elementfinite field Fn. Showthat the r nonzerovectorsin V can be listed in orderTr,62, . . . ,T, suchthat for any positive integerft, @*,T*+t, . . . ,6n+o-r) (interpretingsubscriptsmodulo r) is an orderedbasis for V. 892. Proposedby Greg Omnn, The Ohio State University, Columbus,Ohio. Find all rings R (not assumedto be commutative of to contain an identity) with the following two properties: (i) not every element of R is nilpotent, and (ii) x2 y2 for any nonzerox, y e R. 893. Proposedby Ovidiu Furdui, University of Toled'o,Toledo,Ohio. Let f be any function that has a Taylor seriesrepresentationat 0 with radius of convergence1, and let f'(0) T ,(x\:f( 0) + ?ix+ ...+ f(')(0) - JOURNAL VOL.40, NO. T,JANUARY2OO9THE COLLEGEMATHEMATICS 55