COST MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL Syllabus Graduate School of Accounting National Cheng-Kung University Course Information Course Number/Section: R153000 Course Title: COST MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL Days & Times: Wednesday 09:10 am to 12:00 am Professor Contact Information Professor: Chaur-Shiuh Young Office Phone: 53445 Email Address: Office Location: Accounting 63402 Office Hours: Monday and Thursday 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm or by appointment Course Pre-requisites, Co-requisites, and/or Other Restrictions Cost & Management Accounting Course Description The course provides the ability to handle methods in the area of management control for industrial organizations. Course Objectives: The aim of the course is to provide you with the ability to understand, design and handle methods in the area of management control for industrial organizations. This means that after the course you should be able to: 1. Understand the construction of and the use of a job shop and a process-costing system, as well as the difference between product and period costs. 2. Define the content of and understand the use of the major tools in the following areas: cost management, value chain analysis, activity-based management (costing, budgeting and accounting), customer profitability analysis, quality management, time management, cost estimation and cost-volume-profit analysis, kaizen costing, standard cost analysis, budgeting, investment analysis, and performance evaluation. 3. Describe and understand the meaning of the different types of management control systems that exist. 4. Choose (and argue for the choice) between different management control systems. 5. Understand how information in different types of management control systems is used for decision-making. 1 6. Apply the theoretical concepts of management control systems to companies in different types of industries. 7. Critically evaluate and compare management control systems used by companies in different types of industries. Grading Policy To make sure you understand the material covered in the lecture, there are two exams for this course. To improve your expression ability, you will have twice chances to make presentations in the whole semester. The overall course grade will be assigned using the following weights: Presentations Mid-term Exam Final Exam Class Participation Total 30% 30% 30% 10% 100% Textbooks and Materials Textbooks: Cooper, R., and R. S. Kaplan. 1999. The Design of Cost Management Systems: Text & Cases, 2nd Ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. Hansen, D. R. and M. M. Mowen. 2006. Cost Management: Accounting and Control. 5th Ed. Mason, Ohio: Thomson South-Western. (華泰代理) Hilton, R. W., M. W. Maher, and F. H. Selto. 2006. Cost Management: Strategies for business decisions. 3rd Ed. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Kaplan, R. S., and R. Cooper. 1998. Cost & effect: Using integrated cost systems to drive profitability and performance. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press. Lev, B. 2001. Intangibles: Management, Measurement, and Reporting. N.Y., Washington, D.C.: THE BROOKINGS INSTITUTION. Shank, J.K. 2001. Cases in Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis. 2 nd Ed. Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western Publishing. Shank, J.K. and V. Govindarajan. 1989. Strategic Cost Analysis: The Evolution from Managerial to Strategic Accounting. Boston, MA: IRWIN. Shank, J.K. and V. Govindarajan. 1993. Strategic Cost Management: The New Tool for Competitive Advantage. New York, NY: The free press. Sunder, S. 1997. Theory of accounting and control. Cincinnati, Ohio: South-Western Publishing. Related Journal papers: assigned at the beginning of the class. Schedule & Topics 1. Kaplan, R. S., and R. Cooper. 1998. Cost & effect: Using integrated cost systems to drive profitability and performance. 2. Lev, B. 2001. Intangibles: Management, Measurement, and Reporting. 3. Management accounting systems adoption decisions. 4. Emerging issues related to cost accounting in the new economy. 5. Performance evaluation and incentive scheme. 6. Cost behavior. 2 7. Cost management and organizational performance. 8. Cost information and decision making. 9. Target costing and budgets. 10. The design of cost control system. 11. A comparison of practices of international cost accounting. 12. Inventory cost management and value creation. 13. Absorption cost accounting and product quality 14. Strategic cost management Course Policies Make-up exams Make-up exams will be given only under extenuating circumstances arising from medical or family emergencies. Documented evidence that you were seriously ill or experienced a family emergency at the scheduled time of an exam is required. In order to be excused from an exam, you must contact me prior to the exam and be ready to provide documentation after the exam. Students who do not show up for an exam without making arrangements with me according to the preceding rules will receive an exam grade of zero. It is your responsibility to note the exam dates and let me know at the beginning of the semester if you foresee any conflicts. It is also your responsibility to ensure that you do not schedule any job interviews or travel for official or personal reasons during exam days. Class Attendance Attendance will be randomly taken. 3