coturiahr ?all 2007 A^y CoIUN Week in Review # 2 Sections 1.2, 1.3, and 2.1 Things to know: o How to work with lines: interpreting slope, finding linear equations o How to perform linear regression on your calculator o How to work with functions; definition, evaluation, graphical information, finding domain and ra.nge r How to find cost, price, revenue, and profit functions 1. Find an equation for the following lines: /,. @rl\ (a) The line passingthrough (-2,3) with a y-inteicept of 1. -a m= r-3 oi-.l -- 7 -- -l (b) The line with r-intercept -4 a.udslope t. (-4ro) t$-'Z I-e:%rx++) - r A- .r (c) {-" Xlt o \ (0,-r) J s t $-i aq' AK rt -! '-5 il \-- zx -l Two yea.rsafter purchasing a new car, it is worth $23,400. Three yea,rslater, it is worth $5400 less. (a) Assuming linear depreciation, find a linear function that models the lralue of the cax r years a,fterit's driven off the lot. (a,ta,+oo)*=* X- 5aa': 5, w!6ib = tryn L\-27 loo= -tsoo(x-a) ,. . g= -'{;ii i'zuco+z?+u J tD,, rlow mucn was tne ca,r worln Drano newf -t(00(o)+a1ry2 00oJolh.r -^1 --:l:vlo x?o r' L'l---ltt)ox rL1\oo)olVrs' ' urar, * i5 qAt {v,u'trx a,fc. t^)a'/) t4t'5 c,^^. tl ,,r7,/\ prn0r, .L 4 pura"b4.X4 (c) What is the life expectancy of the car? (i.e. When is it expected to be worth nothing?) '*+ 9--o o rx t,oo) F i f -_t80ox +??00o 21ooo t42 - WeL-iERei* @p1,,.qllt FoJl todl A^v Coltnu 3. Let C1(c) = 0.35o+ 2450be the cost of producingz doodadsand Cz(c) = 0.20c*3500 the cost of producing r trinkets. (a) How much doesit cost to produce3000doodads?3000trinkets? = o,as(aooo) t, Qooo) +14sD=EaG =@ [10*07 -- o'rc(aooc\*'z'{oo (b) Which costs more per item to produce? cos+ (o,as 6zvd.oada/ vs. {^AtbA .lao6v AorLads' s P.7o1xn tr r n-ltt+\ (c) Which item costsmore to sta,rt up? r*-0afz4stt 'nlNd cos+s ' \'6 hpd $Xu> -W\ttlr+s *nt CosN< dool'als Bevo BBQ, Co. determined that the rariable cost of producing their BBQ sauce is 50 cents per bottle and the fixed costs are S250. They charge $5 per bottle of sauce. (a) What is the compa,ny'scost function for thel BBQ sauce? C(*)= 0,5xt25D dotlcts1w\'oo t-is +l'u*%bot4lA praLuuA (b) Their revenue function? K[r)= ot' lol]at\ ''rtL{ / is Ir $b'trdzg (c) Their profit function? P(0'[/xl-cU)= 5r -(o,tx]aso) p,rf=',t,L; i'b ;,t; (s,u,tra) x ic*Sbntlt s prut,nwl ?.XA (d) If they produce 5000 bottles of sauce,what is the compa.ny'scost? Revenue?Profit? : 0.5(szoolesa; r., * *._,@ C(sooo-) ---5G0Do\ K(5rlcD) le"Ltd Pt ) =(4sD//o)-c(saD) -- Asan - L1m ttt2 - w*i6&ais @crfi{,ht Fou 2oo7 Atu! coltn' \| 3 (1 ^ S,dl\}ttn 5. The table below gives data for total sales (in thousands)$ f Neuspper XYZ throqh weeks of the W6ek 1 2 3 4 6 8 10 Total sales(K) 33 62 98 121 174 235 307 the first 10 Find a linear regression model for this data and use it to arxswerthe following: (a) During what week will total sales hit one million "rl.>&/,.Lx \5 'l't4 * qrwczas bt{\ LL-br'btt\^i'5 ud'dr 'ao5--tooo = ftl,ooo+/vtwq'"J $lrooo,ooo lo o o= 1 4 .td Sl{ + A' t1 4 3 (b)wl.t th"i,*e"ktffi-l """ fl\[N0\d{r/ttd* % q q 1'tos?-- Lq @eTl"j a = 4i. {11+lo U* "'(' clalnqz',5 LD?E! r tt?(1, vo v^. 2q, VltL 6. The table below zo a-bo1^* {MrU%,}o data on the i^/-otg (<tt ur-e-\< at which z items will be either demanded or suoolied. 50 100 150 200 250 price - dema.ud$) 27 23 20 r 1.c price - supply($ 2.5 a < 6.25 gW" dllrv.t^n=flJ Find linear regressionmodels for this data and use them to predict the(quilibrir''" (('*-M* =-0'04tx +7q3 d'odu,ts.Yn*, F $l4oywrnlu ff ilemsdm!'^ftd , :o.e-in\,: poin-t- N4'41 x ! ( ' et ' t v ( P I 1 in)r'. S{ore v'rJ /'ot'!rl W'ru'YL;+ t wl^ut x ts P.=O.024x+ 0'15 Y--V.vrr,' Wwrytubry W Ulwltflr t0 h^/ poi/I*. iru{,r:cctru}r (ry*iJ,\aisa r;,*" griu --4 IV, rya'urt5* 4 tv, Eqrllib @l,'aghr FoJl 2007 A^t collrN 7. Use the following graph of a function / to estinate c or 3r. Some problems may have more than one answer. , @) u: f_r ) " 6 x=t , x=-{ (u)a: /(c) (c) /(r) > 0 a-'\t x vv-t^'4"/k'^'l"ick'ltr)Vo a Jl*,n [t,rl] tt,'[U 8- Find the domain of the.following functions: (u)f("): Vi=Ti 6tr-Yd-attP a .aDl e -l\x>ro -ltxz -t5 (-^,*] x L- a <_.!d %=3 k-pL ?) t o l 9 (r/: C _ A cz+ ro r \ (A- a' ( ba O YJ-Lr'+,sv = o x(rL -8x + t5\--Q X(rc-sXx-5)? o / J x--o X'? - rc X-f=O X--5 ?Arf O rn'@ X=3 / (- fuwfutwnltftir,5s ilol ir,ltrtiuconbeilltz , t--b rnoltotdl,tl.ou. =O x.*5>0 bue f"ca*Y@ ?,u,, xzb (?,5)V(<,a) Ut+>r1 IL @pt/'ight F6ll 200'l A^r, Collltu 9. For the following functions, find: i. t@+h) ii. f(a+h) - f(a) .-. f@ +h)- Ib) n (.) /('): j" I f ca+t^;-- (a-+n)z ') ,t IL - * @-I+x\L : aL(a+tY - @'n^t a-'(a+|"\' +*) &L- (aa+uv, 7@+h)z n 7 - d -- a a - h . -\ tL ? t "+ h ) z -JaV-nx L,') .[(a+h)-lr") ---r- h '^laV'-* = L \mfuk)i. ) --k(t"-h) l,aLta+t')t h -r^:!_ nL(a+h\L 0\ *[x)-{r; = $ - @+a\ f (0"v,,) ,) frorr,l-lta\ = - tfFo b- *- l ,,)lgujet=€g - / r--\ J6 - a L \ / h tl /\ rwda'o'rl ' -fhoit o P"n $11a 7* -v -7 Y* 6^ -{G