Please asewer anewer a queatlox through am many questlolra tken tke entire au p8salbT.e. do not feel obliged If ta, you do not want to but acore a line qusstlor, XXI HOT PUT YOUR NAHE OR TRE QUESTTONNATRE. All amswor~~ will Pleaao write requested be kept your atrlctly anawere confldentlal. only in the colunr marked ANSWER ualeaa otkorwlsr, ANSWER . 1 Medical 2 3 Yorr of study: please write the number In the answer column years, 4,5,6 = let, (1 = 1st KB, 2,3 - lcrt and 2nd pre-ellrlcal 2nd and 3rd clInica yeara reapectlvely), Sax: please write male or female la the answer eoluan. 4 Age: please 5 Typo of School 6 SckooLt phase write your write the age in attended: '0' level subjecta pasasd: ia the grade ektalned. name In the answer year8 please please In the answer tick column column. the appropriate an8wor. Camprehensive Mrect Grant Crammer Independent Public 1 Sckaol Private Secondary Modern Other (Please specify) tick where appropriate -. . -_ and write BlOlO6y Phyalcs Cheristry Hat ka Rlstarv Geography Art History of Art Mualc Engllah Literature Engllah Language French - German SpanIRk Latin llre ek Othera (Ploaso specify) ---. - . 7 2. bvel *A’ writ. aubjerts i& grade the plsaae passed: - ;o. tick tke appraprlRte answers 5 3 6 4 and Biolegy ebtalmcd. E . Botany Zoology --_ Kathtnat.lcs I---_ - 8 Physic Chemistry I English French I Others 8 Did you spend Unlvcrsi (Please a year off bctwccn leaving you before to 10 and going t! fss Yea Bow did you spend the a. with no occupation workiag In e. working abread reremmend going to questlon to 8). others medicine majerlty of that country -- they that should answer you did take take tkla a year whatever another degree off your answer Yea a. Md 12 If you work R :. _.- Yea X: subject? what b. which 11 Yc s or qualiflcatlon? If No year? abroad universltyP(Pleasc 9 starting Before thla b. d.. travelling Vould school ty? If 9 -- apeclfy): university --. or college? for more than a year before If Yes What was the work? starting yes medicine? "'. 2 -..-. you are a rllnlcal a. Md you student: do your university? b, Rave 11 not, you done 11 Pes 13 Would you degree? (pleame whatever your If anetwer anuwcr this to degree what) subject? Did ym regret -_. should they whether ellnlcal that auestian you are pre-cllnlca~, at your present %whcre? an Intercalated 1. Ii. to ether8 recommend court pre-clinical in your course? doing It? -~ take am intercalated or prc-clinical and 12). do you Intend te take such a i dqrcs? -- 14 Is your father a d@ctor? your Yea aetkcrT~et*rt If 15 Ia If & Is your 18 your father a OF? mot her a GP? Yea R .__-..---I-- Yea I-. I Yes Yes I Ye8 I ?Tt Tic; 2 z i 9 category ,K the daea appropriate (or did) your father8 The group8 are anuwer. occupatloa come. those of the Pleas* Registrar-General. I, Profea-aloaal, kigker II. etc. executivea, fotermedlate company e.g* asrvfce admlnlatratlve 11X, tsckmlclans, Skilled foremu, szafttsmem, et her IV. skilled Umkllled etc.. journalists, officers, pilots, and ceatlng clerks, eta.. aceouatlng nine-workers, -. .I . and etc.. ectupatiena, agricultural operators, teacher8, ahepkaepera, wqqkaen, Seti-akllled V, e.g. teachems, lawyera, au8lclaaa, oc3upatlons Ualverslty directors, l eeUpation8, aut’hara,-i85M.l manager8, e.g. Occupation8 e.g. worker8, oceupatieaa e.g. postmen ate., bulldllrg and telepkeme . and deck labourera, etCcr -__ Armed Fort eu C-rot 17 18 your 18 Ear fathers tany 8tUdeat8? 20 Did your of your parent8 (Please Ugker than kave you7 (Plsa8e enter 8ibliags (Plergse as above rlaas aecial slbllnga How raxy 19 classify enter acoB kls father8 number or Intend to in answer rolumn) nndbar poaltively apeclfy) Influence your be, social class? 18 anmer celumn) doetora deCi8iOn or medical do medicine? to 1 Ye+ 1 i I-I Tee , 21 If you only kad not done one an8wer ). a. (lane medic lne to would what UIlverslty te you study have done? (Please - Biological - Ecoromlc - Other fa which b, Otkera area of 4 apprrprlate 8 &r Soriology (PEeaar _tlnc couathty la your SE England home. Pleaaae 6r Home Cauntlea - Eatst - NW England - Wale8 - R Ireland - Other OluU. apeclfy) apeclfy) - 2rlidlaada How many (Please circle the a148w.r. - London, !3 Stltncea - Law I d give or Pkyolcal i tar8 does your family - Weat of Aaglla England - NE England - (Pleare specify) erra? Please give He Sclencaa - Engineering 61 No Scetlard number in answer - ._ k I ~0 tomsider LOU youzaelf: , a. Christian b. Jerlah 8. Agneatlo d. Athelat 8. OtBor(Pleaae the appropriate Please tick Do you attend apeclfy) an8wetr deaerlblmg l c6a8ion8 c . Irregularly, How many the kave tInoR appropriate you but - d. Regularly the appropriate tlak rellgloua beliefa. ctiureh: a. Never b. 0~ featioe Please your l nl.y more --tham tkree tlmea --- per year .- -.--_ _. ---. an8wer. been la : koapital 18 an ix-patient? Please tit anilwer. a. Never b. Once 2 - 5 timea d. 6 ” 15 tine8 8. more than 15 e. Row many t iaes have you a. Never b. OK60 \ had a general anae8t -. - .---- -.--em- 2 - 5 timea d. 6 - 15 tine8 C. more Do y8u .. I h6t lc? l a ---...-.Intend to I tiRe8 rcglatar - with the __ -. ... 15 times than _._--_ - -- --- WC? 708 NO Yes No If No, Why Rot?? are you celtaidered If emigratirg? Ye8 Wkere teP Ye8 De you poaltlvely If [are you coneldered If Fe8 practL8lng Da you If w ‘hat is your marital a. Siqle b, Engaged c. Married. ta eml&reta? Intend for which to pracltise how long? country? status? to YC8. In an under-developed positively i. II. Istend be married wit bin a year country? in osek a country? Yea IYea No No No -. /- i , .\’ I/ do you / ,&fee rant to do after qualifying? Plcaae write your flrot writing 1 for the first preferencea, prefereaaes In 0rder, i, Beeone a GP II. Beraae a apeclallst etc. ;Anaeathetlea lx: -.-. -Laboratory medicine (Pathology, -Hedle Baemat&lOgy etc. ---I--.-- lne -Publlc 1I Health . -Radiology -. -Surgery -. -Ot her6 Iii, Practise redlclne reselreh (either ff iv, 60, what part-time ta financially (Pleaae aad.&. specify) your or l therwl8e -- own ). field7 10et practise naedlclne all..;,;;;- at ---.- v, 32 Have you by other of keard or Please attiolty? read about ahy i~aetloatlon X-ekrorouome of give the detallcr. following phesomema? Chaloaes Insullr a8 am atherogenlc Sel *koblr Tko l8olatlor the of agent No --- ‘Ie8 Ne No -- x66 1 YqS ‘ln8ulln The Melzark-Wall pain Eubel 8 work amd Wleerl@ ’ Yea recepterr theory on vlaual No -- Iqs No f Yes No- Pee cortex 30 1 33 Or average mediclao and How long 35 Do you 36 HOW many haura at home? Pleaae 0, queatloR8. lea8 than almilar - 34 how many 3, do you Ho time, leas far week underllae per week play per do you the 4 - 10, devote thax apend appropriate 3.1 - 20, to more thar 1~ tkla 20 - 2 to 8 hour8, 2 hour8, more thax 8 hour8 Yea a team? tire8 do 0, 1 - 5, you go to the theatre, opera 6 - 15, more than 15 How many pop concerts do you go to per year? 0, 1 - 5, 6 - pj, mere t ban 15 38 How claaalcal o, aR8wer oport? 37 aany oa rrtudylag concert8 do you 1 - 5, 6 - 15, more 6.3 to than 15 per cjr ballet year? per year? -^_ !I-. l I 7r 9 , How *maw non-sedlcal a. I books Fhtior. 0, b, Non-fLatie8 do you read 1 - 10, 0, per 11 - 50, 1 - 10, 11 - year? more 0. than 50, mare thaB 50 50 -_ -.- ) Hare you- read werka by any of the Jane Austen Albart Camus Josoph Conrad foilawlsg? / Dmtolera& Jaarea Joyce D.H.Larrerco Jeha I Yea Steinbeck Jobnathan Swift . -- -- Tes Hans Freud Lalng, Szasz Kcmrad Loronz I[brl Mar: Jeha Stuart Desaond Karl Row masy hours 0, Row nay Do you Yhl.ek de you lams hours 0, leas tkaa have any kebbIa If faa What of the Yes Yea Mill I Yes 6 upend in. a pub ,per weak? 5, 6 - 15, more than in which you spend per, reck? _-- 15 more 1“ .! - -- --- than 2 hours per week? Yea V,r habby(iea)? visit&? Yea __. F.* ... Europe Africa Middle India Russia -East and Far East ar China Bust mlaala North America Saut h Americ a partiaa YflU Yea -. Nr; watohln& television - 15, mre than 15 East em SW aany -t- Werriu .I--fol.lowing area8 have yau West era Eurepg --. Yea * Popper 5, de you or Gof fun ,, upend than 1;. __ 1 Yea Egseack Sfgmrsd HI: de you o, 1 - 5, 6 - go ta per year? 15, more than 15 * . - -. . I I you viait mut3eum6 or art I, Ii. L 4 47 48 49 Iii. iv. t one e less - 5 tire6 per year per year 6 - 15 tlrea aore than 15 tire8 per year 2 Whidk of the fellowing newspapers or naga8laee Please underline tko appropriate an6wer6. - Dally Mirror - sun - D6lly kcprO66 - Dally Telegraph - TkO Times - Merning Star - Local Evening Newspaper - Lancet - Britlah Medical Journal Pleaoe specify any ether journal6 er magnzlnes regularly: Do yeu think a atrsng pre~suaional of good medicine? practtiae D6 yeu think anaeathOti6 a phyaiologlerl OffOCt6 Of % Do ybu think 51 Do you tkimk peychlatrit if neaessary reeourcea, Health Service? 52 or galleries: per year the identity baa16 will think that lntreductlon of the NIIS wa6 service6 at the Do you believe that the decline In incidence a result Sf drug tUber6UlO6i.6 I.6 prfmak*i~ .Do you feel that GP6 praatribe a panacea for all illa? payehoactive 56 Do you feel ta 57 Should 58 59 Do you feel preparation6 NHS ought cemmeralal that QPs ought uhen equivalent the atop? on 6onticted of aortallty 166 Nr:..~. Yea No 166 No Yes No Yea Na - Yes N6 -- and I wltk the erialnals? firm thrapy? agent6 Na the that the arow leaat medical aaya f66 tee commonly a6 i66 heroin provide be allowed under fellawlng I, Trmm-6OXUd surgery Ii. Coametlc Surgery iii. Ceatraeeptlen Do you feel that drug reueareh? for the are ia Reed of greater fund6 expense of other6 part6 of the , 54 the fsr retregrdde a 16 jusdttified psyckosur($ery the - Practitioner which you read QUUpUnCtU~~? DO that - Dally Mail i Guardian be found 53 55 read regularly? you 16 aecesaary DO you regard tha Inverse Cure Law, which greateut wdital need In thia csuntry kave re6ourte6, as true? YOU da coapetitlal to be able nei-prapr: for Ntl .- addirts? tae NHS? 16 neteaaary far prOgre66 j 1 preucrlbe proprietary ltrry prepargtion6 exi6t? Yes Yes Xis Na ..._ Yes Na.- Yes No 16 . 8. . ,cl C” 51 -- 62 5311 m-3 Ixesented treataoN'L. Is It with R patient who refuaea your your duty to *ifor sn alternative Do you fjal lllE3i36C:.J? potlozts Sbo~lG zero sat?,ento are given enough information fir&-line fsrm of treatment7 about tkelr Yes \1 own Pea ‘;I? told 14 thoy :'. 1; L> Jah?vaIa"s Wltneacon hava the zi&t rill bc tra%ted in accord ritb their C.FU oufforing to expect onn dshea? from cancer? thalr tkat e 8 -. Nh POE: NI? children Yet.3 fro -_- ic t:., Fsulc? ycu 30 i7?.1liq3 to carry out abortions: circunstancos ce for all coclnl EO90 accial cixunetsnces b. fsr C. cnly f9r .--- mecllcal. rcl8on3 d. cot at . all. PZeE7.30 tic!; the skatzmcr,t which coma nearest te your own views. .-tthat !tnowledgg of the nochanlam of cancer will gain .J\.I EG you consider zore from cpido~~l.oleglcnl studies than laboratory etudlea? -thst cchlzc#@enia in primarily a biochemical dleorde 67 Do yogi coneldor -- Cc3 Do you tklr!z hoiEodoxI:-3,A.ty iG $3 Da ynu conalder that the pozrc 72 S?~cruld a dastor cut hamsis? ham ths right a p3ycke~patholagical of the G&X are to afiulst estate? too far-reaching? a patient If f-m , .r i:a you thizzk Indiar dxtors in the Hoaltk servlee are not given 'r;ZTETZ:tien )IC:QU~JO of their race? C“) i' L cc you thlPJ: it pecslb:lo th?t .zlvillantfon nil1 cause mare dlaeaees t+lan it ccz3al ..-.. test-tube babloa be atopped? ?3 S%suld eli :?onacrch,on in the Yes ---*. Yet3 -.-.. Yes --.-._ TO8 Nq NC - Kc No .- _ he requemte ,". r.c.: f:ua': a11 poanible offcrta bo nado to have all children bern with s>ina hl&ir?s? I.--'..'> ba coupulmry far all pragnant women? I - S!iauld azzniccentocis -':"3 Do ~1iddlo-~1mc ;~plo m!;a b&Mr patient6 than working ela8s people' '7ra!. ' S&uld all Enann carriera of genetic dleeaeea be aterlllaed? -75 Db you regard ao gaed t:K1ose patients who navar aak questions? - .ca. sajo~ ccuzo of disoaae in this country? t j IO pYK???ty &Pll 03 fc c3iitlca rolzv;.?t tc redlcino? *.c'!.. '4;rsuld YOU ;?&b!n3e CCPU artickfs about aodicine the ~.?~Ic~zIzP WTO ro~ponalbls and cccurata? -.. nerapapers, Yoa 3e --_ Yee NJO ---Yes F?'ji -- ._-__-..-. Yea Nc'a --... Yeu Ne -- Yea Be Yes no Yes No --- Yet3 --._-. K,, Yea N4 --. Ye8 IPI& rat3 No _ ,. if /!a , Q . 1. / L 83 c A ; 84 85 86 87 88 89 30 .- -_ ’ <hiA it Is moxw difflault for the C3Ptha et&xuultant to keep up to dnte In Radlclno? for 3m you De yen tklnk the QP will care l>r tIna futaro? play a vital role Do $6~ think th@ vorklEg o~vlrormant stlWlatl~g than tht. sf fho hrrspltnl the hoapftal ?es In the delivery of the QP 18 leas censultant? Do yeu thin5 ths GP zhou:ld the medical studeut? la tho tsauhlng Ds you thi& that ralctlve to other Do yau tbluk relatlozahlpa t!ie t'izami~l ravard branthss of aodlcino? that the QP tandc tit?r hlc potiontc rele Yea Na Rea N0 Ye4 No Tee Nfa ta davelop mere lntereatlrg than does tbe hoapltal ceasultant? Yetl No practise pout? because they Yea No would of the fsllsvixg sozt cloadly raprcsant s your eplnlela abrut prlvatg practlaa? ?la:x:, tick tha appropriate anEwer. I, It 13 cu.3an-tial fc2 aalataining high standards ef clinicxl prF.ctlao. II. V! czoaslenally abua9d It ia accreptable In principle. Ill, It abould bo cqnflned tas a minhnum. 2'7. It e:?sr;id tlndw no clrcumatamce be allewed. Wkkk In general 92 I8 there 93 Da you think amly pm-clinical directly relevant tc 61P-.ioa!. are you e~tlaflcd with tee Ruth rate-hcelzlnlnc in your mterlal mcdlcln67 Do yau a geed knewlodga 35 Is thsre t@o nuch enph~cle on rare undcrgraduato clinical training? 96 Sbeuld ollniccl 97 Should mere taaching carlraa? your 94 CaursoP should which Should NC aNo Is Yee and unusual be cm-e vocational. of undergraduates 1 Yea -be taught of aaatomy Is eaaential training ~. Yae Sor all dectora? conditions la and leas ba carried acadsalc? out at He -__ Yss Ne Yes Ne ---. I---198 Pi0 peripherql I------PCS F‘a consultn&z~ welcoas @I their viewa by etudeate? 99' Do you think that conaultarta tee often put over their vicwe under the gulaa of ncdlcal opinion? --IO0 Ne of the GP Is aatlefactory De you think oeat dactcro a&or general be u-cable ta got a hszpltal oonsultant'a 9i 98 Yell af hospitnle? - No Intellectually In tho medlral a larger -- of medical Da you %hl& %to G? d~~erv33 a3 nuuch prestlgo prafaor=lom a0 dd30 the hi33gltal eoneultant7 play \ Do you feel that thera io %cra nuch repetitlaa of teaching Tee Ni3 Xeo 3a -. Ne own political in lecturea? Yea 10. l -101 - Co you th.Ln.k an undergraduate period In general practise dealrable for all nembers of the medical prafeasioa? 102 De Y@U t a genetic: lilti likely it that It will be shown that Yea rrialnality 104 Do you agree La.Yes with CJe*mrnment~s declalon De you cAasldor that country iE aCCeptable? 2.06 Do you ~analder that the prenent all I.07 Da you Se&l a karder to distribution line aught to be takeA , L -- of wealth forms of advertiallg Pea Ns Yes Na Yea No I Yes No - 1~ thie are rcaeptable? against parnegraphy? I IO8 C0 you aonsldar that the 1ndiVldUAl IO9 De you sonelder cAmmercia1 lndlvtduals t e work? 110 Has scciology a valid 111 Is poverty ln thla l.madequAcy? II2 - campetltlon place ueuntry has the right in to commit to be neceanary primarily the result part be% of kuman nrtlre? 115 YIhat pcrcsatnge ef the wealth ef this country do the richest the pepulatlela em? Pleaem ring what you think Is the cerrect 10% 2C% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 95% De you thlmk that cannabis 117 Da you thlAk that about 316 - ought to be legalised 80% of lntelllgence In thla (ESP, Psyohokineaiu, 13-9 Is a canpuleery -_I_ 120 Should the eara OS the &Ate? necessary? policy of the aldorly be primarily the No 1 Yea No I Yes NC Yea No-.-. Yen No Yea Ne I Yes Ne I Yes Na - lm l f answer. country? It3 lnhsrlted? 118 D0 you think that para-psychology delrerves 3eriaua atudy? p0pUlatlea -- of personal an end In Itself? 114 Ia r=ggresalon 1 Yea far raotlvatiag At whAt ago do you think uhildren ought to be given $nmal educ=htfe~ Balers 5 years, 6 - 9, 10 - 12, 13 - 16, Never 115 Is knowledge suicide? university? A N‘5-.-_ i bark: museum chargea? lmpoae No ia trait? 103 Da y’ou think that capital punlskment should be brought a. for all murdem I$s far nurdor of polfce or prlaon sfflcara C. under m eircumatancea 105 ia etc. ) Yea No _.. Yes No Yea No _. responelbility ..--