Performance-Based Long-Term Programs Answers for energy.

Long-Term Programs
Answers for energy.
Quality, on-time maintenance services
A Siemens Long-Term
Program provides you the
flexibility you want and the
reliability you need for the
maintenance of your plant.
Our top priority is to provide outstanding
value by tailoring service solutions to your
unique needs. Whether you are looking for
a complete fleet solution or a single plant
program, we have the answer. A Siemens
Long-Term Program gives you great flexibility
in the maintenance of your plant while maximizing operating efficiency and availability.
Our innovations bring the products and
services to you that can make your business
more successful. A Siemens Long-Term
Program may also reduce your risk management costs. Our success directly depends on
your success.
The Siemens performance-based LongTerm Program delivers on-time, high-quality
turnkey maintenance, parts, project management and remote systems monitoring with
diagnostics. Our dedicated service team of
locally based district managers, home office
personnel and factory-trained technicians
understand power industry requirements
and are dedicated to helping you achieve
your objectives. The Siemens service
business is aligned with your interests to
maximize operational performance and
availability while reducing life cycle costs
and mitigating technical risk.
State-of-the-art new and refurbished
Rapid developments in gas turbine systems
technology at Siemens have given energy
producers access to the world’s most
advanced, most efficient power generation
systems. State-of-the-art turbine materials
developed by Siemens have increased
performance and decreased life cycle costs.
These materials, combined with threedimensional computational fluid dynamics,
have produced some of the power
industry’s most reliable, durable and
innovative component designs. As the OEM
designer and manufacturer of your engines,
we are uniquely qualified to provide the
engineering, components and maintenance
resources that can help to maximize your
plant’s operational performance and
Benefits that can help increase your
plant availability
The Siemens performance-based Long-Term
Program provides:
Turnkey service for all maintenance
scopes, including gas turbine, steam
turbine, generator, instrumentation and
controls, and balance of plant
A single-reliable source and single contract
for all maintenance
The freedom to focus on your company’s
core efforts that maximize return on your
A dedicated support team that fully plans
your scheduled outages, responds quickly
to unscheduled outage requirements and
coordinates parts refurbishment
Payment-per-operating-hour or per-start
structure based on your plant’s operating
profile to more closely align revenue with
maintenance costs
The most up-to-date component refurbishment and service processes that incorporate technology developed in dedicated
research and development programs
Twenty-four hour monitoring and
diagnostics to help manage plant
Reduced on-site inventory requirements,
maximized outage flexibility and
optimized logistics
A maintenance cycle that follows a
specified schedule; planned outages
of a specified duration
A term warranty that reduces risk by
providing a full warranty on all program
parts for the contract term
Peace of mind in knowing your plant is
being maintained by the most capable
and experienced team of engineers and
technicians available anywhere
The most extensive fleet database
available in the industry for the
Siemens family of turbines.
Proven operational performance
Performance-based programs pay for
themselves by improving plant performance.
Field experience shows that gas turbines
supported by a service program operate
with a higher availability. When your units
are supported with a Siemens performancebased program, you are giving your plant the
best possible chance for profitable operation.
We have the experience and expertise to
structure a service program that will help
you to meet the most demanding business
financial requirements. Our service offices
are located strategically around the world
to support your business whenever and
wherever you need us.
Siemens also maintains the most comprehensive and up-to-date operational database
for the Siemens family of gas turbines – data
no other service provider has access to – so
we have the knowledge needed to help
maximize your plant’s revenue generating
Our industry leadership in power business
solutions offers innovative products and
services to help provide world-class,
benchmark-level success for your business.
Your customer-focused solutions
Our services can be tailored for all major
components including gas turbines, steam
turbines, instrumentation and controls, and
balance of plant systems offered as part of
our turbine-generator packages.
Our service offices are located
strategically around the world
to support your business
whenever and wherever you
need us.
Providing flexible maintenance
programs to help you enhance
your profitability
Published by and copyright © 2010:
Siemens AG
Energy Sector
Freyeslebenstrasse 1
91058 Erlangen, Germany
Siemens Energy, Inc.
4400 Alafaya Trail
Orlando, FL 32826-2399, USA
Order No. E50001-D520-A289-X-76US
Printed in USA
BU 20091027145545172F BR 02101
All rights reserved.
Subject to change without prior notice.
Trademarks mentioned in this document are the
property of Siemens AG, its affiliates, or their
respective owners.
The information in this document contains general
descriptions of the technical options available, which
may not apply in all cases. The required technical
options should therefore be specified in the contract.