Configuration Work This is the work done in a reversible process given by the product of some intensive variable (y) and the change in some extensive variable (X). The most general case would be: đW y dX , i i i 1,2,....n. i • đW is called the configuration work; it is an inexact differential, i.e. work is not a state variable. • The amount of work done changing the configuration of a system from one state to another depends on how the work is done, i.e. on the path taken between the final and initial states. The path must be specified in order to calculate work via integration. • By convention, đW is the work done on ‘the system’. Thus, as an example, đW is positive when a gas is compressed. Configuration Work This is the work done in a reversible process given by the product of some intensive variable (y) and the change in some extensive variable (X). The most general case would be: đW y dX , i i i i 1,2,....n. Dissipative Work • This is the work done in an irreversible process; it is always done ‘on the system’. • Total work is the algebraic sum any configuration work and any dissipative work. • If a process is reversible, then dissipation is necessarily zero. Examples: Stirring Resistive electrical heating Frictional work Plastic deformation Many chemical reactions Joule’s apparatus for measuring the mechanical equivalent of heat 1 cal = 4.184 J will raise temperature of water by 1 C (14.5 C to 15.5 C) More on specific heat Using the first law, it is easily shown that: đq u cv dT T v v •Finding a similarly straightforward expression for cP is not as easy, and requires knowledge of the state equation. •For an idea gas, the internal energy depends only on the temperature of the gas T. Therefore, du cv dT and T u u0 cv dT T0 •These are far more useful expressions than the original definition of specific heat.