John Black Public School – Parent Council Minutes

John Black Public School – Parent Council Minutes
June 4, 2015
6:30 pm
John Black Public School Library – Fergus Ontario
Richard Pinder
Scott Preston
Andrea Brown
Barb Ash and Catherine Shelton-Galdes
School Members Present: Scott Preston, Luke Kordupel, Alan Gouk
Council Members Present: Richard Pinder, Abi Tarry, Beth Cruikshank, Andrea Brown, Carrie-Ann Nind
Regrets: Barb Ash, Shari Knight, Jane Shaw, Catherine Shelton-Galdes, Angela Barrow, Kelli Muir, Steve
1. Welcome, Introductions and Regrets
Agenda approved by Abi and seconded by Andrea.
2. April Minutes approved by Abi and seconded by Andrea.
3. Principal’s Report
 Arts Day was very successful
 Comedic play by the Junior Drama Group “Hotel Escargot” was fabulous. Last year the school
invested in lighting and sound and you could really tell this year. It was a great opportunity for
 Orientation for grade 7’s coming from Victoria Terrace is on Tuesday June 9th. Nineteen
students are expected.
 Friday June 12th the future Grade 4’s are coming from James McQueen. Sixteen students are
 Parent orientation for both groups is the night of Fete. They can attend the orientation first and
then participate in Fete as well.
 Regarding the labour situation, there is nothing more to report other than what is in the media.
Currently there is no EQAO in public schools, and there will possibly be no progress comments
on report cards. Field trips, Track and Field and grade 8 trips are still going on.
Alan Gouk: Math Strategy for John Black Students
 Thank you to parent council for your contribution towards arts day and the grade 8 graduation
 Recap: Over the course of several days John Black teachers met with the area curricular leader
from the board to go over areas that John Black students and teachers could improve on. We
found that kids really struggled with multiple choice questions but they did well with open
ended questions. We came up with a set of strategies, examples and questions to teach
students how to deal with multiple choice questions, from primary to junior to intermediate.
Everyone was on board from grade 1 to grade 8. The handbook created was organized by grade,
strand and type of question. Students work on a problem of the week for 30-40 minutes to
build skills. We weren’t able to test for improvements this year because there was no EQAO,
however teachers are using the strategies. All skills are built upon every year. Hopefully this will
not only bump EQAO results but also give students life skills for other things later in life.
4. Financial Report
Activity for April 2015
Beginning Balance Mar
Bank Charges
Snack Program
Big Box of Cards
PRO Grant
Scientists in School
Fundscrip % Rec'd
Lunchbox Orders
PIC Grant
Balance Apr 30
Activity for May 2015
Beginning Balance Apr
Bank Charges
Snack Program
Big Box of Cards
PRO Grant
Scientists in School
June Fete
Lunchbox Orders
PIC Grant
Arts Day
Prim/Junior/Inter $500
Grade 8 Grad Donation
Balance May 31
$ 5,213.15
$ 321.24
$ 6,176.00
$ 599.27
$ (321.24)
$ 5,576.73
$ 11,275.44
$ 11,275.44
$ 60.00
$ 500.00
$ 105.50
$ 500.00
$ 1,735.00
$ 1,500.00
$ 500.00
$ (262.89)
$ (445.00)
$ (500.00)
$ (1,735.00)
$ (1,500.00)
$ (500.00)
$ 6,884.81 *
*Expected balance after all outstanding cheques are cashed $2700
Events which will affect the balance in June are Fete and Lunchbox Orders.
5. Funding Request Discussion
There will be money for next year for the school should there be needs. Scott is going to discuss this
with the teachers and get back to council with the teacher’s wish list for 2015/2016 school year.
6. Parent Council Plan for the Year
a. Fund-Raising
- To be finalized at planning meeting
* Action Item: Richard to send an email to Parent Council members to pick a day for
planning meeting
- Richard received request to do fresh produce fundraiser for next year.
b. Social
-Cyberbulling (PRO Grant May 2015): After the event there is $415 left. We spent $584.
A report of the event is due the end of August 2015.
-PRO Grant 2015/16: Grant request has been put in for second survey choice “Healthy
Food Lifestyles (cooking and fitness)
-Centre Wellington Community Foundation Grant request was put in this week and we
should find out soon. Paul Davis is the speaker of the event and the topic is “Social
Media”. The date of event is November 12 2015.
-Fete Thursday June 11th 2015, 5-8pm
Everything is coming together
Zumba teacher was not able to come but Stage Presence School Of Dance is doing hip
hop instead
Wild birds of prey booth 1.5 hour display with props and birds
Wood fired pizza
Creative Encounters is doing a science table
The Leis family is doing games
Teacher soccer game? Line up the soccer game for when the orientation ends to catch
the teachers when they’re free.
Really need
1. Used books – bring your used books to box in office
2. Trading post toys to Catherine
Still waiting to hear back from Mrs. Pommier about the bake sale
Have popcorn coupon – Abi to send CA link to get popcorn from Costco this Sunday
Tough Mudder Course - RIchard
*Action: Andrea to buy tickets and drinks
Flyers to go home still
Richard to email council’s list of interested parents about the Fete
Need volunteers - Abi to send private emails
Steve’s daughter and friends to do face painting again
Alan to send email to group of people to help with babysitting/volunteers to run games
4:30-8pm (whatever hours they can do in that time)
Alice Campbell from Coldwell Banker Grand Homes Realty generously donated $500
which she is fine to do every year
Event will run rain or shine. We have access to 4 gazebos to use in case of rain
c. Student / School Day Enrichment
– Student Meal Days will end shortly. It seems to be well received by the kids who use it
7. New Business (Round Table Input)
a. Next Year Council – Richard to send requests for nominations for next year’s council out to
current parent council members. This will be in the school newsletter for September.
b. Information to Parents – Newsletters/Emails Discussion
-One item for review is whether or not the school newsletter is being looked at online, or
whether it’s better to do a hard copy. One idea is to survey parents to find out their preference.
Another possibility is to email parents monthly to inform them that the newsletter has been
updated and include the link for the newsletter online. Something to look into is if there’s a way
for parents to sign up online for electronic newsletters.
-On sex ed days, something goes home ahead of time so that parents know when a sex ed
discussion will take place.
8. Next Meeting – Planning Meeting for 2015-2016 TBD
- Tuesday September 15th 2015 at 6:30pm
Will vote at that meeting. Nomination forms will need to be completed and brought
that night.
-Open House and School Council Fun Night:
Thursday September 24th 2015
9. Adjournment