John Black Public School - Parent Council Minutes

John Black Public School - Parent Council Minutes
Date: Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Location: John Black Public School Staff Room - Fergus, Ontario
Chair: Richard Pinder
Treasurer: Andrea Brown
Co-Secretary: Barb Ash and Catherine Shelton-Galdes
Principal: Scott Preston
School Members Present: Scott Preston, Evi Kehrer
Council Members Present: Barb Ash, Angela Barrow, Andrea Brown, Beth Cruikshank, Nicole Leet, Steve
Leet, Kelli Muir, Richard Pinder, Catherine Shelton-Galdes, Abi Tarry
Regrets: Shari Knight, Jane Shaw
1. Welcome, Introductions and Regrets
Agenda amended to include the following under New Business (Round
Table Input): b. Parent council newsletter and c. Anti-spam regulations
pertaining to parent council emails.
Agenda approved by Andrea and seconded by Steve
2. January minutes approved by Catherine and seconded by Andrea
3. Principal's Report
Our Grade 7s participated in overnight trips to St. Marie Among the Huron
January 20-22nd. This visit to the reconstructed 18th Century mission near
Midland Ontario has traditionally been a highlight of the grade 7 year.
On February 4th our Grade 6s left on a 3 day trip to Camp Wanakita which
is even further north, up near Parry Sound.
January is also when Mrs. Mahoney runs the Blue Spruce reading
program. This is a province-wide program that introduces new books by
Canadian authors to students in grades 1-3. Staff throughout the school
took turns being celebrity readers and everyone had a lot of fun sharing
these new stories. Students from across the province will soon be voting
for their favourite books.
On January 21st our Junior volleyball teams participated in a tournament
at Elora Public School with their coaches Mr. Kordupel and Mrs. Olszewski.
We are all very proud of their hard work and great sportsmanship.
As we are heading into the last half of their final year of elementary
school, our Grade 8 students have already begun to look ahead to high
school, the next stage of their educational career. In the past month they
have had presentations from Centre Wellington and College Heights high
schools. Through these presentations and visits to the schools they have
been learning about activities, opportunities and courses available to
them in high school as they worked with their parents and teachers on
course selections for next year.
Action Items
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John Black Public School - Parent Council Minutes
Training for Beyond the Hurt, a peer mediation and support program, took
place at the Elora library on Jan. 26th and 27th. Seven grade 7 and 8
students from our school participated along with students from Elora P.S.
The John Black team was organized and supported by Tamara Zappia our
part time Child and Youth Councilor and Eva Kehrer our Resource Teacher.
These students will be running workshops in all our classes Grade 1-8 and
presenting at our special anti-bullying JBC assembly on Feb. 25th.
February 25th is also ‘Wear Pink Day’ to celebrate and support an end to
Kindergarten registration for next year took place on February 2-6th, but
parents who missed registration week can still register for next year. JK
age 4 by Dec. 31, 2015; SK age 5 by Dec. 31, 2015
Following the Principal's Report, Evi spoke about the Beyond the Hurt
program mentioned. The activities proved to be quite compelling and
effective in demonstrating different forms of bullying. Looking forward to
having the program continue on, with the workshops planned at John
4. Financial Report
Bank Balance as of January 31st is $10,476.02*
Activity for January 2015
Beginning Balance Dec. 31st
Bank Charges
Big Box of Cards
Clothing Orders
Lunch Box Orders
WE Team donation
Balance as of January 31st
*The following is a list of approximate values of money allocated or
forecasted from the balance above:
Scientists in the School - $1000
Arts Day - $1800
Grad Donation - $500
Speaker - $1000
PRO Event - $1000
Contingency Amount - $1000
Community Fund - $500
Black top painted - TBA
$500 for each Division $1500
Estimated Balance after above allocations subtracted is $2000.00
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5a. Funding Request Discussion / $500 per division / Vote
Richard brought forward a motion to give each division
(primary/junior/intermediate) $500. This is something that has been
discussed many times, but not officially voted on. Scott suggested
teachers come forward with specific ideas on where they'd like to see the
money allocated, not just handed over.
Motion to allot $500 per division for student resources, seconded by Kelli,
all in favour, motion carried.
5b. Funding Request Discussion / Empowerment Day / Vote
A motion was brought forward by Richard to support Empowerment Day
for the intermediates. It is a large scale event, involving six schools (details
in the January meeting minutes). Since nothing is being planned for the
$1000 forecasted for a speaker it was suggested we use this money
towards the Empowerment Day.
Motion to support Empowerment Day up to $1000, seconded by Angela,
all in favour, motion carried.
Action Item: Evi to work on
incorporating the primaries
and juniors into workshops
at the school if possible.
5c. Funding Request Discussion / Beyond the Hurt / Vote
Action Item: Evi to give
A motion was brought forward by Richard to support the Beyond the Hurt Andrea receipts for the
program. This program took place on January 26th and 27th. Activities will Beyond the Hurt expenses.
continue throughout remainder of year (details in January meeting
Motion to support Beyond the Hurt up to $265.00, seconded by Abi, all in
favour, motion carried.
Scott conveyed his gratitude to parent council and commented that what
we support reflects the theme that council holds, above literacy and
numeracy, and it gives a positive message to the parent community.
5d. Funding Request Discussion / Ocean Jackson / Vote taken by email
The vote to give $200 towards a respite opportunity and $50 towards
Ocean's education fund was taken by email after the January meeting.
Richard confirmed that the motion was carried.
Teacher donations more than matched parent council's. Anything more
than the required amount for the respite opportunity, which will likely be
a gift certificate to Great Wolf Lodge for Ocean and her father, will be put
towards Ocean's education fund. The school is still waiting to hear from
Great Wolf Lodge about a possible discount.
6. Parent Council Plan for the Year
a. Fund-raising
As there are no other fundraisers planned for the school in the near
future, it was decided that we would go ahead with MacMillan's.
Order forms should go home Monday March 9th, and are due back March
24th. This would allow for a pick up date of April 1st, before the Easter
Action Item: Abi to write
the letter that goes home
with the students. Angela
offered to facilitate where
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A MacMillan's representative is in touch with Richard regularly.
MacMillan's now sorts and packs the orders for us. They will send
someone to do a kick-off presentation for the fundraiser. Funds raised are
to go towards Arts Day.
6b. Social
Cyber-Bulling (Parents Reaching Out 'PRO' Grant)
Barb is still waiting to hear back from leads for possible speakers.
The evening is planned for the end of April, or early May. It will take place
in the library or the gym. Refreshments will be ordered. Inviting parents of
local schools to attend. Will notify parent councils of local schools as well.
Some radio stations offer free advertising, grant stipulates that no more
that 5% may be spent on advertising.
Action Item: Scott to post
on board website once
details have been finalized.
PRO Grant 2015/2016
A discussion was had about whether we should apply for the grant next
year. Some possible topics were discussed, but nothing has been decided.
Grant request needs to be submitted to the board in May.
End of year Fête
Abi has agreed to be the lead on the June Fête again this year.
6c. Student / School Day Enrichment
Student Meal Days
Slow start after the return from Christmas vacation. Runs very smoothly
through Lunchbox Orders. Funds raised for the school since the program
started in September total $516
7. New Business (Round Table Input)
a. Sidewalk Issue
Letters have been sent to Mayor Kelly Linton, Councillor Stephen Kitras
and School Board Trustee Barbara Lustgarten-Evoy. Richard has had a
response from Mayor Linton, Trustee Lustgarten-Evoy and Chair of the
Upper Grand District School Board, Mark Bailey. A copy of the letter is
Action Item: Scott to
arrange for Lunchbox
Orders handout to go
home this week.
Action Item: Richard will be
pursuing the matter.
b. Parent Council Newsletter
It was decided that the Parent Council Corner in the school newsletter
would now be a paper handout sent home four times per year (Fall,
Winter, Spring and in June).
c. Anti-spam Regulations/Parent Council Emails
In an effort to comply with anti-spam regulations, Richard is working with
Brent McDonald - Superintendent of Education on the wording of how to
opt out of receiving emails.
8. Next Meeting - Tuesday, March 24th at 6:30pm
9. Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm
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John Black Public School - Parent Council Minutes
John Black Public School
Parent Council
January 28, 2015
To: Kelly Linton, Mayor
Stephen Kitras, Councillor, Ward 5
Safety Concern: Lamond and St. Andrew Street Sidewalk Issue
My name is Richard Pinder and I am the current Chair of the John Black Public School Parent Council.
This is my third year as the Chair of the Parent Council.
This letter is in regards to an ongoing concern involving the students who walk to the school located at
150 Lamond Street in Fergus. Lamond Street does not have sidewalks except directly in front of the
school. Nor are there sidewalks on St. Andrew Street which leads to John Black Public School. With no
sidewalks the students must walk on the street.
John Black Public School currently has 343 students and while the majority are bussed to the school,
there are 61 who must walk to and from the school every day. The walking students range in age from 6
to 13. These students walk along St. Andrew Street from Gartshore to Lamond Street and down Lamond
Street to the school. As mentioned, there are no sidewalks or curbs on these streets except directly in
front of the school. This route is very busy with traffic including buses. John Black Public School is a
transfer point for students attending other schools in the Fergus area including St. Joseph’s and Centre
Wellington District High School and this results in 10 buses using St. Andrew and Lamond Street before
and after school when students are walking on these streets.
The current situation is very dangerous at the best of times, but in the winter it is extremely hazardous.
These streets are narrow and are not set up for pedestrian traffic. During the months of November to
March these streets are generally snow covered and the risk to pedestrians is even greater. The Parent
Council is very worried that if this situation is not addressed it may lead to a serious accident involving
one or more of our students. We feel the potential for this is extremely high.
Historically John Black Public School was almost entirely bussed and pedestrian safety was not such an
issue, but due to boundary and program changes in recent years that has changed. Sidewalks and curbs
on the streets that our students use have become a necessity.
I would like to request a meeting with the Township to discuss what action needs to be taken to rectify
this very hazardous situation. While I have been in contact with the Township and we have discussed
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the Township master plans it is apparent that sidewalks in the area are not planned for the near future.
It should be noted that in 2014 the Township did perform traffic counts and we are awaiting the results.
There are a number of options in the midterm to address the issue which include adding a crossing
guard. The lack of sidewalks is a situation that faces us every day, and I have parents discussing this with
me on an ongoing basis. Something must be done or countermeasures put in place before something
tragic happens.
Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.
Richard Pinder P.Eng
Chair Parent Council
John Black Public School
cc: Bonnie Talbot, Superintendent of Education, Upper Grand District School Board
Jennifer Passey, Planning Department, Upper Grand District School Board
Scott Preston, Principal, John Black Public School
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