John Black Public School - Parent Council Minutes Date: Tuesday, September 15, 2015 Time: 6:30 p.m. Location: John Black Public School Library - Fergus, Ontario Chair: Richard Pinder Treasurer: Andrea Brown Secretary: Catherine Shelton-Galdes Principal: Scott Preston ___________________________________________________________________________________ School Members Present: Scott Preston Council Members Present: Barb Ash, Andrea Brown, Steve Leet, Carrie-Ann Nind, Richard Pinder, Catherine Shelton-Galdes, Michelle Youngblood. Regrets: Angela Barrow, Beth Cruikshank, Kelli Muir, Jane Shaw, Abi Tarry. Minutes 1. Welcome, Introductions and Regrets Agenda amended: Add Mabel's Labels and Sidewalk Update. Agenda approved by Andrea and seconded by Barb. 2. March minutes reviewed and approved by Andrea and seconded by Rich. 3. Principal's Report We are off to a good start this year. We have 360 students, 19 teachers and 8 support staff. The transition to the new year has been busy, but has gone very well. School Organization and Staffing for 2015/16 Tammy Nollert ………………..Kindergarten A Kim Byan ………………………… Kindergart A ECE Jason Swan ……………………...Kindergarten B Sandra Richards ………………. Kindergarten B ECE Stephanie Klaver-Croezen...Grade 1/2 Sarrah Fulcher ………………….Grade 1/2 Brent Graham ..………..….…. Grade 3 Melissa Weaver …………….... Grade 4 Tracey Mooney ………………… Grade 4/5 Terra Matheson-Peck………..Grade 5 Sarah-Jane Olszewski ……….. Grade 6 Luke Kordupel ……………………Grade 8 Laura Alessio ……………..…….. Grade 7 Stewart Hirst ……..…………….. Grade7/8 Shari Roberts ……………………. Grade 8 Alan Gouk ………………………... Int. Science & Tech, Spec. Ed. Nia Pommier ………………..…… Core French, Grade 6/7 Aleisha Korga ..……….…………. Core French David Olgilvie …………………….. Core French Marlene Mahoney………..…… Library and Planning Action Items Page 1 of 4 John Black Public School - Parent Council Minutes Irene Gibson ……………………. Planning Time Eva Kehrer ………………………... Special Ed. Tracey Haley ……………………… Educational Assistant Tanya Mikel ………………………...Educational Assistant Tamara Zappia ………………….. Child and Youth Councilor Belinda Norris ……………………. Office Coordinator Lisa Ecclestone ………………….. Recess Supervisor P.M. Paz Martinez ………………………Recess Supervisor A.M. & P.M Labour Update: Contract negotiations between ETFO and the Ministry of Education are continuing. At this point ETFO members are in Phase 2 of Work to Rule. The activities teachers will not participate in includes: any Ministry related initiatives, meetings or workshops; field trips; collecting monies for school related activities or participating in fundraising activities; attending open houses or ‘meet the teacher’ nights outside of the instructional day. 4. Nominations for Parent Council Nomination forms were completed by all members present and handed in to Richard. There were no objections to Richard continuing in the role of Chair, Andrea as Treasurer and Catherine as Secretary. Richard had already inquired with those who sent regrets, if they would like to remain voting members. Angela, Beth and Jane would like to remain voting members. Kelli and Abi will be missed as they are not available to be on parent council this year. 5. Financial Report Bank Balance as of September 1st is $7,185.64 ** Monthly Activity Beginning Balance May 31st Income Lunchbox Orders Expenses $6,905.07 Bank Charges Snack Program June Fete $984.90 $4.95 $39.02 ($4.95) ($39.02) $675.21 $309.69 $89.75 $89.75 Balance as of June 30, 2015 Bank Charges June Fete $7,260.54 $4.95 $65.00 Balance as of July 30, 2015 Bank Charges Balance as of Aug. 31, 2015 Andrea to get HST forms to Scott for signing. ($4.95) ($65.00) $7,190.59 $4.95 ($4.95) $7,185.64 Page 2 of 4 John Black Public School - Parent Council Minutes Outstanding Cheques to be Cashed Big Box of Cards June Fete Expected Balance Income Expenses $40.00 ($40.00) $250.91 ($250.91) $6,894.73 **Although it has yet to be decided where funds will be allocated this year, here is a partial list of what parent council typically supports: Fun night BBQ, the birthday book program, sports equipment, Scientists in School, guest speakers, playground repairs, family dance, June Fete, Arts Day, the snack program, grade 8 graduation party, community fund, anti-bullying programs, etc. 6. Funding Request Discussion In previous years teachers were asked to complete a survey about what they would like to see parent council raise money for and what they liked or disliked about what parent council has done in the past. Scott to distribute survey to teachers on parent council's behalf. In light of the Elementary Teacher's Federation of Ontario (ETFO) work-torule action, Scott will be handling the QSP (magazine) fundraiser this year. The Fresh from the Farm fundraiser that parent council had hoped to run, will not likely be possible as teacher's are unable to collect money during the work-to-rule action. Scott commented that under the circumstances, an attempt to run another fundraiser during work-to-rule might detract the focus from the classroom. Scott to advise of any positive changes in job action that would allow handouts to go home by Oct. 2nd. Barb queried whether a letter could go home to parents letting them know about the option to donate to the school through the Upper Grand Learning Foundation. We usually use the money donated to the UGLF for Scientists in School. 7. Parent Council Plan for the Year a. Fund-raising Had some difficulty with Elora Labels. School profit from label sales was approximately $15. Mabel's Labels will be used instead this year. Barb to amend the letter and send to Scott for distribution to the students. Scott is unsure how or if Thursday pizza days are possible at this time due to the work-to-rule action. A discussion was had about offering cheese as well as pepperoni pizza. Scott to confirm if cheese only pizza is or can be offered. b. Social Fun Night Barbeque/Open House The Fun Night Barbeque which was scheduled for Sept. 24th will be cancelled as the teachers will not be holding the open house or book fair. It was suggested that perhaps we could do something around Christmas instead. Richard to cancel Lion's Club. Andrea to cancel Zehrs, Barb to cancel Jester's, Fire Dept truck, nature interactive display, St. John's Ambulance and the OPP. Barb to provide a Mabel's Labels handout for Scott to distribute. Page 3 of 4 John Black Public School - Parent Council Minutes PRO Grant 2015/2016 A grant application was completed on the topic of Healthy Food/Lifestyle. We are awaiting the outcome. Centre Wellington Community Foundation Grant 2015/2016 We have been awarded a $500 grant to have Paul Davis, a social media expert come speak at John Black on Nov. 12th. Students will hear his presentation during the day and there will be a presentation for parents in the evening. Scott has booked the gym and library for this event. Halloween Dance Carrie-Ann will be the lead on the Halloween dance again this year. It is scheduled for Oct. 29th. Scott has booked the gym for this event. Insurance for after school activities will not have come due by Oct. 29th. c. Student / School Day Enrichment Student Meal Days Funds raised for the 2014/2015 school year through Lunchbox Orders totalled $1,032.50. An updated sample menu and price list was distributed, it was felt that Swiss Chalet was cost prohibitive, but we will continue with Pita Pit, Subway, Frabert's and add Boston Pizza. Scott requested the mini-pizza option be removed from Boston Pizza's choices as it may interfere with the school's pizza day on Thursday. We'll maintain the $.75 fundraising amount on all meals except Frabert's at $.50 per meal (Boston Pizza will have some juices, salad etc. with a nominal amount added, $.10-$.35 per item). Cost from Lunchbox Orders remained the same with the exception of 6" subs that went up by $.25 Andrea to renew insurance for after school activities when it becomes due. Catherine to arrange new school year schedule with Lunchbox orders. 8. New Business (Round Table Input) a. Information to Parents - Newsletters/Emails Discussion In an effort to ensure we do not violate Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL), Richard continues to email and work with the school board to clarify what can and cannot be sent electronically from parent council. b. Remaining Parent Council Meetings for the School Year Meetings to be held every 5-6 weeks, skipping the month of December. c. Sidewalk Issue Line painting and signage have been put in place as promised by the Township. It is felt that the white lines painted on St. Andrews St. to delineate a pedestrian crossing are not prominent enough. Would like to see thicker yellow lines running between the existing lines as well. 9. Next Meeting - Tuesday, October 20th at 6:30pm 10. Meeting adjourned at 8:20pm Richard to provide a suggested schedule for future meetings. Scott to contact Colin Baker to see what more can be done. Please note date change. Page 4 of 4