Safety Meeting Minutes  Sept. 17, 2010  Present Old Business: 

Safety Meeting Minutes Sept. 17, 2010 Present: Chairman Kristen Daws, vice chairman Bill Kanzig, secretary Lee Ann Hall, Jeff Brachok, Richard Gainey, Jeanette Hazelton, Anita Stanley, Mike Zembower, Mike Hanes and Jan Asplund. Old Business: 1. Kristen turned in a work order to correct an unsafe switch on the lift gate of a University box truck. At the September meeting it was unknown if the work order had been completed. Jeanette Hazelton was to follow up. 2. At the May meeting it was noted that Amy Stockert was asked to provide some general clean up instructions to limit blood borne pathogen exposure and help assemble bio‐safety clean up kits for building managers. Follow up is needed on this item. 3. At the May meeting Lee Ann Hall mentioned that she would be updating the Emergency Response manual over the summer. In fact, it has not been updated so new or corrected information can be still sent to her. New Business: Jeanette Hazelton announced that Sodexo had a new safety director who is highly knowledgeable and would be a good resource. Sodexo has made inprovements in safety practices. A related study shows that work accidents most often occur on Thursdays between 10:00 a.m. and noon. (Pay is distributed at noon.) Mike Zembower stated that the cross country runners are often running in the middle of village streets and country roads and blocking traffic. Lee Ann Hall announced that Christine Wolinski from EIIA will be visiting campus Oct. 14 and 15 and will meet with individuals one‐on‐one to discuss or answer questions about any risk management topics. She also suggested that since it was voted to hold the election until the new year and increase the officers’ terms to two years, it would make sense to have the election in December, rather than January as previously mentioned, so the new officers could begin in January. This was unanimously agreed. Kristen Daws stated that she had provided general lab safety training to lab assistants and faculty. Kristen explained that it was important for volunteer workers to sign unpaid contracts as a method to insure that they all receive safety training. ONU’s legal counsel, VSSP, is to provide a form. Jan Aspelund noted that H.R. needs to be informed of all volunteers. Jeff Brachok announced that he had provided bio‐safety training for faculty and reviewed the General Employee Safety pamphlets. Mike Hanes announced that The Inn employees received first aid training in July and small fire training has also been provided for the kitchen staff. The staff has also been trained on identification and removal of bed bugs – a topic much in the news. Bill Kanzig asked if an AED is located at The Inn. The answer was no. It was noted that Security should once again bring incident/accident reports to the meeting so the types of safety issues noted on the reports can be discussed. Meeting adjourned. Submitted Oct. 8, 2010 Lee Ann Hall Safety Meeting minutes Oct. 15, 2010 Present: Chairman Kristen Daws, vice chairman Bill Kanzig, secretar Lee Ann Hall, Justin Courtney, Bob Ruble, George Sleesman, Jeanette Hazelton, and Jeff Brachok. Old Business: 1. Jeanette Hazelton is to check on the status of a work order to repair a lift gate switch on a University box truck. 2. Updates to the Emergency Response Manual have not yet been made. Any additions or changes can be sent to Lee Ann Hall. New Business: Jeanette Hazelton announced that Sodexo Physical Plant passed a recent company safety inspection. Lee Ann Hall reported that a parent issued a complaint regarding evacuation procedures following a recent fire alarm at McIntosh Center. Discussion followed about the high number of false alarms. This is desensitizing the campus community, as well as fire and EMS responders, to the danger and proper response to a fire alarm. There is also a need for scheduled fire drills in academic buildings. Proper procedure for fire alarms in the science complex was brought up again. It was noted that the risk management representative from EIIA had to postpone her campus visit and will reschedule at a later time. George Sleesman reviewed incidence reports for the month that included an unknown liquid that was reportedly pumped onto the grass, and that the steps at the Multi‐Cultural House need to be replaced or repaired. George added that there is a group working with Simplex to identify possible solutions to the fire alarm problem, noting that there were 31 false alarms from Sept. 1 to Oct. 15. He also suggested that a demo of Ada’s new fire truck might raise awareness. Kristen Daws has completed an inspection of the academic labs, finding only a few issues needing corrective action. Amy Stockert sent a message to the group that she has updated the blood borne and bio‐safety training sites on WebCt. Kristen noted there are faculty members that still need blood borne pathogen and bio‐
safety training, as well as hepatitis B shots. The Health Center and Hardin Co. Health Dept (at the Presbyterian Church) were identified as locations for shots. Jeff Brachok expressed his continued concern about the fire alarm system in the science complex. George indicated that he would address Jeff’s concerns when he meets with Simplex. Submitted 11/15/10 LAHall Safety Meeting Minutes Nov. 19, 2010 Present: Chairman Kristen Daws, vice chairman Bill Kanzig, Sheila Jackson, Tonya Paul, George Sleesman, Jeanette Hazelton, Jeff Brachok, Melissa Taylor, Richard Gainey, Mike Hanes, Julia Hurtig, Bob Ruble. Bill Kanzig opened the meeting and reviewed old business and Kristen introduced Sheila Jackson, recently hired in Human Resources. New Business: Jeanette Hazelton reported that the lift gate on the diesel truck was repaired and now has a safety switch. Bill Kanzig reminded everyone that election of officers will be held at the December meeting and that terms will be for two years. Kristen reported that the evacuation routes are being prepared for Mathile Bldg. George Sleesman suggested to the group that Brian Smith, new ONU project manager, be invited to the meetings. Kristen will invite him to the December and following meetings. George explained that because of a high number of false fire alarms Simplex has reprogrammed the alarm system. The sensitivity level was standardized in all residence buildings and alarm verification was included, which gives 30 seconds after first sensing smoke or heat for the alarm to verify before sounding an alarm. It is anticipated that alarms will decrease by 50%. Kristen asked if this was true of Mathile and Meyer. George explained that changes to the alarm systems in those buildings would be subject to re‐submittal of drawings and approval by a state fire inspector. Julie Hurtig requested that the architects be contacted to verify that alarm systems in those buildings are as specified and that a mistake wasn’t made in the original building specs. Jeff Brachok requested that a decision be made on how and when to evacuate the Science complex. Discussion followed. Kristen will contact the architect, Steve Miller. Bill Kanzig followed up by complimenting Security officers on timely arrival when alarms sound. Tonya Paul suggested that walk off mats be placed in the hallway outside H.R. The yellow Employee Health and Safety pamphlet will be sent to supervisors of all new employees. Mike Hanes announced that with an upgraded security system in place at The Inn all exits and the front desk are covered. The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m. Submitted by Melissa Taylor Dec. 14, 2010 Safety Meeting Minutes Dec. 16, 2010 Present: Chairman Kristen Daws, vice chairman Bill Kanzig, Sheila Jackson, Jeanette Hazelton, Jeff Brachok, Melissa Taylor, Mike Hanes, Bob Ruble, Lee Ann Hall and Justin Courtney. Kristen Daws opened the meeting with a review of past meeting minutes. She explained that the evacuation routes posted in Mathile hallways will be updated because of name and usage changes for some rooms. She had emailed the architect, Steve Miller, to inquire about the fire alarms for the entire complex but has not heard from him. It was noted that walk off mats were placed in a Lehr first floor hallway outside the H.R. offices, per Tonya Paul’s earlier request. New Business: Jeanette Hazelton reported that Sodexo employees have received safety training and hot work permits. A fire watch is now required during hot work – welding and such. She requested to know the cost of recharging fire extinguishers that are used during training. Lee Ann Hall reported that the reprogramming of the fire alarm system in the residence halls has been successful. False alarms have been reduced from one per day to just four in two weeks, with two of those caused by maintenance issues. Sheila Jackson asked if injuries were normally reported at the Safety meetings. Officer Taylor replied that Security has been bringing that information to the monthly meetings. Melissa Taylor read two injury reports to the group. Both were knee injuries caused by almost falling and wrenching the knee sideways. Recommendations were to be aware of environment and wear appropriate foot wear. Justin Courtney asked if the person named in each report is informed of the recommendation. Melissa replied that recommendations originated in the past as a need to recognize trends and implement better safety practices. He also explained that Residence Life staff members will be on duty throughout the Christmas break because of students remaining in the halls. He also requested that the Committee endorse a plan to place cameras in parking lots and outside of buildings to deter crime and offered to review any proposals for surveillance cameras. It was suggested that George Sleesman also be involved in any camera selection or review. No action was taken on this recommendation. Justin also proposed that student(s) representatives be part of the Safety Committee membership. The group agreed with this request and Kristin indicated she would insure that an invitation was extended. Sheila Jackson reported that supervisors aren’t aware of reporting procedures and incident reports aren’t always turned in to the H.R. department at the time of accident. Kristen suggested reinforcement of the reporting policy through the Health Wise newsletter. Bob Ruble questioned if dowel rods will be placed in residence hall first floor windows to prevent entry from outside during break. Justin confirmed that this is being done with the exception of a few locations that have repair issues. Work orders were created for those situations. In response to a query about safety of lone persons in buildings, he indicated that staff will be checking on those residents. Apartment students are not required to leave over break. Mike Hanes reminded the group that rooms are available at discounted rates during severe weather. Current officers were nominated to continue in their respective offices and the group unanimously agreed. Kristin Daws will continue as chairperson, Bill Kanzig as vice chairperson, and Lee Ann Hall as secretary. The meeting was adjourned. Submitted by Lee Ann Hall, Dec. 20, 2010 Safety Meeting Minutes Jan. 21, 2011 Present: Chairman Kristin Daws, vice chairman Bill Kanzig, Sheila Jackson, Jeanette Hazelton, Bob Ruble, Lee Ann Hall, Luke Sheets, Mike Zembower, Richard Gainey. Kristin Daws opened the meeting with a review of old business. Updates included: 1. The fire doors between Engineering, Science Bldg. and Mathile are now working when a fire alarm sounds. 2. It was remarked that cameras in parking lots and in hallways aren’t a current concern and there is no budget money to finance such a project. 3. Kristin hasn’t yet received names of possible student members of the Safety Committee and, therefore, hasn’t issued invitations to upcoming meetings. 4. Sheila Jackson has submitted procedures regarding injury/incidence reporting to the Health Wise newsletter so that the information reaches a larger audience. Jeanette Hazelton congratulated Sodexo employees for exceeding 125 days with no lost time for injuries. She reported that efforts are being made to correct the sewer gas smell in Mathile and other buildings. Part of the problem is that water evaporates in the drains from lack of use and allows the gas to escape upward through the drain. Lee Ann Hall updated the group on the controversial Bluffton University bus accident ruling and the possible consequences to other universities with the same insurance wording regarding liability for hired charter buses and drivers. ONU is currently reviewing in‐house and charter company safety policies and additional legal wording that might be added to contracts to protect ONU. Existing ONU travel policies will likely be updated as well. Bill Kanzig suggested that anyone hearing of a serious incident such as the recent Mt. Union bus accident should immediately report the info to Security, their respective vice presidents or deans so that the administration has as early knowledge as possible of these events. A discussion followed regarding approved driver and alcohol policies. Any notice of alcohol on employees should be reported as soon as possible. Sheila Jackson suggested that Jeanette investigate the Sodexo policy regarding alcohol reporting. Regarding bus safety, Bob Ruble added that he has asked Sodexo to make sure seat belts are visible in the buses and for passengers to be encouraged to use them. Kristin mentioned that there was a hazmat pick up in January and that the University is required to provide pick up every 180 days. She is completing lab safety inspections in Chemistry. Sheila Jackson reported that the Human Resources department has been completing OSHA compliance surveys requiring information about all injuries. George Sleesman read two incident reports regarding a fall on ice with no injury and a hand injury from a grinding machine. There were no incidents reported over Christmas break, although Security officers found many doors open and lights left on in buildings while making rounds. He has also updated the Safety website. Submitted 2‐4‐11 LAHall Safety Meeting Minutes Feb. 18, 2011 Present: Chairman Kristin Daws, vice chairman Bill Kanzig, Sheila Jackson, Bob Ruble, Lee Ann Hall, Melissa Taylor, George Sleesman, Marc Staley, Brian Smith Kristin Daws opened the meeting with a review of the previous month’s minutes. Old business updates include: 1. Kristen has not received names of possible student members of the Safety Committee. 2. Jeanette Hazelton reported that the drain problem in science complex has been turned over to a contractor for a solution. 3. Jeanette followed up on the Sodexo policy for suspicion of alcohol use by an employee. She stated that Sodexo has a zero tolerance policy and that employees who have been suspected of alcohol use during work hours are sent to the Occupational Health office for testing. 4. Bob Ruble suggested that Sodexo create a work order that would insure that seat belts in the buses are checked and made visible so passengers are more likely to use them. Kristin reported that she attended a health and safety workshop of the 5 Colleges of Ohio Environmental Health and Safety Group. Annual maintenance of fume hoods had been contracted for the science buildings. Bill Kanzig was encouraged to give a list of hoods in Engineering to Marc Staley for follow up. Sheila Jackson encouraged all departments to report worker injuries as soon as possible. Incidents that are reported late are difficult to investigate. Lee Ann Hall reported that the various, and often overlapping, travel policies are being scrutinized and the intention is to condense to one comprehensive policy covering all vehicle travel and safety. Marc Staley stated that employees that are EMT’s are sometimes on emergency runs and then work orders are not being completed in a timely manner. His EMT’s are asked to alternate responding to runs so that both are not gone at the same time. Safety Meeting Minutes March 18, 2011 Present: Vice chairman Bill Kanzig, Lee Ann Hall, George Sleesman, Richard Gainey, Mike Hanes, Jeff Brachok, Brian Smith, Jeanette Hazelton, Luke Sheets, Justin Courtney. Bill Kanzig opened the meeting in Kristin’s absence and reviewed the previous month’s minutes. George Sleesman reported that Security officers have completed bi‐annual building safety checks. Reports have been sent to Physical Plant for work orders as necessary and to Building Directors for their follow up or corrective action. Lee Ann Hall announced that EIIA risk management representative Christine Wolinski will be a guest at the next Safety meeting and will be meeting with various individuals to discuss risk management in their departments. Jeff Brachok inquired about the status of the flood damage and general discussion followed about why flooding is consistently worse in some areas and why certain buildings see repeated damage from high water. Meeting adjourned at 12:15 pm Submitted 3/21/11 LAHall Safety Meeting Minutes April 15, 2011 Present: Chairman Kristin Daws, Lee Ann Hall, Brian Smith, Missie Taylor, Trisha Russell, George Sleesman, Richard Gainey, Jeff Brachok, Christine Wolinski. Minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed. Guest at the meeting was Christine Wolinski, Director of Risk Management at Educational and Institutional Insurance Administrators, the consortium that provides property and casualty insurance for ONU. Melissa Taylor reported that the LEPC (Local Emergency Planning Committee) will have a functional emergency drill May 24 at 6 pm at the Safety Center in Kenton. Brian Smith informed the group that Acock & Assoc. architects are considering storm water relief along with plans for the proposed new student center. He indicated that there is a proposed Lincoln Ave. renovation scheduled for 2013, in conjunction with ONU. First Choice engineers are studying current water line problems and needs. Discussion followed regarding capacity of lines vs. volume of water. Lee Ann Hall reminded everyone to report any known or potential cause for insurance investigation or litigation prior to May 1, the date the current Educators Legal Liability policy renews. Trisha Russell from Human Resources has created a new personal incident form, revised to include information needed by Security and H.R. Security is to fill out the online form and forward electronically for insurance and H.R. purposes. Kristin Daws thanked Brian Smith for updating maps of the science complex for evacuation purposes. She also prompted discussion regarding the cost to dispose of radioactive materials abandoned in the 1970’s. Submitted 5/11/2011 Safety Meeting Minutes May 13, 2011 Present: Chairman Kristin Daws, Lee Ann Hall, Brian Smith, Missie Taylor, Trisha Russell, George Sleesman, Richard Gainey, Jeanette Hazelton, Mike Zembower, Luke Sheets, Bob Ruble. Old Business Minutes from the previous meeting were reviewed. There were no changes. Kristin mentioned as a follow‐up that the left over radioactive materials referenced at the last meeting are stored in the basement area and one lab. Cost for disposal will be taken from the 2011‐12 budget. New Business Missie Taylor read a single employee injury report. This was a worker’s comp claim for a student who injured his eye while working. Proper PPE (personal protective equipment) was worn and the eye was flushed. Kristin Daws reminded all that a chemical waste pick up is scheduled May 25. The message was sent to faculty and staff via email. She also reminded the group that all science departments with laboratories are required by our Hazardous Communication document to submit an annual report to Officer Taylor in Security which includes a summary of annual lab inspections, safety training and a current copy of their chemical inventory. She also stated that the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Safety Plan is currently being updated and will be distributed for signatures. Lee Ann Hall distributed copies of the new General Travel Policies. This is a compilation of other previous policies regarding travel. The new information will be distributed to departments and placed on ONU web pages. The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 pm Submitted May 19, 2011 