The Level-1 Endcap Muon Trigger D. Acosta University of Florida Outline • Requirements • Organization • Design status • Test beam results • Software status • Simulation results Requirements • High efficiency with as low a PT threshold as possible • Single muon trigger rate < few kHz at L=1034 cm-2s-1 – Should have large safety factor • PT resolution ≈ 20% – Require ϕ, η information from 3 muon stations because of the small and non-uniform magnetic bending – Require ϕ precision ~1 mm ( ~0.1 CSC strips ) • Multi-muon capability – ≤ 3 muons per 60° azimuthal sector – Best 4 muons overall sent to Global Level-1 Trigger • Rejection against beam halo muons, cosmics, punch-through • Correct B.X. assignment • Programmable – Trigger algorithms must be tunable D. Acosta, University of Florida TriDAS Review, November 9, 1999 2 Muon Rate dN/dηdt (Hz) Effect of Resolution on L-1 Rate 10 7 10 L = 1034 cm-2s-1 6 Resolution 10 5 10 4 50% 10 3 40% 10 2 30% 10 1 10 10 CSC 2-station resolution -1 -2 20% 10% 0% PYTHIA6 1 10 10 2 PT Threshold (GeV/c) Require PT resolution ~20% so that rate does not plateau D. Acosta, University of Florida TriDAS Review, November 9, 1999 3 Level-1 Trigger Scheme Strip FE cards Strip LCT card LCT CSC Track-Finder Motherboard Port Card Sector Receiver Sector Processor OPTICAL FE SR TMB PC 2µ / chamber 3µ / port card SP LCT FE Wire FE cards 3µ / sector Wire LCT card 36µ In counting house CSC Muon Sorter RPC On chamber On periphery 4µ DT 4µ 4µ Global µ Trigger Global L1 4µ D. Acosta, University of Florida TriDAS Review, November 9, 1999 4 Coverage of CSC Trigger • CSC trigger primitive coverage for η > 0.9 • CSC Track-Finder coverage for η > 1 • DT/CSC overlap from 1 < η < 1.2 covered by CSC Track-Finder • DT/CSC overlap from 0.8 < η < 1 covered by DT Track-Finder Drift Tubes MB/1/4 MB/2/4 ME/1/3 YB/0/3 MB/1/3 MB/0/3 YB/2/2 YB/1/2 YB/0/2 MB/2/2 YB/2/1 MB/1/2 YB/1/1 MB/0/2 YB/0/1 MB/2/1 MB/1/1 MB/0/1 ME/1/2 YE/2 5.975 m 4.905 m 4.020 m 2.950 m 2.864 m 2.700 m HB/1 1.9415 m HE/1 1.711 m HF/1 1.811 m EB/1 EE/1 YE/1 3.800 m CB/0 ME/1/1 ME/2/1 η = 3.0 MB/2/3 7.380 m 7.000 m MB/0/4 YB/1/3 YB/2/3 ME/2/2 ME/3/2 ME/3/1 ME/4/1 YE/3 10.86 m ME/4/2 η = 1.479 η = 2.4 η = 0.5 η = 1.1 η = 1 Cathode Strip Chambers 1.290 m 1.185 m SB/1 0.440 m η = 5.31 0.00 m 0.000 m 2.935 m 3.90 m 4.332 m 5.68 m 6.66 m 6.45 m 7.24 m 8.495 m 9.75 m 10.91 m 10.83 m 10.63 m 14.53 m 14.96 m 14.56 m SE/1 CMS - PARA- 003 - 14/10/97 D. Acosta, University of Florida TriDAS Review, November 9, 1999 5 PP /pg/hr 1998 Trigger Performance Prototype Modules Comparator ASIC Comparator Board Trigger Motherboard Anode LCT Cathode LCT CSC Chamber TriDAS Week at CERN, Nov. 1999 2 Anode LCT Bunch Timing vs vs.. Background Rate Frank Petriello • Nominal max. wire rate 20kHz • Observe eff >99% up to ~140kHz TriDAS Week at CERN, Nov. 1999 3 Cathode LCT Resolution Si telescope tracks 96.0% “High-Pt” tracks: Resolution (half-strips) 3.7% “Low-Pt” tracks: Position (di-strips) 0.25% no Cathode LCT: Position (di-strips) TriDAS Week at CERN, Nov. 1999 Resolution (di-strips) Alon Attal Net CLCT efficiency: 99.75% 4 LCT Efficiencies From 1998 Test Beam • ALCT efficiency: • 98.7+-0.2% for exact match with TDC position • 99.5+-0.1% for +-1 wire match • CLCT efficiency: • 85.4+-0.6% “perfect”: high-Pt pattern and half-strip match • 93.1+-0.5% if add high-Pt patterns +-1 halfstrip. Some of these may have CLCT correct but SCA wrong (noise, delta rays, peds.) • 97.0+-0.3% if add low-Pt patterns with di-strip match • 97.1+-0.3% if add low-Pt patterns +-1 di-strip match • 99.2+-0.2% with addition of “bad matches”, mostly high-Pt patterns with 2 half-strips separation TriDAS Week at CERN, Nov. 1999 5 Total LCT Efficiency • High-momentum (>10 GeV) muons, using 1998 test beam results • Lower limit of total LCT efficiency: • Take no correlations between mismeasurements • 0.970[cathode]*0.995[anode]*0.98[coincidence]*0.99[BX ID]=93.6% • Anticipated improvements: • 0.992[cathode pattern] expected with some tuning • 0.99[coincidence] with addition of LHC phase correction • 0.992[cathode]*0.995[anode]*0.99[coinc]*0.99[BX ID]=96.7% TriDAS Week at CERN, Nov. 1999 6 LHC Conditions • Simulated by Gamma Irradiation Facility photons • Cathode data from CSC DAQ • 6 layers x 80 channels x 16 time samples TriDAS Week at CERN, Nov. 1999 Bryan Smith 9 CLCT99 High-Rate Results 200 (K=5) is highest CSC rate expected Lisa Gorn LCT Layers CLCT time resolution (ns) Missing: 1.8% K=5 5.0% K=2 Time walk (ns) Single layer: Position within 1/2-strip: •Evts with LCT 98% ~flat Within +-1 half-strip Exact half-strip N.B depends on beam chamber accuracy: ~1mm (0.2 half-strip) TriDAS Week at CERN, Nov. 1999 10 Pt-AssignTF-C++ Comparison of PT 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Entries Pt-AssignTF-Fortran 10 4 10 3 10 2 10 1 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 Pt-AssignTF-C++ - Pt-AssignTF-Fortran Difference due to slightly different Track Assembly procedures for multiple trigger primitives in one station D. Acosta, University of Florida TriDAS Review, November 9, 1999 11 L1 CSC Simulation Results • CSC software in ORCA is not fully validated yet – This is being addressed now • C++ Track-Finder is shown to be equivalent to Fortran version • Therefore, use trigger primitives from CMSIM and a standalone Fortran Track-Finder to extract background rates and single muon efficiencies • Limitations: – Does not test system in ORCA – Trigger primitive simulation in CMSIM (and ORCA) has no timing simulation – Rate results will be “conservative” • Florida is producing large MC samples for Muon HLT studies, so switch back on digitization for some samples – Samples generated using same parameters as for HLT: Pythia and CMSIM116 – Use unweighted Pythia Min Bias events, or events weighted by PThard D. Acosta, University of Florida TriDAS Review, November 9, 1999 12 Halo Muon Rejection • Track-Finder logic rejects extrapolations in which two track segments are not within an η road projecting to the interaction point Z • Logic also rejects extrapolations in which two track segments are both parallel to the beam axis • Out of a sample of 9142 halo muons simulated in CMSIM, only 1 passed the Track-Finder cuts D. Acosta, University of Florida TriDAS Review, November 9, 1999 13 Single Muon Efficiency vs. PT & η Eff Single Muon Track Finding Efficiency (OL + EC) 1 0.75 0.5 Pt = 3 GeV/c 0.25 Eff 0 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 ηgen 1 0.75 0.5 Pt = 5 GeV/c 0.25 Eff 0 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 ηgen 1 0.75 0.5 Pt = 50 GeV/c 0.25 0 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 ηgen Track-Finder algorithm efficiency only Excludes chamber and trigger primitive inefficiency D. Acosta, University of Florida TriDAS Review, November 9, 1999 14 Track-Finding Efficiency vs. ϕ Eff 1.05 < η < 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Mod(Φgen,60) (deg) FSU track (Phi Gen) Eff η > 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 Pt = 50 GeV/c 0.4 0.2 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 (Pt 50 GeV η gt 1.2) FSU track (Phi Gen) D. Acosta, University of Florida TriDAS Review, November 9, 1999 300 350 Φgen 15 PT Measurement from 3 Stations ∆Φ23 (deg) Pt=3 GeV Pt=5 GeV Pt=7 GeV Pt=10 GeV 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -2 1.6 < η < 2.0 0 2 4 6 ∆Φ23 vs ∆Φ12 8 10 ∆Φ12 (deg) • Low PT muons are well separated from high PT muons • Parameterize vs. η, ∆ϕ12, ∆ϕ23 D. Acosta, University of Florida TriDAS Review, November 9, 1999 16 1 / PT Distribution 9000 Entries/GeV -1 Pt Assignment (for Pt=3 GeV 1.6 < η < 2.0) mean=0.340851 8000 7000 sigma=0.0596905 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 -1 1/Pt (GeV ) 1/Pt assign Pt=3 GeV Entries/GeV -1 Pt Assignment (for Pt=10 GeV 2.0 < η < 2.4) 45000 mean=0.101545 sigma=0.0325276 40000 35000 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 1/Pt assign Pt=10 GeV D. Acosta, University of Florida TriDAS Review, November 9, 1999 0.25 0.3 -1 1/Pt (GeV ) 17 σ( 1/Ptrec - 1/Ptgen )/( 1/Ptgen ) PT Resolution 0.7 Pt = 5 GeV (2 Stn) (ME1-ME2) 0.6 0.5 ME1/3 MB1 Pt = 5 GeV (3 Stn) (ME1-ME2-ME3) ME1/2 ME1/1 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 ηrec Note: ME1 is required, otherwise resolution is ~70% D. Acosta, University of Florida TriDAS Review, November 9, 1999 18 Single Muon Trigger Acceptance Efficiency 2-Station PT Assignment with 3 or 4 CSC Stations 1 1.2<η<2.4 0.8 0.6 4 CSC Stations 3 CSC Stations Pt cut = 10 GeV/c 0.4 Pt cut = 20 GeV/c Pt cut = 30 GeV/c Pt cut = 40 GeV/c 0.2 Pt cut = 50 GeV/c 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Pt (GeV) D. Acosta, University of Florida TriDAS Review, November 9, 1999 19 Single Muon Trigger Acceptance Efficiency 3-Station PT Assignment with 4 CSC Stations 1 1.2<η<2.4 4 CSC Stations 0.8 0.6 Pt cut = 10 GeV/c 0.4 Pt cut = 20 GeV/c Pt cut = 30 GeV/c 0.2 Pt cut = 40 GeV/c Pt cut = 50 GeV/c 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Pt (GeV) D. Acosta, University of Florida TriDAS Review, November 9, 1999 20 Single Muon Trigger Acceptance Efficiency 3-Station PT Assignment with 3 CSC Stations 1 1.2<η<2.4 0.8 3 CSC Stations 0.6 Pt cut = 10 GeV/c 0.4 Pt cut = 20 GeV/c Pt cut = 30 GeV/c 0.2 Pt cut = 40 GeV/c Pt cut = 50 GeV/c 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Pt (GeV) D. Acosta, University of Florida TriDAS Review, November 9, 1999 21 Min Bias Trigger Study Entries 500K unweighted Pythia Min Bias events with Pthard > 0 put through CMSIM116 and Track-Finder simulation 200 175 150 125 100 75 50 25 Entries/GeV 0 10 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 ηrec 2 10 1 10 -1 0 20 40 60 80 100 Pt assign D. Acosta, University of Florida TriDAS Review, November 9, 1999 120 140 Pt (GeV) 22 L1 CSC Single µ Trigger Rate (per unit rapidity) 760K unweighted Pythia Min Bias events, Pthard = 0, with pile-up, put through the Track-Finder simulation Rate is for 1034 luminosity assuming σ = 55 mb Rate dN/dηdt (kHz) Single µ Rate (Min Bias sample 14 collisions in 1 BX) 10 4 3-Stn Pt 4 CSC Stns 3-Stn Pt 3 CSC Stns 10 3 2-Stn Pt 4 CSC Stns 2-Stn Pt 3 CSC Stns 10 2 |η| > 1.2 10 1 10 10 -1 -2 34 -2 -1 L = 10 cm s 10 -3 1 10 10 2 Ptmin (GeV) Target rate of 1 kHz for single muons is achieved with 3-station sagitta measurement for a threshold of ~15 GeV D. Acosta, University of Florida TriDAS Review, November 9, 1999 23 L1 CSC Single µ Trigger Rate Restricted η Coverage Rate dN/dηdt (kHz) Single µ Rate (Min Bias sample 14 collisions in 1 BX) 10 4 3-Stn Pt 4 CSC Stns 3-Stn Pt 3 CSC Stns 10 3 2-Stn Pt 4 CSC Stns 2-Stn Pt 3 CSC Stns 10 2 1.2 < |η| < 2.1 10 1 10 10 -1 -2 34 -2 -1 L = 10 cm s 10 -3 1 10 10 2 Ptmin (GeV) Significant rate reduction by excluding the high η region Lowers threshold to about ~10 GeV D. Acosta, University of Florida TriDAS Review, November 9, 1999 24 L1 CSC Single µ Trigger Rate No Pile-up 260K Pythia Min Bias events with Pthard > 7 GeV Weighted samples in Pthard provide better statistics at high PT Rate dN/dηdt (kHz) Single µ Rate (Min Bias sample) 10 4 3-Stn Pt 4 CSC Stns 3-Stn Pt 3 CSC Stns 10 3 2-Stn Pt 4 CSC Stns 2-Stn Pt 3 CSC Stns 10 2 |η| > 1.2 10 1 10 10 -1 -2 34 -2 -1 L = 10 cm s 10 -3 1 10 10 2 Ptmin (GeV) Slightly higher rates predicted than Pthard=0 samples D. Acosta, University of Florida TriDAS Review, November 9, 1999 25 L1 CSC Single µ Trigger Rate No Pile-up, Restricted Coverage Rate dN/dηdt (kHz) Single µ Rate (Min Bias sample) 10 4 3-Stn Pt 4 CSC Stns 3-Stn Pt 3 CSC Stns 10 3 2-Stn Pt 4 CSC Stns 2-Stn Pt 3 CSC Stns 10 2 1.2 < |η| < 2.1 10 1 10 10 -1 -2 34 -2 -1 L = 10 cm s 10 -3 1 10 10 2 Ptmin (GeV) 3-station sagitta measurement gives large safety factor. 2-station measurement is acceptable at 1033 luminosity D. Acosta, University of Florida TriDAS Review, November 9, 1999 26 L1 CSC Double µ Trigger Rate (per unit rapidity) 760K unweighted Pythia Min Bias events, Pthard = 0, with pile-up, put through the Track-Finder simulation Rate is for 1034 luminosity assuming σ = 55 mb Rate dN/dηdt (kHz) Di-µ Rate (Min Bias sample 14 collisions in 1 BX) 10 4 3-Stn Pt 4 CSC Stns 3-Stn Pt 3 CSC Stns 10 3 2-Stn Pt 4 CSC Stns 2-Stn Pt 3 CSC Stns 10 2 |η| > 1.2 10 1 10 10 -1 -2 34 -2 -1 L = 10 cm s 10 -3 1 10 10 2 Ptmin (GeV) 3-station measurement significantly reduces rate. No di-µ triggers survive η < 2.1 cut for both muons D. Acosta, University of Florida TriDAS Review, November 9, 1999 27 Conclusions • Current CSC trigger prototypes worked and gave good results at testbeams • Design of future prototypes is going well • Should have full system test through to the TrackFinder by next summer • The CSC trigger shows good background rejection – Surviving candidates are real muons – PT resolution drives the trigger rate • Low luminosity: – Can efficiently trigger with 3 CSC stations using a 2-station PT measurement. Threshold would be acceptable at L=1033 for η< 2.1 • Low luminosity, high η: – Efficient triggering at L=1033 for η> 2.1 requires 4 CSC stations and a 3-station PT measurement – Need ME4/1 – Might be useful for b-physics acceptance • High Luminosity: – Efficient triggering at L=1034 with acceptable thresholds requires 4 CSC stations and a 3-station PT measurement for all η – Need ME4/1 and ME4/2 D. Acosta, University of Florida TriDAS Review, November 9, 1999 28