CSC Sept 2013 minutes

East High School CSC Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 4th, 2013
Social Room
Andy Mendelsberg, principal; Julie Stephens, teacher (CSC co-chair); Aimee Arens, teacher; Michael Hernandez,
teacher; Matthew Fulford, teacher; Joyce Thorn, grandparent; Taniejah Mooty, student; Mario Ortiz, community
person; Harry Forbes, student; Ryan Bronson, student; Robin Glickstein, parent; Brian Weaver, parent; Christine
Miller, Community and Parent Liaison
Absent: Diondre McBride, Sharon McCutcheon
Agenda Topic: Introductions/Welcome; TCAP Data and Median Growth; Unified Improvement Plan
Open Forum: (None this month)
o Topic 1: Welcome and Introductions. Addressing Diversity of CSC. Plan to appoint one parent who reflects
cultural diversity of East. –Julie and Christine
o Topic 2: Principal update—Student enrollment, plans for renovations--Andy
o Topic 3: Celebrations: Proficiency increases in all four areas of TCAP 2012-2013 results, increases in AP enrollment, graduation rate; Opportunities for Growth: Median Growth Percentile--Andy
o Topic 4: Reflection on Common Purpose, plan for staff professional development (ELA and co-curriculars),
and 2013 Focus for Unified Improvement Plan (Culturally Responsive Education, Post Secondary Readiness,
Response to Intervention (RtI) -- Andy
Suggestions for upcoming topics:
RtI; vertical mentor groups; grading policies; AP test preparation; Angels for AP Excellence; SPF; Budget;
post-secondary readiness; team building; increasing school communications; discipline at East; achievement
Important Calendar Items:
Back to School Night, September 10th, 6-8 pm
See East website (new website)
East High’s Statement of Common Purpose: East is committed to creating every “Angel” with a relevant, rigorous,
relationship based learning experience preparing all to become creative, active citizens ready for academic and
career success beyond graduation.
As the first CSC meeting of the new school year, the agenda was focused on the Unified Improvement Plan—and
the three improvement strategies we’ll be using to support the Statement of Common Purpose.
CSC meets every first Wed of the month, 4:00-5:30 in the Social Room, (2ND floor, next to Main
Office): September 4, October 2, November 6, December 4, January 8, February 5, March 5, April
9, May 7, June 4