IAEA Coordinated Research Project on the Establishment of a Material Properties Database for Irradiated Core Structural Components for Continued Safe Operation and Lifetime Extension of Ageing Research Reactors B. van der Schaaf 1, Y. Barnea1, A. Zeman3, A. Borio di Tigliole1, P. Adelfang1, E. Bradley1, A. Shokr2 (1) Research Reactor Section – NEFW (2) Research Reactor Safety Section – NSNI (3) Physics Section – NAPC International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) VIC, PO Box 100, Vienna, Austria Corresponding Author: A.Borio@iaea.org ABSTRACT Today, more than 50% of the operating Research Reactors (RRs) are over 45 years old. Thus, ageing management is one of the most important issues to face in order to ensure availability (including life extension), reliability and safe operation of these facilities for the future. Management of the ageing process requires, amongst others, the predictions for the behavior of structural materials of major components subjected to irradiation such as reactor vessel and core support structures, many of which are difficult to replace. In fact, age-related material degradation mechanisms can result in unplanned outages as well as lengthy shutdowns and the need for additional regulatory activity, which could have been prevented by utilizing available data for the implementation of appropriate maintenance and surveillance programs. The proposed IAEA Coordinated Research Project (CRP) will provide a forum for input and discussion of relevant materials data and operating experience with RRs leading to the establishment of a “Research Reactor Irradiated Structural Components and Materials Properties Database” to be used by RRs Operators and Regulators to help to predict ageing related degradation. In order to collect information on the needs and types of activities considering the prediction of ageing related degradation of core components, a questionnaire was submitted to Member States. The analysis of the preliminary responses of the questionnaire is presented in this work. 1. Introduction Today about 55% of operating Research Reactors (RRs) are over 40 years old and about 75% are over 30 years old [1]. Thus, ageing management is one of the most important issues to face in order to ensure availability (including life extension), reliability and safe operation of these facilities for the future. Ageing management is defined as a comprehensive effort of engineering, operations and maintenance actions to control, within acceptable limits, the ageing effects that could impair the ability of a structure, system or component (SSC) to function within its acceptance criteria (ageing degradation) [2] [3]. Management of the ageing process requires, amongst others, the predictions for the behavior of structural materials of major components subjected to irradiation such as reactor vessel and core support structures, many of which are difficult to replace [4]. In fact, age-related material degradation mechanisms can result in unplanned outages as well as lengthy shutdowns and the need for additional regulatory activity, which could have been prevented by utilizing available data for the implementation of appropriate maintenance and surveillance programs. The proposed IAEA Coordinated Research Project (CRP) will provide a forum for input and discussion of relevant materials data and operating experience with RRs leading to the establishment of a “Research Reactor Irradiated Structural Components and Materials Properties Database” to be used by RRs Operators and Regulators to help to predict ageing related degradation [5]. Moreover, the CRP will specify further activities needed to address the identified data gaps of the Database for potential follow-up activities. In order to collect information on the needs and types of activities considering the prediction of ageing related degradation of core components, a questionnaire was made available to Member States (MS) operating RRs through the IAEA website. The analysis of the preliminary responses of the questionnaire is presented in this work. 2. CRP Specific Research Objectives and Expected Outcome The Specific Research Objectives (SRO) identified for the proposed CRP are the following: 1) to obtain relevant data and operating experience from research reactors, including materials data through comprehensive literature reviews, and evaluate data gaps; 2) to compile an evaluated, reviewed and assessed Database that can be used for sharing relevant information among interested MS, that will establish a rational basis for research reactor material evaluation, and that will provide a structure for future incorporation of new data as they become available; 3) to specify further activities needed to address the identified data gaps of the Database for potential follow-on activities by the IAEA, and to produce an IAEA publication that provides relevant information to users of the Database. The expected Outcome of the CRP should be the transfer of know-how in the area of research reactor data analysis, maintenance, surveillance techniques, safety analysis, operation, enhancing safety and better operational performances of research reactors in the participating organizations. 3. The CRP Questionnaire In order to evaluate the interest in the CRP and to collect preliminary information on the data needs and types of activities considering the prediction of ageing related degradation of core components, the IAEA has made available to Member States (in RRS/NEFW web-page) a questionnaire containing the following five questions: 1) What are the components and materials affected by ageing in your facility? 2) What information is available to you for those materials? 3) What information is not available that you would like to have? 4) What form of Database would be most useful to you? 5) What specific monitoring and surveillance programs are implemented at your facility to address ageing of core components and materials? In order to facilitate and harmonize the responses, a list of the data needed for the evaluation of material capability to perform its safety function and a list of research reactor core components and materials were attached, as appendices, to the questionnaire. The two lists are reported in the following Tab. 1 and Tab.2. TAB.1- Data needed for the evaluation of material capability to perform its safety function Environment: • Definition of fast and thermal neutron energies • Fast to thermal ratio for each test • Fluxes • Irradiation and test temperatures • Coolant chemistry (e.g. for water: pH, conductivity; for NaK: mass ratio; for He: impurities) Sample: • Definition of un-irradiated specimen material (certificated composition and thermal-mechanical treatment, material properties, residual stresses etc.) • Standard used for specimen manufacture Measurements and calculations: • Composition changes (chemical and isotopic) (calculated or measured?) • Displacements per atom (with method of determination) • Formation of loops and dislocation density (m-2) • Voids and bubble density and composition (1H, 3H, He) (% volume or m-2) • Swelling (volume %) • Corrosion rate (dimensional, mass changes) • Changes in resistance to Stress Corrosion Cracking (SSR test, ECP-diagram) • Changes in UTS, yield strength, 2% yield (MPa) • Changes in ductility (uniform and total elongation) (%) • Changes in fracture toughness (MPa.m½ ) • Changes in stress and strain driven fatigue properties (threshold stress; N f with definition) • Changes in fatigue crack growth rate (da/dn) Additional parameters should be provided, as appropriate, for materials with special applications. Some (nonexhaustive) examples follow: • Epoxy resins and glues: initial curing conditions and subsequent bond degradation with neutron and gamma fluence • Fastening and joining aspects: bolting (relaxation, galvanic), welding (heat affected zone, galvanic), compatibility of materials • Graphite: Swelling, accumulation of Wigner energy • Zirconium: Growth, directionality of properties • Concrete: density, compression strength • Cable insulation: Insulation degradation TAB.2 - Listing of typical research reactor core components and structures and the most common materials used. Components that are generally fixed and difficult to replace are indicated by (1) and those that are more readily replaced are indicated by (2). The ease of replacement of components is determined by the research reactor design and the indications given may not be accurate for all designs. Components Materials Components Pressure(Tank) vessel + connecting pipes Pressurized vessel (1) Low pressure tank (1) Low alloy steel Aluminium alloys Stainless steel Aluminium alloys Stainless steel Zirconium Materials Reflector Devices/Systems Heavy Water tank & accessories (1) Aluminium alloys Zirconium Metallic sealing rings Beryllium (1/2) Beryllium Aluminium-Be alloy Graphite (2) Graphite Connecting pipes (1/2) Aluminium alloys Stainless steel Beam ports/nozzles (1) Aluminium alloys Low alloy steels Zirconium Poolside irradiation facility (1) Aluminium alloys Stainless steel Cold source Zirconium Aluminium alloys Liners (Pool type RR) (1) Aluminium alloys Stainless steels Epoxy resins Ceramic tiles Thermal column Zirconium Aluminium alloys Neutron guide tubes Aluminium alloys Stainless steels Core support structure components Core support grid (1/2) Other structural and internal support structures Core box/vessel (1/2) Aluminium alloys Stainless steels Low alloy steels Aluminium alloys Stainless steels Low alloy steels Aluminium alloys Stainless steels Low alloy steels Guide Tubes (2) for: Control devices Fuel elements Experimental facilities Isotope production Aluminium alloys Stainless steels Inconel Zirconium Aluminium alloys Zirconium Aluminium alloys Stainless steels Inconel Zirconium Aluminium alloys Stainless steels Zirconium Beam related devices, highly irradiated portion (2) Shielding structures Concrete (1/2) High density concrete Structural concrete Lead (2) Lead types Tungsten (2) Tungsten alloys Other Cables Organic insulation 4. Analysis of the Responses to the CRP Questionnaire At the time of this work, 14 Member States have provided answers in 18 filled out questionnaires. The analysis of the responses is presented below [6]. 4.1 Components and Materials Affected by Ageing The contributing MS have indicated the highest priority (i.e. named by more than half of the respondents) to the following components: • Core basket and grid (plate support) structure • Reactor vessel (tank) • Irradiation facilities The intermediate categories, mentioned by 6 to 8 respondents, are: • Control rod absorbers, followers, guide tubes safety • Reflector (elements) • Pool cooling piping and support Other subjects that were mentioned from 1 to 3 times are: • Beam ports/nozzles • Cooling piping and support • Pool liners • Shields thermal (carbon steel) Some of them are not satisfying the definition Irradiated Core Structural Components exactly. The remaining items are worthwhile considering, but their priority is limited in comparison with the items in the high and intermediate section of subjects. The answers on materials show that the highest on the list (i.e. named by more than half of the respondents) are: • Stainless steel (AISI 304L, 316, 316L, 347) • Aluminum AISI 6061 (T6), alloys, high purity Beryllium is indicated 5 times, while Concrete and Graphite are brought up 3 times each and take a lower position in the materials responses. The remaining materials are: Carbon steel (twice) and Boron carbide, Coating, unspecified (once). The two materials with the higher response: aluminium alloys and stainless steel are not really materials, but two classes of alloys: one on the basis of aluminium and one on the basis of iron, chromium and nickel. Because of their composition differences, though within the limits given for a particular alloy, they cover quite a wide range of materials and consequently properties. 4.2 Available Information on Materials The responses on available materials information allow categorizing the answers into five information domains: • Materials properties • Neutron transport analysis and measurements • Operational information • Visual records and geometrical data • Documentation The details in these domains show that some information is rather specific for the particular research reactor. For example the videos of core components in the Visual records domain and the manuals and historical manufacturing data indicated in the Documentation domain have a highly reactor specific character that is not easy to translate for other RRs. The information domains on Materials properties and Neutron transport analysis and measurements have highly useful elements for wider application, but to be sure more details of the content and presentation of the available information is necessary. More details needed are: the temperature domain and the accumulated radiation dose/neutron fluence the materials were exposed to. In addition it is useful to know the measurement and the analysis technique for the determination of the radiation doses. The other data might have significance for others, but the information needs transformation for the specific condition for the user. Some of the detailed information might be useful for application elsewhere, but the three latter information domains do not lend themselves easily for use in other research reactors. In general the information is not ready for direct use for others. Though the three latter information domains do not include data generally applicable, the methodologies used have certainly value for others. It might be useful to investigate the value of these methods for others than the owner of the research reactor. This activity is not the primary goal of the identification of inputs and urgent needs, but it might be useful to investigate the value of the indicated methods for other research reactor owners. 4.3 Lacking Information that is needed More than half of the respondents’ reactions on lacking information have to do with radiation effects data. The MS identified seven detail areas related to the effect of neutron radiation on mechanical properties. With the exception of Hafnium absorbers all identified materials are included in the listing of typical research reactor core components and structures (see Tab.2). The detail areas identified are within the scope of the data base. In addition five detailed areas are related to the domain of Radiation effects on corrosion. Also in this case the identified items are in the scope of data needed for evaluation of material capability to perform its safety function. The MS identified the need for reference corrosion data in part parallel to the areas for the radiation effects, expressed in three sub-domains. Since corrosion properties have been extensively treated in recent IAEA publications (as ex. [7] [8] [9]), they are beyond the scope of the present CRP, and will not be followed up in this CRP. The Dimensional stability domain comprises three elements. Two have to do with the geometry of the core structures. The remaining one indicates the need for verification of the design details in–situ, which goes further than dimensional checks: material composition verification is also recommended. The domain of Optical examination holds the item for the video recording of core structures allowing the logging of eventual changes in the surface appearance and shape of the structures. Dimensional stability and Optical examination results are strongly tied to the design of the research reactor. The intended data base can thus not address this need. Two of the items in the miscellaneous domain contain two items that are highly linked to the availability of data on a particular reactor such as availability of spare parts and manufacturing characterization data. The third item on leaking liners data is not defined in terms of materials properties or processes. Their inclusion within the scope of the intended Database is useful starting with descriptions of existing cases of liner leakage, followed by analyses revealing the basic mechanisms for leakage providing guidance for RR Operators to prevent, and or mitigate their occurrence. The list of needed details provided by the MS does not include surprise materials or processes. Aluminium alloys, stainless steel 316, and Zircaloy-4 are prominently mentioned as could be expected. The properties needed, mechanical as well as growth are in line with the expected data needed. The identification underlines the need for data for determining the safe life of core structures. The MS made clear that they need mechanical data on neutron irradiation effects to support the analyses of the core structures. 4.4 Preferences for Database Form Twelve Member States indicated at least MS Excel, seven mentioned at least MS Access, and SQL was mentioned three times. The preference of the Member States for MS Excel as Database form is evident. The RR Operators have wide experience with the use of Excel sheets with its simple handling and short training time for the user. MS Access needs more knowledge and experience to handle properly. SQL requires professional levels of knowledge and experience to use it effectively, which raises barriers for immediate deployment for most of the RR Operators. In return SQL offers more safeguards for the integrity of the Databases. 4.5 Implemented Monitoring and Surveillance Programs The contributing MS identified the Visual Inspection domain as the largest category out of the major five (13 responses). This domain is not within the Database scope. The importance and significance of visual inspection is nevertheless high. Exchange of methodologies, standardization and benchmark problems definition in any case will be highly valuable for research reactor safety, but since it is out of scope of the Database it needs to be treated elsewhere (an IAEA NE Series Report on “RR Primary System Inspection Technologies and Techniques” is planned). The domain Measurements (with 8 responses) includes three answers referring to measurement of radiation embrittlement of structural alloys. Another three answers concern water chemistry measurements, which are out of the scope of this CRP. The remaining two answers address measurements of safety rod dropping, and NDT inspection. The measurements domain has thus a rather wide range, where only the three measurements of radiation embrittlement fall within the scope of the data base collection and building. The Dimension measurements have been gathered in a dedicated domain resulting in eight items. These are of high importance for the support of safe research reactor operation, but with exception of the swelling measurement of control rod materials not useful for the Database. Blistering data might be added to the Database, if their measurement results allow quantitative inclusion in the data base. The domains Neutron transport and Data collection & analyses hold respectively three and two reactions of MS. These are not contributing directly to the data base, though the final item on “Development of appropriate ageing indicators for each group of components to detect and predict its degradation” is valuable for the application of the data base. The Monitoring and surveillance department of the questionnaire provides thus elements in principle valuable for the data base in the domains of : • • • Measurement of radiation embrittlement of structural alloys Swelling measurement of control rod materials Development of appropriate ageing indicators. 5. Conclusions The population of research reactors was covered in a satisfying power range above 1 MW. The number of received questionnaires, 18 from 14 MS, does not allow quantitative reliable statistics. Though not all the responses of the MS are strictly within the scope of the questionnaire, the results are highly valuable for the identification of items relevant for the establishment of a material properties Database for irradiated core structural components for continued safe operation and lifetime extension of ageing RR’s. The respondents considered the core basket and grid (plate support) structure, reactor vessel and some irradiation facilities as the most important components affected by ageing. Control rod related structures, reflectors and pool related structures were mentioned less frequently. As the major materials affected by ageing were identified stainless steel and aluminum alloys, followed by Beryllium, carbon steel, Zircaloy and boron carbide. The information on materials properties and neutron transport analysis and measurements have highly useful elements for wider application into the Database. Regarding the other domains the respondents indicate that they are too specific for inclusion into the Database. The most important lacking information that the respondents indicate as needed, concerns irradiation effects on mechanical properties. The identified materials and components are in the listing of typical research reactor core components and structures. For what concern the Database form, the respondents’ majority shows a preference for MS Excel environment. The monitoring and surveillance programmes implemented by the respondents are focused on visual inspections and measurements. Many of those are highly specific, and the resulting data are only usable for other RR Operators after transformation of the information into quantities lending themselves to inclusion in the Database. The measurement results of radiation embrittlement of structural alloys, swelling measurement of control rod materials, and development of appropriate ageing indicators are items that might be included in the data base useful for a much wider community. 6. References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] IAEA NUCLEUS - Research Reactor Data Base IAEA Safety Glossary, ed. 2007 SSG-10 “Ageing management for research reactors” IAEA, 2010. “Research reactor application for materials under high neutron fluence”, IAEA TECDOC-1659, 2011. Y. Barnea, A. Zeman, E. Bradley Jr., P. Adelfang, “IAEA Recent Activities to Create a Database on Assessment, Monitoring and Surveillance of Research Reactors’ Core Structural Materials Ageing” Proceedings of the SMiRT 21 (Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology), 6-11 November, 2011, New Delhi, India. [6] [7] [8] [9] Bob van der Schaaf , “Analysis of the questionnaires for potential CRP participants Identification of inputs and urgent needs - Status Report”, private communication, August 2012. “Corrosion of Research Reactor Aluminium Clad Spent Fuel in Water”, IAEA TECDOC-1637, 2010. “Data Processing Technologies and Diagnostics for Water Chemistry and Corrosion Control in Nuclear Power Plants (DAWAC)”, IAEA TECDOC-1505, 2006. “Development of protocols for corrosion and deposits evaluation in pipes by radiography”, IAEA-TECDOC-1445, 2005.