Department of Chemical Engineering

Technion, Israel Institute of Technology
Department of Chemical Engineering
Advanced Chemical Reaction Engineering
Fall 2013
Moshe Sheintuch (cermsll@tx)
I. Reaction networks, Kinetics
a. Thermal effects , multiplicity and bifurcations.
b. Chemical clocks.
II. Diffusion and Reaction
a. Diffusion in Porous Media
b. The general equations of diffusion and reaction.
c. Simple cases--single reaction, non-monotonic kinetics, two parallel
or consecutive reactions, a system of linear reactions.
d. Poisoning and deactivation.
e. Gas-liquid reactions.
f. Reactions catalyzed by immobilized cells and enzymes.
III. Reactor Design
a. Catalytic Reactors
b. Gas-Liquid Contactors
c. Fast reactions and mixing in a mixed Reactor
IV. Fronts and Patterns
References: Handouts.
Froment and Bischoff, Chemical Reactor analysis and Design, John Wiley &
Sons, 1979 (1st edition) or 1990 (2nd edition) or 2011 (3rd edition with De
- a popular textbook for advanced reactor design, will be used mainly for
sections II(a,e,f) and III(a,b).
Doraiswamy and Sharma, Heterogeneous Reactions: Analysis, Examples and
Reactor Design, John Wiley &Sons, 1984.
-another popular textbook, thorough review of the literature, many examples.
H.S. Fogler, Elements of chemical reaction engineering, 2nd, 3rd or 4th edition,
Prentice-Hall international, 1992.
-Popular undergraduate textbook, will be used mainly for introduction.
Rawlings JB and JG Ekerdt, Chemical Reactor analysis and design
fundamentals, Nob Hill 2002 (Madison WI).
-Basically an undergrad text, good treatment of CSTR multiplicity,
oscillations and effectiveness factor.