Assessment 1 Due Date: 19 March 2013

Assessment 1
Due Date: 19 March 2013
This assignment covers important aspects covered in the first part of this study guide. You are
required to answer all questions as comprehensively as possible. All research to be cited with
Question 1
What is the marketing concept?
Question 2
List the five conditions that must prevail for any kind of exchange to take place
Question 3
Identify the universal functions of marketing.
Question 4
Distinguish between strategic planning and tactical planning
Question 5
What are four quadrants in the BCG matrix?
Question 6
Describe the environmental characteristics that influence strategic decisions. (6)
Question 7
Explain business-to-consumer (B2C) e-marketing
Question 8
Define consumer behaviour, and describe the role it plays in marketing decisions.
Question 9
What are the human needs categorized by Abraham Maslow?
Question 11
What are the prerequisites for market segmentation to take place?
Question 12
List and explain the four levels of market segmentation with the aid of a diagram
Question 13
Discuss the IMC Process
Individual Assessment 2
Due Date: 15 April 2013
Read the case on pages 114 - 116 of your prescribed text and answer the
following questions:
1. Which variables did Capitec bank use to segment the South African market?
2. Describe the profile of Capitec’s target consumer.
3. How has Capitec positioned itself relative to traditional banking institutions?
Individual Assessment Rubric
Segmentation variables
Profile of the target consumer
Students mark
Due Date
26 April 2013
Question 1.
You are part of a study group at Unizul and you want to explain what advertising is to a
fellow student. Use the six elements included in the definition of advertising to explain
this concept to him/her. (15)
Question 2
2.1 What is reminder advertising?
2.2 What is comparative advertising?
2.3 What are an advertisement’s three main goals?
2.4 What types of products are banned from advertising on television
2.5 What are some of the advantages radio offers to advertisers?
2.6 What are some of the advantages newspapers offers to advertisers?
You have been assigned to design an advertisement for print for :
3.1 the Department of Communication Science at the University of Zululand and
A product of your choice.
You are required to provide a logo/ tag line for the above as well as a A4 production of
the actual advertisement. Your advert must contain a sales message. Use the four step
idea generating process and explain each of the steps within the context of the above
mentioned ( 3.1; 3.2). Your advertisement must be original. (25)