CIS042 Spreadsheet Applications Lec 21134 /Lab 21135 Spring 2014 College of Alameda 4 units TTh 9 – 11:45 AM A232 Instructor: M. T. Uy Email: Office Phone: 748-2389 Office Location: D225 Office Hours: MW 12:15– 1:00 PM, TTh 12:00 – 1:00 PM, and by Appointment Textbook: Freund, Jones, Starks, book ISBN: 9781285168449 Microsoft Excel 2013 Complete, 2014. Course Descriptions: Introduction to principles of electronic spreadsheet using features available with currently popular spreadsheet software. Student Learning Outcome: Shown at the bottom and the next page. Week/Date Assigned Readings and Homework and Exams 01: 01/21 02: 01/28 03: 02/04 04: 02/11 05: 02/18 06: 02/25 07: 03/04 08: 03/11 Orientation and Chapter 1 Creating a Worksheet and a Chart Lab due 2/06 Chapter 1 Continued Chapter 2 Formulas, Functions, and Formatting Lab due 2/18 Chapter 2 Continued Chapter 3 Working With Large SpreadSheets, Charting, and What-If Analysis Lab due 3/04 Chapter 3 Continued Chapter 4 Financial Functions, Data Tables, & Amortization Schedules Lab due 03/18 Chapter 4 Continued 09: 03/18 SR: 03/25 10: 04/01 11: 04/08 12: 04/15 13: 04/22 14: 04/29 15: 05/06 16: 05/13 17: 05/20 1-Hour Mid Term Exam on Chapters 1 to 4 On Thursday Chapter 5 Working With Multiple Spreadsheets and Workbooks due 04/08 Chapter 5 Conitinued Chap 6 Creating, Sorting, and Querying a Table Lab due 04/29 Spring Recess from 4/14/2014 to 4/19/2014 Chap 6 Continued Chap 7 Creating Templates, Importing Data, Working with Smart Art, Etc. Lab due 05/15 Chap Chapter 7 Continued Chapter 7 Continued 9:00 AM – 10 AM Tuesday 1-hour Final Exam on Chapters 1 through 7 Grading Policy (No make-up exams and no incomplete grades will be allowed) Categories Distribution HW & Projects Mid-Term 70 points 15 points Brackets 90 to 90+ Letter Grades ***A*** 80 to <90 ***B*** Student Learning Outcomes: Final Exam 15 points Total 100 points 70 to <80 ***C*** 60 to <70 ***D*** 0 to <60 ***F*** CIS 42 – Spreadsheet Applications Student Learning Outcomes 1. Worksheet & Chart Demonstrate the ability to effectively use an industry-standard spreadsheet software such as Excel® to create, edit and modify spreadsheets with formulas & charts using a range of features 2. Basic Functions and Formatting Demonstrate the ability to effectively use basic functions such as Sum, Average, Max, and Min and use basic format features such as themes, colors, row, heights, dates, numbers, accounting, currency, percent, custom formats and conditional formatting, etc. 3. Advanced Features & What-If Analysis Demonstrate the ability to effectively use advanced features such as rotating text, using fill handle to create a series, copying cell ranges to nonadjacent destination area, absolute and relative cell references; use advanced chart features such as embedded sparkline and clustered column charts; use =IF() function and use goal seeking for what-if analysis 4. Financial Functions Demonstrate the ability to effectively use =PMT() and other financial functions in creating amortization payment schedule of principals and interests on a loan, protecting cells and sheets, hiding sheets and workbooks, enabling background formula checking. 5. Multiple Worksheets Demonstrate the ability to effectively create and format consolidated worksheets, copy and paste cell references, create and move charts, explode and rotate 3-D pie charts, use =Round() function, search and open workbooks, consolidate data by linking workbooks. 6. Database Demonstrate the ability to effectively create a table, add calculated fields, use advanced functions like =VLOOKUP(), =DAVERAGE(), =DCOUNT(), =SUMIF(), =COUNTIF(), =MATCH(), and =INDEX() functions; create a conditional formatting rule with icon set, sort records, query a table using AutoFilter, summarize data, review with outline view. 7. Templates, Import Data, Screen Shots Demonstrate the ability to effectively create a worksheet template with embedded formats, formulas, and functions; import data from a text file, from access table, from a webpage, and from Word file by converting text to column; and import screen shot of entire webpage for offline viewing with option of adding hypertext link for online view. C042j4S