Advanced Computer Applications

Spring 2011 Course Syllabus
Teacher: Mr. Christianson
Location: Room 12
Period: 2nd
Prep Period: 3rd and 6th (Room 217)
Course Overview
Advanced Computer Applications is designed as a follow-up course to Computer Applications.
This course builds on the students’ knowledge of word processing and spreadsheets. Students will
be introduced to Access, an information systems software program. Students will learn many
types of current software. Students will develop projects that combine software applications. (1/2
The grading scale will be as follows:
92-100 A
83-91 B
74-82 C
65-73 D
Below 65 F
Semester Cumulative Grade = 80% Final Exam = 20%
You will be evaluated on the following criteria:
Tests – Students will periodically be given announced tests throughout the
semester. Tests will be composed of questions and hands-on application.
Quizzes – Students will be given announced quizzes throughout the semester.
These quizzes could be written or hands-on application.
Projects – Students will be given both individual and group projects throughout
the semester.
Final Exam - Students will be required to take a final exam covering all of the
topics discussed throughout the semester.
** All work is due on the date given in class. Any late work will be handled in the
following way:
 1 day late will be 50% off the score you receive
 2 or more days late will be a zero unless arrangements have been made in
**It is important that students attend class regularly. This class will be evaluated by
work completed in the classroom. There are no take-home textbooks or software for this
class. We will be using Microsoft Office software in the classroom. Students who do not
regularly attend class will not earn a high grade in this course.
Students are expected to come to class prepared to participate and learn. Each student is
expected to bring the following items each day to class:
 Pen/Pencil & Paper
 Folder/binder
Computer Policy
 You will be expected to follow the Internet agreement that you have already
 Students will not open any program or use the computer for any reason unless
authorized by the teacher.
 Students will not vandalize any of the equipment in the computer lab.
 Students are not to change the desktop wallpaper, download, or tamper with any
of the hardware in the computer lab.
 You are not to print anything unless given permission by the teacher.
Make-Up Work
Excused Absence – Upon returning to class, students will have the same number
of days as they were absent to turn in assignments upon their return.
Unexcused Absence – Students absent from school without a valid excuse for any
part of the day will be expected to turn in assignments upon their return. Work
assigned the day of the absence will be due the day after the student returns to
Long-term absence – See me ASAP if you know you are going to be gone from
school for an extended amount of time to come up with a plan.
** You are expected to ask me what you have missed upon your return to school from an
absence. Remember, it will be very hard to make-up missed work in this class. It is
imperative that you attend class.
Classroom Rules
o Do not talk while the teacher or another student is speaking.
o Raise your hand before talking.
Be in your seat and ready to start class when the bell rings.
Be on time. See student handbook for tardy consequences.
Pick up after yourself. Do not leave any trash in the room.
Absolutely no food or drink in the classroom.
Most importantly!! TRY YOUR BEST!!
Course Outline
**This is a tentative schedule and may be changed at my discretion. We may cover more or
less than what is listed below.
Unit 1 – Advanced Microsoft Word
Lesson 9 – Sorting & Calculating
Lesson 10 – Customizing Tables and Creating Charts
Lesson 11 – Merging Form Documents, Directories, Mailing Labels, and Envelopes
Lesson 12 – Formatting Columns and Sections
Lesson 13 – Formatting Graphics and Text Boxes
Lesson 14 – Working with Long Documents
Lesson 15 – Editing in Workgroups
Lesson 16 – Creating Forms and Working with Web Documents
Lesson 17 – Customizing Features
Lesson 18 – Creating Indexes and Tables of Contents, Figures, and Authorities
Unit 2 – Advanced Microsoft Excel
Lesson 9 – Applying Advanced Formats to Worksheets and Charts
Lesson 10 – Printing Workbooks
Lesson 11 – Using Lists
Lesson 12 – Filtering and Extracting Data
Lesson 13 – Working with Analysis Tools and Pivot Tables
Lesson 14 – Creating Macros and Menus
Lesson 15 – Importing and Exporting
Lesson 16 – Using Templates and Protection
Lesson 17 – Working with Multiple Worksheets and Workbooks
Lesson 18 – Working With Shared Workbooks
Lesson 19 – Using Outlines, Subtotals, and Grouping
Lesson 20 – Using Advanced Excel Tools
Unit 3 – Advanced Microsoft Power Point
Lesson 5 – Using Advanced Text Features
Lesson 6 – Creating Tables and Charts
Lesson 7 – Working with Visual and Sound Objects
Lesson 8 – Customizing Options
Lesson 9 – Importing and Exporting Information
Lesson 10 – Using Advanced Presentation Features
At the completion of this course the student should be able to:
1. List the advantages of using word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation
2. Describe how words processing software is used for document construction
3. Define and state the purpose of using presentations, word processing, and
4. Describe how to construct and format a generic spreadsheet
5. Create and manipulate a table in a word processing program
6. Save and copy files to multiple directories
7. Delete and move files and directories
8. Create and manipulate subdirectories
9. Use word processing software to create business letters, memos, and reports
10. Use spreadsheet software to create cumulative tables
11. Create charts from spreadsheet software
12. Develop presentations with text, graphics, animation, and sound
13. Create mail merge using word processing software
14. Move, resize, and embed graphics objects in word processing, worksheet, and
presentation software
15. Develop mathematical formulas and create statistical summaries using word
processing and spreadsheet software
16. Move from word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software to the WWW
17. Send documents electronically
18. Create documents using templates and wizards
19. Integrate word processing and spreadsheet software
20. Integrate word processing and presentation software
21. Integrate spreadsheet and presentation software
22. Explain situations where the word processors, worksheets, and presentations can
be used and why
23. Use the internet as a search engine to answer a series of questions
24. Check documents for spelling and grammar errors
25. Verbally explain and listen to procedures