Fall 2009 IM Officials Round-Up

Wednesday March 13th
Scott George–Assistant Director, Intramurals
◦ georg2sw@cmich.edu
Amanda Alpert – Graduate Assistant
◦ alper1al@cmich.edu
Kevin Royce – Program Coordinator
◦ imsports@cmich.edu
Intramural Supervisors
Program Desk Staff
Intramural Officials
Preseason Games – Thursday, January 17
◦ 8 pm:
 MAC 2: Men’s – Pi Kappa Phi v. The Key Stones
◦ 9 pm:
 MAC 1: Men’s – The Sledgehammers v. Those Guys
 MAC 2: Men’s – Love Sosa v. Davoin-Shower Handel
◦ 10 pm:
 MAC 1:
 MAC 2: Men’s – Larzy Lightning v.
www.urec.cmich.edu click on Programs, IM Sports
Team Schedules & League Standings
◦ Play begins Sunday – MAC 1 & 2
 Team schedules posted tomorrow
 Programs- IM Sports- Directory- Schedules & Standings
 www.imleagues.com/cmich
Team Rosters
◦ Players must be on online roster to play – iPads at courts for immediate
Sport Rules
IM Handbook
Captain’s Meeting
Sporting Behavior Policies- playoff minimum - 3.0
Games start this Sunday 3/17
◦ This is St. Patrick’s Day
◦ Default by Friday at 6 pm – CALL 989-774-3200 or email
imsports@cmich.edu. If the call or email is not made by Friday at 6 pm, it
will be a forfeit.
◦ Absolutely no one under the influence to play or watch
No games on Sunday 3/31 – Easter
◦ Two games on Sunday 4/7
 10 am – midnight
Monday and Wednesday Night (9pm and 10 pm leagues)
◦ Games on MAC 1 will begin at 9:15 and 10:15 pm due to Zumba classes
Fraternity League – 9 teams – due to the overflow, rather than
having a BYE week for 4 teams, one team will get a Sunday at
4 pm game each week
Let me see the following teams at the end of the meeting:
◦ Current CMU students & Faculty/Staff
 No alums, mid-students, etc…
◦ NO ID, NO PLAY! (All sports, all games)
◦ Can play for one single gender and one CoRec
◦ Can only have 2 Club hockey (roller or ice)
members per team
◦ ANY Varsity hockey player is to have sat out one
year – limit 1 per team
◦ Teams who forfeit will NOT be eligible for
◦ Teams who forfeit 2x will be removed from
◦ Forfeit time is 5mins after game time, unless
nobody present
◦ If forfeit time arrives and one team does not
have enough players, the prepared team will have
two choices:
 Take the win by forfeit
 Give opposing team 5 more mins
◦ Teams unable to attend game may default by contacting Program
Desk (x3200) –
24hrs in advance of scheduled game (Sunday games by Friday 6p)
◦ Default will result in a loss, but no effect on playoff eligibility
◦ Alternative to forfeiting, which hurts the program
For Love of the Game
◦ Can pick up an eligible player who is not on your roster (not from
the opponent)
◦ Default loss, avoids forfeit, still get to participate
◦ Non-marking athletic shoes are required
◦ Jewelry – no jewelry
◦ ALL PLAYERS – required to wear commercially-made eye
guard and mouth guard OR helmet with face shield
 Eye glasses are not considered protective equipment
 Eye wear must be on in bench area
 Mouth guards available for sale at the service desk
◦ Teams must wear similar colored shirts with permanently
affixed numbers – no taped numbers
◦ Hockey gloves and helmets are allowed. Shin guards are
allowed, but must be covered by a layer of clothing
All sticks must meet IM requirements, and
will be checked before each game:
Maximum length of 48 inches.
Wood, plastic, or composite shafts only.
Flexible blades, with no tape on the blade, must be used.
The only acceptable coverings for sticks are tape, paint, or design
stickers provided by the stick’s manufacturer.
 Provided: Goal stick, leg pads, baseball glove, mask
 If you bring your own: Leg pads no bigger than 32”
 Blockers are not allowed, but a glove to cover stick hand is legal
Sporting Behavior
◦ The rating scale is as follows:
 4.5 – Excellent
 4.0 - Expected
 3.5- Good Sporting Behavior
 3- Few problems with team, some verbal dissention
 2- Consistently disrespectful toward officials or opponents
 1- Team receives multiples warnings, shows little or not control in regard for
sporting behavior
 0- Uncooperative and uncontrollable and abusive (language, fighting and
protesting) – Automatic disqualification
◦ If a team receives a rating below a 3, staff has to document why.
◦ Two 1’s is a disqualification
Check IM Leagues for rating the next day.
Spectator Policy
◦ Teams are responsible for and can be penalized for spectators in
bench area
No Alcohol or Tobacco
Recycle and help clean up! No bags of ice/ice packs on the
bench/staging area
Disciplinary Action
◦ Importance of positive sporting behavior
◦ Ejected players will be suspended until further notice from IM
Governing Board
◦ All issues reviewed/sanctioned by IM Governing Board
 Always option to appear before the board
Rules interpretation protests- must be
addressed by the Intramural Supervisor at the
time the interpretation occurs and prior to
play resuming.
Protest forms available
Players must be on roster in order to play in
the game.
IM Leagues verifies that the student is both
eligible to play and is not already on another
◦ Teams with a 2-2+ (.500) record and 3.0+ Sportsmanship
rating accepted; specific playoff- records clarified in
handbook for special circumstances
◦ Check your record online and report errors immediately
◦ Single Elimination Tournament
◦ Teams will be seeded via Record, Sport., Points Allowed
◦ **MUST attend Playoff Meeting**
 Friday 4/12 - 6pm, NIRSA Room
Injuries and Risk
◦ CMU/URec not responsible for injuries
◦ IMS & ICC staff can deny a person from
participating in IM’s
◦ Injury Care Center will be open during
competition times:
 Sunday-Thursday
Hope to have online ASAP (once teams are in
IM Leagues)
Teams will play at times that signed up for
unless otherwise notified.
Unsure of time, stay after
Need to be in IM Leagues, have questions
stay after
Team captains are responsible to read all rules and
inform team members
Teams should arrive 15 minutes before game time
Teams consist of 5 players
◦ 2 women & 2 men for CoRec
◦ Goalie can be either gender
◦ Minimum of 3 players to start game
 CoRec must have at least one of each gender
Timing Regulations:
◦ 3 twelve minute periods (Running Clock)
◦ Clock stops on whistle in the last 2 mins of 3rd period
◦ Games will end in a tie during regular season
◦ 3-minute break in between periods
◦ One timeout per period
No overtime in regular season
Overtime in playoffs is a 5-minute sudden death
If still tied, there will be a three-player shootout – only
players on floor at end of overtime period are eligible
for shootout
Both genders must be represented in the shootout for
 High sticking is the most common penalty. To avoid
this penalty keep your stick below your waist at all
times. If at anytime it goes above your waist, even the
blade, an official can call high sticking.
 A handball occurs when a player intentionally tries to
advance the ball using his/her hand – an official will
call a face off at the nearest spot if a handball is
called. A player may stop the ball and put it down to
rest, but must do so in a fluid motion
 A goal can ONLY be scored by a stick, UNLESS the
puck goes off a player’s body unintentionally. If it is
not unintentional the goal will be waived off. This
includes kicking the ball into the goal.
 Goalie has the right to the crease – contacting the goalie in the
crease will result in interference penalty
 Only defensive players can go into crease, but CANNOT carry
ball into crease to be frozen – 2 min. Delay of Game
 If an offensive player or his stick is in the crease during the
process of a shot the play will be blown dead – follow through
cannot contact goalie (interference penalty)
 Goalies can come out and play the puck, but if they freeze the
puck outside of the crease it is a 2 minute delay of game
 Goalies may come out of the crease and bring the ball into the
crease to freeze the ball
 Once the ball comes into the crease, it must be played within 3
seconds – this does not matter if the goalies touches the ball, it
must be played within 3 seconds
 Goalies may only play to corners with their hands
2 Minutes
Extremely severe penalties will
result in an EJECTION.
5 Minutes – must serve full
minutes even if goals are
Severe 2 minute penalties
Consistent rule infringement
Dissent of calls
Unsportsmanlike behavior
Delay of game *Includes intentionally
going to the ground
◦ High-sticking
◦ Illegal sub or equipment
If play becomes potentially dangerous along the walls, the official will stop play, move the
ball away from the wall and restart the game with a face-off.
 Legal:
1. Players may only use their hands on the wall to slow their momentum.
2. Players may use the wall to direct a pass or shot.
 Illegal:
1. A player may not use two hands on the walls to gain advantage
(aside from standing up); interference (2 min. penalty) will be called.
2. A player may not use the wall to hold the puck for an extended period of
time; delay
of game (2 min. penalty) will be called.
3. If a player has to use two hands on the wall because he/she is forced
to by the defender; charging (2 min penalty) will be called
4. A dangerous charge along the wall (boarding) will result in an
automatic major penalty; (5 min. penalty)
5. A violent charge along the wall will result in an ejection (10 min. game
NO games Sunday 3/31 (EASTER SUNDAY), Double up on
4/7 – All Sunday teams will have two games, with games
beginning at 10 am.
On Mondays and Wednesdays there is a Zumba class that
runs until 9 pm. In order to avoid congestion, for the 9 pm
and 10 pm leagues at those times if you are scheduled on
MAC 1, your actual game time will be 9:15 pm and 10:15
pm. The schedule will be posted correctly on IM Leagues.
Current Registrations Open:
◦ Singles Tennis
◦ NCAA Bracketology
Opening on 3/25
◦ 4v4 Flag Football
◦ CMU Combine
Opening on 4/1
◦ Smitty All-Star Softball Tournament