PowerPoint: A Word Processor that can Teach?

QCC: Tec(h)no-Wednesdays
Issues in Managing Text in LOTEs,
& an Introduction to PowerPoint
Eva M. Fernández
October 9, 2002
Queens LOTE Consortium
Queens College
Technology for LOTEs
 to deliver content to students,
synchronously or asynchronously
 in lectures (PPT projections / slide-shows)
 via the internet
 using a web authoring tool like Blackboard
 by creating web pages of your own, served by
the college's server
Technology for LOTEs
 to do research (and training students to
do research)
 using the library's resources
 access to printed material
 online reserve
 to communicate and manage a
 e-mail
 course management tools, like Blackboard
How to see things in the right
 install language support in your
 in Internet Explorer:
 Start > Settings > Control Panel > Internet
Options > General > Languages > Add
 you may need to run Windows Update
Writing things with the right
diacritics: Character Sets
 English-bias?
 basic ASCII character set
 “American Standard Code for Information
 128 characters: see it here
 ISO Latin 1 character set
 developed by “International Organization for
 a superset of the ASCII character set
 similar to character set used in Windows
 used for non-ASCII characters in HTML code
 256 characters: see it here
The difficult input method:
ALT codes
 use the number pad (“num lock” on)
á (same as ANSI ALT + 0225)
Another difficult input method:
Insert Symbol
 in most Office suite programs
 Word, PowerPoint, FrontPage
 Insert > Symbol > select symbol
 similar to CD-ROM & Internet
software that requires copying and
pasting characters?
The best input method:
Language-Specific Keyboards
 in Windows 95, 98, 2000:
 Start > Settings > Control Panel >
Keyboard > Language > Add
 You might need the Windows CD ROM
 In Windows XP:
 Start > Control Panel > Date, Time,
Language & Regional Options > Add
Other Languages
PPT: Main Features
 Create SLIDES
 to project on a screen, from PC
 to print-out as transparencies & use with
overhead projector
 Integrate text and other multimedia
 Deliver presentations
 in formal or informal settings
 in classrooms or conferences
The PPT Menu
Entering and formatting text 
Working with the user interface 
Printing slides 
Saving your work 
Running a slide show
some reasonable time for each topic,
with time to experiment
Assumptions & Disclaimers
 You’re familiar with:
 using a mouse
 using a keyboard
 using Windows 95 (or higher)
 Mac v. PC versions of PPT
 PPT 97 v. 2000 v. 2002, 
Why Bother Learning PPT?
 Isn’t it just a glorified word processor?
 yes… but,
 PPT (and other similar software titles)
 to use Microsoft’s jargon:
“you can easily organize, powerfully
illustrate, and professionally deliver your
ideas”; PPT gives you “the tools you need
to communicate with impact”
 found somewhere on the Microsoft.com website
Word Processors ~
Word, WordPerfect, Wordstar, …
 entering large amounts of text
 printing text, or displaying it on a small
computer screen
 so…
 small fonts, aligned left, portrait orientation
 can manage incorporation of multimedia objects,
but can’t display them well
 keyboard commands great for entering and
formatting text, but not necessarily ideal for
Presentation Software ~
PowerPoint, Freelance, Corel Presentations…
 Designed for making slides
 default font sizes are big
 default alignment and spacing of text
varies, depending on slide layout
 default image is oriented as landscape
 ideal for overhead projectors
 with data projectors, takes advantage of
screen size
Presentation Software ~
PowerPoint, Freelance, Corel Presentations…
 Designed for running slide shows
 features to maximally use screen when
running a presentation
 keyboard commands to simplify
presentation tasks
 browsing from slide to slide
 changing color of screen
 using a pen or a pointer
Presentation Software ~
PowerPoint, Freelance, Corel Presentations…
 AND you can associate a slide with
notes, an outline, etc.
 simplifies making handouts and
 helps organize ideas
 improves efficacy of presentation
Presentation Software ~
PowerPoint, Freelance, Corel Presentations…
 FINALLY, you can save presentations
as HTML files, to upload to the web
 for asynchronous delivery of lectures /
 features to set up “Online Broadcasts”
Finding the program
 In my machine:
 somewhere in the Start button menu
 C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\
 Find it in your lab machines now
Working with the user interface
 Menus
 file, edit, view, insert, format
 tools
 slide show
 Toolbars
 standard, formatting
 outlining
 animation
Windows / Views
 The buttons at the bottom left:
Normal View
Full Slide
Slide Sorter
Slide Show
Multi-Panel Interface
the slide itself (workspace): CENTER
slide thumbnails or outline: LEFT
slide design or slide layout: RIGHT
notes: BOTTOM
toolbars: TOP (& BOTTOM)
 scrollbar: RIGHT
 status bar: BOTTOM
Entering and formatting text
 Your first slide
Entering Text
 Adding slides: default layout
Title slide
Bulleted list
2 column text
 Advantage of using default layouts:
 generates outline automatically
Formatting Text
 “Format” menu
 “Formatting” toolbar
 change font size
 change line spacing, paragraph alignment
 changing / adding / deleting bullets
 also, “Slide Layout” and “Apply Design”
 Remember to right click for formatting
(and other such) options
Changing the Default Font
 For a given text box, or part of text box:
 select text, change font
 For all the text entered so far:
 “Format” > “Replace Fonts...” > “Replace”
 For any text to be entered:
 “Format” > click on “Default for new objects”
Printing Slides
 As overheads
 on plain paper
 on transparencies
 As handouts
 the black-and-white print-out
 the outline print-out
Saving your work
 “Save” & “Save As…”
presentation (*.ppt)
show (*.pps)
outline (*.rtf)
set of slides (*.gif, *.jpg, *.tif, etc.)
 “Save As HTML…”
(possibly next session)
 Embedding true-type fonts
 “Pack and Go…”
Running a slide show
the “full screen” view
keyboard v. mouse
black-outs, white-outs
navigating through slides
the mouse as pointer or pen
Keyboard shortcuts
 Advance to next slide:
 space, N, right or down arrow, enter, page down
 Return to previous slide:
 backspace, P, left or up arrow, page up
 Go to slide number “#”:
 “#” + enter
 End show:
 esc, ctrl+break
More keyboard shortcuts
 black-out:
 white-out:
 show / hide arrow pointer:
 pointer-to-pen:
 pen-to-pointer:
 hide pointer & button:
 erase drawing:
 Make your own PPT presentation…
 focus on making the text appear the way you
want it to
 save it in various formats and see what happens
 print out some slides, a handout, an outline
 try running a slide show
 As a reference, download a copy of this
 http://www.qc.edu/~efernand/PPT/
There’s more to PPT than just text
 PPT as a viable and more directly
controllable alternative to slide
projectors, tape recorders, and VCRs
 You can manipulate and display:
 images, tables, graphs, sounds, moving
pictures, and the like
Other Tec(h)no-Wednesdays…
 November 13:
 Managing Multimedia:
Sound & Vision
 December 4:
 Web Authoring Tools for LOTEs
 Blackboard & FrontPage
 Discussion & demonstration
Questions? Comments?
Please send e-mail to