Webinar: Grow your business and be more profitable

Webinar: Grow your business
and be more profitable
Successful Computer Consulting
Robert Peretson
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Chris Martin
Robert Peretson
Successful Computer Consulting
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9 things you can start tomorrow
Proven Methods for IT Support Companies
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Promoting your IT Support Company
1. Active Marketing
Get out there and bring in some new client’s TODAY!
2. Semi-Automatic Marketing
Let your marketing do the preliminary work for you
3. Fully-Automatic Marketing
Hands-off marketing. Put your message out there and let it bring in the
customers on it’s own.
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Promoting your IT Support Company
1. Active Marketing
Getting Referrals
Your best opportunity for a slam-dunk new client
is when a someone who trusts you, recommends you.
Business Networking
It’s “Referral-Getting” on steroids.
Cold Calling
You might dread it... But there’s no faster, cheaper way
to bring in new customers.
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Promoting your IT Support Company
2. Semi-Automatic Marketing
Build an effective website - It’s often your first opportunity
to make a good impression. Capitalize on the opportunity!
Promote your website with SEO - Make sure local
companies that are looking for you can actually find you!
Effective SEO Techniques
Keyword Research -https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal
Article Marketing, Blog Posting, Press Releases & Forum Profiles
Direct Mail - The most effective marketing I’ve ever used! (once I learned to
do it right)
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Convince customers to buy your Services
Some Good Copywriting Resources
Scientific Advertising by Claude C. Hopkins http://www.scientificadvertising.com/ScientificAdvertising.pdf
The Gary Halbert Letter - http://www.thegaryhalbertletter.com/
The Robert Collier Letter Book – by Robert Collier
Ca$hvertising – by Drew Eric Whitman
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Promoting your IT Support Company
3. Fully Automatic Marketing
Send a Monthly Newsletter - An easy and effective way to keep them
thinking about you
Give Away a Valuable Free Report - Give them something
valuable, and they’ll want to give back
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Convince customers to buy your Services
Your prospective customer is interested!
How do you convince them to say “Yes!”?
4. Find their pain
5. Show them how you can help
6. Get them to “Yes!”
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Convince customers to buy your Services
4. Find their pain
Ask lots of questions
Listen lots more than you talk
Repeat their problems back, so they know you understand them
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Convince customers to buy your Services
Some Recommended Reading
SPIN Selling by Neil Rackham
The Sales Bible: The Ultimate Sales Resource, New Ed. By Jeffrey Gittomer
Zero Resistance Selling by Pamela Yellen / Maxwell Maltz
The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino
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Convince customers to buy your Services
5. Show them how you can help
Nothing is more effective than a compelling demonstration
Everyone makes promises of a better service – Offer them a tangible
product that will prove you’re better.
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Convince customers to buy your Services
6. Getting to “Yes!”
Make them an offer they can't refuse - And who can refuse a free trial?
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Deliver IT Support Services Profitably
7. Use affordable tools to increase efficiency
8. Automate administrative tasks
9. Automate communication
+ One for FREE - Always be proactive
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Deliver IT Support Services Profitably
Moving from Break / Fix to Managed Services
7. Leverage today’s affordable technologies to make:
Your client’s more productive
Your clients better satisfied
You more efficient
And you much more profitable!
• Clone yourself (or your top employees)
Use Remote Support to arrive instantly at many clients at once (even if you’re
still in your pyjamas).
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Deliver IT Support Services Profitably
Moving from Break / Fix to Managed Services
8. Automate time-sucking administration tasks (and get paid faster!)
Use a good PSA to:
Keep clients informed with instant, automatic status updates
Make time reporting an automatic process
Generate monthly invoices in minutes instead of hours (or days)
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Deliver IT Support Services Profitably
Moving from Break / Fix to Managed Services
9. Automate Communication
Poor communication KILLS relationships
Keep clients informed with automatic status updates
Let clients know you’re taking care of them with regular and frequent
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Deliver IT Support Services Profitably
Moving from Break / Fix to Managed Services
And one for FREE (if we’ve time). Always be proactive
Your time is your most valuable resource!
Take control of your work-flow, rather than letting unexpected problems
control you.
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GFI MAX Building Blocks
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How the Building Blocks can help you get started
A series of discrete, pre-packaged services that the customer can easily
grasp the value of
That you can sell easily
That generate recurring profits for you
Bind that customer to you
Learn about their systems
Begin changing the nature of the relationship
And migrate them to full Managed Services
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What’s a Building Block?
All the information, tools and collateral needed to sell and implement a set
of Managed Services
You can use to:
Attract new customers or strengthen relationships with existing
Easily sell a profitable service
Ease customers from break-fix to Managed Services
» With NO major changes to your company
» And no expensive training
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Building Blocks Program – Do it your way!
Server & Network
Email archiving
Server & network
Email hosting
Delivery verification
value but
Real-time server &
network monitoring
Proactive workstation
Email Continuity
Daily Server
Health Check
Real-time workstation
Anti-virus & anti-spam
Daily Server
Safety Check
Daily Workstation
Health Check
Email infrastructure
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What’s contained in each Building Block?
Example: Server Blocks – all you need to price and sell
Each Building Block Contains:
Server & Network
Information about the service, context in
which it sits in Building Blocks
Real-time Server &
Network Monitoring
Financials (pricing & profit) calculators
Daily Server
Health Check
Daily Server
Safety Check
Promotional material (flyers, letters,
web site text, etc.), value proposition,
marketing and sales strategy
Implementation documents
(contracts, SLAs)
Implementation considerations:
Integration, billing, scaling, etc.
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All the self-branded information and material you need
Sample flyer
Your Logo
Your strap line here
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Sample website copy
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Sample sales letters and telephone scripts
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Pricing calculators, sample contracts,
statements of work...
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GFI MAX Building Blocks summary
All the info and collateral.
To easily sell straightforward services that the customer grasps.
That bind the customer to you.
That truffle hunt and brings more incidents to the surface.
That you can make good recurring revenues and profits.
That require no changes to your business system. No training and travel and
That can be used to attract new customers with a straightforward service.
That start the progression to full Managed Services.
GFI Max and Building Blocks are…Easy!
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Thank you
You get the full system
Set up in less than 10 minutes!
No commitment
No hard sell
Or contact us for more information:
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MSP Business Management website
Online resource to help you:
Grow your IT support company
Run your company more profitably
Deliver fast IT support and increase uptime
Minimize threats to your business