Anatomy and Physiology Semester #1 Final Project Group 1

Anatomy and Physiology Semester #1 Final Project
Group 1: Homeostasis (p. 8-11 in Interactive Notebook) (p.9-12 in book)
Objective: Define homeostasis and explain its importance to survival. Please include
pictures/diagrams/explanations for each section
 Must have Formally written scripts- dictating each person’s speech
 Can use Power Points, Posters, Video Clips, Handouts…etc
How does the human internal environment protect cells from external changes?
How do homeostatic mechanisms monitor aspects of the internal environment and correct any
How do homeostatic mechanisms work together to maintain a balances temperature
o Make a poster for homeostatic mechanisms for high temperatures
o Make a poster for homeostatic mechanisms for low temperatures
o Include the following vocab and explanations in your posters
o Stimuli
o Receptors
o Control center (brain)
o Effectors (muscles or glands)
o Response
What is negative feedback?
o How is it activated?
o What does it do?
o Give an example (Make a large poster or Video example)
What is positive feedback?
o How is it activated?
o What does it do?
o Give an example (Make a large poster or Video example)
Anatomy and Physiology Semester #1 Final Project
Group 2: Anatomical Terminology (p.18-20 in Interactive notebook) (p. 21 in book)
Objective: Develop and create a card game to teach anatomical terminology to a class of students.
Use the bones of the skeletal system in your examples. Have prepared visuals, and be prepared to
“play” the game with the class using student volunteers.
 Must have Formally written scripts- dictating each person’s speech
 Can use Power Points, Posters, Video Clips, Handouts…etc
Key Vocabulary:
Anatomical Position
o Superior
o Inferior
o Anterior
o Posterior
o Medial
o Lateral
 Ipsilateral
 contralateral
o Proximal
o Distal
o Superficial
o Deep
o Sagittal
o Transverse
o Coronal
Game Components
Deck of LARGE “playing” cards with prompts/questions (at least 30 cards- 2 examples for each)
Use the major bones of the body in your examples
o Ex: The Humerus is proximal to the carpals
o Approximately ½ of the deck should be fill in the blank type questions
o Be more creative with the other ½ (pictures, diagrams etc)
Formally written directions to your game
A Card box- with a creative TITLE to your game
Names of the games creators, on the bo
Large font so students can see the prompts
Anatomy and Physiology Semester #1 Final Project
Group 3: Ch. 6 Integumentary System: Functions of skin/Layers of skin/ Accessory Structures of skin
(P. 44, 50-51 in Interactive Notebook) (p. 170-179 in book)
Objective: Build a 3-D model of the layers of the skin. Explain what the integumentary system’s
functions are, explain in detail the layers of the skin and what makes them up, as well as explaining
each of the accessory structures of the skin.
 Must have Formally written scripts- dictating each person’s speech
 Can use Power Points, Posters, Video Clips, Handouts…etc
Functions of the Integumentary System
What is the Integumentary System?
What are the major functions of the integumentary system?
Layers of the Skin 3-D Model
Explain the Epidermis
What is it made up of?
Does it have blood vessels?
How is it nourished?
What happens as new skin cells grow?
Explain the Dermis.
What is it composed of?
Explain the Subcutaneous Layer.
What is it composed of?
What is its function?
Accessory Structures of the Skin (Explain)
Hair follicles
Skin Glands
o Sebaceous
o Sweat glands
Anatomy and Physiology Semester #1 Final Project
Group 4: Ch. 6 Integumentary System: Regulation of Body Temperature and Skin Color
(p.46-49,54-55 in Interactive Notebook) (p. 180-184 in book)
Objective: Explain how the skin helps regulate body temperature and explain the consequences if the
body loses this control by explaining the effects of HYPERthermia and HYPOthermia on the body.
 Must have Formally written scripts- dictating each person’s speech
 Can use Power Points, Posters, Video Clips, Handouts…etc
Body Temperature
How does skin play a key role in the regulation of body temperature?
o When temperature rises what occurs?
 Loses control: Hyperthermia Explain in detail the physical effects on the body- pg 8 in INB
 Find a news story where someone suffered from hyperthermia- share their story
with the class (Can be video/text)
o When temperature drops what occurs? (details)
 Loses control: Hypothermia
 Explain in detail the physical effects on the body- pg 8 in INB
 Find a news story where someone suffered from hypothermia- share their story
with the class (Can be video/text)
4 Ways the Body Loses Heat (Explain each with a poster/text/illustrations/video)
Anatomy and Physiology Semester #1 Final Project
Group 5: Ch. 6 Integumentary System: Healing of Cuts, Wounds, and Burns
(p. 52-53 in Interactive Notebook) (p. 185-187 in book)
Objective: Explain how the skin is involved in healing cuts, wounds, and burns. When the body is
unable to heal cuts or burns on its own, what types of procedures have we developed?
 Must have Formally written scripts- dictating each person’s speech
 Can use Power Points, Posters, Video Clips, Handouts…etc
Explain inflammation
In detail, explain the process of healing a cut (from injury to the scab falling off)
Step by step healing poster/PPT with illustrations
Explain the following for each type of burn:
How would someone get this type of burn? (Example: Superficial partial thickness: sunburn)
What part of the skin is damaged in each burn?
What is the treatment for each type of burn? (Hospital? Cold water? Skin graft?...etc)
o Superficial partial-thickness
o Deep partial-thickness
o Full-thickness
o 4th degree burns
Must have a news story (Video/text) about a burn victim OR burn unit at a hospital. Must be
ready to explain.
Skin Grafts
Explain how skin grafts work:
o Autograft
o Homograft
Either make or find a video describing how skin grafts work.
Anatomy and Physiology Semester #1 Final Project
Group 6: Ch. 6 Integumentary System: Skin Color and Skin Cancer
(p. 54-55 in Interactive Notebook) (p. 174-175,184 in book)
Objective: Develop a campaign describing the two major types of skin cancer and how to
fight/prevent skin cancer. Make sure to tell us who is most at risk.
 Must have Formally written scripts- dictating each person’s speech
 Can use Power Points, Posters, Video Clips, Handouts…etc
Skin Color
What are melanocytes?
What is melanin?
Explain what a tan is. (Green box on pg. 174)
What factors influence skin color?(184)
o genetic factors
o environmental factors
o physiological factors
Skin Cancer
How does cancer begin?
In what type of cell does skin cancer usually arise?
Explain cutaneous carcinomas
 What type of cell do they originate from?
 Who is most likely to develop a cutaneous carcinoma?
 What do they look like (have visuals and a description)
 Where are they most likely to occur on the body?
Explain cutaneous melanomas
 What type of cell do they originate from?
 Who is most likely to develop a cutaneous melanoma?
 What do they look like (have visuals and a description)
 Where are they most likely to occur on the body?
Develop a campaign to FIGHT skin cancer. You should have at least two posters (remember: they should
be short and sweet with an illustration). You need to educate the class on the two main types of skin
cancer and how they can fight it (PPT or Video). Show the class a “commercial” about preventing skin
cancer. Either make it or find an appropriate one on the internet. It should be less than 5 minutes.
Anatomy and Physiology Semester #1 Final Project
Group 7: Ch. 7 Skeletal System: Bone function and Osteoporosis (p.58-59 in Interactive Notebook)
(p.203-208 in book)
Objective: Explain what the functions of bones are and develop a campaign to fight against
 Must have Formally written scripts- dictating each person’s speech
 Can use Power Points, Posters, Video Clips, Handouts…etc
Bone Function
Explain how bones support, protect, and allow movement
Explain how bones are involved in blood cell formation
Explain bones ability to store inorganic salt is important for health
What is osteoporosis?
Who is most at risk?
Explain what happens to the bones over time.
How can we prevent it?
Develop a campaign to FIGHT osteoporosis. You should have at least two posters (remember: they
should be short and sweet with an illustration). You need to educate the class on the risks of
osteoporosis and how they can fight it (PPT or Video). Show the class a “commercial” about
osteoporosis. Either make it or find an appropriate one on the internet. It should be less than 5
Anatomy and Physiology Semester #1 Final Project
Group 8: Ch. 7 Skeletal System: Major bones of the body Board Game
(p.60-71 in Interactive Notebook)(p. 219-231 in book)
Objective: Design a board game to teach the major bones of the body to the class. You need formally
written game rules, create an actual board to play on, player pieces, a deck of “player cards” with
prompts for questions, a game box (with creative Name). Be prepared to have student volunteers play
the game.
 Must have Formally written scripts- dictating each person’s speech
 Can use Power Points, Posters, Video Clips, Handouts…etc
Vertebral Column
Lower Limb
Sacrum and Coccyx
Thoracic Cage
 True
 False
 Floating
Carpals, metacarpals, phalanges
Upper Limb
Pelvic Girdle
Tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges
Frontal bone
Parietal bones
Occipital bone
Temporal bones
Nasal bones
Pectoral Girdle
Board Game Components
Game Box with Name of game
Creator’s names on the box
Game pieces
Board Game
Deck of playing cards (with questions or
Game Rules (typed)
Anatomy and Physiology Semester #1 Final Project
Group 9: Ch. 7 Skeletal System: Skeletal System Disorders
Objective: The students will research 2 skeletal disorders and explain the disorder, its physical effects
on the body, as well as the prognosis (outcome) of a person who is affected by the disorder.
 Must have Formally written scripts- dictating each person’s speech
 Can use Power Points, Posters, Video Clips, Handouts…etc
Skeletal Disorders
Research 2 skeletal disorders (NOT Osteoporosis or Proteus Syndrome).
For each skeletal disorder please:
Explain the disorders
What are the signs and/or symptoms of your disorder?
What is the cause of this disorder?
o Is it genetic? Or can it be caused by lifestyle or habits? Are you born with it?
o Is it contagious? If so, how does someone “catch” it?
What treatments are available to treat or cure the disorder?
o Please choose one-two treatments and explain them in detail.
What will happen to a person if the disorder goes untreated?
Is it curable? Fatal?
Here are a few reputable websites to help you gather information:,,, and