Beowulf_QA[1] - kennethcross

“Beowulf” – Reading Guide –
1. Give a phrase that shows Grendel’s evil nature.
* Powerful monster living in the darkness growling in pain
* Slaughters the men in the castle – “blood” motif
* Conceived of monsters
2. What is the significance of the allusion to Cain in line 21?
* Cain murdered his brother, so it proves the evil of Grendel
3. What does Grendel do at night?
* Ravage the mead hall and eat the people who were
partying in there
4. Why does Grendel not touch Hrothgar’s throne?
* God supposedly protects the throne of the king
5. Why is this background info about Grendel and Hrothgar in the poem (ll. 85-89).
* Hrothgar being hurt by the ravaging of Grendel; Thinks
about finding a protector for the kingdom
6. Give a Christian/pagan reference.
The ability for Beowulf to save the Danes (Christian) vs. the
evil of Grendel.
7. Give epic hero qualities in ll. 111-116.
* Sail across oceans to help the Danes
8. How do we know Beowulf is up to the task of killing Grendel?
Boasts – Killed giants, giant sea monsters, killed enemies on
the battle field.
Discuss why Beowulf would fight Grendel without a sword.
Heroic code – Grendel doesn’t have a sword, so the hero
would fight him barehanded.
9. ll. 191-209 – Why does Hrothgar wish to remind Beowulf of the time he helped Beowulf’s
Calls home a favor
10. Find alliteration, kennings, and caesura in lines 212-218.
* alliteration – Repeat consonants in a line of poetry.
Line 214 – Repetition of the ‘M’ sound
 Kennings – Beowulf is referred to as the “mighty
11. Why does Unferth challenge Beowulf?
* He is a “wannabe hero” that challenges Beowulf’s history
and battle skills.
12. How does Unferth’s challenge build suspense?
* Unferth questioning Beowulf motivates the hero even
13. How does Beowulf compare his defeat of sea monsters to a feast?
* The defeat was thorough that Beowulf made it seem like he
devoured them.
14. How is Unferth a foil to Beowulf?
BC/ he contrasts and challenges Beowulf as a warrior and
15. Give the personification in the coming of night in lines 379-380.
How Grendel ate his last human supper – Compares him to
demons and other outcasts.
16. What does Hrothgar promise Beowulf? Why does he do this?
The kingdom once Hrothgar dies – Extra motivation.
17. Why does Beowulf allow the slaughter of a Geat before taking action?
To study the battle strategy of Grendel
18. Give kennings that associate Grendel with evil.
* “Shepherd of Evil” and “Guardian of Crime”/ “Hell’s
Captive”/ “Sin-Stained demon”
19. ll. 479-491 – Give evidence of the Christian/pagan tension.
The kenning, “Sin-stained demon” …mention of hell ..
Heoric code vs. the Christian code – Kill or be killed
20. What happens to Grendel in ll. 492-504?
Beowulf rips off his arm and shoulder and Grendel slitheres
to his den to die
21. Why does Beowulf hang Grendel’s arm from the rafters?
* Shows victory – Trophy motif
22. How does Grendel’s lake suggest a type of hell?
Mist swirling up above the lake; hot boiling water; a deeper
drop into the lake than normal
23. Give the description of Grendel’s lair that associates him with death and darkness.
Isolation – The depth of the lake shows that the deeper you
go, the darker it gets.
24. What characteristics of the epic hero does Beowulf display in his battle with Grendel’s
(1) Superhuman ability to breathe underwater bc he fought
Grendel’s mother in her lair. (2) Strength – when he takes
the giant sword off the wall to kill Grendel’s mother. (3)
Courage – Fighting the battle on her territory
25 Give the symbolism in ll. 623-628 that suggests victory for Beowulf over Grendel’s
Light over Beowulf’s head suggested a halo effect which
made him God-like
26. Give Christian parallels in ll. 633-637.
Saving society – Christ is looked at as the Christian
savior…Beowulf – is a savior bc/ he rids Danish society of
the evil demons.
27. Why does Beowulf keep fighting?
Ego – for fame; The show of loyalty towards Hrothgar. He
gives word that he will vanquish the Demons.
28. How does Beowulf remain an epic hero?
Continues to fight against long odds.
29. Why do Beowulf’s men desert him?
Cowards – they’re afraid of the dragon and more loyal to
themselves than they are Beowulf.
30. Why does Wiglaf decide to fight side by side with Beowulf?
Loyalty – He appreciates everything Beowulf has done for
him as a leader and a warrior.
31. Do you think Beowulf is an epic hero until the end? Explain.
Yes – he fought for his people until he died at the hands of
the dragon who dealt him a mortal wound due to his flames.
32. How do the Geats regard their dead king?
Reverential tone – where they regard Beowulf as God-like