Tennenbaum Family Technology High School 2013-2014 US Government Mr. Bartlett jbartlett@laalliance.org Mr. Johnson rjohnson@laalliance.org Office/Tutoring Hours: Tuesdays 3:30-4:30pm Content: US Government is a Course A required semester-long course required for graduation. You must pass this course to meet the graduation requirements established by Alliance for College-Ready Public Schools, and for admission to a UC or CSU college. The course will include units on the foundations of American government, political behavior: government by the people, the legislative, executive and judicial branches of government, comparative political and economic systems and participating in state and local government. Current events and discussions will be an important part of the class. Course Objectives: Students will identify their roles in civic life, politics, and government. Students will identify the foundations of the American political system. Students will understand how the government established by the Constitution embodies the purposes, values, and principles of American democracy. Students will understand the relationship of the United States to other nations and to world affairs. Students will identify their roles in American democracy. Students will become familiar with current events at the local, state, national and international levels as they relate to government and how it functions. Students will register to vote and participate in local elections. Textbook and Resources United States Government: Democracy in Action McGraw Hill Other resources that will be utilized in this class include: Edmodo.com, Achieve3000, icivics.org, CNN Student News, and many others at teacher discretion. Materials: Students are required to bring to class everyday: ● One Notebook (8.5x11 spiral or composition) ● Blue or Black ink Pen ● Pencil Course Outline: Unit 1: Foundations of American Government Unit 2: Three Branches of Government Unit 3: Supreme Court Decisions Unit 4: Politics, Media, Participation Unit 5: State and Local Government Unit 6: Comparative Governments Grades: In compliance with Tenn Tech’s school-wide grading policies, grades will be based on student mastery of standards: 4= Advanced, 3= Proficient, 2= Basic, NP= Not Proficient Class discussions: Discussions of current events and other topics relevant to public policy will be regular occurrences in class. There will be natural differences of opinion that occur during discussions. Students MUST respect the discussion process and concede that people WILL disagree. Disagreement is OK. We must learn how to respectfully disagree with one another. Projects and Assignments: Students will complete a variety of assignments for this course, they will include but are not limited to ● Final Project: Students will be required to turn in a Portfolio assignment which is based on heightening their level of community awareness, in the packet the students will include: (a) an issue analysis paper, (b) civic event attendance, (c) and submit two letters to the editor. ● Current Events Wednesday: Students are required to participate and contribute heavily on a current issue published within the week in a newspaper or online publication based on a political issue. Every Wednesday beginning the third week of school students will be required to submit to Edmodo a summary of a current event, and answer questions relating to its connections to US government policies and principles. A link to the article and/or copy of the article is required along with the written summary. ● Exams, Tests and Quizzes: Students will complete the 1st quarter benchmark which will be considered the Midterm, and the 2nd quarter benchmark will be considered the Final exam. Formative Quizzes and Tests, both open and closed book, will be administered throughout the semester. ● Classwork: Students will be asked to complete short essays, power-points, graphic organizers, and other assignments. ● Notebook: Students are required to take notes each day. Periodic Notebook Checks for an academic grade will be assigned at random. Students may use their notebooks for open note exams and essays. It is the students responsibility to update their notebook. All PowerPoints and lecture notes will be available online. All students will be provided clear instructions and rubrics for all assessments. Attendance It is crucial that you are in class, on time every day. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to obtain any work, notes, assignments you missed while you were absent. All classwork, assignments, PowerPoints, are available on Edmodo. Late Work and Make Ups: All assignments must be turned in in by the due date. If a student is absent, the student will receive one additional day to turn in the assignment. All make up exams must be completed the day students return to class. Late work will lose one letter grade per day. BLAST Model and Routines At Tennenbaum Tech, we will use the BLAST Model during instruction. Due to the shortness of day, Wednesdays will not have rotations, but will consist of an activity students will do as a group such as a written reflection, debate, Socratic seminar, or project time. The following list is a sample of tasks that we will do in each station Whole Group (Beginning of Class) Do Now/Warm Up/Attendance Whole Group Lecture: Students take notes on themes, facts, and ideas that will be essential for BLAST Rotations. Students will have the opportunity to question, pair share, and discuss at appropriate times the teacher decides. Direct Collaborative Independent (Teacher Led) (Groups of 2-3) (By Yourself) Analyze Primary Sources Analyze Political Cartoons Independent Reading Discuss Political Issues Vocabulary Building Independent Writing Writers Workshop Document Based Questions Achieve3000 Group Readings Vocabulary Tic-Tac-Toe Group Projects Peer Editing Conclusion: Whole Group Reconnect, Exit Slip, Dismissal. Class Expectations: Students are expected to follow all classroom and school wide policies and behaviors. Students are expected to be respectful, on time, prepared, responsible. ● No Food is allowed in class because it makes the classroom dirty. All Food must be put away and out of sight, or it will be confiscated. ● Water bottles are okay. Soda is not because it can stain. ● Gum is not allowed in class because it sticks to the floor and makes our janitors job tough. ● Bathroom: Students are expected to use the restroom before or after class and during lunch or nutrition. The last page of the (agenda or notebook) will be checked off each time the student uses the bathroom. Consequences: Students who do not follow appropriate guidelines for behavior and do not meet classroom expectations will incur the following consequences: ● Verbal Warning ● Intervention (Seat Change, or Temporary Removal from the classroom) ● Detention after school to clean room/Phone Call Home and/or Conference ● Severe Cases: Office Referral and Parent Teacher Conference CHEATING AND PLAGARISM: Students need to use class study time wisely and complete their own work. Students are encouraged to have a “study buddy”, but are NOT permitted to copy another student’s work without the teacher’s permission. Students are not allowed to copy anyone’s work from printed material or online and turn it in as his or her own. Students will be required to resubmit any assignment that has been plagiarized. Cheating will not be tolerated and will result in an immediate FAIL on the assignment(s) for ALL Students involved, a referral for academic dishonesty, and parents will be notified. ***The teacher reserves the right to change this or make modifications to this syllabus. The student is responsible for making the adjustment.