
1. Indicate the type of relationships that exist among individuals in a society.
2. Explain a consequence of interdependence on society.
3. Locate on a world map the Fertile Crescent and other areas of early sedentarization
4. Locate on a time line the Neolithic period and facts related to it.
5. List traces of preliterate societies that are used to study these societies
6. Indicate subsistence activities of Neolithic societies
7. Name natural factors that promoted sedentarization in the period before the common
8. List characteristics of sedentary societies
9. Explain the impact of agriculture on Neolithic societies.
10. List crafts that developed during the Neolithic period
11. Indicate the purpose of ceramic pottery in the Neolithic period
12. Indicate the factor that led to a division of labour in Neolithic societies.
13. Explain the appearance of trade and commerce in Neolithic societies .
14. Name the three major sectors of the economy associated with the division of labour.
15. Indicates elements of change and continuity with respect to the sedentary way of life
of Neolithic. Societies.
The emergence of a civilization
1. Indicate some of the consequences of illiteracy.
2. Give examples of uses of writing in everyday life
3. Name writing systems associated with different civilizations.
4. Locate on a map Mesopotamia, its rivers and other cradles of civilization
5. Locate on a map Mesopotamian city-states (Ur, Lagash, Babylon)
6. Locate on a time line Antiquity and some facts related to Mesopotamian civilization
7. Indicate how social groups in Mesopotamian civilization were ranked, based on their
8. Describe different functions of social groups in Mesopotamian civilization
9. Explain the privileged status of scribes in Mesopotamian civilization.
10. Indicate some advantages of living in a territory watered by rivers.
11. List characteristics of a city-state.
12. List the advantages of written laws for the administration of a city-state.
13. List sectors of activity in Mesopotamia regulated by the Code of Hammurabi.
14. List characteristics of cuneiform writing
15. Name some of the first writing materials.
16. Indicate types of written documents produced in Mesopotamia.
17. Name advantages of writing for the development of architecture.
18. List characteristics of Mesopotamian religion.
19. Give examples of how writing affected the spread of Mesopotamian culture.
20. Name advantages of alphabets over pictograms and ideograms.
21. Name public institutions that establish rules or laws.
22. Give examples of written rules and conventions that facilitate life in society.
23. Indicate the purpose of written rules and conventions.
First experience of democracy
1. Names the political offices whose holders represent citizens.
2. Name the fundamental law that determines the political organization of a country.
3. Locate Greece, Attica and Athens on a map
4. Locate on a time line the Age of Pericles and some facts related to democracy
5. List the conditions for citizenship in fifth-century Athens.
6. Indicate the rights of the different social groups in the Athenian population in the
middle of the fifth century B.C.E
7. Indicate tasks carried out by women in fifth-century Athens.
8. Establish a connection between the characteristics of the Greek territory and the
political organization of city-states.
9. Describe political institutions in Athens.
10. Name public spaces and activities that took place in them.
11. Indicate limits of Athenian democracy.
12. Establish a relationship between education and the exercise of democracy.
13. Indicate what differentiates philosophy from mythology
14. Establish a connection between colonization and the spread of Greek culture.
15. List rights and responsibilities of citizens.
16. State some of the principles underlying democratic systems.
17. State methods that allow citizens to witness first-hand the debates of
representatives in democratic assemblies
18. Indicate factors that promote informed participation in public debate.