Neolithic Revolution 8 000 BCE Neolithic means New Stone Age The greatest revolutionary periods in the history of humanity People began to abandon a semi-nomadic lifestyle to begin farming. Humans made a conscious change to do this Humans learned to harness nature (adapt their environment) by planting crops and domesticating animals Factors that contributed to the Neolithic Revolution Had learned about plants and animals from observation Corralling animals caused them to be domesticated Spilt seeds grew, women began to plant seeds Could control their food supply End of Ice Age (30 000 BCE) caused a wetter, warmer climate=more plants End of Ice Age= rise in population, land more scarce, agriculture was given the edge (16 km can support 1 hunter gatherer or 100 agriculturists) Use of Animals and Plants Animals cattle, sheep, goats and pigs Supply milk, fleece, leather and meat Grains used to make pottage (thick soup) Also made beer from barley and mead from honey Improvement of tools Sickle made of antler and flint, farmer could harvest enough wheat in 10 days to last 6 months Hoes, axes made land clearing and tilling more efficient Other innovations: Specialization Trade Long Term Effects